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Applied Complex Variables
Applied Complex Variables
Applied Complex Variables
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Applied Complex Variables

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Analytic function theory is a traditional subject going back to Cauchy and Riemann in the 19th century. Once the exclusive province of advanced mathematics students, its applications have proven vital to today's physicists and engineers. In this highly regarded work, Professor John W. Dettman offers a clear, well-organized overview of the subject and various applications — making the often-perplexing study of analytic functions of complex variables more accessible to a wider audience. The first half of Applied Complex Variables, designed for sequential study, is a step-by-step treatment of fundamentals, presenting superior coverage of concepts of complex analysis, including the complex number plane; functions and limits; the Cauchy-Riemann conditions for differentiability; Riemann surfaces; the definite integral; power series; meromorphic functions; and much more. The second half provides lucid exposition of five important applications of analytic function theory, each approachable independently of the others: potential theory; ordinary differential equations; Fourier transforms; Laplace transforms; and asymptotic expansions. Helpful exercises are included at the end of each topic in every chapter.
The two-part structure of Applied Complex Variables affords the college instructor maximum classroom flexibility. Once fundamentals are mastered, applications can be studied in any sequence desired. Depending on how many are selected for study, Professor Dettman's impressive text is ideal for either a one- or two-semester course. And, of course, the ambitious student possessing a knowledge of basic calculus will find its straightforward approach rewarding to his independent study efforts.
Applied Complex Variables is a cogent, well-written introduction to an important and exciting branch of advanced mathematics — serving both the theoretical needs of the mathematics specialist and the applied math needs of the physicist and engineer. Students and teachers alike will welcome this timely, moderately priced reissue of a widely respected work.
Release dateMay 7, 2012
Applied Complex Variables

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    Applied Complex Variables - John W. Dettman


    Applied Complex


    John W. Dettman

    Professor of Mathematics, Oakland University


    New York

    Copyright © 1965 by John W. Dettman.

    All rights reserved.

    This Dover edition, first published in 1984, is an unabridged and unaltered republication of the fifth printing, 1970, of the work first published by The Macmillan Company, N.Y., in 1965.

    Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

    Dettman, John W. (John Warren) Applied complex variables.

    Reprint. Originally published: New York : Macmillan, 1965.

    Bibliography: p.

    Includes index.

    1. Functions of complex variables. I. Title.

    QA331.D55   1984   515.9   83-20604

    eISBN-13: 978-0-486-15828-0

    Manufactured in the United States by Courier Corporation

    64670X12 2014


    There was a time when the mathematical needs of most engineers and physicists were fairly well met with a routine calculus course followed by an elementary course in ordinary differential equations. But nothing stands still, least of all science and mathematics. Now, we hear it suggested that every good engineer or physicist should know topics from advanced calculus, complex analysis, ordinary and partial differential equations, boundary value problems, Fourier and Laplace transforms, integral equations, asymptotic expansions, linear algebra, probability, statistics, numerical analysis, and so on. Thus a large body of mathematics which was formerly treated only in advanced mathematics books has become the province of engineers and physicists. This book is an attempt to make accessible to a larger audience a certain number of those topics which seem to be a natural outgrowth of the study of analytic functions of a complex variable.

    Most students of applied mathematics want to get as quickly as possible to the applications. There is a danger in this, however, for if the foundation is weak the structure will be shaky and will not support further building. On the other hand, the student must be well motivated to make the effort to master the fundamentals and should not be thwarted in his goal to study the applications by too many frills. With this in mind, the book has been divided into two parts. The first part deals with the fundamentals of analytic function theory and should be studied sequentially before going on to the second part which deals with the applications of analytic function theory. The second part introduces five of the major applications, more or less independently of one another. In other words, once the first half of the book is mastered, one can pick any one of the five applications to study in detail. This makes it possible for the book to be used for a one-semester course, where one or more applications can be introduced, depending on the time available, or for a two-semester course, in which virtually all the applications are studied.

    Although a fairly brisk pace is maintained throughout, I have assumed no advanced calculus background. A well-motivated student with a modern calculus course behind him should be able to study this material with profit. This should make it possible to use the book for a junior- or senior-level advanced engineering mathematics course or for an undergraduate introduction to complex variables for mathematics majors.

