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i ~ ~ Orange Co FL 1999-0182622 } 04/25/99 O8:Sei33am AFFIDAVIT OF INFORMATION OF Bk 5738 Py a CRIMINAL COMPLAINT FOR PUBLIC NOTICE FILING Billy Frank Noris 1 ‘Complainant Affiant AFFIDAVIT OF INFORMATION vs, FELONIES, HIGH CRIMES, MISDEMANORS State Farm Insurance BM. Wemple Pools, Inc DEMAND FOR RESOLUTION OF DISPUTE IN COMMERCIAL LAW Respondents/Defendants 18 USC 4, & FEDERAL RULES CRIMINAL PROCEDURE RULE 3 ‘THIS AFFIDAVIT OF INFORMATION DOES NOT ARISE FROM THE SUBJECT MATTER OF ANY PREVIOUS DISPUTES ‘This Affidavit is filed pursuant to 18 USC 4 and the Fedoral Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 3, Title 18, USC, Section 4, sates: “Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission ofa felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals ard does not as s00n as possible make known the sume to some judge or otber person in civil or military avthority under the United States, shall be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned not ‘more then three yeats, or both,” Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 3, states: “The complaint is a writen statement of the essential facts constituting the offense charged. It shall be ‘made upon oath before magistrate.” 1, (Billy Frank Norris), the Complainant Affient in the sbove-cited matter, herein depose ard declare that the above-named Respondents did knowingly and willfully act and conspire to oppress, injure and damage this Complainant Affiant as herein-below set forth, and by evidences set forth in the attached COMMERCIAL AFFIDAVIT noticed and seat to Respondents/Defendams 10 resolve the disputed issues outside of this forum, The Respondente)Defendents were previously put on notice asd warned by this Complainant Affiany’s “Commercial Affidavit. Notice of Non-ludicial Proceedings, Notice & Warring of Commercil Grace,” to which the Respondents did not answerrcbut, or answered without addressiag the demands made (see attached exhibits) In said Notice & Warring the fundamental principles of Commercial Law, the underpinnings of all harman laws and civilization, were set forth, The above-referenced Respoadent Parties failed to eval themselves ofthe remedies and recourses under Commercial Law (truth) to resolve the disputes) with this Compiaine AfTant in peaceful and hcnorable manner. All of the Affidavits, Notices, and filings, ofthis Complainant Affiant have been issued as the truth, the ‘whole truth, end nothing but the truth, tothe best of my knowledge and belief. The Affidavits I have issued ‘were sworn to as true, correct, and complete (or certain). Said Affidavits have never been formally rebutted by affidavits sworn to as true, correct, and complete (or certain) by the respective Respondent Parties. 2 > ik S7SB Pq = orange G0 FL 1999-01806a2 By failing to rebut, and continaing with wrongful actions against this Complainant AJFant, Respondents have admitted and soquiesced to the crimes against which this Complainant Affiant objected and sought 0 protect himself from further abuses and wrongs. In order for crime to exist, three elements must be present: a victim, injuries or damages sustained to said victim, and criminal intent on the part ofthe accused. Without proof of all three elements no action can be considered criminal. In this instant matter the Complaint Affiant isthe victim, the unrebutted A fidavits verify the daznages, and the intent is established by proof thatthe Respondents/Defendants were but on Notice and Warned of their wrongs and what was required to right them. By failing to rebut this Complainant Affiant’s Affidavits, Respondenty/Defendants rendeced their actions against this Complainant ‘Affiant willl, ‘The Complainant Affiant herewith exercises his unalienable, Sovereign Right, as acknowledged in Florida Statute 86.011 (Diaz v; Board of County Com'rs of Dade County, D. C., 502 F. Supp, 190 (1980), to bring action against BM. Wemple Pools, Inc, State Farm Insurance, and other Parties for redress of grievances (fraud, extorion, theft, pis