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Natural Health: Alternatives and Prevention of Disease
Natural Health: Alternatives and Prevention of Disease
Natural Health: Alternatives and Prevention of Disease
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Natural Health: Alternatives and Prevention of Disease

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In the past eight to ten years there have been many important breakthroughs in scientific research and health, as well as many more new prescription drugs. Yet there has been little change, if any, in health or obesity problems in this country. I have tried to understand why this is happening when there is so much information in bookstores, on the Internet, to asking your health care provider for advice.
Release dateAug 1, 2011
Natural Health: Alternatives and Prevention of Disease

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    Natural Health - Mary D. Martino

    PART I

    Understanding Health—


    Natural Weight Loss



    The eating habits of Americans have changed greatly since the mid 1900’s. Our diets now consist of more refined and processed foods than ever before. The quantity and quality of high fiber foods is significantly less. Our foods are now grown in soil that has been chemicalized with artificial fertilizer, sprayed with pesticides, and harvested before they ripen, losing many vital nutrients. Much of our food has also been genetically altered. Eating habits have changed drastically with more people eating out, eating more fast-foods on the run, or buying already prepared foods that save time and work.

    Changing one’s eating habits is never easy; it is something the majority of people will avoid as long as they can, because it demands self-control. It means giving up, or cutting back on some of their favorite foods, smoking, or drinking. Good health is a matter of choice and changing some lifelong eating habits is difficult, although, it can be done if you are serious about your health, with one change at a time. Your body is strong and cannot be destroyed in a week or even months from a bad diet; therefore, you should not expect to build it up again in a week, it takes time and patience. Everyone is exposed to a large array of germs and bacteria everyday of which many get into our bodies; many of which will not cause sickness or disease, unless they have a place in which to propagate themselves.

    When we have any type of illness, there is more faith in prescription drugs in an operation to fix it, or in a psychiatrist for a pill to alleviate their depression, as long as it is fast. However, when a disease sets in such as diabetes or we have high cholesterol, we usually don’t have a choice about what we want to eat or drink, Pills don’t always fix it. Taking a prescription drug for the rest of our life will not cure the disease; at best, it will mask or suppress it, and lead to other complications. Prescription, as well as over-the-counter (OTC) medication all has side effects that you will eventually have to deal with. You not only have the disease to treat, but you now have the side effects of your medication as well.

    Scientists have learned more in the last thirty to forty years about how the body works, and the causes of disease than it did in the past couple centuries. The public is slowly becoming more aware of the dangers of all types of drugs, prescription and OTC, and those natural substances such as correct eating habits, supplements that include vitamins, minerals, herbal products, and daily exercise will work if given a chance. In the past five to ten years many medical doctors have turned to alternative medicines, and are putting more health responsibilities on the patient. Nevertheless, the majority of doctors still prescribe drugs without recognizing any alternatives, or with little knowledge about nutrition. It is also surprising how few people know about their bodily processes, and how very important it is to acquire some knowledge and understanding of this. It is important that you take an active part in your health, in its care and maintenance. A lack of knowledge accounts for much of the miseries of humanity; therefore, it is very important you seek the primary cause of a disease, rather than suppress the symptoms with medications.

    Humans are dependent on food and water for survival, but poor quality eating habits will eventually have an affect on your health. Although, we may have inherited a weakness of some part of the body, or a predisposition to a certain disease called risk factors, genetics are not always to blame. It doesn’t mean you will automatically inherit the disease, it means you could get it. For example: If diabetes runs in your family, learn all about the disease and how to change some family eating habits, and more exercise to avoid it. As long as you have someone, or something to blame does not make it ok. We can use this knowledge to learn how to help ourselves avoid the inevitable. Everyone does have a choice as to the food he or she eats, and changing your lifelong eating habits is never easy. When we are young with a lot of energy, we usually look on the health culture with denigration, but suffering makes us more aware of our vulnerability to disease. In time, with some diseases, we may not have a choice and will have to give up our favorite foods, alcohol or smoking. All health problems that are not linked to a genetic defect (meaning born with it) are a function of our life style, the foods we eat, what we drink, the air we breathe, and how we deal with everyday stress.

