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In the Eye of the Hurricane: Where God Resides
In the Eye of the Hurricane: Where God Resides
In the Eye of the Hurricane: Where God Resides
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In the Eye of the Hurricane: Where God Resides

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During one of the most the toughest and agonizing time in my family’s life, I believe I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to write my story down because one day I would be able to share it with someone going through what I went through.
I have never done anything like this so please forgive me if you find improper grammar or phrases. I pray you look past those errors and see the heart behind the words written.
Our confidence was shaken to the core. It appeared there was no end in sight and the fierce winds were unstoppable. Had God forsaken us? The louder I cried out, the worse things became.
But appearances can be deceptive. Things aren’t always as they appear.
Release dateDec 7, 2013
In the Eye of the Hurricane: Where God Resides

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    In the Eye of the Hurricane - Eark G. Grover III

    In The Eye Of The Hurricane:

    Where God Resides


    Earl G. Grover III

    Copyright © 2013 Earl G. Grover III

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner of this book.

    All scripture references are taken from The New American Standard Bible (NASB) unless otherwise noted.

    ISBN 978-1-304-65074-0



    George Boynton, who passed away two weeks prior to the start of this book. George’s long-time prayer was that he died it would be in the land that he loved so dearly, Israel. God answered your prayer my dear friend. George encouraged me to write a book about this event in my life. He was a true mentor and encourager. His knowledge of scriptures, especially the Biblical history of Israel and Jewish customs, went almost unmatched. You will be missed my dear friend.


    I can’t even begin to explain what my beautiful wife of 33 years, Cherylon, one fabulous son, Earl, and two absolutely gorgeous daughters, Andrea and Jennifer mean to me. God knew what he was doing when he brought you into my life. The trials we went through were meant to strengthen us as a family…and they did. I love you all very much.

    If there was ever a man God used to get me through the most difficult time in my life, it was Dr. Bennett. Through his founding ministry, Mentoring Men for the Master, has taught is teaching me the value of internalizing the Word of God. Without his love and passion for my spiritual success I do not think I would have been able to endure the storm. You are a modern day Paul.

    A true servant of the Lord doesn’t realize how God is using him to bless another life because he is always about the Fathers business and it is always to give God the glory. That servant is Tommy Todd. I met Tommy near the end of our hurricane and he became the very instrument God used to calm the winds. In Tommy, I saw one of the hardest working men of my life. He taught me the value of hard work. He truly is about the Fathers business.

    I know this was not an easy task for Amy Westbrook, Jennifer’s youth leader, when she came to me with the news of Jennifer’s pregnancy. I thank God for giving her the courage and to some extent blind faith, not knowing my reaction and the possibility of very agile situation. Thank you, Amy, from the bottom of my heart.

    My accountability partner and friend through Mentoring Men for the Master, Jack Hudson, was there from the beginning and always knew the right time to call to pray with me. He is and will always be a very vital part in my life.. I thank God that He brought Jack into my life at such a crucial time.

    Another mentor and friend, John Bordeaux, I will always be eternally grateful for his instruction and godly counsel. John is unwavering and a bulwark in the faith.

    Unbeknownst to Ken Marks, a fellow partner at Living Water Ministries inspired me to add eggshells to this book. But he knows now. I also want to thank the pastor, Rick Crocker, and the rest of the partners of Living Water Ministries for putting up with me. Thank you for your prayers.

    My friends and fellow executive committee members of the Christian Party of America, National Chairman, National Vice Chairman and North Carolina State Chairman, Don Watson, National Secretary, Cynthia Drumheller, and National Field Director, Dr. Katherine Bredehoeft always there for prayer support and counsel. Don and Kathy were the first that I confided in of Jennifer’s pregnancy and were the first to give me godly counsel. Clell and Cindy were willing to open their home up to us in the event we needed a place to stay after my foreclosure.  What a huge sacrifice they were willing to do for my benefit. Also, thank you Clell for you expertise with supplying the grammatical editing in the hard cover book soon to be released. I will always be eternally grateful to all four.

    James and Linda Brown were always willing to make sure our needs were taken care of. Thank you for the many financial gifts and prayers we received. It was james and Linda that gave us the tip to contact the realtor and secure our current residence.

    Daisy Taylor, my mentor and friend, held nothing back when I sought advice. She didn’t always tell me what I wanted to hear but always told me what I needed to hear.

    Ilario Pantano, a former candidate for US House District 7NC and author of Warlord, was one of the first to know I was writing a book. I sought his advice early on in respect to authorship. Ilario, your advice was invaluable in my preparation. Thank You

    Reverend Brian Langley, my nephew, who opened his church and officiated my daughters wedding, I thank you.

    Darryl Langley, my nephew, who did a great job being the MC at my daughter’s reception.

    Thank you Amy Westbrook, Jennifer’s youth leader, for your heart for my daughter. I know that having to bring Cody and Jennifer to confront me with her pregnacy was not an easy thing to do. So, thank you for having the courage to do what was right, not knowing what the possible reaction from me would be.


