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Introduction to Dish & Bottle Gardens for Beginners
Introduction to Dish & Bottle Gardens for Beginners
Introduction to Dish & Bottle Gardens for Beginners
Ebook61 pages29 minutes

Introduction to Dish & Bottle Gardens for Beginners

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About this ebook

Table of Contents

A ‘Terrarium’ Is Not A Bottle Garden
Dish Gardens and Trough Gardens
Preparing Your Bottle Garden
What You Are Not Going to Put in Your Bottle
Best Plants Choices
Equipment for Your Miniature Garden
Trying Your Hand at a Moss Garden
Making Your Succulent and Cactus Garden in a Dish
Author Bio


A couple of decades ago I saw a friend picking up a large glass carboys, in which chemical liquids had been transported, from outside a manufacturing unit, and when I wanted to know what she would do with that container, she said – can you think of a better container in which to make a miniature garden?

At that time I had not even thought of the beauty of a miniature garden, in your interior, as a part of the design of your living room. That was because I was so used, to living in places where I had huge outdoor gardens, so bringing in the plants indoors was not something of which I had thought!

Later on, living in cities, and apartments, where the nearest outdoor garden was 25 stories below, and just one tiny patch of green, in a concrete jungle, I began to think that yes miniature gardens was one of the best ways in which I could bring a bit of greenery right inside my limited pigeonholed letterbox of a living space.

Release dateMar 17, 2019
Introduction to Dish & Bottle Gardens for Beginners

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    Book preview

    Introduction to Dish & Bottle Gardens for Beginners - Dueep Jyot Singh

    Introduction to Dish & Bottle Gardens for Beginners

    Dueep Jyot Singh

    Gardening Series

    Mendon Cottage Books

    JD-Biz Publishing

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    No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, or otherwise without prior written permission from JD-Biz Corp Copyright © 2016

    All Images Licensed by Fotolia, Pixabay, John Davidson, and 123RF.


    The information is this book is provided for informational purposes only. The information is believed to be accurate as presented based on research by the author.

    The author or publisher is not responsible for the use or safety of any procedure or treatment mentioned in this book. The author or publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions that may exist.

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    Table of Contents


    A ‘Terrarium’ Is Not A Bottle Garden

    Dish Gardens and Trough Gardens

    Preparing Your Bottle Garden

    What You Are Not Going to Put in Your Bottle

    Best Plants Choices

    Equipment for Your Miniature Garden

    Trying Your Hand at a Moss Garden

    Making Your Succulent and Cactus Garden in a Dish


    Author Bio



    A couple of decades ago I saw a friend picking up a large glass carboys, in which chemical liquids had been transported, from outside a manufacturing unit, and when I wanted to know what she would do with that container, she said – can you think of a better container in which to make a miniature garden?

    At that time I had not even thought of the beauty of a miniature garden, in your interior, as a part of the design of your living room. That was because I was so used, to living in places where I had huge outdoor gardens, so bringing in the plants indoors was not something of which I had thought!

    Later on, living in cities, and apartments, where the nearest outdoor garden was 25 stories below, and just one tiny patch of green, in a concrete jungle, I began to think that yes miniature gardens was one of the best ways in which I could bring a bit of greenery right inside my limited pigeonholed letterbox of a living space.

    It does not matter how large or small, your container is, as long as they are waterproof and attractive. The glass also has to be

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