    Complex analysis is a traditional subject going back to Cauchy and Riemann in the nineteenth century. Therefore, it would be impossible to cite original sources for the material in this book. For the benefit of the reader a list of references is included at the end.

    The author is indebted to many for help in the completion of this work, not the least of whom is Professor Bernard Epstein of the University of New Mexico who read a large part of the manuscript and made many helpful suggestions. About one-third of the manuscript was written while the author was supported by a National Science Foundation fellowship at New York University.


    Oakland University

    Rochester, Michigan


    Part I. Analytic Function Theory


    1.1   Introduction

    1.2   Complex Numbers

    1.3   The Complex Plane

    1.4   Point Sets in the Plane

    1.5   Stereographic Projection. The Extended Complex Plane

    1.6   Curves and Regions


    2.1   Functions and Limits

    2.2   Differentiability and Analyticity

    2.3   The Cauchy-Riemann Conditions

    2.4   Linear Fractional Transformations

    2.5   Transcendental Functions

    2.6   Riemann Surfaces


    3.1   Line Integrals

    3.2   The Definite Integral

    3.3   Cauchy’s Theorem

    3.4   Implications of Cauchy’s Theorem

    3.5   Functions Defined by Integration

    3.6   Cauchy Formulas

    3.7   Maximum Modulus Principle


    4.1   Sequences of Complex Numbers

    4.2   Sequences of Complex Functions

    4.3   Infinite Series

    4.4   Power Series

    4.5   Analytic Continuation

    4.6   Laurent Series

    4.7   Double Series

    4.8   Infinite Products

    4.9   Improper Integrals

    4.10 The Gamma Function


    5.1   The Residue Theorem

    5.2   Evaluation of Real Integrals

    5.3   The Principle of the Argument

    5.4   Meromorphic Functions

    5.5   Entire Functions

    Part II. Applications of Analytic Function Theory


    6.1   Laplace’s Equation in Physics

    6.2   The Dirichlet Problem

    6.3   Green’s Functions

    6.4   Conformal Mapping

    6.5   The Schwarz-Christoffel Transformation

    6.6   Flows with Sources and Sinks

    6.7   Volume and Surface Distributions

    6.8   Singular Integral Equations


    7.1   Separation of Variables

    7.2   Existence and Uniqueness Theorems

    7.3   Solution of a Linear Second-Order Differential Equation Near an Ordinary Point

    7.4   Solution of a Linear Second-Order Differential Equation Near a Regular Singular Point

    7.5   Bessel Functions

    7.6   Legendre Functions

    7.7   Sturm-Liouville Problems

    7.8   Fredholm Integral Equations


    8.1   Fourier Series

    8.2   The Fourier Integral Theorem

    8.3   The Complex Fourier Transform

    8.4   Properties of the Fourier Transform

    8.5   The Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations

    8.6   The Solution of Partial Differential Equations

    8.7   The Solution of Integral Equations


    9.1   From Fourier to Laplace Transform

    9.2   Properties of the Laplace Transform

    9.3   Inversion of Laplace Transforms

    9.4   The Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations

    9.5   Stability

    9.6   The Solution of Partial Differential Equations

    9.7   The Solution of Integral Equations


    10.1   Introduction and Definitions

    10.2   Operations on Asymptotic Expansions

    10.3   Asymptotic Expansion of Integrals

    10.4   Asymptotic Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations



    Applied Complex Variables


    Analytic Function Theory


    The Complex Number Plane


    Probably the first time a school child comes across the need for any kind of number other than the real numbers is in an algebra course where he studies the quadratic equation ax² + bx + c = 0. He is shown by quite elementary methods that the roots of this equation must be of the form

    the usual quadratic formula. He is then told that if the discriminant b² − 4ac ≥ 0, then the roots of the quadratic equation are real. Otherwise, they are complex. It must seem very strange to the student, who has known only the real numbers and is told that a, b, c, and x in the equation are real, that he must be confronted with this strange new beast, the complex number. Actually, the difficulty could be avoided if the problem were stated in the following way: For what real values of x does the polynomial P(x) = ax² + bx + c, with a, b, and c real, and a ≠ 0, take on the value zero? Then P(x) can be written as follows:

