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How to Become God
How to Become God
How to Become God
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How to Become God

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Is it possible to become God? Is the unconscious mind nothing other than the God portal, the Heaven gate?

This is the extraordinary account of the ancient and controversial secret society known as the Pythagorean Illuminati of how it is possible for every human being to attain divinity.

There are two vast obstacles to overcome, one relating to a lack of consciousness, and the other to an over-identification with consciousness. The followers of the Abrahamic religions are "bicameral", meaning that they are highly submissive, have little grasp of rationality and obey "voices" emanating from their unconscious. Atheistic scientific materialists, on the other hand, are overly rational and deny the existence of anything other than their mortal ego-consciousness, and doubt even that. They have cut themselves off from the most mysterious domain in existence: that of the two numbers zero and infinity which define all of the mysteries of life.

The God Program deconstructs all of the claims of scientific materialism and shows why they they are false in relation to all of the most important issues of existence: life, mind, consciousness, God, the soul and the afterlife. Equally, the "revealed" religions of Abrahamism are shown to be rooted in the pre-conscious mind of the human race and to constitute a kind of mental illness and hatred of rationality. If anything, they are a manifestation of Devil worship.

Have you ever asked where the laws of the Big Bang were stored prior to the Big Bang in order to be able to shape and direct that cosmic event? The God Program takes you on an astonishing journey back to the era before the Big Bang. It reveals how and why the material cosmos came into existence, and what the precise answer is to the ultimate question of "life, the universe and everything".

It demonstrates how Jung's theory of the psyche can be traced back to the ideas of the Neoplatonist Plotinus, and illustrates why Jung's concept of the collective unconscious is the key to human apotheosis.

The God Program also reveals the true nature of the world's most sacred object: the holy grail.

This may be the most revolutionary book in history, presenting a unique and breathtaking view of reality. If you cannot find the answers to your profoundest questions in the God Program, you will find them nowhere.

PublisherMike Hockney
Release dateOct 27, 2011
How to Become God

Michael Faust

Michael Faust invites you to explore the divine order, with its most astonishing secret - that you are part of it. You always have been. But you have forgotten. That's the nature of the created world - to make us forget that we are all the Creators. Isn't it time to remember who you truly are?

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    How to Become God - Michael Faust


    Every day brings a new opportunity, the chance to do the unthinkable, to change everything once and for all.

    To become God.

    There is no more sacred task.

    Are you ready?

    The God Program

    People continually moan about how difficult the world is, about how it’s so hard to understand, about how they have no sense that they have a soul, that they find it impossible to accept the existence of God. Everything seems futile and pointless, they say. They already seem dead. No light flickers in their eyes. Welcome to Zombie Land, the modern world.

    We have done this to ourselves. Or, rather, evolution has. All steps forward summon a dialectical antithesis. If the dialectic isn’t handled properly, disaster is possible and even probable.

    The last three thousand years have been the era of human consciousness, but things haven’t gone too well so far. Consciousness is exactly what evolution is seeking to accomplish, yet it has had a catastrophic impact in so many ways. In particular, it has distanced us from the infinite power of the unconscious where our true superpowers reside, and where our spiritual dimension resides.

    This is the strange tale of how consciousness has been both the marvel of evolution, and its greatest curse. Consciousness has a long way to go before it can make us happy, before it can allow us to be everything we need to be.

    Moreover, we will demonstrate something astounding: two thirds of the human race can barely be considered conscious at all, and it’s their lack of consciousness that underlies so many of the world’s most serious ills.

    The greatest challenge facing the human race isn’t global warming or over-population or financial chaos – it’s consciousness, and how to get it to function properly. It’s not evolution that’s in charge of this process: we are. Evolution’s task is to create the biological platform for consciousness, but it’s up to us what we do with it. It’s up to us to raise our consciousness to the next level.

