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(N) = frontire (V) to . = avoir une frontire

a . = ville frontire
(N) = frontire/poste frontire
(N) = barrire/clture border fence = ..
(V) . / . /get (a border)
= passer une frontire
(ADJ) . = frquent
(V) . = to be sent back = .
(ADJ) . = expulse/dport
(V) . = catch/arrest
(N) = the police or people in other official organizations with legal power to
make people obey laws or rules.

(N) = peine de prison

(V) their journey = terminer leur voyage
(N) = someone who is walking, especially in a town or city, instead of driving or riding
(N) = someone who travels to another place or country in order to find work
(N) = someone who enters a country illegally with no identity papers
(V) to lie (the canal) = .
(N) = abris
(V) sabriter/se mettre labris = ..
(ADJ) = brut/rudimentaire/grossier
(N) . = the bottom of a river, where the ground is
(N) ..=dchets/ordures
(ADJ ) - strewn = to be strewn with

= .

(N) = a strong need that someone feels to take drugs

(N) Virjinia is a = she is to drugs.
(N) = unhappiness / pain / despair/sorrow = sadness /suffering
(ADJ) lamentable/ miserable /malheureuse = ..
(V) ne pas avoir le moral = to ....
(ADJ) to be downhearted = ..
(ADJ) .. = dtermin
(ADV ) .. = in a happy way

to . = faire forte impression /sur quelquun

Listen and count the number of syllables. Then identify the

stressed syllable.
Decide which adjectives best apply to Virjinia Sanchez or
to the male migrant.
Justify your choice by quoting
from the text.

tenacious - helpless (impuissant/dsarm) - pessimistic - unhappy

annoyed (agac) - upset (boulevers) - downhearted frightened tearful desperate- irritated hopeless resigned miserable
determined scared fearless(intrepide) - fearful (craintif)

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