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But where does it say in 'US Constitution' that ... . * ...

we have to support, send money, fight, kill and get killed for 'Democracy' in Tunisia or any other country? * ... Big Companies and Corporations are also People and can compete with Votes of US Citizens using their Dollars? * ... Representatives elected by people can sell their rights to whoever bids hi gher? * ... a Political Party can lie constantly saying its going to help Senior Citiz ens, when it actually wants to end Medicare? * ... people can be told, they would benefit from Tax Breaks to the Richest, whe n they never had before? * ... Elected Representatives working for Capitalists can act Treasonous Enemies of Americans by keep letting millions of Illegals in USA, when Americans do not have enough jobs themselves? . * How come Libyan System was providing more to its thankless crazy citizens than any 'Democracy' that has existed on Earth, if 'Democracy' is the best System? * How come Non Democratic Economies like Luxembourg a Kingdom, Liechtenstein a K ingdom, Singapore a One Party Government State, China a Communist state have gro wn faster than any 'Democratic' Country's Economy and raised Standard of Living of their people more? * How come not so good Democracy of Russia, S Korea, Taiwan etc are growing a lo t faster than the best 'Democracy' USA and they have not faced the same Monitory Problems like USA and her Allies? * How come 'Communist' China's Economy has been growing faster than Economy of a ny advanced, industrialized, civilized and authentic 'Democratic' Country? . No, Democracy taken over by Capitalists or people with Money is no 'Democracy of People'. Its Plutocracy of the Rich, a Money-cracy disguised as Democracy to f ool people. . S U Turkman

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