other noted wrongs enumerated herein-below) by this Affidavit of Information, Criminal Complaint (Florida Statutes 817, 876, 895), pursuant to theis violations of the Constitution for the State of Florida as stated in the Declaration of rights, Article I, Section 5; Florida Statutes 86, 772, 775; and Title 18 USC. ‘Therefore, the Complaint AMTant, Billy Frank Nomis), sts forth to the candid community the abuses of FELONIES, HIGH CRIMES, AND MISDEMEANORS by the Respondents/Defendants wh, acting in conspiracy with Foreign Principals and their various Agents and Agencies, did unlawfully ‘On April 9*, 1998, Complainant Affiant was served a Witness Subpoena, to appear before the County Court for the County of Orange, State of Florida, on May 118, 1998 (State of Florida vs Pereto, Sean M, Case # T058-0222778), Complainant Affiant refused to testy a trafic hearing due to pending legal action against Mr. Sean M. Peretto, B. M. Wemple Pools, Inc. and State Farm Insurance; Complainant Affant has as of date never given a swom and notarize statement 10 any party in regards to what transpired before, curing, and after the Accident “on Saturday, February 14%, 1998," the traffic charges against Mr, Sean ME Pexetto where dropped and case was dismissed due to Complainant Aifiants refusal to testify. (Subversive activities law, Fla. Stat 876 22 and 876.23, Combination sgainst part ofthe people ofthe state, Fl, Stat. 876.35; Violation of Witnesses’ Privileges, Fla. Stat 876 42; Exhibits that intimidate, Fla Sta 876.19; Inciting insurrection, Fla. Sta, 876.36, Unlawful assembly for purposes of anarchy, communism, of other specified doctrines, Fila Stat. $76.03, “Racketeering activity,” Fla. Stat. 895,02(1); Relating to theft, Fla, Stat. 812, Fla. Stet. 895.02(1)(2)19; Relating to fraud, Fla, Stat. 817, Fla. Stat. 895.02(1Xa)21, Relating to extortion, Fla. Stet. #36005, Fla. Stat. £95,02(1)(6)25, Obstruction of justice, Fla. uxt. 643, Fla. Sia 895.02(1)(@)28, Relating to tampering with a witness and retaliation against a witness, Fa. Stat. 914.22 and 914.23, le, Stat. 895,02(12)53, Relating o tampering with evidence, Fla. Stet. 918.12 and 918.13, Fla. Sat 895.02(1Xa)34; “Racketeering activity” under 18 U.S.C. 1961(1), Fl, Stet. 895.030); “Unlawful Debi", Fla, Stat. 895.02(2), Filing a false “lien” egainst the Claimant under a color of law and offical right (18 ‘USC 1001). Acts ofthe without proper lawful Com:mercial Paperwork or Comercial Affidavits (18 USC 2112, a felony.) Each such incident, asset forth a follows, constitutes a separate count B. M. Wemple Pools, Inc. in combination with State Farm Insurance and other parties, has attempted and conspired to deny this Complainant A‘Tiant, just compensation for lost wages, medical expenses, and damages for injuries: Complainant Affian: has been subjected to loss of personal property and financial embarrassment. No proper, valid Commercial Paperwork, supported by Commercial Affidavits sworn true, correct, aad complete, were produced that would render the actions of Respondents/Defendanis inthis action anything other than theft, extortion, fraud, and other erimes. (Subversive activities law, Fla, Stat. 876.22 and 876.23, Combination against part of the people ofthe state, Fla. Siat. 876.35; Violation of Witnesses’ Privileges, Fla, Stat. $76 42; Exhibits that intimidate, Fla. Stet. 876.19; Inciting insurrection, Fla, Stat. 876.36; Unlawful assembly for purposes of anarchy, communism, or other specified doctrines, Fla, Sat, 876 03; “Racketeering activity,” Fla. Stat 895.02(1); Relating to theft, Fla, Sta, 812, Fla. Stat, a > OR Bk S7TSS. orange bo FL 1989-01Bobse 595,02(1 Xa)19, Relating to fraud, Fla. Sta, 817, Fla. Stat, 895.02(1)(a)21; Relating to extortion, Fla. Stat 836,08, Fla, Stat. 895.02(1{a)25; Obstruction of justice, Fla. Stat. €43, Fla. Stat $95.02(1)(a)28, Relating to iampering with a witness and retaliation against a witness, Fla. Stat. 914.22 and 914.23, Fla. Stat. £895,03(1X.a)33; Releting to tampering with evidence, Fla. Stat. 918.12 ard 918,13, Fla Star '895,02(1Xa)34. “Racketeering