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TULODONG Publisher 2012

Dicetak oleh : Suriip Printed Phone (021) 765-1006, 0817-9199840

Isi diluar tanggung jawab percetakan

ISBN 978 979 16449 7 6

Penerjemah : Sinta Maria Sinaga

Cover : Rintihan Pertiwi Sabilah Siregar ( 5 th )

Hak cipta di lindungi undang-undang

Jl. Anyer XIV No. 25 RT 009/09 Jakarta 10310 Telp. 021-92280929, 0813-86486461

Printer : Suriip Printed Phone (021) 765-1006, 0817-9199840 Contents is out printers responsibility

ISBN 978 979 16449 7 - 6

Translated by : Sinta Maria Sinaga

Cover : Motherland Blues Sabilah Siregar (5th)

All right reserved

Jl. Anyer XIV No. 25 RT 009/09 Jakarta 10310 Phone. 021-92280929, 0813-86486461

Dipersembahkan kepada Alm. H. Rosihan Anwar & Alm. M.S Hutagalung

Dedicated to : The late : Rosihan Anwar & M.S. Hutagalung

DAFTAR ISI Prolog / i Prologue /ii Balada Pilpres / 1 Ballad of Presidential Election / 2 Rintihan Pertiwi /25 Motherland blues /26 Semerawut / 31 Chaotic / 32 Selamat Pagi Papua /37 Good morning Papua /38 Ranah Kekasih / 43 Land of lover /44 Dimana Negeri di 2025 ? / 45 Where is the country in 2025 ? /46 Dimensi waktu../ 57 Time dimension/58 Desember 2011 Dalam Peristiwa / 61 December 2011 in Kaleidoscopic / 62 Jakarta / 67 Jakarta /68 Kita harus Optimis / 71 We must be optimistic / 72 Putri Bangsawan Yang Mungil / 73 The Little Princess / 74 10 November 2007 / 75 10th November 2007 / 76 Lelah / 79 Exhausted / 80 Kalkulasi Saudagar / 83 Merchants Calculation / 84 Kutanya Kau / 87 I ask you / 88 Generasi Frustrasi / 91 Frustrated Generation /92 Ibu Pertiwi Memanggil / 95

Motherland is Calling / 96 Satu Hari Di Bulan Januari / 99 One day in January / 100 Pergumulan ini / 101 This Struggle /102 Koin Keadilan / 103 Coins of Justice / 104 Noktural Natal /105 Christmas Nocturnal / 106 Puisi Muhibah / 109 Poem of Goodwill / 110 Rekuiem 2009 / 115 Requiem of 2009 / 116 Ho Chi Minh City / 119 Ho Chi Minh City / 120 Dien Bien Phu Dalam Puisi / 123 Dien Bien Phu in Poetry / 124 Memoar Nan Tercecer 2009 / 131 Scattered Memoirs of 2009 / 132 Sekilas / 139 At a glance / 140 Sepi / 141 Lonely / 142 Romantika Kehidupan 14 Life romanticism / 144 Selepas Ini Kemana ? / 145 Where to Next ? / 146 Rest in Peace / 147 Rest in Peace / 148 SBY Mana Visimu / 149 SBY, Wheres your vision / 150? Biodata / 151 Bio data / 152


Kita sudah lama hidup miskin batiniah. Negeri telah berubah jadi toko, apa saja hingga kekuasaan dapat diperdagangkan, adakalanya di-obral....... Kumpulan puisi Rintihan Pertiwi ini menyenandungkan peristiwa kehidupan dikala etika dan politik tidak lagi dalam satu wahyu......... Politik serta ekonomi belaka tak lagi sanggup menenangkan keresahan ini... Perhaluslah nurani dengan taqwa, !!! Sidharta Gautama memutuskan untuk bertapa....... Batara Yang Mulia Raja, Pertiwi Meradang, semoga ada gunanya ?!

