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Instead of the objective uncertainty, there is here certainty, namely, that objectively it is absurd; and this absurdity, held

fast in the passion of inwardness, is faith For the absurd is the object of faith, and the only object that can be believed. Kierkegaard, Postcript. 0, p.189 Let me first define what is objective uncertainty, it is something that we do or asked to do but we have no idea what would be the effect or whats in store for us but there is a compelling feeling that we just have to do it, so we do it anyway. The passage basically talks about faith. One must take his faith seriously, it is not something you just do because everyone elses doing it; it is a strong emotion inside every being that they just know that whatever it is, it is a good thing. Faith is not only manifested in praying and claiming that you believe in God but in taking the leap of faith. For instance, in Abrahams case, he was asked by God that he needs to sacrifice his son Isaac; Abraham was astounded; he feared for his family; for his wife and especially for his son. He was trembling because; it was not the easiest thing for him to do; he was by far, in my opinion, in the most difficult situation one can face in proving his faith. Now Abraham is clueless, he doesnt know what to do, he has only his faith to his God as hope, if theres any to be able to sustain. In the midst of all these, he faced it, he gave it all up to the being he calls God and took the risk, even if the people around him especially his family will call him a murderer; he took his sons life and he was loathed by his son for it and called him a monster, all these he took wholeheartedly for as long as he will not be disobeying God. Without knowing that God will spare his sons life, he made a decision and chose God above everyone else and everything else. This is faith at its best manifestation. Abraham was in a lose-lose situation; on the one side he will be a murderer and on the other he will still lose his son if he did do the contrary of what he was asked for. Abraham took the leap of faith; he believed that God only wants what would be right for him. In other words, you can only understand faith if you believe first. Faith is seeking understanding through believing first, for if you dont believe you will never understand.

For a deeper understanding about Kierkegaards topic about faith, I suggest you read his Philosophy about it. Hehe. :D

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