    The body has the ability to heal itself given time, a healthy diet, some nutritional supplements, proper rest, and daily exercise Individuals rush from one doctor to another just treating symptoms, yet it is essential that you seek the primary cause rather than using prescription medications to suppress the symptoms. It is the role of your health care provider to support this process with the aid of natural nontoxic therapies. Changing public opinion takes time; although, more people appear to be changing to a more natural approach to their health problems. At the present time approximately fifty percent of Americans take some supplements, homeopathic medications or herbal products, and are making changes in their diet, and many are starting to exercise. Still, just as many can’t seem to give up fast food, what they drink, their smoking habits, or getting motivated to exercising, even knowing the consequences. These same people will pay anything to get well, after they become ill.

    Natural health (Naturopathy) provides an inclusive system of healing that encourages natural immunity by supporting normal functioning. Although, nutrition forms the core of naturopathy, it relies greatly on natural methods using a range of techniques, and practices. It not only includes healthy eating and exercise but fasting, physical therapy, mind-body therapies, chiropractic, acupuncture, and massage therapy. The human body is a unit that works together, and when one part is hurt or damaged it affects other parts. Taking prescription drugs may stop symptoms, but it also affects other organs and body parts. Allopathic (conventional) medicine and surgical treatment are often necessary in a crisis, but eventually the old symptoms will intensify or return with a new set of complications.

    This book contains information about the body and how the bodily systems work together, that everyone should know in order to maintain their health. It is written in a manner that is easy reading, understandable, and can be used by all, young and old. If you are now taking medication, do not stop, as it can be dangerous. If you want to change to a natural way of addressing your health problem, asks your health care provider to help you make the change, if he will not help, seek an alternative doctor on your own. However, if you are in good health and want to stay that way it would benefit you to make some positive changes on your own. This book includes information about supplements, why they are necessary, and what to look for when purchasing. It includes information on what to eat to stay healthy, exercise, and to switch from over-the-counter drugs to natural therapy such as herbal products or homeopathic. Just because over-the-counter drugs do not need a prescription does not mean it can’t hurt you. It would also be wise to make the changes slowly, over a period of a few months rather than abruptly, because you will be more successful in making the changes permanent if done slowly. Always make sure you go to a licensed nutritionist for information rather than buying them in a supermarket, or discount store. When starting on a supplement program for any reason, always start out with low doses and work up to the desired amount. However, do not stay at high doses, re-evaluate periodically with your health care provider or a licensed nutritionist. Whether you want to live a healthy active life or are trying for the century mark this book can help. It is written so that people with an average intelligence, without a college degree, or other special education in the health care field can understand. Of course, it will take some action on your part to stay healthy by applying healthy alternatives to replace some bad habits. Your health is a very personal matter that no one can change except you. Taking responsibility means having the courage to act on your own, finding out about your body, how it works, knowing when you have a serious problem, and being able to make your own informed decisions.

    Although nutritional supplements are effective on their own, they work better as part of an all-inclusive plan that centers on diet, and lifestyle factors. Food in its natural unprocessed state is vital to the maintenance of good health. The lack of it in the modern diet is thought to be responsible for degenerative diseases. Chronic disease of a functional nature develops when your system becomes saturated with cooked and processed food and all the chemicals added to prepared food that is wrapped in plastics, and loaded with more chemicals to preserve shelf life. When it reaches your table it may be several months, or even a year or more old; all this interferes with the normal functions of your body. In order to restore normalcy, oftentimes all that is needed is a gastrointestinal cleanse (with or without fasting), a healthy diet, exercise, and the right attitude to restore your health. Your intelligence should control your body, not food or pharmaceutical companies.

    Diet programs are too restricting for the majority of people. Most people work and do not have the time to count calories, buy special foods or go to a gym everyday, which is what most programs consist of.

    When shopping for food it is always better to buy fresh or frozen, rather than canned. Buy organic if you can, because of all the genetically altered and irradiated foods now on the market. Natural and Whole Food stores are springing up all over the country, and many grocery stores now have organic food sections. Always try to buy organic food that is FDA approved, grown in this country (USA), and from local farmers; always ask if their produce is organic, or at least without the pesticides.

    •   Do not buy packaged or canned foods that have preservative, food coloring, nitrites, nitrates, or sugar and salt added or wrapped in plastic.

    •   Cut back on red meat to no more than twice a week; buy natural meat that is from free-range animals, without hormones, steroids or antibiotics.

    •   Eat three meals a day—do not overeat. Always have breakfast, and try not to eat after dinner or right before bedtime (especially sweets). Popcorn or a small piece of fruit is fine.

