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Letters, and Other Prayers
Letters, and Other Prayers
Letters, and Other Prayers
Ebook214 pages2 hours

Letters, and Other Prayers

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About this ebook

This is the fruit of a year of poetry written in my first year of college. It is written in both English and Polish. The poems are not arranged according to any particular order: as they were written, so they are shared below with you. Consider this book a poetic diary, filled with a multitude of dreams, hopes, concerns, and righteous outcries against the injustices around us.

Release dateDec 12, 2012
Letters, and Other Prayers

Adrian Poniatowski

Adrian Poniatowski is a twenty four year old medical student. His hobbies include writing in calligraphy, singing, sailing, and flying sailplanes. His motto as an artist is “Ars neptis Dei,” a paraphrase from Dante’s Comedia meaning “Art is the granddaughter of God.”

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    Letters, and Other Prayers - Adrian Poniatowski


    The first book in an Author’s career is always exciting, to know that one’s work has been deemed worthy of the paper (or the kilobytes of free space) which contains it. Suspecting most Readers skip the introduction, I will be brief.

    This is the fruit of a year of poetry written in my first year of college. It is written in both English and Polish. The poems are not arranged according to any particular order: as they were written, so they are shared below with you. Consider this book a poetic diary, filled with a multitude of dreams, hopes, concerns, and righteous outcries against the injustices around us. I need speak nothing more.

    God be glorified, Reader be blessed,

    Adrian Poniatowski

    Ithaca, New York

    December 12, 2012

    * * *

    Ad Legate (To The Reader)

    In your hands you hold a book

    Of letters I wrote to God and men.

    In them read my heart, and

    Read your heart as well.

    Letter to the Foundress

    My sweet third mother, pray tell me,

    What holy inspiration and Christian piety

    Moved your heart to build this nursery of men,

    And receive into your family the generations

    Of boys your generosity would lift to heights untold?

    Oh, dear Foundress, should you see from thy throne

    How the gracious Will did hold that your seed thrive,

    Increase, and bear countless fruit, countless good

    To mix sweetly with your praises of God’s glory

    Our paeans and dedications: ad majorem Dei gloriam!

    Behold, already, how many of the living stones

    Of the eternal kingdom doth bear the double crimson griffons,

    How many more shall still be added, impressed

    With a love so true, a wisdom so bright, as if

    To make the very angels squeal with delight!

    See how the noble work draws, summons, and calls

    Boys from the northern plains, down to the wastes of Jersey,

    And the whole swath of country and city in between, from every

    Nation and every station, every problem in the world

    to marshal round in prophetic, daring discourse.

    For these boys have but one mistress: Truth,

    And her holy ministers, also learning, guide them through

    The illusion of the world to glimpse the eternal form,

    Eternal Plan, and as men for others lay the brick

    Where their brothers hath left off – and bring to life.

    Yes! From this capital of books, this fortress of

    Knowledge come legions of Christ to fight the dark

    With Light, the lies with Truth, the silence with Word,

    And hate with Love. Yes, my love, they shall their mind

    Employ as sword to fulfill the vision they hath saw.

    Pray for us then, our mother, that as we don our

    Peaked helmets and receive our spurs, and walk forth

    From this Jesuit Athens, that the Sacred Heart may with a

    Drop of Christ’s courage imbue my other brothers

    And Christ’s love make us the matches to burn the world.

    And as we sow the harvest through the Earth,

    Let your gift always be in our eye, the tree your children fed

    For fifty years before it grew and spread. For now, I know,

    Sweet Jesus, that I will return to this nest of mine,

    To see new owlets fly until the very end of time.

    Letter to My Mentor

    Unless the bard has sung of you, you have done nothing.

    Oh would you know the dreadful feeling

    When I looked upon this Acropolis,

    Jesuit Athens, they all called it,

    The capital of Christian learning.

    There I stood, almost weeping, shaken

    By myself, as my young heart rejected

    The mind’s stern command: Storm!

    So did that winter Saturday impress upon my mind.

    But as they led me (to a certain doom) behold!

    I saw your countenance: the one I’d see many a time

    And many a class again. Know it was you

    Who assured my fragile, crystal dream did not shatter.

    Indeed, that citadel in the sky fell again

    To receive me and my brothers. More, it became

    My second home, the holy womb

    Of a new legion of God.

    You have taught me the wonders He

    Hath wrought, the whispers His Word breathed

    As he quickened and quickens life. Behold

    The wonders you have shown, as if my Vergil.

