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Caruncho-Rodado, J.M. (1); Fuentes-Vzquez, Vernica (1); Calvo, A. (1); Gmez-Rodrguez, F. (2); Suso (2); Gonzlez-Castao, D.M. (2); Dacua, B. (3); Lorente, A. (4); Gallego, E. (4)

Arraela, S.L., Polgono Vilar do Colo, 15621, Cabanas, A Corua, Spain


Grupo de Investigacin en Radiofsica, Departamento de Fsica de Partculas, Facultade de Fsica, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

RIAIDT, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain


Departamento de Ingeniera Nuclear, Escuela Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain


The company Arraela S.L. has developed two new materials for use as shields against neutron radiation: CONTEK RNH1 and CONTEK RNB1. These materials have been subjected to physicochemical analysis and has subsequently performed a theoretical capacity of attenuation and backscatter for neutron beams of various energies by Monte Carlo simulation (MC).

CONTEK RNH1 y CONTEK RNB1 combine different materials that allow both braking fast neutrons and thermal neutron capture. On the one hand, both contain a high amount of hydrogen (effective neutron moderator) in its structure: the first one above 2% in the form of crystallized water, and the second at around 7%. On the other hand, the mineral which are manufactured both contain a high percentage of boron, which has a great ability to absorb thermal neutrons.

Keywords: neutron, radiation protection, hydrogen, boron.

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