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Insights, Nuggets of Philosophy, Observations, Attitude Mined from the Mother Lode
Insights, Nuggets of Philosophy, Observations, Attitude Mined from the Mother Lode
Insights, Nuggets of Philosophy, Observations, Attitude Mined from the Mother Lode
Ebook169 pages2 hours

Insights, Nuggets of Philosophy, Observations, Attitude Mined from the Mother Lode

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About this ebook

After consolidating much of my writings into three books, having been crafted together from journal entries written over a period of 30 years plus, it seems that my time as a journal keeper has, for the most part, come to pass.

Although there are more writings in the works, since I am no longer generating journal entries I decided that I couldn't put my journals into hibernation until I first extracted the remaining nuggets of wisdom and interesting commentary from my journals that never made their way into my other books.

Certainly all of what is to be found here is not profound, but whatever may not be profound in and of itself, is a profound search for that wisdom or at least humbly for improvement and understanding.

The book's "chapters" are categories I have separated the journal entries into; groupings that are not absolute but generally fit the title of that category. And I have given most entries a title, a little something that relates to the subject matter, which was not necessarily what I was thinking or perhaps reflective of what I was feeling when I wrote it, but I felt that it would make the entries more accessible.

With only a few exceptions this book is all journal entries as they were originally written. Keeping this in mind, the reader will notice that many of the entries are ramblings of a seeking mind and not prepared with the idea of being presented to someone else.

Also not absolute is how consistent my thoughts, feelings, and my style were throughout. This spans 30 years of me and there were many mees over that time. And there is no intentional theme that I have, as an author, attempted to convey; only the themes of life as may be gleaned by the reader.
Truth? Wisdom? You decide.

Release dateMar 29, 2016
Insights, Nuggets of Philosophy, Observations, Attitude Mined from the Mother Lode

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    Insights, Nuggets of Philosophy, Observations, Attitude Mined from the Mother Lode - Roger Golden Brown



    Nuggets of Philosophy, Observations, Attitude

    Mined from the Mother Lode

    Roger Golden Brown

    Published by Golden Galaxy Publications

    Copyright 2016


    Purchase a copy of Insights  here.


    You are free to copy and redistribute the material under the following terms:

    Attribution - You must give appropriate credit and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests that I endorse you or your use.

    ShareAlike - If you change the material in any way, you must distribute your contributions under this same license.

    No additional restrictions - You may not apply legal terms that legally restrict others from doing anything this license permits.


    Also by Roger Brown:

    The Truth Seeker’s Handbook

    Heading Out


    33 Years of Dreams

    Themes of my Life

    Reminders From Life, for Life

    Earth in Peril


    I can be contacted at the following e-mail address:

    Also check out my world affairs oriented website:

    And my more personal website:



    After consolidating much of my writings into three books, having been crafted together from journal entries written over a period of 30 years plus, it seems that my time as a journal keeper has, for the most part, come to pass.

    Although there are more writings in the works, since I am no longer generating journal entries I decided that I couldn’t put my journals into hibernation until I first extracted the remaining nuggets of wisdom and interesting commentary from my journals that never made their way into my other books.

    Certainly all of what is to be found here is not profound, but whatever may not be profound in and of itself, is a profound search for that wisdom or at least humbly for improvement and understanding.

    The book’s chapters are categories I have separated the journal entries into; groupings that are not absolute but generally fit the title of that category. And I have given most entries a title, a little something that relates to the subject matter, which was not necessarily what I was thinking or perhaps reflective of what I was feeling when I wrote it, but I felt that it would make the entries more accessible.

    With only a few exceptions this book is all journal entries as they were originally written. Keeping this in mind, the reader will notice that many of the entries are ramblings of a seeking mind and not prepared with the idea of being presented to someone else.

    Also not absolute is how consistent my thoughts, feelings, and my style were throughout. This spans 30 years of me and there were many mees over that time. And there is no intentional theme that I have, as an author, attempted to convey; only the themes of life as may be gleaned by the reader.



    I am influenced by and appreciative of what others share in many forms and I am happy taking into my life that which resonates with me and moves me. Throughout my journal entries I make references to books, movies, music that have contributed to my psyche and to my quest. And throughout the book, in some entries where I have referenced something, I have put more on the subject, inside of {brackets}.

    Also the last section in this book is called Others’ Words where I share or reference words said by others that have been important to me along the way.


    Insights Title



    Reflections, Observations

    Philosophy, Attitude



    Politics and Economy

    Well Said

    Others’ Words

    About the Author

    Other Books by Roger Golden Brown


    Soul Awareness

    Today I went to Deborah and Susan’s to read the book about Billy Meier’s Pleiadean contacts. Fascinating. It said it takes 7 days for travel from the Pleiades. I started thinking about what it would be like to go there. My mind moved to whether my body could handle the trip. Then my fertile mind thought about if I died far off in space would my soul be lost to Earth’s proximity, and thought that it would be a loss. Then I suddenly realized that I was seeing my soul, me in all reality, as a member of the species or race, like animals or plants living for the group. I felt totally selfless. I felt the loss would be a loss to the greater body.