Jakarta, 10 Juli 2012

Astar Siregar


Weve been living in spiritual poverty for so long. The country changes into department store so that power has been traded and event put on sale. The compilation of Motherland Blues sings about life events when ethic and politics are not in harmony Simply politics and economy can no more calm down this restlessness. Soften our conscience with faith!!! Sidharta Gautama decided to live as an ascetic. My Lord the King, The Motherland is in Blue, May it be worthy ?!
Jakarta, July 10, 2012

Astar Siregar


Untuk : Cucu-cucuku

1 220 juta jiwa, 170 juta pemilih, Ratusan ribu kotak suara, Tersebar diribuan pulau 8 Juli 2009, pesta demokrasi dibawah nyiur melambai, didesir gesekan ombak, Surya khatulistiwa nan ramah, lambaian angin selatan, gemercikan air ditebing batu, puncak putih dikemul kabut Demokrasi mohon suara kita Lupakan golput, contreng pilihan ! Jujur dan adil Hindari kisruh, jangan resah Lupakan dendam, tarik nafas, berlapang dada, Mari kita bina esok Lebih baik, lebih sejahtera, 2 Kartu penduduk yang kau pegang, menambal DPT *) nan kisruh harap terima, Pemilu tak ditunda


For : My Grandchildren

1 Lives of 220 million people, Voters of 170 millions, Hundred thousands of voting boxes Spread around in thousands of islands July 8, 2009, Democratic Party Under swaying coconut trees At the swing of leisure waves Under the warm sun of the equator With the flattery of southern wind The sound of water at the rocky cliff The tip of mountain in blanket of fog Democracy begs for our voice Forget being indifferent Decide on your choice! Honest and just Avoid chaos, dont worry Forget revenge Take a deep breath Be tolerant Lets care for tomorrow Be better, more prosperous 2 The ID card youre holding Stitch the tricky DPT*) hole Please admit Election is not delayed

Waktu sejengkal ini, apakah bisa dibenahi? Tradisi berbiak bertahun, Kekisruhan jalan terus 3 Ephoria kebebasan, ditegor tak dipenjara Bagi kaus dimana-mana, Iklan paparan mimpi, Visi sama, serupa Serangan fajar kesiangan Quick Count nan disewa Telah menghitung sebelum dimulai, Hasil sudah ditangan sesuai order ? 4 Di Taman Suropati, pagi itu ku contreng, pilihanku demokrasi tergantung suara Aku siap apa tiba Boleh menang, boleh kalah Quick count kebablasan Memecah damai pagi, Mari kita bicara apa adanya, Kejujuran, bukan mimpi

In this split moment Can things be straightened up? Tradition breeds for years Chaos walks ahead 3 Euphoria of freedom Being warned with no imprisonment Distributing t-shirts everywhere Advertisements expose dreams The similar, the same visions The late attack at dawn The hired quick count Has counted before starting The result is in hand As ordered? 4 At Suropati park that morning I marked my choice Democracy depended on votes I was ready for any result Either won or lost Quick count beyond limit Broke the peaceful morning Lets talk about facts Honesty, not illusion

5 Hari-hari yang menegangkan, elit saling mengintip, bagaimana suara, dikelola, dibumbui, dihidangkan sedemikian rupa, apa yang di putar ? 6 Warga menunggu, KPU menghitung, pelanggaran kecil.....? Bagaimana nan besar ? Kebingungan melanda Mulut berbalas teriakan Demo melempar batu Pagar jalanan menganga. tiang bertumbangan Busa kuasa melimbah Mulut berbuih Lampu jalanan pecah Entah apa yang mereka tuju Entah apa yang dicari Buta memandu arah

5 Days full of tense The elite peeped at each others How votes Were processed and seasoned Presented in a way possible Whats being cycled.? 6 Civilians were waiting KPU was counting Tiny low breaking? What would the big one be? Confusion, Mouths shouted reciprocally Protesters threw stones Street fences gaped Poles fell down Bubbles of power messed up Mouths were foaming Street light broke down What were they up to? What were they seeking? The blind led the way