    Ordinary consciousness has thrown up two main types of human being:

    1) stupid and lazy people who have a childish understanding of God, the soul and the afterlife. In truth, they haven’t understood the first thing about religion and they are horrifically alienated from their true selves, preferring to worship some narcissistic, egomaniacal dictator (the Abrahamic God) who demands absolute obedience. The most obvious question has passed these people by – why would God, the supreme cosmic power, have any desire to be worshipped? Is he supremely conceited? Does he love the sight of people grovelling to him, afraid to raise their eyes? Is that how he gets his kicks? Does he love it when people beg him for favours, when the masses get down on their hands and knees to him to entreat him for help? Does it fill him with pleasure when his followers murder people in his name and offer up their bloody slaughter to him as a gift? What kind of monster is this? How could any sane person have such a perverse relationship with God, and such a weird idea of his true nature? Our task is not to worship God but to become God, to unite with the cosmic Mind. God’s consciousness is completed through us. He is not perfect until we are. If we worship him then we are useless to him. Worshippers are never anything other than pathetic, clueless non-entities. The whole concept of worship must be abolished. We must stop worshipping the rich, the powerful, the shining celebrities. Screw them all. WORSHIP NO ONE!!! Everyone who wants you to worship anything has an agenda, and that agenda is to control you by making you inferior: by creating an enormous, unbridgeable divide between you and the thing worshipped. The only voices you should ever listen to are those that seek to raise you up, not cast you down. Never grovel to another. Never bend your knee. Never bow. Never avert your eyes. Condemn anyone who says that you should do any of these things. They are trying to make you a second-class citizen. So, if you are about to encounter a monarch, pope or president and an adviser approaches you and tells you to bow, say, Kiss my ASS!!! The idea that any human being should bow to another is ludicrous beyond words. All people who subscribe to these nauseating systems of etiquette, designed to create a power differential between two people, must be swept aside forever.

    2) The second and less numerous class of people are those who have taken their primitive, feeble consciousness and reason as the supreme reality of the existence and decided that there is nothing mysterious out there. They literally think that scientific materialism can answer everything, and that there is no place for God, souls or the afterlife. They are so deluded by this consciousness of theirs that they have turned their back entirely on the infinitely more potent unconscious where every secret of the cosmos truly resides. These people effectively deny the existence of the unconscious. When pushed, they even deny the existence of the mind and free will – because these are totally incompatible with the rigorous, deterministic paradigm of scientific materialism which reduces the whole of existence to the mere jostling of lifeless, mindless atoms. These jostlings, they say, are entirely dictated by the laws of physics, and mind simply doesn’t have any role in the laws of physics since free will is nowhere present in these laws. (Any physical law based on free will wouldn’t be a law since it would be subject to whim rather than certainty.) If eternal, immutable laws are all there is then their conclusion is entirely correct. But, of course, when you ask scientists what the origins of these laws are, where the laws are stored, where they were located before the Big Bang in order to shape that event, how they came into existence in the first place, and how atoms know how to act in accordance with these laws, then they have no answers for you. Their position amounts to a kind of mind blindness brought on by a flawed and arrogant rationality that, ironically, is shown to be fundamentally irrational when its axioms are logically examined. The Illuminati are well qualified to say so because many of their members come from just this background of atheistic, scientific hyper-rationality. It was only when they engaged in deep thought that they realised the entire paradigm of contemporary science was built on sand. Although science provides brilliant answers in specific areas – those areas that have no connection with mind and free will – its understanding of the true workings of the cosmos is astoundingly close to zero.

    We want to show you some true magic – the mysterious power of the unconscious human mind. We want to show you that there was a time when people were much more in tune with the cosmos than we are now, who had none of the existential fears we have today, who found life remarkably straightforward. No doubts plagued them. Why? Because they did not have consciousness as we now experience it, and they were directly linked to the power of the unconscious.

    Consciousness has an inevitable consequence when it first appears: alienation. It automatically alienates us from others. It is the essence of individuation. It makes us feel fundamentally alone in the world. Our consciousness is uniquely ours: our joy and our burden. Consciousness also, and equally significantly, alienates us from our unconscious, which is where all of the secrets of the cosmos have their home. Thus we become estranged from the truth of the cosmos. We are thrown onto our own, limited, finite conscious resources, which are as nothing in comparison with the unlimited, infinite nature of the cosmos. This tension between the finite and the infinite, the mortal and immortal, produces a terrible anxiety within us. It seems as though an uncrossable chasm exists between the cosmos and us. Some people fill that frightening abyss by worshipping an infinite dictator – the God of Abrahamism. Others fill it with the ineffable laws of physics. But there is only one healthy way to bridge it: by rediscovering the unconscious, by tapping into its infinite power, and, ultimately, by discovering the supreme mystery that exists at its core – God.

