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December 2012

Hofstra University

Academic Success Program

Time Management is SelfManagement
Create a To Do listthen prioritize it: put tasks in a planner by order of importancethen update it regularly! Make short-term daily activities to support your longterm goals so you can mark your progress. Be good to yourself! Sleep well and use positive self-talk. ALSO, you can reward yourself with FREE COOKIES AND COFFEE ASP will be giving out on Monday, Dec. 10 & Tuesday, Dec. 11 at CLC, Axinn 201E

Financial Survival Tips from ASP

Dont go grocery -shopping when youre hungry Start with a simple but clear budget. Having a budget = more chance youll stick to a budget! Avoid impulsebuying (do you really need a $200 hipster backpack from Nordstrom?)

How to Plan a Productive Study Session

Use daylight hours
Research shows that 60 minutes of studying during the day is as productive as 90 minutes of studying at night.

Nice and Chunky

Divide your workload into chunks and plot out brief timeslots to accomplish manageable tasks. This is less daunting than 7-hour stretches that cause burnout.

Be a Professional Student
Treat your schoolwork like a 9-5 job. When you get everything done during the day, youre FREE on nights and weekends! WOO WOO!

Your I Can is more important than your IQ. ~ Robin Sharma

Nervous About a Test?

Get 8 hours asleep BEFORE the exam. Dont cram 10 chapters in one hour, put timemanager on your resume. Dont think about the grade while you are taking the test. Take it easy on yourself.

Youre not alone! Free tutoring is available to help. See the TutorTrac app on your Hofstra Portal!

Follow us on Twitter @Hofstra ASP! Find us on Facebook: Hofstra Academic

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