    Yes, with this knowledge I crown you,

    As the first fruit of your Reward: that

    You revealed to me the Lord God in a cell,

    In the child, in the marvelous vision of Creation.

    Oh blesséd, truly blessed they who teach

    To see God, first by reason, then by love,

    For they too shall see Him. I only pray that

    God may likewise bless my brothers

    With the vision your smile in class.

    Rozmowa z golabkiem

    Kruszynko! Dlaczego tak mi uciekasz?

    Spokojnie! Ja tylko chcem Cie

    W dloni utulic, poglaskac,

    Pocalowac Twe pioreczka.

    Dlaczego uciekasz? To ten

    Wredny czlowiek, ktory Cie

    Pogania, depcze, ploszy Cie

    W chorej przygodzie, przyjemnosci.

    Niech sam goni siebie.

    Oto stal golabek. Patrzylem sie,

    Wpatrywalem sie w jej oczko

    Stalem, i skoczylem ku golabku

    A ona, pofrunela dalej.

    List do Stelli

    O! Gwiazdo altansko! Ktora Ty jestes?

    Nie mozesz byc ta polarna, wokol ktorej

    Wszystkie brylanty nieba pedza, jedne wolniej,

    Blizej jej blasku, a inne dalej, szybciej krazac

    Po polkuli nocy. A byc moze jestes ta

    Najlsniejsza gwiazda Siriusa, ktora swym blaskiem

    Przyciemnia kazdy klejnot Nyks, lecz

    Ktora swa orbita otacza wszystek swiata

    I wiecej, biegnac swoj odwieczny maraton

    Przez kazde panstwo kosmosu?

    A moze ta planeta milosci, co swym blaskiem

    Czari ludzi, lecz wygnana nawet z domu,

    Ogrom wszechswiata przechadza, nie jedna

    Droga, ale jednym sladem podrozujac sama.

    O kwiecie grecki, z polskiej ziemi! Czy Ci

    Bog przypisal tulaczke po calej twarzy Ziemi,

    By isc w slady Odyseusza, albo za Kosciuszkiem

    Ciagnac do brzeg Ameryki, by zostawic ojczyzny Twe

    Daleko za Oceanem? Tu inny lud, inny jezyk,

    Inne mysli trzeba stosowac, by nawet moc

    Probowac ich zrozumiec. A juz

    Tesknota znow zaczyna palic serce, rodzic

    Lzy za te cieple wody Morza Egejskiego,

    Czy za te zdzbla trawy, niby krople, na lakach Polski.

    Ale Bogu dziekuje tez, ze pozwolil Ci choc

    Gniazdko zbudowac tu, i dzielic sie z tym ludem,

    Ze mna, twe piekno duszy i ciala.

    Tak! Na jedna noc serce me, i Twe wypelnilas

    Radoscia i bojaznia, czarem twego zwroku, tych

    Swiecacych niebieskich szafirow. Wieszcz oto

    Wypelnil nasz umysl historia Orfeusza i jego

    Eurydyki, za muzyka dyskoteki do tanca nas

    Checila. I jak lot nasz skonczylismy, to na twym

    Skrzydelku caluska polozylem, jako pieczec piekna

    Na magicznej nocy. O, jak moglbym zapomniec

    Twe blogoslawienstwo, ten promyk gwiezdny,

    Ktore jeszcze teraz pali me serce plomykiem

    Radosci i dziennym blaskiem tamtej nocy.

    O ptaszku! Kiedy znow wiatr twe zlote piorka

    Poruszy i twe gniazdko znieci, jakby mowilo:

    Juz czas? Tym gorsze jest czekanie na ten dzien,

    Jakby okrutny miecz Damoklesa wiszacy,

    Ten rozkaz, kiedy raz jeszcze w dal wylecisz.

    Ale juz teraz zegnam Cie modlitwa, by Twa odyseja

    Skonczyla sie szczesliwie pod tarcza i okiem syrenki,

    Tej, ktorej dano byc swadkiem niejednego

    Cudu i niejednego wskrzeszenia miasta jej.

    A moje „Z Bogiem" niechaj bedzie ta

    Wyrocznia: ze gdzie Twoja stopka padnie

    Czy w ziemi ojczystej czy nie, wszedzie

    Bedziesz przyjeta, i wszedzie zasiejesz

    Radosc i milosc wysza od twych siostr niebieskich.