    God is inside all of us. By venturing into our unconscious, we all have the opportunity to find God at our centre. We can all become God. We have been given a special program – the God Program – that allows us to accomplish this transcendent feat. It is this program that underpins all religious feelings, all intuitions about souls and the afterlife. Unfortunately, the program can be sabotaged – by consciousness! Consciousness does not understand the unconscious. It’s as if consciousness is harnessed to an infinite cloud of impenetrable mystery. Naturally, the consciousness is disturbed by this and seeks to defend itself against the angst the unconscious generates. Consciousness goes into denial. It represses difficult ideas. It projects the contents of the unconscious onto external objects. It does everything it can to detach itself from the unconscious, to make it seem as though the unconscious isn’t there at all. Everything it does is the opposite of what it should be doing. Consciousness needs to become the partner of the unconscious, not its lifelong sworn foe.

    Why do people fear death? It’s because they have identified themselves with their space-time consciousness which is sure to perish. However, as soon as you realise that your true self is actually connected to your unconscious, which is not in space-time, you will understand that you cannot die. You simply change. And, in fact, it’s your consciousness that is the vehicle of change, that undergoes radical change from one life to another. It’s your consciousness that’s on a remarkable journey. But where is it going? Into the heart of the unconscious, of course, where all the answers lie. When consciousness accomplishes the supreme quest and ventures all the way to the centre of the unconscious, it achieves gnosis – God consciousness.

    But there are so many obstacles. Doubt is the biggest. Scientific materialism has made billions struggle to experience God in any meaningful way. Yet, when it comes to the most fundamental questions of existence, the claims of science are simply ludicrous.

    Consider the Big Bang. Some scientists claim that it was the product of a quantum fluctuation, but this is impossible. Quantum mechanics is intimately related to space and time, but as scientists will eagerly tell you, space and time didn’t exist before the Big Bang, hence neither did quantum mechanics, hence there was no ineffable quantum fluctuation that gave rise to the Big Bang. No scientist has ever grasped that the Big Bang cannot be explained by the laws of physics if these are fundamentally materialistic in nature – since there was no material prior to the Big Bang, hence no laws of physics. According to materialism, the materialistic laws of physics must come into being WITH the Big Bang, hence have no connection with the CAUSE of the Big Bang. Logically, from the perspective of materialism, the laws of physics are an effect of the Big Bang, not its cause. So, science, in its present form, can NEVER explain what caused the Big Bang using science. Scientists are forced to engage in metaphysical speculation i.e. they must acknowledge the supremacy of philosophy.

    Physicist Stephen Hawking claimed that science had made philosophy redundant. What a fool. Science is entirely subservient to philosophy. Only philosophy can get to the truth. Why? Because philosophy is a subject that addresses the mind while science addresses matter. Science has tried to banish the mind, which is surely the most foolish undertaking in the history of the cosmos. There is only one plausible thing that can precede matter. It certainly isn’t NOTHING as scientists claim. In fact, it’s MIND. That is the secret of the universe. Mind is the fundamental reality. The laws of physics formed mentally and then gave rise to the material universe. Those laws didn’t magically spring out of nothing, along with an entire universe, as scientists so ridiculously assert. And scientists have the arrogance to call religion stupid!!!

    When we say Mind, we are referring to an unconscious cosmic mind. What that unconsciousness is striving to do is become conscious – which is the ultimate manifestation and actualisation of mind’s potential. God’s mind is the one that has made all that is unconscious conscious. We, the human race, are a long way behind God. We have a spark of consciousness amongst an ocean of the unconscious. Our task is to fully illuminate the unconscious, and when we have done so then we become God.

    The medieval tales of the quest for the Holy Grail were ingenious because they were based on a fork in the road that was sure to lure the unworthy down the wrong path, and to attract only those who understood the true nature of the test. The unworthy were obsessed with the Grail as a specific, precious object that they could find if they searched long and hard enough. And they all failed. The Holy Grail IS an object, but in order to understand what it is you must first accomplish a spiritual, not a physical journey. Only the spiritual can attain the Grail. To find the Grail, you have to use lateral thinking. You have to understand that it’s necessary to find something else first, and that until you have achieved this other quest, you can never achieve the Grail Quest. You have to take a step BACK before you can go forward. So many knights failed to understand that simple requirement.

    They thought that if they found the Grail they would have all the answers to their life. In fact, the reverse is true. You must find the answers to your life before you can have the Grail.