    •   Raw or cooked fruits and vegetables will not make you fat, although cooking food loses some nutrients and much needed enzymes. Stir-fried is usually a good alternative. Use olive oil spray to keep food from sticking. Add a small amount of olive oil or flaxseed oil after finished cooking for flavor. (Excessive heat changes the composition of oils).

    •   Eat until you are full, and then stop. Do not eat just in case you may be hungry later. You can always have a healthy snack later such as a piece of fruit, some nuts, or air popped popcorn.

    •   It is also very important to break the habit of fast foods and eating out every day.

    •   Exercise daily. Get up an hour early and go for a brisk walks, going further every day or as time permits. Buy a CD for yoga stretching, or aerobic exercise. Purchase 5-pound dumbbells with instructions to use at home. Go bike riding, swimming, play tennis or other exercises you enjoy, but do something everyday.

    A combination of our food, what we drink, and pollution of our environment, sedentary lifestyles, prescription, and OTC medications are truly making us obese and sick. Educating yourself about your body and how it works is a first step. Refuse to eat food that is loaded with unhealthy toxins, genetically altered, or meat from factory farms; shop at natural food stores when possible. When you have a health problem, choose an alternative health care provider, or a doctor that will suggest an alternative method to a prescription drug. Then find out all about your disease, or why something isn’t right. Take charge of your life. The basic principle of true healing consists of a return to natural habits in living; your body does know the difference.

    If you are healthy and want to stay that way, in addition to eating a healthy diet, it may be beneficial for you to take a few supplements, as our food is not harvested as it once was. Divide the supplements throughout the day, especially the water soluble ones such as vitamin B and C. They can be excreted from the body within a few hours. Fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K can accumulate in the body; do not exceed dosage unless directed by your health care provider or a licensed nutritionist.

    Take high quality supplements:

    •   2 a day capsule form multiple vitamin/mineral. Take extra antioxidants, vitamin C, E and Calcium. Multiple vitamin/minerals usually do not have sufficient amounts. The capsule would be too large to swallow.

    •   Vitamin C capsules—500 mg / 3 x day

    •   Vitamin E—400 IU—should be a mixed tocopherol / tocotrienols form.

    •   Calcium / Magnesium—1000 mg / 500 mg

    •   Vitamin D3—400 IU needed for absorption.

    •   Vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7)—45 mcg is recommended when taking calcium, it will keep calcium in your bones and out of arterial walls.

    •   Essential fatty acids (EFA)—1—2 Tbs / Daily. This is very important. EFA can also be bought in softgel (oil capsule). Always check the expiration date, as oil can become rancid. You can purchase any Omega-3 oil such as flaxseed, other fish oil, or, EPA / DHA.

    You can purchase a balanced combination of antioxidants rather than single dose capsules. Antioxidants are thought to slow down the aging process. Again, talk to a licensed nutritionist, or your health care provider. Have a blood test taken yearly and keep your blood levels balanced for good health; this is very important.



    What They Can and Cannot Do—What to Look for When Shopping

    Today at least eighty-five percent or more of our foods available to us have been interfered with to prevent it from spoiling; this results in the loss of a great deal of nutrients, and changes the food composition. Supplements can benefit you in many ways to make up for these shortcomings in your diet. However, you do need to know what supplements your body needs before you begin a program to enhance your health. The FDA claims that all our nutritional needs can be fulfilled from our daily diet, which may not be valid for many people. The FDA levels are determined for the average diet, and adding what they determine to be a margin for safety. However, they do not take into account the loss of nutrients from shipping unripe fruits and vegetables from foreign countries, all the pesticides being used from wherever, and lastly, not being inspected at our ports of entry. They do not take into account how our soil has deteriorated in the last 30 years, nor the poor eating habits of people.

    The One size fits all cliché does not work; no two people are the same. Each person is biologically unique in size, weight, height, bone structure, organs, muscles, nerves and your genetic makeup; therefore, individual health needs all differ. Although, many people have inherited a tendency for high or low blood pressure, diabetes, poor eyesight or a multitude of other tendencies, you are still unlike anyone else. Because you are unique, you need a blend of nutrients different from anyone else. The basic amount to take should be a good quality multi vitamin-mineral supplement, and then depending on your dietary habits and lifestyle, you can better determine your additional individual needs. An example, if you smoke, you should definitely take a good vitamin B complex, vitamin C and additional minerals. If you are a diabetic, or taking any medications you definitely need vitamin A and C, but you also need advice from your doctor or a nutritionist, because your body acts differently when taking these two supplements. Before taking supplements talk to a nutritionist, get information on what supplements you need to stay healthy and how much to take. Taking an overdose of a prescription drug can cause problems, so can supplements. More is not better.