    Obviously, since (x + b/2a)2 and 4a² are nonnegative, if b² − 4ac < 0, then P(x) is never zero, and the answer, in this case, is that there are no real values of x for which P(x) = 0. The notion of a complex number need not enter the discussion. Furthermore, if the student has any notion of the graph of a function, then there is an obvious geometrical picture which makes the situation quite clear. Let us assume, without loss of generality, that a > 0. Then, clearly, P(x) takes on a minimum value of (4ac b²)/4a when x = − (b/2a). If b² − 4ac > 0, there are two zeros of P(x), if b² − 4ac = 0, there is one zero, and if b² − 4ac < 0, there are no zeros. See Figure 1.1.1.

    Actually, the discussion of complex roots of the quadratic equation need not come up at all unless we are trying to answer the more difficult question: For what values of the complex variable z does the polynomial P(z) = az² + bz + c take on the value zero? Here, a, b, and c may be complex numbers. But this plunges us into the heart of our subject and raises many interesting questions: What is a complex number? What is a function of a complex variable? What are some of the more interesting properties of functions of a complex variable? Do polynomial functions have zeros? (Fundamental Theorem of Algebra), and so on. In trying to answer these questions and others which will most certainly come up, we shall uncover a very rich branch of mathematics, which has and will have far reaching implications and great applicability to other branches of science.

    Figure 1.1.1.

    The first notion of a complex number was discovered in connection with solving quadratic equations. Consider, for example, the equation z² + 1 = 0. Obviously, this has no real solutions, since for any real x, x² > 0 and x² but there is no real number which when squared yields − 1. If the equation is to have a solution, it must be in some system of numbers larger than the set of reals. This then was the problem faced by seventeenth-century mathematicians: To extend the reals to a larger system of numbers in which the equation z² + 1 = 0 would have a solution. In the next section, we begin a systematic discussion of the complex numbers which is the result of this extension of the reals.


    Consider the collection (set) of all ordered pairs of real numbers (x, y). A particular member of the collection (x1, y1) we shall refer to as z1. If z1 = (x1, y1) and z2 = (x2, y2), then we say that z1 = z2 if and only if x1 = x2 and y1 = y2. We can prove immediately that

    1.   z1 = z1 for all z1,

    2.   if z1 = z2, then z2 = z1,

    3.   if z1 = z2 and z2 = z3, then z1 = z3.

    When a relation satisfies these three properties we say that it is an equivalence relation.

    Next, we define addition. We say that z1 + z2 = z3 if and only if x1 + x2 = x3 and y1 + y2 = y3. It is not difficult to prove the following properties:

    1.   z1 + z2 = z2 + z1 (commutativity),

    2.   z1 + (z2 + z3) = (z1 + z2) + z3 (associativity),

    3.   there exists a zero, 0, such that for every z, z + 0 = z,

    4.   for every z there exists a negative z such that z + (−z) = 0.

    In proving Property 3, we must find some member of the collection 0 = (x0, y0) such that z + 0 = z, or x + x0 = x and y + y0 = y. An obvious solution is x0 = 0, y0 = 0. The zero of the system is unique, for if z + 0 = z and z + 0′ = z, then

    The existence of a negative for each z is easily established. As a matter of fact, −z = (−x, −y), since

    We define subtraction in terms of addition of the negative, that is,

    Next, we define multiplication. We say that z1z2 = z3 if and only if x3 = x1x2 − y1y2, y3 = x1y2 + x2y1. Again, it is easy to prove the following properties:

    1.   z1z2 = z2z1 (commutativity),

    2.   z1(z2z3) = (z1z2)z3 (associativity),

    3.   there exists an identity 1 such that for every z, 1z = z,

    4.   for every z, other than zero, there exists an inverse z−1 such that z−1 z = 1.

