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Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Answer the following questions in a word document and turn into the

appropriate drop box. 1. Write a definition of incorporation clarifying the concept of incorporation in your own words as well as explaining the role of the 14th Amendment in incorporation. 2. What are the three reasons why the liberties claimed by some people become major issues? Give one or two examples for each reason. 3. Explain briefly how the Supreme Court has interpreted the Free Exercise and Establishment clauses. 4. What are the difficulties in using the wall of separation principle? 5. Summarize the Supreme Courts changing interpretations of how to protect both the due process rights of accused criminals and to preserve the safety of the community. Define the exclusionary rule and the good faith exception. 6. What were the strategies that black leaders followed in order to obtain civil rights? Once basic rights such as voting and integration had been obtained, what issues did civil rights leaders focus on? 7. Briefly outline the steps in the NAACPs strategy in the fight against segregated schools and indicate the success they had in the courts and in implementing desegregation. 8. What are the criteria that the Supreme Court has adapted in defining strict scrutiny of any law involving racial preferences? 9. How has the Supreme Court changed in its attitudes towards equal rights for women from the early 20th century to today? What are the two standards the Court uses today to in considering sex discrimination cases? 10. How did activists for the disabled manage to get The Americans with Disabilities Act passed? Briefly summarize what is included in the law and the objections that some have had to the law.

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