    Zen Buddhists talk of attaining satori – a flash of enlightenment. They seek to build on this, to keep expanding on it until they attain full enlightenment: nirvana. In terms of the Grail, someone who has started to have regular flashes of enlightenment is on the verge of Grail consciousness. The Holy Grail is the most sacred object of the Illuminati and only those who have attained the highest mystery degree know the Grail’s location. The Grail is in fact a gnosis accelerator. The Grail transforms episodic enlightenment into full and final gnosis. It’s the holiest and most sacred object of all – the supreme culmination of spirituality – because it is none other than the Heavengate: the God Portal. To use the Grail is to become God.

    Thus there is no object more precious, more remarkable, more magical, more mystical, and more divine than the Holy Grail. Centuries ago, the leaders of the Illuminati went to astounding lengths to safeguard it and ensure it never fell into the wrong hands. In the event that all of the leaders were killed, they left a fabulously intricate puzzle that could be solved to ascertain its whereabouts. But they deliberately included many highways and byways that would mislead those who did not have the noblest and most spiritual of intentions. In essence, only those who have already attained the foothills of gnosis can solve the puzzle. Such people are able to make remarkable intuitive leaps that link together parts of the puzzle in a way that would never occur to those lacking the necessary intuitive qualities.

    We cannot stress enough the importance of intuition, for what is intuition but an astonishing ability to derive answers from an unknown source. Yet the source IS known, but that doesn’t reduce its mystery. The source of intuition is the unconscious mind. The closer you get to gnosis, the more intuitive you become. Gnosis is nothing other than intuitive thinking taken to its limit – when in a dazzling, ineffable flash of inspiration, the whole of the cosmic unconscious is illuminated and fully revealed to you. You understand everything. You are GOD!

    The Grail Quest is the journey to become God. The Grail is not indispensable for gnosis, but, unlike anything else, it makes gnosis certain. Yet even Grand Masters of the Illuminati hesitate before the Grail. If they do not yet feel worthy of it, they do not attempt to use it.

    The Grail Quest is the supreme quest of the human race. The Grail is the ultimate object. In a very real sense, the Grail can be equated with God himself. The Holy Grail is thus God on Earth. The Jews believed that the Ark of the Covenant was the earthly location of God. In fact, the Grail fulfils that function. To be more precise, a worthy person (such as Sir Galahad in the legends of the Grail), who takes hold of the Grail instantly achieves full and complete gnosis and becomes God there and then. The Grail is the apotheosis, the deification, of an individual human being.

    Nietzsche, in his poetic, bewilderingly brilliant masterpiece Thus Spoke Zarathustra, wrote: But to reveal my heart entirely to you, friends: if there were gods, how could I endure not to be a god! Therefore there are no gods.

    Had he been familiar with Gnostic and Hermetic thinking, he would have written instead: Therefore I will become God!

    Nietzsche substituted his Übermensch – the Superman – for God. But, in truth, the Superman is but a precursor of God. The Übermensch taken to its logical conclusion IS God.

    The Big Bang physical cosmos arose from the unconscious mind of the cosmos. Through the Big Bang, the unconscious mind sought to become conscious. God – Abraxas – was the first distinct consciousness. Like us, he was faced with expanding his consciousness to take in all of the unknown, unconscious mind. He has taken the journey we are currently on. He has left us the means of achieving it: the God program. If we follow his program, we too can become God. Our thoughts and his merge. At that point, we are indistinguishable from God.

    Consciousness should be trying to integrate, to assimilate and absorb, the contents of the unconscious, to expand consciousness from the finite to the infinite, from the limited mortal mind to the unlimited divine mind.

    To show how this is possible, we want to take you back to the pre-conscious age when humanity was guided by what Julian Jaynes labelled the bicameral mind. He said, At one time human nature was split in two, an executive part called a god, and a follower part called a man.

    In those days, everything was handed to people on a plate. Their unconscious spoke to them and it was perceived as the voice of the gods. And, in a very real sense, that’s exactly what it was.

    In order to gain more control over our destiny, humanity developed consciousness and the old bicameral mind was pushed into the background. But it’s not dead. Consciousness did not replace it: rather, it was built over it. It’s still there, and occasionally it erupts in unexpected ways, especially in times of stress and crisis. These can act as a trigger for our vestigial bicameral mind to reassert itself. The conscious mind panics, freezes and surrenders control to the bicameral mind. It is in such situations that a guardian angel can appear to us and tell us what to do, or when we hear a dominant voice advising us. Fasting can bring on the same condition, as can extreme physical exertion or prolonged solitary confinement.