    If an identity 1 = (a, b) exists, then 1z = (ax by, ay + bx) = (x, y). Hence, x = ax by and y = ay + bx. One solution of this is a = 1 and b = 0. This is the only solution since the identity is unique. Indeed, if 1’z = z and 1z = z, then

    For z−1 we must have, if z−1 = (ξ, η),

    These equations have the solution ξ = x/(x² + y²), η = − y/(x² + y²). It is obvious that we must exclude zero as a solution, for x² + y² = 0 if and only if x = 0 and y = 0, which is the only case where the above equations do not have a unique solution. We define division in terms of multiplication by the inverse, that is,

    Hence, division by any element other than zero is defined.

    Definition 1.2.1. The complex number system C is the collection of all ordered pairs of real numbers along with the equality, addition operation, and multiplication operation defined above.

    We see immediately that the algebraic structure of C is much like that of the real numbers. For example, Properties 1–4 for addition and multiplication hold also for the real number system. Both the reals and C are examples of an algebraic field.* This can be easily verified by establishing the distributive law,

    in addition to the above listed properties. To show that we have not merely reproduced the reals, we should display at least one element of C which is not a real number. Consider the number i = (0, 1); then i² = (−1, 0) = −1. Hence, the equation z² = − 1 has at least one solution, namely i, in C, and we have already verified that this equation has no solution in the system of reals. Actually, z² = −1 has two solutions ±i.

    The real numbers behave as a proper subset of C. Consider the subset R in C consisting of all ordered pairs of the form (x, 0), where x is real. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the reals and the elements of R, which preserves the operations of addition and multiplication,

    We say that R is isomorphic to the system of reals. In other words, there are just as many elements in R as there are real numbers and the two systems behave algebraically alike. We shall henceforth simply refer to R as the system of reals.

    There is another very important difference between C and R. R is an ordered field, whereas C is not. We know, for example, that for every pair of reals a and b either a < b, a = b, or a > b.* Furthermore, if x1 ≠ 0 then either x1 > 0 or –x1 > 0. Now consider i in C. If C were ordered like R either i or −i would be positive. But i² = (−i)² = −1 and this would imply that −1 is positive. However, −1 and 1 cannot both be positive. Hence, it is meaningless to write z1 < z2 when z1 and z2 are complex numbers unless both z1 and z2 are in R.

    As a matter of definition, we distinguish between the two numbers in our ordered pairs by calling the first the real part and the second the imaginary part; that is, if z = (x, y) then x = Re(z) and y = Im(z). It should be noted that Im(z) is a real number.

    In C we also have the notion of multiplication by a real scalar. Let a be real; then

    We see that multiplication by the real scalar has the effect of multiplying both the real and imaginary parts by the scalar. It is easy to verify that

    1.   (a + b) z = az + bz,

    2.   a(z1 + z2) = az1 + az2,

    3.   a(bz) = (ab)z,

    4.   1z = z.

    These properties plus Properties 1–4 for addition imply that C is a linear vector space over the field of reals.

    Let a and b be real. Then

    Hence, in the future, we shall simply write z = x + iy, which is the more familiar notation for the complex number.

    The modulus |z| of a complex number z is defined as follows

    The modulus is obviously a nonnegative real number and |z| = 0 if and only if z = 0.

    The conjugate of a complex number z = x + iy is obtained by changing the sign of the imaginary part,

    The obvious connection between the conjugate and the modulus is

    Exercises 1.2

    1. Compute (a) (3 + 5i) + (2 − i); (b) (1 + i)(7 − 3i); (c) (3 + i)/(4 + 2i).

    Ans. (a) 5 + 4i; (b) 10 + 4i; (c) 7/10 − (1/10)i.

    2. Prove the associative and commutative laws for addition of complex numbers.

    3. Prove the associative and commutative laws for multiplication of complex numbers.

    4. Prove that for a given complex number there is a unique negative.

    5. .

    6. Prove the distributive law.

    7. Prove the cancellation law for addition; that is, if z1 + z2 = z1 + z3, then z2 = z3.

    8. Prove the cancellation law for multiplication; that is, if z1z2 = z1z3 and z1 ≠ 0, then z2 = z3.

    9. ; (d.