7 KPU **) masih berbenah Quick Count, mendahului Peluk, salam, cium pipi Mata basah, Rasa syukur dalam, Kemenangan yang belum pasti, Terima kasih nan kepagian Kau acungkan kedua tangan, sementara pertarungan belum usai...... masih bertanya rasa curiga, Bagaimana bisa, Kalah ...... Dilumbung sendiri ? 8 Ketenangan ini, hanya di permukaan, sampai saatnya KPU meneriakkan hasil ...... Selanjutnya apa ? Sejuk damai menerima kejujuran ? Kan disambut amarah ? Akan terbakar lagikah ? 9 Hari hari menegangkan ini Kan berakhir di jujur kata Singgasana nan diukir di bahan lapuk Tak kan bertahan lama

7 KPU was preparing Quick count had a head start Hugs, hand-shakes, kisses, wet eyes Deep feeling of praises Undecided victory Early gratefulness You lifted up your two hands While fighting wasnt over Still asking in suspicion How come.? Lost.. In the own barns 8 This stillness Is just on the surface Until the time KPU shouts out the result.. Whats next? Would peace result in honesty? Would it be welcome by anger? Would it be burnt up? 9 These stuffy days, Would end up in honesty of words On the throne with decayed woods Wouldnt survive for ever

10 8

Demokrasi, menghormati kejujuran Sindrom yang berlebihan, lepaskan jauh Dia yang terbaik, kita dukung..... untuk lima tahun kedepan Dengan santun, kita tagih janjinya Tunggu dia penuhi 11 Pesta demokrasi itu, berlalu aman, penyimpangan kecil terjadi, tapi tak setetes darah pun Mari berbangga untuk itu Mari pula bersyukur.... 12 Memasuki periode nanti, Apa yang kita warisi ? Persoalan menunggu Betapa singkatnya, waktu Jangan sia-siakan Jangan tunggu, Melangkah mendaki di batu-batu Laksana kuda beban Terangah tapi pasti Masuki arena, bertarunglah Seratus hari pertama sukseskan

10 Democracy Respect for honesty Traumatic syndromes Should be let go He, whos the best Lets support For five years ahead Humbly, We collect their promises Wait for their completion 11 That party of democracy Was finally safely over Minor rule breaking But not a drop of blood Lets be proud of that Lets say pray of gratitude. 12 To start a new period What will we inherit? Problems are waiting How short is time Dont waste it Dont wait Step on stones to climb Like transporting horses Walk heavily but surely To enter the arena Fight! The first one hundred days Make it work 13 10

Aroma demokrasi, melepas kerangkeng tirani, dekapan telah dilepas, simpang bersilang telah dilalui, lepas kesana masih jauh, halangan bertubi menunggu , Bangsa besar ini berobah, karena kita mau, Jangan kau ragu, Mari kita buktikan Yakin kita bisa. 14 Rakyat mengangkat, mereka menjatuhkan, Bagi yang dititipkan, Jaga amanah, jadilah negarawan, Warga tidak butuh penguasa, Terserah kau mengukir sejarah Dikenang atau dilupa .... 15 Menyatu dalam keragaman, tersebar tapi satu, cita bulat, itulah perekat Lidahku, lidahmu Bahasa kita satu, semua berhak bertanggung jawab Tak suku unggul sendiri Mari berlomba Menuju sejahtera


13 The scent of democracy Set free the cage of tyranny The inhibition is released. The intersection is behind The road still cant see the end Problems are waiting in lines This huge nation has changed Because were willing Dont be doubtful Lets prove Sure we can do 14 People lift up They bring down For the ones delegated Take care of the mandate Be state men Civilians dont need authority Its up to you to inscribe history Remembered or forgotten 15 United in diversity Spread in unity The whole image Is the adhesive The tongues mine and yours Our language is one All have the rights And responsibilities No superior ethnic Lets race to reach prosperity 12

16 Keberhasilan demokrasi ini, martabat bagi kita, ternyata bangsa, nan telah dipecundang bangkit berbudaya, menentukan maunya 17 Keterbukaan merasuk desa Rakyat kritis, media lantang Teriakkan pergantian musim kawal demokrasi....... Jam waktu bergerak, melebihi kecepatan cahaya Bergegaslah secepat bisa, mengejar ketinggalan, 18 SBY Paparkan visi kedepan, Buat kami terkesima tekad, mendukungmu, mewujudkan mimpi itu. Nan rubuh kan bangkit Mari kita kerja, Tanpa dendam, tanpa amarah