    It is a huge and high privilege to write the Foreword to this immensely helpful book for Four reasons:

    This book is written by a sincere and authentic man of God whom we can trust to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    This book will speak to the hearts of many men who are encountering and struggling in the eye of the hurricane and will find this narrative a great encouragement to stay in the battle and win it by the grace of God.

    The message of this book resonates resoundingly to my own heart because my greatest trials have often proved to be my greatest triumphs in time.

    Moreover, the book corroborates and confirms the biblical truth of the wonderful promise of God to the people who love Him God causes all things (the bad as well as the good)  to work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28).  I have not read a more timely, relevant book than In The Eye of The Hurricane: Where God Resides.I have, therefore, read it, and found great profit to my own life and know it will be the same for all men.  So buy it, read it, believe it, and pass it on to a fellow struggler whose numbers are legion.

    Dr. Bill Bennett

    Founder/CEO Mentoring Men for the Master, Int’l,

    Men’s Forum of Wilmington, NC


    During one of the most the toughest and agonizing time in my family’s life, I believe I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to write my story down because one day I would be able to share it with someone going through what I went through.

    I have never done anything like this so please forgive me if you find improper grammar or phrases. I pray you look past those errors and see the heart behind the words written.

    Our confidence was shaken to the core. It appeared there was no end in sight and the fierce winds were unstoppable. Had God forsaken us? The louder I cried out, the worse things became.

    But appearances can be deceptive. Things aren’t always as they appear. That is why this Christian walk of ours is a walk of faith, not sight. God has promised He will never leave us or forsake us. He did not promise we would always feel it. We live in a fallen world and we have an enemy that is after our mind to distort our vision, our purpose and our destiny.

    Your hurricane might not be as drastic as mine or it might even be worse. Your hurricane might be the hidden demons of bad habits like pornography or gambling. Maybe it is only anger or foul language. Your hurricane might be the intangible things know one sees but yourself. Whatever you are battling, there is one fact that remains; it will keep you from total freedom and victory if it continues to master your life. Jesus Christ wants to be the center of your life, without exception.

    If you want to be used of God, then you have to be willing to let God turn the heat up, even if the heat appears to be more than you can bear. God knows what He is doing. He knows your breaking point. I know that for a fact because He brought me to mine. I found myself vulnerable in areas I thought I had victory over. What God was showing me was that I am indeed fallible apart from the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

    It amazes me how we can have opinions and solutions to problems when we are on the outside looking in. But experiences in life and finding yourself in the inside your viewpoint will change. I know mine did on several fronts. Our view point does many times reflect a horizontal way of thinking (a worldly viewpoint taken from our peers and relying on our natural sense) instead of a vertical viewpoint stemmed from a line of communication with God,

    I want to challenge you to read each chapter with an open heart and mind. See if the hurricane I went through compares to the one you are going through. The package might be wrapped differently or the box might be a different size, but the contents are all the same. God’s purpose has not changed. His desire is for us all to be molded and shaped into the likeness of Jesus Christ and He will use any means possible to fulfill that purpose.

    Jesus is a gentleman. He will never walk where he is not wanted. He will never force Himself on you. You have to be the willing vessel for change or nothing will ever change.

    1 - THE DREAM

    Indeed God speaks once, Or twice, yet no one notices it. In a dream, a vision of the night, When sound sleep falls on men, While they slumber in their beds, Then He opens the ears of men, And seals their instruction,  That He may turn man aside from his conduct, And keep man from pride; He keeps back his soul from the pit, And his life from passing over into Sheol (Job 33:14-18)

    I awoke startled!  For the rest of the day, I couldn’t get it out of my head! Like most dreams, it was over in a split second. At least, they appear that way in our comatose state of sleep. Again, this dream was no exception. The only difference is that God was about to lead me on a journey that would literally change my life -- in more ways than one.  God had, just, sent me a warning. I knew it the instant I awoke. However, as so often happens, I misinterpreted for whom the dream’s message was intended. We, usually, do. My house (meaning my spiritual house) was filthy, but I had lived in it so long, I was used to the filth. So, naturally, I began to look elsewhere, rather inward. As I was to find out, this dream was a warning from a loving father to his child. This child had become accustomed to doing things his way for too long and wasn’t willing to listen to wise counsel. God wanted to get my attention. What better way to do it than when nothing could distract me… to speak to me while in a complete state of rest. My life desperately needed transformation.

    The message begins: I am the cause of what is happening in the world around me. No one can rightly be blamed for my shirked responsibilities, but me. I bear responsibility for the condition of my neighborhood, my city, my county, my state, and yes, the United States of America. Why do I call that which is right wrong and wrong right? Why do I praise immorality and condemn morality? Oh, I don’t, actually, say it with my lips. I will stand in the picket line with the best of them condemning such actions. Other people hear my words, but they don’t see the condition of my heart or the hidden actions of my life.

