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u-Glycolysis is not a highly energy efficient energy-harnessing mechanism by itself (there is only a net production of 2 ATP!

) much energy is still trapped in the 2 pyruvate and 2 NADH ________________________________________________________________________ Step #2 of cellular respiration: Pyruvate Oxidation -occurs inside the mitochondria (matrix) - starts off with pyruvate (the end product of glycolysis) -3 stages involved: 1. the carboxyl group of the pyruvate is removed as CO2 (this is called decarboxylation). 2. the remaining 2-C portion is oxidized by NAD 3. CoA (has sulphur) is attached to the acetate portion (this is the only remaining part of pyruvate)

English Essay Possible ideas to throw in? Soraya needs Amir to forgive her before she can marry him. In the same way, Rahim Khan needs Amir to forgive him for keeping Baba's secret before he dies. Rahim Khan, the story's unofficial wise man, is the one who truly understands how redemption occurs. He tells Amir in his letter, "I know that in the end, God will forgive. He will forgive your father, me, and you too ... Forgive your father if you can. Forgive me if you wish. But most important, forgive yourself." Rahim Khan carries the novel's ultimate message about forgiveness. God is merciful; it is people who are not. Therefore, truly atoning for one's sins means coming to terms with them by oneself, without relying on a higher power. When Amir prays, he is still bound by fear and guilt; instead of wishing unselfishly for Sohrab to recover, he begs God not to leave "Sohrab's blood on his hands." When Amir manages to forgive himself in the very last moments of the novel, he redeems himself at last. Redemption is a concept typically associated with religion. It is defined as receiving forgiveness for the commission of sin. For Christians, the terms redemption and salvation are often used interchangeably. When an individual pledges to mend thee error of his ways, his soul w

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