    All supplements are available in tablet, capsule, powder and liquid forms. Minerals are often found in multi vitamin-mineral formulas, or you can buy them separately as a multi-mineral. You can also buy trace mineral separately. All nutrients (vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids) operate by multiple interaction, in other words they all work together. There is never a deficiency of just one vitamin or mineral. Scientists have never shown the effects of just a single-nutrient study because one nutrient cannot interact by itself. For example, vitamin C is known to stop colds, if B6, B12, zinc and folic acid are not present, the body cannot use the C supplement. The same for calcium that interacts with vitamin D, phosphorus, and magnesium; before it can be adequately absorbed, vitamin C must also be present.

    The function of nutrients, which includes vitamins, minerals and amino acids, serve as essential components in enzymes. Enzymes are molecules that speed up chemical reactions that are necessary for human function, with coenzymes helping enzymes in these chemical reactions. The master molecule of all functions in the body is your DNA, which is the blueprint specifying the way your body is built and repaired. If your body does not get the nutrients it needs it will slowly start to break down, first with symptoms, then with a disease.

    All food products you purchase come in a wide range of name brands, prices, sizes and quality. It is the same with supplements that you buy as well; they are not all necessarily equal. There is controversy as to whether natural nutrients are better than synthetic. Many individuals who think they are experts in nutrition claim that natural vitamins, minerals, and other supplements are better for your health than man-made (synthetic) ones. However, Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw, research scientists and authors of, Life Extension—A Practical Scientific Approach, states: that all foods, vitamins, nutrients, and all substances of life are chemicals. Chemical processes in living organisms obey the laws of chemistry and physics; there is not a special life chemistry. A chemical’s characteristics come from its structure, not from where it came from, or where it was made. This would of course include the human body, all the food you eat and supplements you take. The nutritional cofactors in natural products that may not yet have been discovered, which are not in the synthetic ones would of course be a disadvantage. Although, there is no difference between a natural molecule of a vitamin, or nutrient than a synthetic molecule of the same chemical; synthetic is less expensive.

    There is some basic information that applies to all supplements when purchasing. Before you purchase a natural supplement, read the label to see what percent is actually natural. The bulk of many vitamin tablets contain binders and fillers, for example, yeast may be added to vitamin B products, or the cod liver oil in vitamin A softgel capsules. There are many people who are allergic to the additives added to many supplements for bulk, but you still may be able to take vitamins in a powdered form without the binders and fillers, in capsule form. Some of these allergies can be very harsh and produce some very unpleasant symptoms such as an upset stomach, hives, rash, itching and headaches. Acidic vitamins, like vitamin C and niacin (B-3), should not be taken in tablet form on an empty stomach as it can irritate the stomach. All time-released tablets that take a long time to dissolve should not be used, unless they are non-acidic. It is advisable not to take a megadose of any supplement without consulting with a nutritionist, or your health care provider. Gelatin capsules dissolve quickly and will not sit in the stomach as tablets do. Lower dose tablets may be tolerated depending on the quality of the tablet, and an individual’s health. Supplements should be taken with meals, and not taken in place of a meal.

    One way to check how fast a tablet will dissolve is by putting one in white vinegar to check its speed. It should dissolve within twenty to thirty minutes, if not; it will not dissolve in your stomach. When shopping for supplements you need to know what to look for in individual vitamins, and their properties. The fat-soluble vitamins come in International Unit (I.U.) measurements, and water-soluble measurements are in grams, milligrams (mg), and micrograms (mcg). When you buy multi vitamins and minerals they have very little vitamin C, E, and calcium in them, because to get a sufficient amount of these nutrients the capsule, or tablet would be too big to swallow.

    What You Need To Know:

    •   Avoid supplements that contain fillers, binders, or additives. Additive-free products will state so on the label. Always read small print.

    •   Look for letters USP on the label that indicates the product meets the standard of the U.S. Pharmacopoeia. (A book listing drugs and drug standards.)

    •   Buy supplements in gelatin capsules rather than hard-pressed tablets. You can also buy chewable, liquid, or powdered form that can be mixed with juice or water.