    10. if and only if Im(z) = 0.

    11. Prove that (a) |z1z2| = |z1| |z2|, and (b) |z1/z2| = |z1|/|z2|, z2 ≠ 0.

    12. Prove that



    We mentioned in Section 1.2 that C is a linear vector space over the reals. This suggests the possibility of a geometrical interpretation of complex numbers. Indeed, we have characterized the complex numbers in terms of ordered pairs of reals just as one considers ordered pairs of reals in the two-dimensional analytic geometry. We see immediately that we can set up a one-to-one correspondence between the complex numbers and the points in a two-dimensional cartesian coordinate system (see Figure 1.3.1). We

    Figure 1.3.1.

    call the x axis the real axis and the y axis the imaginary axis and we identify the complex number z = x + iy with the vector drawn from the origin to the point with coordinates (x, y). The modulus |z, where r and θ are the usual polar coordinates for the point (x, y), that is, x = r cos θ and y = r sin θ. The angle θ measured in radians from the positive real axis is called the argument of z. Actually, because of the periodicity of the cosine and sine functions, θ ± 2, where n is any positive integer, would serve just as well as arguments for the same complex number. It is immediately apparent that if z ≠ 0 + 0i, then

    This is the polar form of the complex number. The argument of zero is undefined.

    Let z1 = x1 + iy1 and z2 = x2 + iy2 be two complex numbers. Then z1 + z2 = (x1 + x2) + i(y1 + y2). Consider the geometrical interpretation of this statement. See Figure 1.3.2. We see that z1 + z2 is the ordinary vector sum of the vectors corresponding to z1 and z2.

    Figure 1.3.2.

    The negative, the difference, and the conjugate also have obvious geometrical interpretations (see Figure 1.3.3). The negative −z corresponds to a vector equal in magnitude but opposite in direction from that of zcorresponds to a vector equal in magnitude to that of z but reflected in the real axis. Obviously, then, we have

    Figure 1.3.3.

    Let us define*


    It follows that if z1 = r1(cos θ1 + i sin θ1) = r1eiθ1 and z2 = r2eiθ2, then*


    We conclude this section by deriving some important inequalities. Obviously,

    Now, consider |z1 + z2|, and we have

    Taking the positive square roots of both sides, we obtain the triangle inequality,

    This can be extended to any finite number of terms by mathematical induction, that is,

    Finally, we have


    Exercises 1.3

    , find |z|, arg z, arg (–z.

    Ans. |z| = 1, arg z = (5π/3) ± 2, arg (–z) = (2π/3) ± 2.

    . Compute z1z2 and z1/Mz2. Make a sketch showing the numbers zl, z2, z1z2, and z1/z2 showing the geometrical interpretation of the product and the quotient.

    Ans. z1z2 = 2[cos(π/12) + isin(π/12)], (z1/z2) = (1/2)[cos(5π/12) + isin(5π/12)].

    3. Prove that for any positive integer n, zn = rneinθ, where r = |z| and θ = arg z. In other words, show that |zn| = |z|n and arg zn = n arg z.

    4. Show that the points 1, eiπ/2, –1, ei³π/2 are points equally spaced on the unit circle and that they satisfy the equation z= 1. Show in general that the solutions of zn = 1 (the nth roots of unity), where n is a positive integer, are 1, ei²π/n, ei⁴π/n, . . ., ei(2n–2)π/n.

    5. Let z1 and z2 be two points in the complex plane. Show that the distance between them is d(zl, z2) = |z1 – z2|. Also show that the distance function satisfies the following properties:

    (a) d(z1, z2) = d(z2, z1) (symmetry),

    (b) d(z1, z2) ≤ d(z1, z3) + d(z2, z3) (triangle inequality),

    (c) d(z1, z2) > 0 if z1 ≠ z2,

    (d) d(z1, z2) = 0 if and only if z1 = z2.

    Note: When these properties are satisfied, it is said that we are dealing with a metric space.

    6. If z is a general point on the locus, show that |z z0| = a is the equation of a circle with center at z0 and radius a.