    Today will be the best of all remaining,

    And never will again another day tomorrow hold

    The same brilliance of innocence and childhood,

    As this day. So will tomorrow compare with all the years ahead.

    For each was born upon the pinnacle of life

    When in timeless bliss and the beauty of youth,

    Ran in blameless and careless adorance of others and self

    Far from the sorrows of the world’s daily life.

    (Amen: accursed before God and men are they,

    Who steal this earthly paradise from children

    And as they stole these precious years from them,

    With like measure will the devils, their masters, steal life eternal from them.)

    Once he has felt the slip of time, he should

    Not worry, for with this foretaste of heaven in mind

    And with the scent and sight of flowers in the sun impressed upon

    The eye, all else in lower perfection comes easier.

    Then do those precious years themselves in perfection

    And boundless value grow, and this treasure

    Unstealable and secure doth little increase or decrease

    With the good and bad of a future that may never come.

    And easily going down the hill of life

    Each day passes as the golden shadow of that age,

    Waning in distance, yet waxing in brightness

    Makes each today the highest peak of all to come.

    Then all these present moments equally perfect,

    In holding that fleeting glow of the birthright of Man,

    The child of God, doth the heart equally fill

    With joy and expectation of return to that Eden.

    Today I will eat my bread, and drink my cup

    And delight in the gift now. I got it today, to use it

    Today, and no other day, to eat and do and glorify,

    And gain another step, another moment in my treasury.

    I do not fear tomorrow, for it cannot fill me

    When I am already filled with my steps upon the plains

    Of heaven. It only beckons me with the time of no tomorrow

    When I will run forever a little boy through the endless meadows of God.

    Letter to the Chimemasters

    Just beneath the blue sky, streaked with white,

    Upon the pointed Crown of that high Academy,

    You jump and sweat with holy mirth

    Conversing with the angels in the clouds.

    How wonderous thine joyful trade

    That by some miracle you should crush

    And hard the heavy wooden rods press

    To squeeze out melody, sweet beyond all doubt.

    Some precious nectar from this Olympus freely

    Falls, to fill each listening heart with glee

    That gives wings to downcast eyes

    And grace that hope gives to broken spirits.

    Thy vision doth I even behold,

    My first welcome, my first peal of Mercy,

    That spreads wide before me a new Ithaca,

    A nest of friends, not vipers – my capital.

    Their chorus my eyes to the four sides

    Of this world beckons, to see the gay glitter

    Of the stray sunrays bathing in the lake,

    The apples in their luster courting the warm wind.

    Their ring doth endless witness bear,

    To these sweets shows that give way to

    The last burst of color, before the cold blanket

    The world, now teeming, tucks and locks in sleep.

    And so in endless succession wheeling,

    The bells will the toil of men and animals

    Remark, ponder, and celebrate – the power

    That exists acknowledge, and bend to serve the will.

    So these clinking joys indulge, and propose

    My first service to this new nation – with

    Double note to let know the children this

    Magic moment, the stream that once only is, and flows.

    Thus the hour that Goethe hated sound,

    And in the way they press the air around

    I hear the laughter of my now, and future friends,

    The gasps as enlightenment bursts upon the mind.

    Sing then! Strong these servants play, whose

    Deep tones in marvelous, mystical ecstasy mix.

    Let them ever sound over this land under the Master’s

    Hand – so long as they ring, hope we still can have.

    The Small Things

    So much can fit between two hues:

    The Academy of America and of Ithaca,

    The star that gives life to beings,

    The blood of love, or the blood of hate.

    So much can be within a minute:

    A universe beyond reach expand,

    A soul to heaven may fly forth,

    Or to hell plunge with a thud.

    So much can be within a point:

    The difference between almost

    And acheived, between just glory

    And unjust shame of sulking.

    So much can be within an inch:

    The light of stars uncounted in milk,

    The vessel that life-blood brings,

    The difference between hit and miss.

    So much can be in a simple act:

    The seed of love or hate eternal,

    The single yes that salvation will accept

    Or the stab that innocence will kill.

    So much can be in a word:

    The testament of a life well lived,

    The wisdom and fountain of life,

    Or the sign that betrays a traitor.

    This know the sages: there is no hue,

    Nor minute, nor inch, nor act or word

    Too small to worlds entire discover and

    Create, or destroy and burn to ashes.

    Requiem for an Apple

    Behold what holy rage inside me roils,

    The words of anger that now boil, ready

    To explode in horror, anguish, forewarning:

    In my cry hear the silent tears of

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