    •   Take all supplements with food, unless otherwise specified, or as directed by your health care provider. However, some amino acids are best taken on an empty stomach. It is best to divide your daily supplements over the course of the day for maximum assimilation and use. When starting to take supplements always start with a lower dose, and increase the amount every few days, until you reach the desired amount. Do the same when reducing the amount, do it slowly.

    •   Always check expiration date, especially, when taking oil capsules as they may be rancid.

    •   Natural vitamins are not better only more expensive, with the exception of vitamin E when natural alpha tocopherol is better utilized.

    •   When taking expired vitamins, minerals, herbal, or homeopathic products, they may not be as potent as prior to expiration date, but they are still safe.

    If you develop a rash, or an unset stomach discontinue the supplements. Consult with your nutritionist, or your health care provider. Restart your supplement program with one supplement at a time, until you establish which supplement bothers you. Oftentimes it is an herb if you have allergies. If your present physician does not approve of your natural therapy approach, go to a licensed nutritionist, or an alternative medical doctor who will work with you.



    Americans are fatter and more stressed out today than ever before. Being overweight or obese is a serious health problem, and on the rise in the United States. According to the National Institute of Health, and the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, more than half the American population carries an excess of body fat. Usually, anyone who is twenty percent over the normal weight for his or her age, sex, build and height is considered obese. There is at least 70 percent of the adult population on some sort of diet. Obese people are spending more than $50 billion each year on diet aids and other remedies. More often than not, the weight comes back within a few months after they stop their diet, counting calories, or taking pills.

    More important than weight is the percentage of fat in the body. For a healthy woman, fat should not account for more than 24 to 25 percent of body weight; and for a man 15 to 17 percent is considered healthy. Muscle weighs more than fat; when on any type of diet to lose weight, you should make sure you are losing fat, and not muscle mass. Health clubs are doing a booming business, but research shows that the majority of men and women show up on the average of once a week, with exercise time approximately fourteen minutes. Socializing with friends or breathing deeply while seated in a sauna to sweat will not use up calories. The most you can lose is water weight. Whereas, a brisk thirty-minute walk can raise the body’s metabolic rate up to fifteen hours afterwards, and is every bit as good as sweating at a gym. Nevertheless, exercising daily is important for your good health, regardless if you go to a gym or just walking, and not only when dieting.

    Women’s bodies are designed to carry a higher proportion of fat tissue because of pregnancy and nursing. Being too thin can cause sterility in some women. Harvard researchers noted that girls need at least 17 percent body fat content before their menstruation will begin. Women athletes will sometime stop menstruating, and non-athletic women who lose approximately 15 percent of their body weight, of which one third is fat, may also stop menstruating.

    Obesity remains a serious threat to health. Fat cells destroy substances known as beta-very-low-density-lipoprotein (beta-VLDL) in the bloodstream that protect you from heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other disease. Malnutrition is another important factor in obesity. It results from eating empty calories, namely junk food, which are calories without nutrients. Unless our bodies have adequate intake of essential nutrients, fat is not sufficiently burned. Research has yet to come up one specific cause for obesity, although they have several theories, scientist’s explanation is simply, consuming more calories than expended.

    Artificial sweeteners such as cyclamates, Sweet N Low, saccharin, aspartame, and other artificial sweeteners, have shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals, and tend to increase bladder cancer in humans. The same with fat, over the past couple of years drug companies have been trying to develop new ways for our bodies to block the absorption of fat. When taking these drugs your food is not being digested, causing many side effects when the body tries to eliminate undigested food. No matter what drug you take it will invariably have some side effect, many with serious damage to body organs; i.e. the diet drug fen-phen, which has fortunately been taken off the market only after serious harm to several people. Complications from obesity affect the cardiovascular system, hypertension, surgery procedures, accidents, diabetes and sudden death, more so than the non-obese.

    Although there are no studies to show that neurosis, depression, or even stress causes weight gain, people do tend to eat more when frustrated. Emotional problems of overweight people are not the sole cause of obesity, wrong dieting is as much to blame. Overweight people do tend to diet more, but with little success, which upsets the body physiologically. Removing calories from our food intake does not mean you will lose fat. The short-term crash diet successes rely on the recommended food for that particular fad diet, but are a total failure for long-term weight control. Once you stray from the recommended food, calorie counting, diet pills, and stop the vigorous exercise you will be back where you started within three months.

