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BASIC FRENCH WORDS/PHRASES English Do you speak English? Excuse me/sorry Fine thanks and you?

Glad to meet you Good-bye Hello How are you? I don't understand I'm sorry My name is No Ok Pardon me Please Pleased to meet you Please speak slowly So-so Thank you That's ok There Very well What is your name? French Parlez-vous anglais? Excusez-moi Merci et vous? Enchant Au revoir Salut Comment allez-vous? Je ne comprends pas Desol/Pardon Je m'appelle Non d'accord Pardon S'il vous plat Enchant(e) Parlez lentement Comme ci, comme a Merci De rien L Trs bien Comment vous appellez-vous?

Pronunciation par-lay voo zon-glay ex-koo-zay mwah bee-ehn mer-see ay voo? on-shohn-tay oh ruh-vwar sah-loo kom-mohn tah-lay voo jhuhn kom-prohn pah day-zoh-lay/pahr-dohn juh mah-pell nohn dah-core pahr-dohn seel voo play ohn--shahn-tay par-lay lehn-ta-mohn kum-see, kum-sah mare-see dah ree-ehn lah treh bee-ehn kom-mohn voo-za-peh-lay voo?

Could you please write it down Can you help me?

I don't know. Leave me alone! Where? When? How? Why? Who? Which? Where is...? How much? How many? What's that?

Est-ce que vous pouvez l'crire? Est-ce que vous pouvez m'aider?
Je ne sais pas. Laissez-moi tranquille. O? Quand? Comment? Pourquoi? Qui? Lequel?/Laquelle? O est...? Combien? Combien? Qu'est-ce que c'est?

essker voo poovay lay-kreer essker voo poovay may-day

zher ner say pah lay-say mwah trahng-keel! Oo? Kahng? Kommahng? poor-kwah? Kee? ler-kell/lah-kell? oo ay? kong-byang? kong-byang? kessker say?

d like... I want... I like it. I don't like it. That's fine.

Je voudrais... Je veux... a me plat. a ne me plat pas. C'est bien.

zher voodray zher ver sahm play sah ner mer play pah say byang

Pair these words with 'Je vais', and you can tell someone (like the taxi cab driver), where you're trying to go.

droite (ah la dwaht) - to the right or on the right gauche (ah go-sh) - to the left or on the left au march (oh mar-shay) - the market au restaurant (oh rest-o-rahn) - to the restaurant la plage (ah lah plaj) - to the beach l'htel (ah low-tell) - to the hotel l'aroport (l'air-o-por) - airport par avion (pahr ah-vee-ohn) - by plane aux toilettes (oh twa-lett) - bathroom

a va bien (saw-vaw-bee-en) - I'm fine a va? (saw-vaw) - How's it going?

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