16 The success of this democracy Becomes our dignity It turns out that Our humiliated country Rises up in humanity To decide for its destiny 17 Influential open-mindedness in villages Critical people, outspoken media Shout for the turn of season To guard democracy... The time clock is tickling Faster than light speed Run the fastest possible To catch up what are missing 18 SBY Expose progressive visions Make us amazed with Determination to support you To realize that dream The losers are now rising Lets work Without revenge, without anger


19 SBY, palu gendrang tiup terompet, Beri aba-aba ... Ajak semua bangkit Lima tahun tidaklah lama, cukupi pangan Sandang papan Air minum tak tercemar, Bebas polusi karbon Dari ujung ke ujung pulau, Jalan mulus menuju desa, Kereta api tak lagi terguling, Hentikan babat hutan Stop bom laut kami Sekolah bocor tempel, Puskesmas tempat berobat Sesederhana itu hanya 20 Tertatih, tiba jua ditujuan Kecurangan sistematis Belum terbukti puluhan gubernur, ratusan bupati, ribuan kepala desa, Kecurangan pidanakan Tepuk riuh Ucapkan terima kasih Perjalanan masih jauh Jangan ragu


19 SBY Hit the drum, blow the trumpet Give instructions.. Order all to rise Five-year period is short Supply sufficient food, clothing, and housing Fresh water for drinking Free from carbon pollution From West to East Smooth roads toward villages No more rolling over trains Dont do deforestation Stop the bombing of our sea Leaking schools Fix them Community Health for medication As simple as that, really 20 Limping, yet reaching the goal Systematic deceits are not yet proven Tens of governors, Hundreds of regents, Thousands of village chiefs, Deceits put on trials Give loud applause Say thank you The journey is still long Dont be doubtful


21 Aku anak revolusi, Kusaksikan proklamasi, kala dibacakan berantai kita berlari, seluruh cerdik, seluruh upaya, tersandung, terengah Baru tiba disini 22. Putra Pacitan nan pesona, Kini mandat ditanganmu Kau Lincoln, atau Nero ? 23 Ukir namamu dipualam sejarah jangan memperkaya diri, hindari nafsu berlebihan Cintai bangsa ini melebihi dirimu sendiri Demokrasi oleh rakyat, tak butuh feodal, tak butuh raja Ephoria ? Masalah menunggu...!!!!! Rakyat cukup derita, Mereka lelah, mereka lapar Bola ditanganmu, terserah kau, Lima tahun tak lama


21 Im a child of revolution I witnessed proclamation being read Weve run in relay All were witty, all rolled the sleeves Twisted, out of breath Before arriving here 22 The wonderful son of Pacitan, Present mandate is in your hand Are you Lincoln or Nero? 23 Inscribe your name On historical alabaster Avoid excessive desire Love this country More than yourself Democracy by people No need for feudalism No need of a king Euphoria? Problems are waiting..!!!!! People suffer enough Theyre tired, theyre hungry The ball is in your hand, its up to you Five-year period is short


24 Kemenangan demokrasi ini, kurayakan sendiri Seluruh atom tubuhku, menggeletar melampiaskan, rasa syukur yang dalam, meluap keatas Kerangkeng bertahun, setengah umurku ditindasnya Gari telah dilepas, jeriji belah dibuka kutadahkan tanganku, kukepalkan tinju kutepuk dada 25 Beribu kali Dibawah purnama Kusiulkan mesraku pada bintang Lampu nelayan dibuai alun Temaram sabit di atas sana, Pancaran teplok menembus bilik, Jangkrik malam, Dekuk burung hantu, Tembang negeriku dikumkum sunyi 26 Beribu kali kudengar, Riuh desa dibangun fajar, Kokok ayam menyambut pagi, Cicak rowo menggelar simponi Embik kambing, berhamburan menuju padang, Bumi yang damai ini, penuh kasih Hentikan ambisi Mencabik kita .... 19