    There are other reasons for weight gain besides poor eating habits, which in itself puts great stress on our bodies. Our society is under additional stress with work demands, peer pressure, and social pressures. Together a tremendous burden is placed on our adrenal glands. The adrenals are two small triangular glands attached above the kidneys, and are made up of an outer cortex and inner medulla. This gland produces glucocorticoids, the steroid hormone cortisol, aldosterone, progesterone, and DHEA. It also produces epinephrine and norepinephrine. Cortisol is the primary glucocorticoid secreted by the adrenal cortex. Under stress, cortisol is increased to the demands of the body, and the body will use all its resources to make the cortisol it needs. Elevated cortisol impairs the uptake and utilization of glucose for energy. Glucocorticoid secreted by the adrenals affects carbohydrates, fat and protein metabolism. With the increase in cortisol, the adrenals will make less DHEA, and this can become a vicious cycle that will leave many people staying in a resistant state, or come to a point in which the adrenals can no longer adapt to stress. Cortisol imbalance can cause many problems that include headaches, fatigue, sleep problems, irritability before meals, crave sweets, or caffeine or a bloated feeling. It can cause thyroid problems and weight gain. If you are under heavy stress and have any of the above problems, medical help is necessary.

    It takes years to get fat, and the body will resist any attempt to change; it will try to conserve its fat stores. That is why it’s necessary to change your eating habits and life style slowly. For instance, going on a starvation diet you will usually only lose your water weight, which in itself is dangerous. Depending on individual size and weight, you should not reduce your daily calorie intake more than two to four hundred calories per day. An obese person who weighting 250 pounds, doesn’t need any more food than someone weighting 170 pounds and is all muscle. If our body metabolism controls our weight, why do we get fat? First, the majority of fat people overeat on junk foods that have no nutritional value. Our body then demands more food to satisfy its nutritional needs as it is programmed to continue eating until it does, so your weight edges up slowly. As fat increases relative to muscle, the metabolic rate of the body declines. Fat stores burn little energy so heavy people burn far fewer calories per pound than people of normal weight do. The second reason is repeated dieting. When you abandon a diet, overeating carries your weight beyond the regulatory level, while your body is still trying to protect the fat store.

    The fat the body maintains for one year or longer at an adult weight becomes the reference amount for the body. This is called your body’s fat point, or set point, and the body will do its best to maintain that weight. The set point theory was in Vogue in the mid 1980’s and in other weight loss books. The explanation was to help obese individuals to more fully understand why they could lose weight but could not maintain the loss. Whenever there is a change, such as a crash diet, or a big reduction in calories the body will set in motion all kinds of barriers. It does this by burning calories more slowly, by reducing your metabolism, and increasing digestive efficiency, which only makes you weak, tired and irritable. This is why vitamin and mineral supplements are so important. Overweight people make several attempts a year to lose weight, but unless the body is properly nourished, you will not be able to stop overeating trying to satisfy it’s nutritionally needs. If you are serious about losing weight, the first thing to do is a complete check on your eating habits in regard to empty calories; everything you eat or drink everyday, regardless of how insignificant you think it is. Next, taking a complete multi vitamin-mineral supplement to shut down the body’s malnourishment defenses is important. You then can start to reduce your empty calorie food slowly to reset your body’s fat point. Gradually, losing one-half to one pound a week, you can lose between twenty-five to thirty pounds within a year. These findings not only are a basis for a better understanding of your problem of hunger, but also for a control of your appetite; you will be less hungry.

    The same theory applies for people who want to gain weight. If you try to force the body to gain weight, it will resist by speeding up metabolism, as the body will always protect its set point. Whenever there is a sudden change to the body, it sets in motion all sorts of defense mechanisms, be it weight gain or weight loss. It will sensitize all the bodies’ receptors including the eyes, nose, mouth and stomach to respond to the sight, smell and taste to all foods.

    Foods high in fiber content such as fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains and brown rice suppress appetite responses. When taking a dietary water-soluble fiber supplement it will enhance blood sugar control, insulin effects, and actually reduce the number of calories the body absorbs. A person can lose 50 to 75 percent more weight by supplementing with fiber; however fiber supplements do interfere with vitamin-mineral absorption and certain prescription medication. It is a good idea to take the fiber supplements 4 to 5 hours before or after any such supplement or medication. Some natural water-soluble fibers are oat bran, guar gum, pectin, psyllium, and vegetable fiber.

    Complete vitamin and mineral supplements are especially important for dieters. An obese person who is undernourished (not food wise) by fad diets, and eating sugary high carbohydrates, and fatty junk

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