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Emirates National School - ADC: PYP Program of Inquiry 2012-2013

An inquiry into: Who We Are An inquiry into: Where We Are in Place and Time
An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.

An inquiry into: How We Express Ourselves

An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.

An inquiry into: How the World Works

An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.

An inquiry into: How We Organize Ourselves

An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decisionmaking; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment.

An inquiry into: Sharing the Planet

An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.

An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.

Focus: PSE/Social Studies

Focus: Language Arts/Social Studies

Focus: Social Studies

Focus: Science/Social Studies Central Idea: People have a responsibility towards the needs of animals.

Central Idea: We use our body and our senses to explore the world around us.

Central Idea: Signs and symbols can be used to communicate a message.

Central Idea: People in a community work together to help each other in different ways. Lines of Inquiry: - People in our community who help us (form) - The different roles within communities around us (function) - Our role and responsibility (responsibility) Key Concepts: Form, Function, Responsibility Related Concepts: Community, Interrelationships

Lines of Inquiry: - Parts of the body (form) - The 5 Senses (form) -How we use our bodies to explore our world (function)

Lines of Inquiry: - Signs and Symbols (form) - Features used to communicate locally and globally (function) - Reasons for signs and symbols (causation)

Lines of Inquiry: - The characteristics of animals (form) - The needs of animals (form) - Ways that people interact with animals (function)

KG 1

Key Concepts: Form, Function

Key Concepts: Form, Function, Causation Related Concepts: Signs and Symbols, Communication

Key Concepts: Form, Function

Related Concepts: Senses, Exploration

Related Concepts: Responsibility, Needs

Emirates National School - ADC: PYP Program of Inquiry 2012-2013

An inquiry into: Who We Are An inquiry into: Where We Are in Place and Time
Focus: Social Studies/ Technology Central Idea: Modes of transportation change over time.

An inquiry into: How We Express Ourselves

Focus: The Arts

An inquiry into: How the World Works

Focus: Science

An inquiry into: How We Organize Ourselves

Focus: Social Science

An inquiry into: Sharing the Planet

Focus: Science

Focus: PSE/Social Studies

Central Idea: Communicating our ideas and feelings helps us to live together in harmony.

Central Idea: We express ourselves through art in many different ways.

Central Idea: Understanding how materials behave and interact determines how people use them. Lines of Inquiry: - Attributes of materials (form) - Exploration and classification of materials (causation) - How materials can change (change)

Central Idea: In a community, rules exist to achieve fairness and respect.

Central Idea: Plants are living things that need certain conditions to grow.

Lines of Inquiry: -Understanding our emotions (form) - Effective ways to communicate (function) - Understanding the perspectives of others (perspective)

Lines of Inquiry: - Different modes of transport (form) - How different types of transport work (function) - How modes of transport have developed over time (change)

Lines of Inquiry: - Different media and techniques (form) - The process of making art (function/change) - The responses that art can evoke (perspective)

Lines of Inquiry: - Rules within our community (form) - How rules impact our behavior (connection) - Consequences of making good/bad decisions (causation)

Lines of Inquiry: - The characteristics of plants (form) - Conditions needed to keep plants healthy (causation) - Ways that the cycles of the earth are connected to plant growth (connection) Key Concepts: Form, Causation, Connection

KG 2

Key Concepts: Form, Function, Perspective

Key Concepts: Form, Function, Change

Key Concepts: Form, Function, Change, Perspective Related Concepts: Expression, Art

Key Concepts: Form, Causation, Change

Key Concepts: Form, Connection, Causation

Related Concepts: Ideas, Feelings, Harmony

Related Concepts: Transportation, Time

Related Concepts: Materials, Behavior, Interaction

Related Concepts: Community, Rules, Fairness, Respect

Related Concepts: Living Things, Conditions, Growth

Emirates National School - ADC: PYP Program of Inquiry 2012-2013

An inquiry into: Who We Are
Focus: PSE/Social Studies

An inquiry into: Where We Are in Place and Time

Focus: Social Studies

An inquiry into: How We Express Ourselves

Focus: Social Studies/PSE

An inquiry into: How the World Works

Focus: Science

An inquiry into: How We Organize Ourselves

Focus: Social Studies

An inquiry into: Sharing the Planet

Focus: Science/Social Studies Central Idea: Human behaviour impacts the ocean habitat.

Central Idea: Family members have traits and experience life changing events together. Lines of Inquiry: - Physical, social and emotional characteristics (form) - My role within my family (function) - Significant events in our lives (reflection)

Central Idea: Leaders of communities have a responsibility to affect positive change. Lines of Inquiry: - Characteristics of leaders and team members in communities (function) - Ways members of a community are affected by change (change) - Changes brought about by significant leaders (causation) Key Concepts: Function, Change, Causation

Central Idea: People appreciate diversity through celebrations and traditions of cultures. Lines of Inquiry: - Cultures, customs, and traditions (form) - Ways cultures celebrate customs and traditions (function) - Things we can learn from other cultures (perspective)

Central Idea: The Earth is made of matter which can be classified.

