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Name: Anthony Rose Class: 7T Teacher: Mr. White. Due Date: September 12, 2012.

Subject: Resource and Technology.

Energy What is energy?

Energy is the ability to do work.

Types of energy
Kinetic energy Kinetic energy (KE) is described as energy in motion. Any moving object has kinetic energy. Consider a baseball flying through the air. The ball is said to be kinetic energy by virtue of the fact its in motion relative to the ground. Potential energy Potential energy (PE) is energy stored by an object because of its position (usually above ground) or its shape. Consider a book sitting on a table. The book is said to have potential energy because it is nudged off, gravity will accelerate the book, giving the book kinetic energy. Electrical energy Electrical energy is electricity. Most of the appliances in our home today use electricity to do work. Electricity is the possessed by very tiny moving particles called electrons. Chemical energy Chemical energy is energy stored in substance. For example, food contains stored energy which, when the food is eaten and digested, is released to be used by our bodies to do work. Solar energy This is energy which comes from the sun. The sun gives out energy in the form of heat and light. Nuclear energy This is energy stored in the nucleus of an atom. It is released in nuclear reactors and converted into other forms of energy like electricity energy.

Light energy Light energy comes mainly from the sun. It travels in little packets of energy called photon. We also obtain light energy from different types off luminous objects, such as light bulb, fires, stars etc. light energy is very important since without it we are unable to see the thing s around us.

Heat energy Consider a hot cup of coffee. As it cools, the air around it becomes warmer. The coffee is said to have heat energy. Energy which flows from a hot object to a cooler object is called heat energy.

Sound energy The sounds we hear are form energy. Louder sounds have greater energy.

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