    However, in our daily routines, in our drab conscious lives, the gods are voiceless. By deafening ourselves to the voices of the gods, we have lost our spiritual connection. Capitalist Westerners are practically soulless. There are plenty of fake religious types in the West, but almost no genuine ones. It’s not what you do in a church that testifies to your spirituality – it’s what you do with the rest of your life. Bono, lead singer of U2, can pontificate all he likes about world poverty, but the only salient fact about Bono is that he is one of the richest men on earth. It’s quite something when the spokesperson for the poor is a member of the hyper-rich. You would think he would choke on his hypocrisy. Far from it. He just doesn’t get it. He genuinely thinks he’s a philanthropist. Our world is full of people like this. They imagine that they are one thing, but their behaviour marks them out as the opposite. If you charitably define Christianity as the expression of the Golden Rule – Do as you would be done by – Christians are frequently the least Christian people you could ever meet.

    Humanity is now faced with the greatest of tasks: to get our consciousness to work in tandem with the bicameral mind without going mad. The dangers are immense – schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are the main conditions that result when the bicameral mind springs unbidden into conventional consciousness. But if humanity can neutralise these disorders it can make gods of us all. We will hear the gods once more, but we will be no mere followers – we will be partners, fellow gods and goddesses in a divine new world.

    Isn’t that a prize beyond all imagining? If we seize that greatest of treasures we will electrify our world. Divine energy will crackle through the atmosphere. We will be a trillion times more energised. We will build Golgonooza, the miraculous City of the Imagination, and it will shine throughout the cosmos and be its greatest wonder, like a celestial Lighthouse of Alexandria.

    What is Illuminism? The first seven degrees provide the theoretical framework in which to explain all of science, mathematics, religion, philosophy, politics, society, and psychology in one Grand Unified Theory of Everything. It’s to that end that this series of books is dedicated. The remaining three mystery degrees of the Illuminati are the practical application of the theory – how to achieve superconsciousness, to harness the power of the gods and, above all, to complete the long journey to ultimate gnosis via the Holy Grail itself.

    The Illuminati cell that is responsible for this series of books consists of three seventh degree Illuminists – but we are not yet party to the mystery degrees, so, even if we wanted, we couldn’t reveal to you the secrets of the mystery degrees. It is of course those secrets that we wish to possess and which drive us forward.

    With this series of books, you will have at your disposal (with a few exceptions in some specific areas that require enhanced secrecy), the same theoretical framework as any sixth degree Illuminatus, and a great deal of what is the province of seventh degree Illuminists.

    Members of the Illuminati up to and including the seventh degree additionally participate in various ceremonies and tasks, and they practise a number of unique techniques to prepare them for the mystery degrees, but we shall be providing no information regarding these. However, if you have been taking on board the message of the Illuminati then you will be striving to devise your own techniques. All members of the Illuminati are expected to suggest new and better ways of honing their skills, and these proposals are tested dialectically. Anything that proves superior to what already exists immediately replaces the older versions. Thus the Illuminati are always moving forward, always getting better. The Order, though the most ancient in the world, is never stuck thousands of years in the past like the backward and absurd religions of Abrahamism. Tradition is fine as long as it does not obstruct progress. If it gets in the way then it must be jettisoned. An upwards trajectory is much more important that adhering to ancient, outmoded customs. The Illuminati use ceremonial based on ancient practices for inspirational purposes only. There is no ancient custom that has been allowed to ossify. The Illuminati are always prepared to replace anything if it moves them closer to becoming God. The Abrahamic religions that are stuck forever in the past are a guarantee of failure and backwardness. These religions offer literally nothing to the onward journey of humanity. Religions must be capable of being updated. In a skyscraper age, with large hadron colliders up and running, it’s insane to slavishly follow the words of bearded desert prophets from thousands of years ago. Abrahamists are mentally retarded to cling to their pointless, sand-covered texts. A million years hence, they will be incomprehensible to future humanity.

    Aleister Crowley took what he had learned from the various secret societies with which he was connected and created new ways forward. You can do the same. You can show the same energy and imagination as Crowley. He said, Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.

    That is the statement of a man heading for divinity: no apologies, no grovelling, no bowing, no kneeling, no submissiveness, no deference to others. This is not a man who would worship others, and if everyone had Crowley’s attitude there would be no Old World Order: the elite, dynastic families that control the world, relying on the compliance and submissiveness of the

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