    Eyes are the Windows of the Soul

    Last night I was talking with Mary about being a soul in a body. Later, at the coffee house, feeling lonely, almost crying, looking at people all around, I was thinking about how this body’s needs weren’t being met. I felt like I was looking out through my eyes like portals; windows.


    Ethereal Awareness

    This morning I went off to Holsiers to buy tires. It was really crazy packed so I went to the co-op, then back. It was still really packed so I left. First, an old man almost backed into me in the parking lot. Then as I headed home an old couple rolled out of the cemetery without seeing me at all. I had to gun it and go onto the shoulder. Then at Jose Street, a car at the stop sign started to pull out right in front of me, then held up. God, I felt like I was invisible. Maybe I really was, to them. I’ve been feeling such a strong presence today. Spirit guides, dreams, myself in other dimensions.

    Later I went back and bought a new tire. I went into the graveyard to pass time while they were putting it on. I found a quiet spot and grounded for a while. I find that when I ground and afterwards open my eyes often it’s like I’m separate. Not really, though. Things are clear, but I’m separate. At the same time, though, I feel intimately connected with everything.

    In the graveyard I read several more chapters of Illusions. The chapter about him walking on water and breathing underwater made me really think about my dream Friday, where I did both. I felt very etheric while reading. I felt like I was aware of spirits all around me. I feel unlimited potential. I’m not ready yet to gulp a breath of water but... maybe in time.

    {Illusions is a book by Richard Bach that explores the illusory nature of reality.}


    Good Spaced Out

    I woke up once last night and didn’t know where I was. I was not sure I knew who I was, even. As I gained more consciousness I realized I was on Earth in Santa Cruz.

    Now I feel really empty, sort of. Like I’ve let go of or had something or things taken from me and I’ve yet to refill the empty spaces with new energy, experience, life.


    Awareness of Us as One

    I was just reading a pamphlet about recycled paper in Austria and thinking about Austria being a small country and about its national focus on taking care of itself and I started thinking how different it feels being US born and I got that feeling I used to have as a kid when I wondered why I was where I was on earth and thought maybe I was also somewhere else. I used to think, What if I wasn’t myself here in this land, in this place. What if I was someone else, a poor person in India or some other person somewhere on the planet. Then, Maybe I am. I just don’t know it. How would I know? I now realize how natural that was as a child. A natural planetary consciousness.

    Remembering that, I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, maybe I am someone else. I suddenly felt the oneness; the only family I’m really a part of. For a fleeting moment I could really seefeel the energy field of us all around the planet. A nice moment.

    I recognized it happily as knowing that I am somewhere else. I am part of the greater being that is currently fragmented not only in body but in validated consciousness all over the planet.



    Enlightenment is nothing more than when you are all present. If we withdraw, it’s because we’re not all there. We need to go back to denser states and make peace with what we left behind. To heal means to make whole.


    Experiencing the Physical is the Ultimate Test

    Tonight Bart queried; he didn’t understand why the physical plane (according to his guru) is the most important and necessary place to resolve things, considering how it is the least real and the furthest from God.

    It came clear to me that health needs to penetrate to the deepest core of disease before it is eradicated. Since this is all a featured experience, let’s check out this way of being, and fall into matter. As long as any attitude can’t stand the test of the physical, as long as any attitude can’t uphold unity in the physical, it must need refining. Bring in a light bright enough to reach the darkest corner, to flush out Satan once and for all, only to find there’s nothing there. We have always been free. Just that we’ve finished the game.

    I had a vision a few minutes ago of dying, feeling fear, and laughingly joyously realizing, guess I’ll have to check that out some more.


    A Free and Validated Body

    I’m thinking right now that even if one did want to get spiritual by getting out of the body, it seems clear the easiest body to get out of is a healthy, validated one. Perhaps anyone can get out of any body, but not as cleanly and openly out of a body that’s tight and withdrawn. Some of the pain rubs off.


    Taking Bodies to Learn

    Edgar Cayce’s readings suggest the possibility that a spiritual non-corporeal race or being or beings or family encountered earth and its humanoid life forms and chose to inhabit them. A common theme of Star Trek. Why though would they (we) choose to evolve through so much pain. Perhaps in an out of the body perspective 10,000,000 years is nothing. Grind through a body experience, then float timelessly and then take another body. Opportunities for experience and growth.

    God created us so that he could be here. (Father Mulcahy on M*A*S*H)

    This kind of thinking is so effortless. I just let myself go and let space’s possibilities fall as they will. And if the beings (us in and out of body consciousness) are me now there’s every reason to believe that they (we) would (do) have the same logic and reasons for choosing to do things. So I can anticipate and theorize why...

    It’s like life on earth is just a little healing crisis along the way, something that needed to be experienced and loved and let go to the oneness.

    It’s like how reading Jacob Atabet {A book by Michael Murphy.} gave me some perspective on reverence for the spiritual self and loving the body as a vehicle to enhance spirituality as opposed to it being an earthly material less desirable thing.

    I’ve been thinking about how many people I know who are in such fervent pursuit of truth and how

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