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ECG Basics

Guide in Reading ECG

• Standardization & technique
• Rhythm
• Rate: atrial & ventricular
• P wave morphology & duration
• P-R interval
• QRS complex morphology & duration
• ST segment
• T-wave
• U wave
• Q-T interval
Normal Intervals

Heart rate 60 - 100 beats/min

bradycardia < 60
tachycardia > 100
PR interval 0.12 – 0.20 sec
QRS < 0.12 sec
QRS axis - 30º to + 110º
QTc < 0.45 sec
ECG Graph paper
Determination of Heart Rate

Heart rate assessment by “rule of 300”

Measurement of Rate
• Formula 1: 300
# big squares between R-R

• Formula 2: 1500
# small squares between R-R
Standard Locations of Chest
Determination of Axis

Hexaxial System
QRS axis
P wave morphology
QRS Complex
T wave morphology
Atrial Enlargement
Atrial Enlargement


Ventricular Enlargement
Sokolow-Lyon Criteria:
R in V1 + S in V5-V6 > 11 mm
R in V1 > 7mm
R : S in V1 > 1
RAD > +90 degrees
Additional Criteria:
QR in V1
S1 Q3 pattern
S1 S2 S3 pattern
p pulmonale
Interactive Session
Criteria for Diagnosis of
Complete Left Bundle Branch Block
• QRS ≥120 msecs
• Broad, notched R with
prolonged, intrinsicoid
deflection in V5, V6 (and
I, aVl)
• Small initial r waves in
V1, V2 followed by deep
S waves
• Absent septal q waves in
left-sided leads
Criteria for Diagnosis of
Complete Right Bundle Branch Block
• QRS ≥ 120 msecs
• Broad, notched R (rsr’,
rSR’ pattern) in V1, V2
• Wide and deep S
waves in V5, V6
• ST displacement and T
waves opposite in
direction to the terminal
deflection of the QRS
Myocardial ischemia and
Myocardial Injury
1. Elevation of the origin of ST
segment at its junction (J point) with
the QRS of:
a. >1.0 mm (0.10 mV) in >2 limb leads
lasting at least 80 msecs
b. >2.0 mm (0.20 mV) in >2 precordial
2. Depression of the origin of ST
segment at the J point >1.0 mm
(0.20 mV) in at least 2 leads

*ST segment deviation typically either horizontal or

slope toward the direction of T waves
Myocardial Infarction
1. Development of new Q waves on
areas overlying the infarct which is:

a. >0.04. secs duration

b. >25% of the height of associated
R wave
Significant Q wave

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