24 The victory of this democracy I celebrate myself All atoms in my body Flutter to express Gratitude billowing up Years of imprisonment Half of my life is oppressed Handcuffs have been unlocked Fingers have been opened I hold my hand with palms upward I clench my fist I beat my chest 25 Thousands of times Under the full moon I whistle my romanticism to stars Fishermens lamps are cradled by waves The dim crescent up there The lights of oil lamp go through woven bamboos Night crickets, The cooing of owls The song of my country is submerged by silence 26 Thousands of times I hear The crowd of village at the break of dawn The crowing of roosters to welcome morning Birds hold a symphony The sound of goats, Released to a meadow This peaceful earth is full of love Stop ambition To tear as apart 20

27 Biarkan kutulis berpanjang-panjang kuhabiskan waktu bermuram durja, mata yang basah kubiarkan, kutundukan kepalaku Kulampiaskan segala sendu segala rindu, segala galau, segala pekik Biarkan ku kesurupan sendiri Merayakan Demokrasi nan hinggap hari ini..... Seonggok pasir digali dulu, Tak sia sia...... 28 Demi Allah dia berjanji wujudkan Proklamasi 45 tekad bangsa nan terpuruk ini .. Paparkan hari depan, Ceritakan wacana indah, Buat kami terkesima hingga tekad, mendukungmu, berjuang bersama mewujudkan mimpi itu.


27 Let me prolong my writing I spend my time feeling blue The wet eyes I left them be I bend down my head I express all the blue All yearning, restlessness, and shouts Let me be possessed alone To celebrate democracy which perches today An area of sands being dug before Is not in vain.. 28 By God he swore To realize Proclamation45 The determination of this frustrated nation . Expose the future Tell stories of beautiful narration Make us amazed So that determination supports you To fight together To make dream comes true


29 Membubung orbit bumi Putera Pacitan nan pesona, kaulah gravitasi Nyiur sepanjang pantai Berat merunduk , melambai Pratiwi kasmaran kasih Horas ! horas ! horas !***)
Jakarta Singapore Juni November 2009 *) DPT **) KPU ***) Horas : Daftar Pemilihan Tetap : Komisi Pemilhan Umum : Salam Sejahtera ( Batak )


29 Billowing the earths orbit The charming son of Pacitan Youre the gravity Coconut trees along the beach Heavily bending and swaying Motherland is in love Horas! Horas! Horas!***)
Jakarta Singapore Juni November 2009 *) **) ***) DPT = list of permanent voters KPU = general election committee = Greetings of Bataknese


Untuk : Sabam Siagian

I. Batara Yang Mulia Raja Bagaimana terjadi dunia, apa guna kehidupan ?, keluh Damar Wulan *) di abad silam Negeri telah merdeka ditahun 1945 Waktu sangat tidak kreatif, bila saja masih bertanya, Apa Indonesia bagi kita ? II Indonesia, nusantara para petani, pupuk di spekulasi, impor beras dikala panen, irigasi terserah musim, rawan di kemarau, Lingkaran setan...., Nasi aking menu baru Butuh ketidak jujuran pertahankan rezim korup Ekonomi, politik, hukum, tanpa etika... Nyanyian pujian tetap dikumandangkan, ditengah kebodohan.



To : Sabam Siagian

I My Lord, the King How did the earth come into being? What is good about life? Complained Damar Wulan* centuries ago The nation proclaimed its freedom in 1945 Time mustnt be creative If it still asks Whats in Indonesia for us? II Indonesia.. The archipelago for farmers Speculated fertilizers, imported rice during harvest Seasonal irrigation Hazardous dry season A vicious circle. The worst-quality rice is new menu Dishonesty is needed To defend the corrupt order Economics, politics, and law are without ethic. Hymns are still sung grandly Amidst foolishness


Indonesia, Nusantara 230 juta nyawa, mereka nan digusur tak jelas kemana... Krek, krek, krek.... bruk, Jembatan baru ambruk, Mahakam mengalir tenang, bayi Alisia mengapung di permukaannya Belum ketemu ? Nantikan di delta kuala, Semoga... Semua bela diri, tak pihak terganggu tidurnya... Indonesia, nusantara diobral, sedari energi, hingga Honoris Causa Keagungan sekolah kupernah bangga jadi mahasiswanya. Tiran, cukong, koruptor, demi duit pun layak dihormati Bung Hatta, Prof. Djoko Soetono **) gelisah berat dipusaranya.. Gunung jadi kolong, dipantak sebuasnya Rakyat manut, nrimo, melarat di sekitarnya.