    7. What is the locus of points z satisfying |z z1| = |z z2|?

    8. What is the locus of points z satisfying |z z1| = 2|z z2|?

    9. Prove the inequality

    Generalize to the quantity |z1w1 + z2w2 + · · · + znwn|.


    Any collection of points in the complex plane is called a point set. The important thing is that in defining a given point set it can always be determined if a given point in the plane is in the set or not in the set. For example, S = {z | Re(z) ≥ 0}, which we read "S is the set of points z such that Re(z) ≥ 0," denotes all the points on or to the right of the imaginary axis. Or S = {z | |z| < 1} denotes the set of points inside the unit circle. We shall use the notation z S to denote "z is an element of S" and z S to denote "z is not an element of S."

    We begin by stating several definitions:

    1.   C(S) = {z | z S} is the complement of S.

    2.   S1 ⊆ S2 if z S1 implies z S2. We say that S1 is a subset of S2.


    is called the union of S1 and S2.


    is called the intersection of S1 and S2.

    -neighborhood of z0.

    6.   A point z0 is a limit point of S -neighborhood of z0 contains at least one point of S different from z0. Note that z0 need not be in S.

    7.   A point z0 ∈ S is an interior point of S -neighborhood of z0 contains only points in S.

    8.   A set S is open if it contains only interior points.

    9.   A set S is closed if it contains all of its limit points or if it has no limit points.

    10.   A point z0 is a boundary point of S -neighborhood of z0 contains both points in S and in C(S). The boundary of S is the collection of boundary points of S.

    11.   Let S′ be the set of limit points of a set S. Then the closure of S .

    12.   The empty set is the set containing no points.

    13.   S is bounded if there exists a number M such that for all z S |z| < M.

    Several comments about these definitions are now in order. We shall make these comments and at the same time give some examples illustrating the appropriate concepts.

    1.   If S1 is a subset of S2, but there is at least one point z S2 such that z S1, then we say that S1 is a proper subset. We also have the notion of equality of sets. S1 = S2 if every point in S1 is also in S2 and every point in S2 is also in S1, that is, S1 ⊆ S2 and S2 ⊆ S1 implies S1 = S2.

    2.   S1 and S2 are said to be disjoint .

    3.   If z0 is a limit point of S-neighborhood of z0 must contain infinitely many points of S. Then there exists a z1 ∈ S such that z1 ≠ z. There exists a z2 ∈ S such that z2 ≠ z0, z2 ≠ z. Continuing in this way we can construct a sequence of distinct points z1, z2, z3, . . . all belonging to S -neighborhood. This, of course, implies that finite sets can have no limit points and are therefore closed.

    4.   Some examples of open sets are, (a) the empty set, (b) the whole plane, (c) S = {z||z| < 1}, that is, the interior of the unit circle, and (d) S = {z | Re(z) > 0}.

    5.   The complement of an open set is closed. This can be seen as follows. Let S be open and consider the limit points of the complement C(S). If C(S) has no limit points, it is closed, and we are finished. If z0 is a limit point of C(S), then it cannot be in S, because if it were, it would not be an interior point of S and S contains only interior points. Therefore, z0 ∈ C(S), and C(S) contains all of its limit points. Hence, C(S) is closed.

    6.   Some examples of closed sets are, (a) the empty set, (b) the whole plane, (c) S = {z||z| ≤ 1}, and (d) S = {z | Re(z) ≥ 0}.

    7.   There are sets which are neither open nor closed, for example, S = {z | 1 < |z| ≤ 2}. Here the points on the circle of radius 2 are not interior points but boundary points, whereas the points of the unit circle are limit points of S not contained in S. There are sets which are both open and closed, namely, the empty set and the whole plane.