    Now, let me go one step further. You, also, are calling right wrong and wrong right! Ok, I said it. Now, at this point, I have probably lost half the readers -- but I expected that. Why? Because one year ago, if you would have told me I contributed to the problems around me, I would have laughed my head off. I would have refused to read another word in this book. I would have passed it off as heresy and fantasy.

    Maybe that’s where you are, today. You don’t see yourself as part of the problem. I have learned that as fallen human beings (though we are saved) in a fallen world, we share many issues and problems in common. Central to our shared problems is dealing with pride.

    To those who have decided to continue reading, I say, Hang with me and see if the pages that follow speak to your life. Those who get past my outrageous accusation – that is, that you share responsibility for a world gone awry – perhaps, the Holy Spirit has prompted you to continue.

    Many of us have been like the proverbial ostrich with its head stuck in the sand for way too long. As long as we can’t see what’s happening around us -- particularly that we might, even, have caused some of the problems -- our little worlds are unaffected. At least, so we seem to think. If undeterred, we may well live our entire lives in this state of deception. How tragic that would be.

    My intent is not to pronounce condemnation, but, rather, to speak God’s truth, as I understand it. I hope God will give you insight, so that He will set you free from whatever bondages may ensnare you. I speak particularly of those subtle, though serious bondages that may entrap about any of us.

    We are all aware of the dangerous big sins, such as greed, pornography, hatred, murder, etc. Those are the obvious ones. It doesn’t take a Bible scholar to know that those things can eat away at a person’s soul. But, what about our thought life, including our patterns of thought and the thoughts we reflexively allow and accept in our minds? How much have you passively accepted, simply, because you were raised that way or your church preaches that or it, just, feels right to you? Such matters can be, just, as dangerous. I would, even, go a step farther and say they are more dangerous because they are deceptive in nature. Even a believer can, often, unconsciously accept his own thought patterns, ideas, etc., as though there is no other sensible way to think – as though he, rather than the Lord, is the standard or that he of all people has a lock on God’s truth and will. Such a believer sees no need to change his obviously correct [wrong] thinking and, as a result, drifts further and further from the truth.

    First Peter 4:17 states, For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? We can be like that ostrich and watch our lives run past us or we can heed the warning signs and do something about it. At 59 years old, I have been like that ostrich for way too long and much of my life has slipped by me. We CAN provide that change the world needs… but it requires, courage, boldness, and brokenness. It takes a contrite heart, which is submissive to God’s will and no other.

    I have been in a leadership position in the church most of my Christian life, but have been a people pleaser more than a God pleaser. I told people what they wanted to hear, instead of what God told me to tell them. I wanted to be accepted, and loved -- and part of the clique. I wanted to ‘fit in’.

    I did fit in very well…as many others who are in church leadership…walking on egg shells, because of fear -- fear to stand up for the Lord Jesus Christ in a culture that is hell bent on destroying anything and everything having to do with godliness and the redemptive work of Christ. We can see this anti-Christ paradigm shift from the highest levels of government down to the individual struggling to make his car payment. Meanwhile, we sit by watching it happen without providing a solution to turn the tide. Why? Because, in a sense, I am the cause -- and you are, too! We are all in the same ship and have kicked the captain overboard. We have mutinied! In fact, rather than follow our Lord into battle and engage the enemy, we have, in effect, turned traitor and joined the enemy!

    It is past time to invite Captain Jesus back on board, serve under Him, and allow him steer our ship back to safety.

    For the next several months, I pondered this dream’s meaning. All that I could think about was a satellite view of a huge hurricane with a picture perfect eye. What was God trying to show me? I can’t, ever, recall having had a dream that had so impacted my mind. Dreams are, usually, no big deal with me. We dream every night. It’s part of our makeup. So, what’s the big deal about this particular dream? I’m convinced that God will use whatever means necessary to get our attention. And, get my attention He did! Although. I think God ministers to us all the time, including as we sleep and dream, I, just, can’t recall His, ever, speaking to me this vividly, whether awake or asleep. This experience was different -- unique.

    One of the things I have learned since that night is we have this thing called sleep totally backwards. I heard a pastor about preach this not too long ago and it has, never, left me. We, always, assume rest is to recuperate from the previous day’s work. What about this thought? Could it be that rest is intended to prepare us for what God called us to do the following day – not, just, to recuperate from the previous day? How about this: rest is for preparation, not recuperation? Adam was created on the Sixth Day, then, he rested on the Seventh.  Adam, apparently, hadn’t done anything to make him tired, yet? He had, just, arrived on the scene. Why would he need rest?

    I know what you’re thinking. Adam didn’t rest; God did. Well, it is true that in Genesis God rested on the Seventh Day. Also, I agree that I am making some assumptions, here. But, unless God assigned some work to Adam to do while He took the day off, Adam would have had to rest, too. While we sleep, God is at work. If we listen to His ‘heart beat’ for us at night, we will be prepared to carry out His will, the next

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