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Courses Focused on helping Store Managers Field Managers, and Managers-in-Training identify, practice , and develop the skills they need to improve the quality of their store operations, reduce expenses, and improve operating profit. Retail Operations Courses Include interactive learning activities, downloadable and printable job aids, realistic scenarios, testing, and certificates of completion. Unless noted otherwise, each course takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.

Preventing Shoplifting and External Theft o ROPS 101. External theft costs retailers over $13 Billion each year. But there is more to external theft than shoplifting. Upon completing this training course, the learner will understand how to recognize and prevent shoplifting, credit card fraud, return fraud, counterfeiting, check fraud, and more. Using video segments and interactive activities the learner willunderstand the impact external theft has on their business and how to successfully confront would be theives. Identifying and Preventing Loss o ROPS 102. Students will explore the various components that can lead to lost revenue and profits for a business. This will include a review of cash drawer procedures, inventory handling and pilferage, unneeded expenses, and controlling payroll fraud. Understanding the Profit Equation o ROPS 103 This e-learning course will review the basic structure of a retail store profit and loss statement and the learner will explore the concepts around revenue, inventory, and expense and their relationship to the profit equation. Retail Math...The Formulas of Success o RSOPS 104. A comprehensive review of the mathematical formulas that managers and retail owners need to know in order to understand, analyze and take action on business opportunities. Includes Inventory turns, Months on hand, payroll, Gross Margin, GMROI, Operatiing margin, net profit, and more.

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