activity” under 18 U.S.C. 1961(1), Fla. Stat 895 020) “Unlawfil Debt”, Fla, Stat, 895 02(2), Piling ¢ false “lien” against the Claimant under a color of law and official right (18 USC 1001). Each such incident, asset forth as follows, constitutes a separate count. State Farm Insurance, On Wednesday, March 17°, 1999; Complainant AMiant meet with Tim Banahan, Claim Specialist, Special Investigative Unit for State Farm insurance Company. and Jim Smallwood, Claim Superintendent, Special Investigative Unit for State Farm Insurance Company. ‘This Complainant A‘Tiant meet withthe above two (2) gentiemen atthe Orange County Courthouse at 425 N. Orange Ave,, 11" Floor, Room 1100-01 at 10:00am, on March 17°, 1999. Mr. Banahan took pictures of ‘ny injuries and had shis Complainant AMiat sign Authorization to Provide Information and a Receipt for ‘Advance Payment (exhibits), Fa, Stat 876.19, Fla. Sta, $7622(2), Fla. Stat. 876 23(1Xa), Fla. Stat 876,23(1)(b); Fla, Stat. 895.02(1), Fla, Stat. 895 02(1)(a)21, Fla. Stat. 89S 02(1}a}26, Fla. Seat. 805,02(1)(a)28, Fla. Stat. 895 02(1}b), Acts of thet without proper Commercial Paperwork of Commercial Affidavits, 18 USC 2112, a felony. Each such incident a set forth as follows, constitutes a separate coun, By such action without due process of law, lawful Court hearing on a probable cause based on Affidavii(s) ‘svom true, correct, and complete, such persons have entered, enforced, and acted against hissher oath of office, the guarantees of the Constitution, is an act of TREASON of an act of Mixed War by Foreign ‘Agents, or Agents of Foreign Principals, against the people of this State, No other term or terms describes such action oF sesivity By accepting and honoring false documentation, B. M. Wemple Pools, Ine. specifically and willingly ‘conspired with State Farm Insuranace to steal the property of, oppress, and injure Billy Frank Norns, denying Billy Frank Norris the right of due process of law for actions against him. The rights devied, violated, or trespassed against are enumerated below. Each action—denial, violation, or trespass —is a separate high crime and misdemeanor, brought together in this COUNT as violations agaiast the Constitution, The penalty is defined under Title 18 USC 3571 & 3623-post individually listed for subtotal tally as to the civil demages sustained by such criminal actions. Rights ofthe Sovereign denied or violated (S100,000.00 each denied, violated, or trespassed right listed as a misdemeanor, 18 USC 3571 & 3623-post, defined as a felony is $250,000.00 for each trespass, denial, or violation) secured, preserved, and protected by the Floride and United States Constitutions By such repeated actions by State Farm Insurance and B. M. Wemple Pools, loc., a criminal conspiracy is established of fiaud, extortion, theft, and racketeering ‘The Respondents in this instant matter committed as follows, -DENIAL OF RIGHT TO DUE PROCESS OF LAW. Such denials include, but are not limited to, denying ‘the right to receive full and just compensation for lost wages, medical expenses and damages for injuries, denying numerous unalienable human rights which the U.S. and Florida Constitutions place an ‘unequivocal cbligation and restriction on all officials of government, business, and private parties not 10 violate, and specifically acting against this Complainam: AMant under color of law and officiel right. ‘Tobe lawful, moral, and valid in Commercial law. any claim mede by anyone against somebody else must ‘consist of or have as its origin and basis an affidavit swom to truc, correct, and complete in which someone Ins taken personal and Commercial liability and responsibility forthe: ‘Maxim #9, below). “The right 10 due process of law requires that before any judgment against an individual can be enforced, said individual must have the opportunity to defend himself of any accusation, must have the right 0 state his case, and must have the opportunity for a proper and lawul judgment of a jury of his peers

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