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AS-COINIG pRriosdim Eilt maignedin Restoration of Kilmainham Jail as a Historical Museum A SYMBOL AND A MEMORIAL Kilmainham Jail is at once a symbol and a memorial; a symbol of the centuries of tyranny exercised by an alien government over the Irish people: a memorial to the unconquerable spirit of patriot men and women who languished within its dungeons or who were executed beneath the shadow of its walls. AN UNSIGHTLY RUIN AND EYE-SORE For some thirty-five years now this great grim building, empty and neglected, has been falling into serious disrepair. Though its stout outer walls have stood firm, there has been considerable damage interiorly because of fallen roofs as well as the uncurbed growth of trees and weeds in the yards and other exposed areas, Kilmainham Jail was becoming an unsightly ruin and a public eye-sore. 2 PROPOSALS FOR THE RENOVATION OF KILMAINHAM Over the years recurting efforts were made, with little apparent CNSits: to Rouse public support for the preservation of Kilmainham Jail aga national memorial. No real headway. was made for ‘he Jail ation of such a project until a small organising committee was Feast fn 1959, largely through the enthusiasm and persistence of the Ite Patrick J. Stephenson, Dublin City Librarian—beannacht Dé Je te Ean! This provisional committee was fortunate in securing the Voluntary services of Mr. Dermot O'Toole, Architect, and Mr. Lorca see” Consulting Engineer, under whose expert guidance a draft ‘eRane ‘was prepared for the completion of the work of renovation of the Jail within a period of five years by means of voluntary labour, She donations of materials by builders’ providers and the subscriptions of funds by well-wishers in Ireland and abroad. LEASE OF JAIL GRANTED BY THE GOVERNMENT The provisional committee submitted the proposed scheme of renova Aas Po the Minister for Finance, Dr. James Ryan, T.D., who, on behalf tot ie Government, gave it the necessary endorsement which resulted fn the granting of a lease of Kilmainham Jail to Trustees, five of whom vere naminated by the provisional committee and two by the Minister Pere inance. On 2lst May, 1960, the keys of the Jail were formally handed over to the Trustees and the big task was begun 3 HISTORY OF REVOLUTIONARY IRELAND IN STONE ‘The story of Ireland’s heroic fight for freedom from 1798 down to dur own day could not be more vividly recalled than by a visit to cu ow Than Jail, Here surely would the youth of the present and future times be inspired to venerate the memory of those who strove “in dark and evil days” to free their native land. Here were imprisoned United Irishmen like Henry Joy McCracken Here Robert Emmet, dauntless and unafraid, spent the last hours He e hs death on the gallows. Here, too, the noble-hearted Anne Dentin patiently endured unspeakable mental and physical torturings oer pe bevtay Emmet and his comrades, In these gloomy cells Tan nat the Young Ireland Movement of 1848 and of the Fenian Movement of 1865 and 1867 were incarcerated. Charles Stewart Pamell was imprisoned here, as were many, of, the Chatles Sacre, and during that period, too, the Kilmainkam cells wore and Teagike “Invincibles.” Five of the “Invincibles” were hanged to house; tthe prison yards and were buried in quicklime beneath the gallows, their graves untended and unmarked. ‘And what Irishman worthy of the name could stand unmoved in the And what lors’ yard where Pearse and Clarke and Connolly and their son eaacarms fell before the firing squads in 1916, hallowing for comraderitherr life-blood this memorable spot. Whose heart could ever, with theirted by the chapel where Joseph Plunkett was married to Grace Gifford a few hours before his execution. There must be hundreds of men and women in Ireland today, and, sae nany in exile, who were imprisoned in Kilmainham in the years alts, Ming 1916. ‘They ean recall the indomitable spirit of ‘their fellow-prisoners which this bleak and forbidding prison could not cow. ‘Among the most memorable of the events associated with Kilmainham in those stirring days was the daring escape of Donnelly, Teeling and O'Malley. So outstanding a reservoir of national memories is assuredly worth preserving as a historical museum. MAGNIFICENT RESPONSE BY VOLUNTARY WORKERS ‘The response of the volunteer craftsmen and other skilled workers to the appeal for help in the work of renovating Kilmainham Jail has been truly magnificent, Handing over of keys Given the necessary materials, there is every reason to hope that the volunteer labour corps will finish their task well within the estimated time of five years. As time goes on and more of the required materials become available there will be need for the enrolment of additional workers. DONATIONS OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT The Organising Committee wishes to place on record its whole- hearted appreciation of the generosity of those firms who have donated materials for the initial stages of the work and to others who have loaned tools and equipment. There is, however, urgent need for more materials in order that the maximum use may be made continuously of the willing workers in the months ahead. Among the materials now needed are the follow- ing:—Timber, glass, slates, cement, electric light fittings, electric cables, switch gear, etc. (Particulars as to specifications, quantities, etc., of the foregoing materials may be obtained from the Honorary Secretary, Committee of Management, Kilmainham Jail Restoration Project, 110, Grafton Street, Dublin.) APPEAL FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS Because of the magnitude of the project of renovating the Jail and preparing for its subsequent conversion into a Historical Museum, money is urgently needed for the purchase of materials which are otherwise unobtainable, and for the incidental expenses which so large an undertaking must necessarily involve. Itis, indeed, gratifying to be able to record that a number of generous subscriptions have already been received despite the fact that no general appeal for funds had previously been issued. Cheques should be made payable to “ The Kilmainham Jail Restoration Project” and either sent to the Honorary Treasurer at 110, Grafton Street, Dublin, or lodged with the National City Bank, Dame Street, Dublin. Cash or other donations may also be handed’to any of the Trustees or members of the Management Committee. Official Receipts will be issued for all subscriptions by the Honorary Treasurer. rectal Note The names of all subscribers as well as those of the donors of materials and equipment and those of the volunteer workers will be permanently recorded in the Kilmainham Jail Historical Museum. ‘Trustees : Nora Connolly O'Brien Frank Thornton _Lieut.-Col. Matt Feehan Eamon Martin Sean Dowling Joseph Groome _D.. F. Stephenson. Committee of Management : Chairman: Sean Dowling Hon, Secretary : James J. Brennan Hon. Treasurer : Steplien Murphy L. C. Leonard, AM.LHLV-E. —D. F. Stephenson, P.C., F.V.L, M.LA.A. Dermot O'Toole, MRLA.L, M-T-P.L Michael Noyk, Solicitor Eamonn de Barra | Eoin O'Keeffe Peter O'Connor Office: 110, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN Telephone : 74721—10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Telephone at Kilmainham Jail after Office Hours : 55990 6

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