Indonesia. The country with 230 million lives They who are hauled Are gone with the wind. Crack, crack, crack..bum! A new bridge fell down Mahakam was flowing calmly Baby Alisia was floating on its surface Not yet found? Wait at river mouth Hopefully. All defend themselves No one is disturbed in his sleep. Indonesia. A country on sale From energy to honoris causa The grandeur of school I was proud of being its part Tyrants, capitalists, corruptors For money. Are worth respected Mr. Hatta, Professor Djoko Sutono**) Are restless in their grave yard Mountain becomes underground Is nailed ferociously People are obediently submissive Living in poverty around it


III Batara Yang Mulia Raja, Pertiwi meradang, apa ada gunannya ?
Jakarta, 01 Desember 2011

*) Ksatria nan terbunuh menyelamatkan kehancuran Majapahit **) Pendiri, Mantan Rektor UI


III My Lord, the King Motherland is in blue Will it make a difference?

Jakarta, 01 December 2011 * a knight assassinated in his struggle to save Majapahit Kingdom from destruction ** founders, ex-president of University of Indonesia



I Kesemrawutan ini meruah ke jalanan sirine pejabat, menyenggak paksa Macet total, terkuak seketika Ayo minggir, paduka kan melintas ! Wajah kuyu, nyesaki bis kota, hirau kapan tiba di rumah Polusi melantak paru senyum sabit dibalutnya Tebaran bintang kabur berkelip. Sendu, merebak di balik temaram Apa yang kita tuju sebetulnya, Struktur terkotak. Jangan usik pasukanku ! Lalu siapa mengawal rakyat ? Ternyata reformasi, Hanya pergantian penguasa Gelandangan tak tercacah berpindah , kala paceklik tiba, tak terdaftar BLT, Pulas di atas lipatan kardus kopi jagung di kala pagi, depan RSCM Nonton pasien stroke dibopong tertatih



I This chaos overflowed the streets Officers sirens forcefully ordered around Bad traffic suddenly opened up Make way, your excellency is passing! Tired faces cramped city busses Wondered about when to arrive Pollution bothered lungs Crescent smiles in its fold The spread of stars escaped in blinks Gloom broke through dimness Where will we actually go? Structures are in blocks Dont disturb my troops! So who will guard the civilians Reform turns out to be just the change of authority Bumps were not listed Moving out when drought came Not listed for BLT*), Slept soundly on folded card boards Corn coffee in the morning in front of RSCM Watching stroke patients Held up limply


Melebihi indikator ekonomi, warga dambakan sejahtera, canda ria dibalai desa, Kidung puja menembus keheningan lazuardi langit di bawah talam purnama hanya sesederhana itu. II Di era reformasi ini, Demo masih turun ke jalan, Berarak di selingi perang batu Kalaulah waktu dan dana berlimpah Tak perlu demo, tak perlu susah Pengamat paparkan usulan Anggota DPR saling meneriaki, Partaipun tak ketinggalan, Pemerintah jalan terus. Selamatkan APBN, naikkan BBM Deritanya, berkelimpungan Bisakah negeri tanpa APBN ? Di tahun 1945 hanya ada tekad. Kita yakin merdeka, Mungkinkah kembali ketahun itu ? Lolongan pendemo, tuntut janji nan tercecer. Resesi melantak berulang, dunia tak jua kiamat. Hentikan pertengkaran, angka yang tak bernyawa


