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Franais Module de ravitaillement europen Acadmie Internationale dAstronautique Union astronomique internat Agence Spatiale Italienne Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales Agence Spatiale Allemande Centre Europen pour la Construction de Lanceurs d'Engins Spatiaux Service Europen de Navigation par Recouvrement Gostationnaire Satellite europen pour l'environnement Agence Spatiale Europenne Centre europen d'oprations spatiales Institut europen de Recherches spatiales Conseil Europen de Recherche Spatiale Centre europen de technologie spatiale Organisation europenne pour l exploitation de satellites mtorologiques Elment de validation en orbite de Galileo Mission spatiale dexploration de la gravit terrestre Mobilisation

Italiano Veicolo di trasferimento automatico Accademia Internazionale di Astronautica Unione astronomica Internazionale Agenzia Spaziale Italiana Agenzia Spaziale Francese Agenzia Spaziale Tedesca Organizzazione Europea per lo Sviluppo di Vettori Sistema geostazionario europeo di navigazione di sovrapposizione Satellite ambientale Agenzia Spaziale Europea Centro Europeo per le Operazioni Spaziali Istituto Europeo di Ricerche Spaziali Organizzazione Europea per la Ricerca nello Spazio Centro Europeo di Ricerche e Tecnologie Spaziali Organizzazione europea per l'esercizio dei satelliti meteorologici sistema di verifica e convalida in orbita di Galileo Missione spaziale desplorazione della gravit terrestre Iniziativa europea nel

English Automated Transfer Vehicle International Academy of Astronautics International Astronomical Union Italian Space Agency French Space Agency German Space Agency European Launcher Development Organization European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service Environmental Satellite European Space Agency European Space Operations Centre European Space Research Institute European Space Research Organisation European Space Research and Technology Centre European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites Galileo In-Orbit Validation Element Gravity field and Ocean Circulation Explorer Global Monitoring for






europenne en faveur de lenvironnement et de la scurit Systme de Localisation par satellites Station Spatiale Internationale Mtosat seconde gnration Agence Spatiale Americaine Systme dual d'observation de la Terre par satellite Service public rglement Humidit des sols et salinit des ocans

settore della sicurezza e dellambiente Sistema di localizzazione satellitare Stazione Spaziale Internazionale Meteosat seconda generazione Agenzia Spaziale Americana Osservazione Ottica e Radar Congiunta della Terra Servizio pubblico regolamentato Umidit atmosferica e salinit degli oceani

Environment and Security Global Positioning System International Space Station Meteosat second generation National Aeronautics and Space Administration Optical and Radar Federated Earth Observation Public Regulated Service Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity

GLOSSARY ATV Unmanned re-supply spacecraft developed by ESA and designed to service the International Space Station. Columbus laboratory This unit will be ESA's largest single contribution to the International Space Station. The 4.5 meter diameter cylinder will add extensive research and science facilities to ISS capabilities. Geostationary satellite (satellite gostationnaire / satellite geostazionario) A satellite in orbit over the equator whose orbital period matches the rotational period of the Earth and, therefore, appears to remain stationary over a fixed position on Earth. Ground segment (segment sol / segmento di terra) The system set up on Earth to manage and control a space mission, and to receive and process the data produced by a spacecrafts instruments, and if necessary to send out and archive any generated products. Launchers (lanceur / lanciatore) Rocket-based systems that deliver payloads (satellites, manned vehicles, etc.) into space. Heavy, medium and small indicate the relative weight of payload that a particular launcher can carry into space. Satellite In aerospace and space exploration, a satellite is a man-made object launched into space to orbit the Earth, moon, sun or other celestial body. Some examples are weather satellites and communications satellites. Satellite altimetry (altimtrie satellitaire / altimetria satellitale) It measures the time taken by a radar pulse to travel from the satellite antenna to the surface and back to the satellite receiver. Combined with precise satellite location data, altimetry measurements yield sea-surface heights.

LINKS EU GALILEO SPACE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION SOCIETY - Satellite Communications RESEARCH - Environment - GEOSS INNOVA European Parliament - Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) Committee of the Regions - Launching of the network of European Regions using space technologies (NEREUS) ERA STAR Regions European Defence Agency (EDA)

European and International Organisations

ESA EUMETSAT OECD - Global Forum on Space Economics European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC) NATO United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs

NGOs and institutes ESF - European Science Foundation - European Space Sciences Committee (ESSC) ESO - European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) Eurisy International Astronautical Federation ISSI- International Space Science Institute The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute Earth Observation Solutions

National space agencies - Europe

UK: British National Space Center Bulgaria: Bulgarian Aerospace Agency (BASA) CZECH Republic: Czech Space Office Denmark: Danish National Space Center France : Centre National Etude Espace (CNES) Germany : German Aerospace Center

Greece: Greek Institute for Space Applications and Remote Sensing (ISARS) Hungary: Hungarian space Office Ireland: Ireland Space Italy: Italian Space Agency The Netherlands: Netherlands Agency for Aerospace Programmes Norway: Norwegian Space Center Poland: Polish Space Research Center Portugal: Portuguese Spatial Company Romania: Romanian Space Agency Spain: Spanish National Institute for Aerospace Technology Sweden: Swedish Space Corporation Switzerland: Swiss Space Office

National space agencies - worldwide Argentina: Argentina National Commission for Space Activities (CONAE) Brazil: Brazilian National Institute for Space Research Canada: Canadian Space Agency China: China National Space Administration (CNSA) India: Indian Space Research Organisation Indonesia: Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space Iran: Iranian Space Agency (ISA) Israel: Israel Space Agency Japan: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency Korea: Korea Aerospace Research Institute Morocco: Moroccan Royal Centre for Remote Sensing (CRTS) Pakistan: Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission Russia: Russia Space Agency (RKA) Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia Space Research Institute USA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ukraine: National Space Agency of Ukraine Nigeria: National Space Research and Development Agency of Nigeria

Related companies

European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS) Thales Alenia Space OHB-System Surrey Satellite technology Limited (SSTL) Arianespace Finmeccanica Safran Eutelsat SES

Related industry associations


AeroSpace and Defence (ASD) European Satellite Operators Associations (ESOA) Eurimage European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC)

Space education

European Centre for Space Law ISU - International Space University Space Studies Board European Earth Observation Web Portal for Secondary Schools

Space media

Space Daily Space News Aviation Week Air&Cosmos BBC Space CNN Space

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