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Liver Cleansing Diet
Liver Cleansing Diet
Liver Cleansing Diet
Ebook23 pages15 minutes

Liver Cleansing Diet

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According to the Chinese medicine view, the Liver is the organ system affecting our minds maximum motivation level. This was new and interesting information for me to hear. In Western medicine we see the major function of the Liver is to filter nourishing blood moving to all other body organs. This is what we learned anatomically in high school biology class but beyond that, nothing really more. We all know what liver disease and Cirrhosis of the liver is. It's like a thick inwards callous wall that builds up over time just like scarring. This is what causes poor liver function affecting both body and mind. Think about it, we accept that people die everyday of liver failure and hear about liver cancer diagnosis far more than we hear about cures. No one really understands or talks about how to detoxify, how easy it is to start, or where to begin. Learning new daily habits like eating an ounce of berries and drinking a daily herbal tonic tea makes a huge difference in your vitality and longevity. Simplified preventative maintenance is everything and I applaud you on being more interested than most towards your own well being. It seems these days in such a busy society, nobody really cares or pays attention to liver health until their Dr. comes out into the room with the bad news. Your stuck in shock wondering whats next as they scheduled your first chemotherapy appointment and drug prescriptions. We have all heard of that nightmare before. One minute he was fine and the next minute he had cancer. Even then, It's almost as if the word detoxify is more frightening for people to hear than the word "chemo" is. Chemotherapy is totally accepted while the word Detox has become common to most people as something that happens when a drug user is coming off of an addiction. Some think a detox cleanse is in a bottle that people drink just before they get urine tested for a job. People even relate detoxing to hot painful yoga or some strange colon cleanse. Lack of education and a vast vocabulary of slang unfortunately has most everyone programmed to think odd thoughts in relationship to a simple everyday detox routine. We only understand the words that people around us use the most to describe certain things. In this case Detoxify means Purification; Remember that and think of your Liver as your cars oil filter. Just as you constantly maintain a schedule on changing it, and when it's dirty you replace it. But it's not as if we can change our blood like we can change our cars oil. And we certainly cannot swap out for a new liver filter. With that in mind, there should be always be a constant flow of diet support bringing a healthy balance from within you. The fuel that your body consumes everyday is that detoxifying support. Similar to a gunk cleaner additive booster that you add to your cars fuel removing all the built up deposits from chemicals. Look inside the book sample and preview the chapters. The most powerful organic supplements nature provides us with are covered. I kept successful record simple and to the point of what I have personally experimented with to detoxify my liver. This eBook was for me as much as it was for you. Increased Motivation was my initial search and Liver Detox was the winning answer. Overall a wonderful cross culture learning experience was accomplished while researching, writing, and understanding more than I ever imagined knowing about detoxing my liver. I wish you that same frame of focus while reading my report. I have bookmarked 22 of the best organic detox products as resource links on the last two pages. This will save you weeks of research so more importantly you can start getting healthy today.
Namaste', Mercari

Release dateJun 1, 2013
Liver Cleansing Diet

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    Book preview

    Liver Cleansing Diet - Mercari


    7 Fast Liver Detox Secrets

    By Mercari

    Copyright 2013 Mercari

    Smashwords Edition


    Chapter 1 He Shou Wu

    Chapter 2 Schizandra Berry

    Chapter 3 Wheatgrass

    Chapter 4 Probiotic Tonic

    Chapter 5 Alkaline Water

    Chapter 6 Detox Tea

    Chapter 7 Lemon Water


    Chapter 1 He Shou Wu

    "He Shou Wu also known as Fo-Ti is native to Japan and China"

    Found wild in the woods, He Shou Wu grows herbaceous as a vine without much trunk. The roots of this herb and leaves are considered a sexual tonic adaptogen by preserving youth and providing cell rejuvenation.

    He Shou Wu supports optimum kidney and liver health. It is also well known in Asia to restore hair color and prevents hair loss. As a blood tonic it has properties that stimulate the body’s defense mechanism from stress or strain, and revitalizes the kidneys and liver.

    This herb restores and nourishes

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