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Advanced Programming in C For Pascal Programmers*

Outline of Topics 1. A substring example 2. Lists a. Self referential structures b. Allocation c. Deallocation 3. Stack Example 4. Doubly linked lists a. Declaration b. Allocation c. Accessing 5. #define debug 6. External functions a. Declaration b. Accessing c. Separate compilation 7. Files a. Of structures b. Accessing records within the file

This document was prepared by Dr. Deborah Whitfield for Armco

1. A substring example
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define SZ 20 int substr(char *,char *, int, int); void main () { char str[SZ]; char small_str[SZ],new_str[SZ]; printf ("Enter a string: "); scanf ("%s", str); if (substr(str,small_str, 3, 5)) printf ("3rd thru 5th element of %s is %s\n",str, small_str); else printf ("invalid substring\n"); } int substr(char *str, char *new_str, int start, int last) { int len, i; len=strlen(str); if (start > len || last > len) return 0; for (i=0;i< start - 1; i++) str++; for (i=start-1; i < last; i++) *new_str++ =*str++; *new_str = '\0'; return 1; } Enter a string: 123456789 3rd thru 5th element of 123456789 is 345 Enter a string: 1234 invalid substring

Lists Use a self referential structure (one element of the structure is a pointer to the structure)
struct node { int data; struct node *next; };

Allocate nodes using malloc and sizeof (struct node) Typecast the pointer returned by malloc (struct node *) Typedefs are useful to eliminate redundancy Use free to deallocate the node A header file is useful defining structures and external information 3. Stack Example
stack.h extern void stack_init(); extern int stack_empty(); extern void stack_push(stack_data d); extern stack_data stack_pop(); #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct stack_rec { stack_data data; struct stack_rec *next; }; typedef struct stack_rec REC; stack.c #include "stack.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> REC *top = NULL; void main() { int i; stack_init(); for (i=0; i< 9; i++){ printf("Pushing data item %d\n", i); stack_push(i); } while (!stack_empty()){ i = stack_pop(); printf("Item removed from stack is %d\n",i); } } void stack_init() { top = NULL; }

int stack_empty() { if (top == NULL) return(1); else return (0); } void stack_push(stack_data d) { REC *temp; temp = (REC *) malloc (sizeof (REC)); temp->data = d; temp->next = top; top = temp; } stack_data stack_pop() { REC *temp; stack_data d = 0; if (top != NULL) { d = top->data; temp = top; top = top->next; free(temp); } return(d); } Pushing data item 0 Pushing data item 1 Pushing data item 2 Pushing data item 3 Pushing data item 4 Pushing data item 5 Pushing data item 6 Pushing data item 7 Pushing data item 8 Item removed from stack is 8 Item removed from stack is 7 Item removed from stack is 6 Item removed from stack is 5 Item removed from stack is 4 Item removed from stack is 3 Item removed from stack is 2 Item removed from stack is 1 Item removed from stack is 0

4. Doubly linked lists Declaration contains two pointers next and previous
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct listnode { int entry; struct listnode *next; struct listnode *previous; }ListNode; } typedef struct list{ ListNode *first; ListNode *last; int count; } List; /* function prototypes */ void CreateList(List *); void PrintList(List *); void InsertList(int,List *); void DeleteList(int,List *); } void main() { List *order_list; ListNode *element; order_list = (List *) malloc (sizeof(List)); CreateList(order_list); printf("Entered 4 elements: 8, 1, 22, 12\n"); PrintList (order_list); DeleteList(8, order_list); DeleteList(4, order_list); printf("\nDeleted element 8\n"); PrintList (order_list); DeleteList(22, order_list); DeleteList(1, order_list); printf("\nDelete delements 22 and 1\n"); PrintList (order_list); } void CreateList(List *order_list) { int element; order_list->count = 0; order_list->first = NULL; void InsertList(int x, List *list) { ListNode *temp, *newnode; newnode = (ListNode *) malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); newnode->entry=x; newnode->next=NULL; newnode->previous=NULL; if(list->first == NULL) /* the list was empty */ { newnode->next = NULL; newnode->previous = NULL; list->first = list->last = newnode; } else /* insert front non empty list */ { temp=list->first; while (temp->entry < x && temp->next != NULL) { temp=temp->next; } while(p) /* traverse list { printf("Element %d\n", p->entry); p = p->next; } */ void PrintList(List *order_list) { ListNode *p; p = order_list->first; order_list->last = NULL; element = 8; InsertList (element, order_list); element = 1; InsertList (element, order_list); element = 22; InsertList (element, order_list); element = 12; InsertList (element, order_list);

if (temp->next == NULL &&temp->entry < x) /* Insert as last in list */ { newnode->previous=list->last; list->last->next = newnode; list->last = newnode; } else if (temp == list->first) /*Insert as first */ { newnode->next = list->first; list->first->previous = newnode; list->first = newnode; } else /*Insert before temp */ { newnode->previous = temp->previous; newnode->next= temp; temp->previous->next=newnode; temp->previous=newnode; } list->count++; } } void DeleteList(int num,List *order_list) { ListNode *temp = NULL; if(order_list->first == NULL) printf ("Error -- Attempt to delete from an empty list."); else if (order_list->first == order_list->last) if (order_list->first->entry == num) { free(order_list->first); order_list->first= NULL; order_list->last = NULL; } else printf("Error -- not found\n"); else { temp=order_list->first; while (temp->entry != num && temp->next != NULL) temp=temp->next; if (temp->entry == num) /*remove temp*/ { if (temp==order_list->first){ temp->next->previous = NULL; order_list->first = temp->next; } else if (temp == order_list->last){ temp->previous->next = NULL; order_list->last = temp->previous;

} else { temp->previous->next=temp->next; temp->next->previous = temp->previous; } free (temp); } else printf ("Error -- element not found\n"); } }

Entered 4 elements: 8, 1, 22, 12 Element 1 Element 8 Element 12 Element 22 Error -- element not found Deleted element 8 Element 1 Element 12 Element 22 Deleted elements 22 and 1 Element 12

4. Debugging #define 5. External functions Declaration Accessing Separate compilation

6. Files Of structures Accessing records within the file

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