Central Idea: Many businesses work to support the travel industry.

Lines of Inquiry: - Elements that make up the Earth (form) - Characteristics of matter (function) - Where matter originates from around the globe (connection)

Lines of Inquiry: - Purposes of travel (causation) - Ways in which we organize ourselves to take a trip (function) - Different businesses involved in planning a trip (connection)

Lines of Inquiry: - The ocean habitat (form) - Ways that humans use the ocean (function) - Ways we and others can protect the ocean (responsibility)

Grade 1

Key Concepts: Form, Function, Reflection

Key Concepts: Form, Function, Perspective

Key Concepts: Form, Function, Connection

Key Concepts: Causation, Function, Connection Related Concepts: Business, Travel

Key Concepts: Form, Function, Responsibility

Related Concepts: Family, Traits, Events

Related Concepts: Community, Responsibility

Related Concepts: Celebrations, Culture

Related Concepts: Matter, Classification

Related Concepts: Habitats, Behavior

Emirates National School - ADC: PYP Program of Inquiry 2012-2013

An inquiry into: Who We Are
Focus: PSE/Social Studies

An inquiry into: Where We Are in Place and Time

Focus: Social Studies

An inquiry into: How We Express Ourselves

Focus: Language Arts/PSE

An inquiry into: How the World Works

Focus: Science/Social Studies Central Idea: Changing weather affects our lives and the environment. Lines of Inquiry: - Types of weather (form) - How weather affects people and the environment (causation) - Adaptations to climate (causation)

An inquiry into: How We Organize Ourselves

Focus: Social Studies

An inquiry into: Sharing the Planet

Focus: Science

Central Idea: People are responsible for creating communities. Lines of Inquiry: - My responsibilities as a member of a community (responsibility) - The importance of a shared vision towards a common purpose (connection) - Skills and attitudes used to resolve conflict (function) Key Concepts: Responsibility, Connection, Function Related Concepts: Communities

Central Idea: Historical events impact our identity.

Central Idea: Stories stimulate our imagination and emotions.

Central Idea: Systems of transportation are designed to meet our needs. Lines of Inquiry: - Systems of transportation (form) - The needs of communities (form) - How a societies needs affects systems of transportation/the types of transportation used (causation) Key Concepts: Form, Causation

Central Idea: Organisms interact within their habitat to survive.

Lines of Inquiry: - How people lived in the past (form) - Beliefs and traditions that are valued today (connection) - Historical events that have impacted on society (causation)

Lines of Inquiry: - Different ways of telling stories (form) - Elements of a story (form) - How stories connect to our own lives (connection) - The responses that stories can evoke (perspective)

Lines of Inquiry: - Similarities and differences between living things (form) - Challenges living things may face within their habitat (function) - Why and how living things adapt to their environment (change) Key Concepts: Form, Function, Change

Grade 2

Key Concepts: Form, Connection, Causation

Key Concepts: Form, Connection,

Key Concepts: Form, Causation

Related Concepts: History, Identity

Related Concepts: Imagination, Emotions

Related Concepts: Weather, The Environment

Related Concepts: Systems of Transportation, Needs

Related Concepts: Organisms, Habitat, Survival

Emirates National School - ADC: PYP Program of Inquiry 2012-2013

An inquiry into: Who We Are
Focus: PSE/Social Studies Central Idea: Individual rights and responsibilities are necessary for communities to function.

An inquiry into: Where We Are in Place and Time

Focus: Social Studies Central Idea: Historical sources record how significant people have shaped society.

An inquiry into: How We Express Ourselves

Focus: Visual Art/Social Studies Central Idea: Advertising influences thinking and choices.

An inquiry into: How the World Works

Focus: Science

An inquiry into: How We Organize Ourselves

Focus: Social Studies Central Idea: A marketplace is a system of trading goods and services to meet the wants and needs of a community. Lines of Inquiry: - How producers and consumers are interdependent (connection) - Trading as a system of exchange (function) - How we can meet short-term financial goals (responsibility)

An inquiry into: Sharing the Planet

Focus: Social Studies/Science Central Idea: The way people live has a direct impact on the environment.

Central Idea: Living things go through stages of growth in their life cycles.

Lines of Inquiry: - Our rights as members of a community (form) - The balance between rights and responsibilities (function) - How civil discourse contributes to a functional society (causation)

Lines of Inquiry: - Important people in history (form) - Change that has occurred as a result of peoples actions (change/ causation) - How different sources present different kinds of information (perspective)

Lines of Inquiry: - Elements of an effective advertisement (form) - How advertisements affect consumer choices (causation) - How the advertisements we see affect what we want (connection)

Lines of Inquiry: - The needs of living things (form) - Life cycles of living things (function) - Changes that occur in living things (change)

Lines of Inquiry: - The processes which change materials of the Earth (change) - Effects people have on their regional environment (causation/ perspective) - Limiting the harmful effects of humans on the environment (responsibility) Key Concepts: Change, Causation, Perspective, Responsibility Related Concepts: Lifestyles, The Environment

