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(Worksheet 1)

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United Nations Video : The 30 Articles of the Universal

Declaration of Human Rights (Public Service Messages)
Watch the video carefully and focus on the keywords and repetitions. For each

Public Service Message ,try and anticipate the Human Right! Speak them out ,
then number them from 1 to 20 .
Freedom of Thought, conscience and religion .
Innocent Till Proven Guilty

Were Always

Dont Discriminate.

The Right to Public Assembly. / freedom of association and assembly .

Were All Equal Before the Law

No Slavery.

Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law.

You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go.

The Right to Your Own Things / the right to own property.
Right to Privacy.


The Right to Trial.

The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live / The right to political asylum .
Right to a Nationality.
The Right to Life.
Freedom of

No Torture.
No Unfair Detainment.

Opinion and Expression.

We Are All Born Free & Equal.

a family.

Freedom to move .

The right to Marriage and to raise

Listen to the recording of some other Human Rights . Focus on the keywords

and repetitions and try to guess the Human Right the article refers to.

Article 18


Article 21


Article 22


Article 23


Listen to the recording of

Article 26

of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights .

Focus on stressed words, repetitions and so-called transparent words to fill in

the article with the missing words.
Article 26

1) Everyone has the to education . ...shall be

.. , at least in the .. and fundamental ....

. .... .. shall be compulsory. ..

and .. education shall be made .. available and
higher .. shall be equally .. to all on the ..
of ...

(2) .. shall be .. to the full .. of the


.. and to the strengthening of.. for



and ....

.. . It shall

promote understanding, .. and .. among all

.., ..

or .. .. , and shall

further the.. of the .. .. for the

... . of.. .

(3) .. have a prior .. to .. the kind of

.. that shall be ..to their ...

Watch the video carefully and focus on Clips N 29 and N 30 . Identify the

keywords and repetitions. For each Public Service Message ,try and guess the
Human Right!
Human Right N 29 :

Human Right N 30 : .
Listen again to Clip N 29 and make a list of all the Human Rights mentioned.

Listen again to Clip N30. Focus on stressed words, repetitions ( PART 1) and

key verbs (PART 2) to fill in the script with the missing words.

- ignore - exist

Be - find - take - pretend - violate - change

( PART 1)
are your .

There are of

them . They to ! You dont have to

them, to for or ask .. to
them. Theyre just , no you are,

youre , you are, or

else. Its just that !

( PART 2)

Now, some people will try to your rights or them,

or they dont , but they cantthe fact
that they yours!
Human Right number 30, no one can away your human
What are human rights ? out at

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