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1.0, 1F-100C-1 FLIGHT MANUAL eyes sy F-100C AIRCRAFT Ceara Ck ar Go kat publication te the altention of all personnel Peter epee ieee Re Cr eu ARCRLY Brera a eas eae ae Le rote ee MRR ES Pe ere ee oe. ea eee need ears nt This change reploces Satoty of Flight Supple eee) 6s LATEST CHANGED PAGES SUPERSEDE W THE SAME PAGES OF PREVIOUS DATE Eh mone® 7 eaeded sy Cah, 31 May 42-810 [No 7 AUGUST 1959 CHANGED 22 APRIL 1960 -1000-1-0-644 1.0. 1F-100C-1 Reproduction for nonmilitary use of the information oF illustrations contained in this publication is not per, Inited without specie approval of che issuing service (BuAer or USAF). The policy for use of Classified Publications is established for the Air Force in AFR 20511 and for the Navy in Navy Regulations, Article 1509 TIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES INSERT LATEST CHANGED PAGES. DESTROY SUPERSEDED PAGES. NOTE: The portion of dhe vent afected by the changes i ndiated bys vert line inthe over margins of the pe TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES IN THIS PUBLICATION 15 620, CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING: Ise Page owe Page sone Ne No Tite 22 Ape 1960 $4-18A thew 48B...22 Ape 960 AT chru ATG signal a 22Ape i960 #419 22 Ape toed ABT dhru ABs Original Terai Grigical "20 dine C38 Grand #85 Be Apriveo LV hea ba Origieal = 9439, aeaprivd — "ABG diew ARTE ‘rigival m5 BApei960 “430 dru 43 Origin (49-1 thu Ao Osiinal 6 thew (ti Original = 932 BWaprige) — *Al0.1 thew A103 33 Apr 1900 whew bdo ae pene “433 Griginl = A103 Srginal 14 thew 422 Griginsl 34 thru 436 AMO es Ai0.5 "33 Ape 9a 3 Bape “437 shea ‘aos Srginal 124 thew 134 Original SC42A'tnen GB) 3 Aprisey ALO thw ABS 32 Apr 190 “38 Sapo Nts BeAbr geo A109 thew ALOU2"" Original 36 dew 3 Origin G dirw Gas Original tra Al0.44 "32 Apr i960 2135 ZAprIIGO —skAG thre 448 3B Apet9GD —ANO-IS ‘Sriginal 140 dew 5 Original “4-49 dhru 450 Grind ALO 32 Ape 1960 2130 Bap st aAapeiog, —“ndex Xi tira 130 ew 152 Grainel G52 ‘Grigial Tide KAO ..-22 Ape 1960 oh Bape ht BB ApriDa 134 dh 1263 Origin “3 ‘Grigial 6s Aprisc 53 Ba Apri 185 che 7 Grigio “3 ‘Original 2 hee 28 Original 033 33 apr "> HApe i960 — "5.6 dirw 7 Original 20 dira 3.38 Original os.n 33 Apr 1960 ae BApeino — "59 ‘Original ay diva 338 Original 5-10 thew Sit 33 Ape 96 #139 SaAaprioay “eis Sriginal ‘0 cre 234 Griginl —95.13 dana 536798 Apap 5 Bape 517 dha ss ‘Sriginal 236 cha 35 riod Gt woo Original ei BAprise — eet thea Gua 33 Ape oe oa BAbeiow — “et3 thea us Sriginal 3 tira 38 Original 99.1 dhra 72 238 Apr i960 ey UB Ape@ “73 thee 0 Sriginat vio Orginal 5:1 thru 3.5 Ociginal SH thew $3 039 Apr i960 99.6 thru 9.11 BB Apr i960 S14 chew 38 Griginal —“9°t2'deud.14 vigil 9319 BApei96e Aue A? Original 3.20 thew 3:32 Great Ar Original SBM er gaa as Apeoge AALS 33 Ape'ioca a BApr ve ALS dw AiG Grigioal 32 thre 3.39 Griginal «AL 1 ru Aza 38 Aprn9eo 326 BeAprise) “ALS the Ante Seginal S2F ds 335 Griginl —AS.t dhru AS. ‘Original 350 BApriog — sA3.23 i Ape i960 33 gira 3:44 Grgind — “A325 shew A354 iginal Perey Origimat ALT 33 Ape i960 SpA 4a oa Ape "Ate ihiw AGS xine! o “22 Ape 1960 SAG thru Atai””"32 Apr 1960 4 dw 48 Original SACS 22 Apr 1960 +69 Bape i960 AGO thew ALISA Original 10 Original = ASL thrw AS-3 Original SEU thaw C14 TST Ape 1960 ASC UheW ABS 22 Apr 1960 15 dina 616 Original —A5-6 thew AB-32 Original oa BeApei960 AGI thea AGI? Original 18 Original #A3-L they A222 Ape I9OO th aiid pass change ade, deleted by the cues chan [ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE OBTAINED AS FOLLOWS: rau USAF ACTIVITIES—In accordance with T.0, 00-52. USAF NAVY ACTIVITIESSubmit request to nearest supply point listed below, using form Navaer 140; NASD, ‘Philadelphia, Pa; NAS, Alameda, Calif; NAS, Jacksonville, Fla; NAS, Norfolk, Va.; NAS, San Diego, Cal ‘Aviation Supply Annex, NSD, Gum. For listing of available material and det A Changed 22 April 1960 s of distribution see Naval Aeronautics Publications Index Naver 00-500. 1.0, 1F-100C-1 —<—<$—$<—<—<—_—— TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION 1-1 NORMAL PROCEDURES = 2-1 AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT = 4-1 OPERATING LIMITATIONS 5-1 FLIGHT CHARACTERISTICS 6-1 SYSTEMS OPERATION 7A CREW DUTIES (Not Applicable) ALL-WEATHER OPERATION 9-1 PERFORMANCE DATA A-l X-1

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