Grade 3

Key Concepts: Form, Function, Causation

Key Concepts: Form, Causation, Change, Perspective

Key Concepts: Form, Causation, Connection

Key Concepts: Form, Function, Change

Key Concepts: Connection, Function, Responsibility

Related Concepts: Rights, Responsibility, Community

Related Concepts: Historical Sources, Significant People, Society

Related Concepts: Advertising, Choices

Related Concepts: Living Things, Life Cycles

Related Concepts: Markets, Community

Emirates National School - ADC: PYP Program of Inquiry 2012-2013

An inquiry into: Who We Are
Focus: PSE/Social Studies Central Idea: The learner profile is a set of ideals that can inspire, motivate and focus the work of a school community. Lines of Inquiry: - Why and how the learner profile was developed (form) - How I connect to the learner profile (connection) - How I can use the attributes to be successful at school/guide my learning (function)

An inquiry into: Where We Are in Place and Time

Focus: Social Studies Central Idea: Migration is a response to challenges, risks and opportunities.

An inquiry into: How We Express Ourselves

Focus: Science/Art

An inquiry into: How the World Works

Focus: Science

An inquiry into: How We Organize Ourselves

Focus: Social Studies Central Idea: Authority and rules have an impact on people and their community.

An inquiry into: Sharing the Planet

Focus: Science

Central Idea: Inventors utilize energy in the development of technologies that meet the needs of a society. Lines of Inquiry: - The needs of a society (form) - Inventors that have impacted society (causation) - How inventors utilize resources to meet a societys needs (function)

Central Idea: Planet Earths cycles are affected by its movement within the Solar System.

Central Idea: Living things adapt to their environment in order to survive.

Lines of Inquiry: - Reasons why people Migrate (perspective) - Migration throughout History (change) - Effects of migration on communities, cultures, and individuals (connection) Key Concepts: Perspective, Change, Connection Related Concepts: Migration, Opportunity

Lines of Inquiry: - The cycles of the earth (form) - Components of space (form) - The relationship between the sun, earth, and moon (connection)

Lines of Inquiry: - The structure and function of groups and institutions (form) - The purpose of a government (function) - The interconnectednes s of systems within a society (connection)

Lines of Inquiry: - Similarities and differences between living things (form) - Challenges living things may face within their habitat (function) - Why and how living things adapt to their environment (change) Key Concepts: Form, Function Connection

Grade 4

Key Concepts: Form, Connection, Function

Key Concepts: Form, Causation, Function

Key Concepts: Form, Connection

Key Concepts: Form, Function, Connection

Related Concepts: Ideals, Community

Related Concepts: Energy, Technology, Needs, Society

Related Concepts: Cycles, Movement

Related Concepts: Authority, Rules, Community

Related Concepts: Living Things, The Environment, Survival

Emirates National School - ADC: PYP Program of Inquiry 2012-2013

An inquiry into: Who We Are
Focus: PSE/Science

An inquiry into: Where We Are in Place and Time

Focus: Social Studies

An inquiry into: How We Express Ourselves

Focus: The Arts

An inquiry into: How the World Works

Focus: Science/Social Studies Central Idea: Natural disasters have a drastic effect on people and the environment. Lines of Inquiry: - The cause of natural disasters (function) - The effect of natural disasters on people and the environment (causation) - The responsibility of the international community in responding to natural disasters (responsibility) Key Concepts: Function, Causation, Responsibility Related Concepts: Natural Disasters, The Environment

An inquiry into: How We Organize Ourselves

Focus: Social Studies

An inquiry into: Sharing the Planet

Focus: Science

Central Idea: Organisms have specialized systems that enable them to function. Lines of Inquiry: - Human body systems (form) - Structures that are important for an organisms survival (function) - Physical and emotional changes we face as we grow (change)

Central Idea: People have made significant contributions to society as a result of exploration. Lines of Inquiry: - The endeavors of famous explorers (form) - Contributions made to society as a result of exploration (causation) - Changes that have occurred as a result of exploration (change)

Central Idea: The Exhibition Cultures use different forms of art to express ideas and feelings. Lines of Inquiry: - Different forms of artistic expression (form) - How our art is expressed in our own culture (connection) - The function/role of artistic expression within a culture (function) - Ways that artistic expression can be interpreted (perspective) Key Concepts: Form, Connection, Function, Perspective Related Concepts: Culture, The Arts, Expression, Feelings

Central Idea: Government structures and institutions impact the way we live.

Central Idea: Organisms have specialized systems that enable them to function.

Lines of Inquiry: - Different types of government structure (form) - The role of financial institutions (function) - Ways that systems of government and finance work together (connection)

Lines of Inquiry: - Human body systems (form) - Structures that are important for an organisms survival (function) - Physical and emotional changes we face as we grow (change)

Grade 5

Key Concepts: Form, Function, Change

Key Concepts: Form, Causation, Change

Key Concepts: Form, Function, Connection

Key Concepts: Form, Function, Change

Related Concepts: Organisms, Systems, Function

Related Concepts: Contribution, Exploration

Related Concepts: Government, Lifestyles

Related Concepts: Organisms, Systems, Function

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