    8.   A set S is compact, if every infinite subset of S has at least one limit point in S. Compact sets must be closed and bounded. We see this as follows. If the set is finite or empty, it has no infinite subsets, and hence no limit points. These sets are therefore trivially compact, closed, and bounded. If a set S is infinite and compact, consider z0, a limit point of S. There exists a z1 ≠ z, with z1 ∈ S. There exists a z2 ≠ z1, z2 ≠ z0 such that z2 ∈ S . Continuing we construct a distinct infinite sequence z1, z2, z3, . . . which is a subset of S, whose only limit point is z0. But S is compact and therefore z0 ∈ S. S must contain all of its limit points and is closed. If S is unbounded there exists a z1 ∈ S such that |z1| > 1. Also there exists a z2 ∈ S such that |z2| > 2. Continuing, we have an infinite sequence z1, z2, z3, . . . such that |zn| > n. But this infinite subset has no limit point in S contradicting the compactness of S. Therefore, S must be bounded. The converse of this theorem is also true, that is, bounded closed sets are compact. This can be stated as follows:

    Theorem 1.4.1. Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem. Every bounded infinite set has at least one limit point.

    Proof: Consider Figure 1.4.1. Let S be a bounded infinite set. There exists an M such that for all z S, |z| < M. Consider the square* of side 2M with center at the origin and sides parallel to the real and imaginary axes. There are an infinite number of points in S lying in this square. Next, consider the four closed squares in each of the four quadrants whose union is the original closed square. At least one of these squares has the property that it contains an infinite number of points in the set S within or on its boundary. Let us say it is the one in the first quadrant. We project each of the infinite number of points of S onto the real and imaginary axes. Then if I1 = {x| 0 ≤ x M} and J1 = {y | 0 ≤ y M}, there are an infinite number of points of S such that Re(z) ∈ I1 and Im(z) ∈ J1. Next we divide up the square in the first quadrant into four closed squares of side M/2. At least one of these squares has the property that it contains an infinite number of points of S within or on its boundary. Let us say that it is the one touching both of the coordinate axes. If I2 = {x | 0 ≤ x M/2} and J2 = {y | 0 ≤ y M/2}. Then there are an infinite number of points of S such that Re(z) ∈ I2 and Im(z) ∈ J2. Continuing in this way we obtain two nested sequences of closed intervals

    Figure 1.4.1.

    where the lengths of In and Jn are M/2n–1. By a well-known property of the real numbers, there is precisely one x0 common to all the I’s and one y0 common to all the J’s. We now assert that z0 = x0 + iy0 is a limit point of S.

    -neighborhood of z0. Take n . Then for every z with real part in In and imaginary part in Jn

    -neighborhood of z0 there are an infinite number of points in S. Hence, z0 is a limit point of S.

    9.   In proving the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem we used the principle of nested sequences of closed intervals on the real line. There is a generalization of this to closed nested sets in the complex plane embodied in the following theorem.

    Theorem 1.4.2. Let S1 ⊇ S2 ⊇ S3 ⊇ · · · be a sequence of bounded, nested, closed, nonempty sets. Let dn be the least upper bound of the set of distances between pairs of points in Sn. Then there is one and only one point in all the Sn.

    Proof: Let zk Sk. The set zl, z2, z3, . . . is a bounded infinite set. It therefore has at least one limit point z0. All of the Sn are closed. Hence, z0 ∈ Sn, for all nis common to all Sn, since, for some n,

    10.   A covering of a set S is a collection of sets {} such that for every α S there is a for which α . A very important theorem about coverings is:

    Theorem 1.4.3. Heine-Borel Theorem. If S is a bounded closed set with a covering {} consisting of open sets, there is a finite subcovering {Cαi} which also covers S.

    Proof: Since S is bounded there exists a number M such that |z| < M for all z S. Consider the square Σ with corners at ±M ± Mi. As in the proof of the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, we subdivide this square into four equal closed squares. We shall assume that S cannot be covered by a finite subcovering of {}. This implies that at least one of the four squares Σ1 intersects S in a closed set S1 which cannot be covered by a finite subset of the covering {}. Next, we subdivide Σ1 into four equal closed squares. At least one of these squares Σ2 intersects S in a closed set S2 which cannot be covered by a finite subset of the covering {}. Continuing in this way we obtain a sequence of nested closed subsets of S none of which can be covered by a finite subset of {}. The diameter of Σn Since Sn ⊆ Σn, d(Sn) ≤ dn. By the previous theorem, there is one and only

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