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Ontological Mathematics for the Curious: An Introduction to Ontological Thinking
Ontological Mathematics for the Curious: An Introduction to Ontological Thinking
Ontological Mathematics for the Curious: An Introduction to Ontological Thinking
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Ontological Mathematics for the Curious: An Introduction to Ontological Thinking

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There’s a new kid on the block, a subject that can revolutionize humanity’s understanding of reality, while being completely rational and logical, and scrupulously avoiding faith and mysticism. It’s the long-awaited replacement for science. Only one subject can take over from science and that is the subject that is already at the core of science and gives it all of its power and success, namely mathematics. Come inside and discover the extraordinary world of ontological mathematics. Mathematics is not an unreal abstraction. It's real and concrete.
Release dateOct 6, 2019
Ontological Mathematics for the Curious: An Introduction to Ontological Thinking

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    He took Half the book to make literally 1 point
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Makes radical assertions without proof. Read with a grain of salt

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Ontological Mathematics for the Curious - Dr. Cody Newman

Ontological Mathematics for the Curious

An Introduction to Ontological Thinking

Dr. Cody Newman

Copyright © Dr. Cody Newman 2019

All rights reserved

ISBN: 978-0-244-22435-6


Table of Contents

Ontological Mathematics for the Curious

The New Paradigm

Nowhere to Go

The Failure of the Scientific Method

Empty and Blind

Occam’s Razor

Decree and Abstraction

Particulars versus Universals


The New Paradigm

There’s a new kid on the block, a subject that can revolutionize humanity’s understanding of reality, while being completely rational and logical, and scrupulously avoiding faith and mysticism. It’s the long-awaited replacement for science.

Only one subject can take over from science and that is the subject that is already at the core of science and gives it all of its power and success, namely mathematics. Science without mathematics is unthinkable. Mathematics without science suffers from no deficiency at all. Science is irrelevant to mathematics, while mathematics defines science. The great mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss said, Mathematics is the queen of the sciences. If mathematics is the queen, why do we need the pawns at all?

For mathematics to remove science from the picture, only one thing needs to be done: mathematics must be assigned an ontology. Once mathematics is regarded as real and concrete, rather than unreal and abstract, everything changes. There is simply no further need or place for science.

You’re probably imagining that this can’t be done – that science can never be dislodged – but aren’t you even slightly curious about whether it’s possible?

If mathematics rather than science defines reality, reality becomes a radically different thing. Materialism is overthrown, and with materialism goes atheism, nihilism, skepticism, cynicism, and the hatred of mind, consciousness and free will that characterizes materialist thinking.

Einstein wrote, What separates me from most so-called atheists is a feeling of utter humility toward the unattainable secrets of the harmony of the cosmos. With mathematics, which defines the immaterialism of the mind, everything becomes soluble, and all secrets are revealed. Mathematics is the subject par excellence for finding answers. If you want final answers, you must turn to the only subject that can deliver them, and that is mathematics. Only a mathematical universe has an exact answer, an exact definition, an exact formula – the formula for existence itself. Only mathematics can sweep away all the supposed unfathomable mysteries of existence.

A mathematical universe, unlike a scientific universe, can support God (a Hive-Mind God, not a monotheistic God), the soul (an eternal soul, not something created), the mind (an autonomous frequency domain that performs Fourier mathematics), directed evolution (it’s purposeful mind, not purposeless matter and randomness, that drives evolution), singularities, immaterial entities, non-space and non-time, eternity and necessity, and the afterlife (only physical bodies die; eternal minds never do).

If science is true, religion and spirituality are dead. If ontological mathematics is true, religion and spirituality are born again, but in nothing like the terms pronounced by mainstream religion. Mainstream religion is about Mythos – a bunch of stories told by prophets and gurus and set down in holy books and sacred scriptures. Mathematical religion is about Logos. No one gets to use stories. Now the medium of religion is reason, logic, and mathematics. Religion is now all about equations, formulae, calculations, calculus, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, and so on. A single book on elementary mathematics contains more knowledge, wisdom and truth than all the Mythos religions inflicted on the human race put together.

What comes out at the end is not a belief system, but the ultimate knowledge system, based on the principle of sufficient reason (PSR), the sole rational means

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