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Engineered the Hoax that Shaped Our World
.: posted Saturday, June 02, 2007 ::: by .:webmaster:. ::: EmailThis! »

I'm currently reading a manuscript by an aspiring author, Eric Zuesse, entitled

"CHRIST'S VENTRILOQUIST: How St. Paul Engineered the Hoax that
Shaped Our World."

He is hoping to get the book published, and has asked for a little help from
the frequenters of ExChristian.net.

But first, what is his book all about?

He describes his book as the first-ever legal/forensic analysis of the

evidence regarding how Christianity started. He says:

"Legal/forensic," simply put, is the methodology which is employed in

courts of law in a democracy. A court presents to the jury not the largest
quantity of evidence regarding a particular matter (as scholars are
accustomed to doing via huge bibliographies and numerous footnotes), but
instead the highest quality of evidence regarding any specific question. For
example, DNA evidence trumps witness testimony, and that's why many
people have been released from death rows after the advent of DNA testing.
Similarly, the exclusionary rule is employed so as to winnow out evidentiary
gold from evidentiary chaff so as to avoid contaminating jurors' judgment by
less reliable "evidence" which prejudices rather than informs.
The difference between legal/forensic methods and other methods is
the difference between history and myth. When innocent convicts are
released from prisons after DNA analysis, the accounts of the crimes for
which they had been convicted are publicly revealed to have been myth and
not history. In cases where DNA evidence identified the true perpetrator of
the crime, the myth became replaced by a new account of the crime — an
account which offered, for the first time, a history and not a myth about that
A legal/forensic exegesis of Paul's letter to the Galatians, and an
associated legal/forensic analysis of the four canonical Gospels, finds that
Christianity started in or around the year 49 CE in Antioch (present-day
Antakya, Turkey) as a direct consequence of a personal conflict which had
arisen, over the course of 17 years, between Paul and the leader of the
Jewish sect which Jesus had begun. The sect's leader was not Peter, as the
modern-day Christian myth asserts, but was instead Jesus' brother James.
Peter was and remained a follower of James, and he died (as did the rest of
the sect) as a member of the Jewish sect, not as a Christian — not as a
member of the group which Paul started. Jesus' sect itself soon expired.
What is today known as Christianity started with Paul, and was then
developed by his followers, who wrote the canonical Gospels and the rest of
the New Testament. The religion of the New Testament has nothing to do
with the person of the historical Jesus: The NT was written and assembled to
fulfill Paul's Roman agenda, not Jesus' Jewish one.
Paul turned Jesus' corpse into his dummy, and thus became the voice
of "Christ."

Anyway, to me the topic is intriguing. And Zuesse's presentation of the

subject, although repetitious at times, is effective, shows considerable
research, and avoids wild speculation. I would like to help him make his book
available to the general public, and the way we can help is by voting yes
through the following link.

The votes go to Media Predict, a website that tallies votes for possible
publication by various publishers including Simon & Schuster. Each IP
address can only vote once, so he needs many different people voting. It
does nothing to click the link over and over. If you choose to vote, just vote


"up" arrow/triangle for yes.

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