More than economic indicator People are longing for prosperity Telling jokes at public hall Hymns Go through silence of azure at the sky Under the full moon - as simple as that II In this reform era Rallies still go down the streets A big mass is among stone war If time and fund are abundant No need to rally, no need to be sad Observers explain ideas Members of peoples representatives yell at each other Parties are no better Government keep going to save national budget and fuel supply The hardship escalates.. Can the country be without budget? In 1945, theres only determination Were sure to be independent Will we go back to that year? The wails of protesters demanded forgotten promises Recession smashed repeatedly End of world is still unseen Stop dispute, numbers without lives


Redam demo, labrak kampus Ku kutuk bersimbahnya darah, Reformasi telah kah melahirkan tirani pula ? Pendulum sejarah berulang, ungkit dendam tahun lalu Diusiaku setua ini, berkali penguasa ingkar janji, hakikat penuh keserakahan Selama suara, dijual-beli. Kapan negeri kan berubah ? Litak aku sudah....

Mei 2008


: Bantuan Langsung Tunai


Muffle rallies scold campus I curse the shed of blood Has reform given birth to tyranny? Historical pendulum repeated To remind revenges last year In my old age, Many times authority broke promises The truth is full of greed As long as votes are on sale When will the country change? Im weary
May 2008

*) BLT: Cash Aids



Untuk : - Daoed Joesoef, - Harry Tjan Silalahi, - A.R. Soehoed

I SBY Jawaban apa kau kan beri, bila Papua miris bertanya Apa arti NKRI bagi mereka Selama kemunafikan terorganisir Merampok dari hulu ke hilir, pusat ke daerah Warga miskin terbesar, menampung hanya sisa, yang menetes.... II. Kita sudah terlalu lama, hidup miskin batiniah Enggan mendengar debaran hati, hatipun membatu Lalu apa kesatuan bagi kita, bila tanpa canda Demokrasi tidak melulu logika, serta bukan intuisi semata Budaya peka lenyap sudah, roh hidup mengeras, menyelesaikan ketegangan Karenanya kita harus berobah



To : Daoed Joesoef Harry Tjan Silalahi A.R.Soehoed

SBY Whats your answer? When Papua desperately asks about its role In the United Nation of Indonesia Republic As long as hypocrisy is well organized With robbery from upstream to downstream From center to regions The majority of poor people Accommodating only the remains Which are dripping II Weve been too long Living in mental poverty Reluctant to listen to conscience And heart is fossilized So, whats unity for us? Without humor Democracy is not only about logic Neither is it mere intuition The culture of sensitivity is extinct The spirit of life hardens In handling tension Thats why we must change


III SBY dialoglah terbuka setara, walau di Puncak Jaya atau di Bukit Heram Abipura Sejujurnya, kita harus terbangun, capai kesadaran diri Resapilah puisi kehidupan, etika dan politik dalam satu wahyu Semoga Papua sejahtera nyaman, keluar dari kesengsaraan Bintang Kejora pun enggan muncul, tak layak terbit Seyogianya UP4B berumah di Papua, ditengah saudara yang mereka bina, tawa canda bersama.


III SBY Hold open and fair dialogues Both up at Puncak Jaya And down on Heram Abepura hill Honestly, We must wake up To achieve self realization Absorb the poetry of life Ethic and politics in one revelation The convenient and wealthy Papua which is free from anguish Meanwhile shooting star is reluctant to appear Not eligibly rises Ideally, UP4B* is housed in Papua Amidst brothers they take care of Leisurely laugh together


IV Papua, Pekik kasuarimu bangunkan Nusantara Kala fajarmu, merahkan langit timur. Angin Selatan nan dingin, mengusung gigil berkepanjangan Berbungkah beku pun mengganjal membuat nadi tidak merona Papua aku galau, Apa yang kan kucandakan, bila yang kita tuju, tak lagi sama ? Betapapun mari kita coba, rangkulan sepenuh hati Sandarlah didadaku, Kan kubisikkan : Selamat pagi, saudaraku
Jakarta, 18 November 2011

*) NKRI : Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia UP4B : Unit Percepatan Pembangunan Papua dan Papua Barat


IV Papua, The shouts of your cassowaries Wake the archipelago up When your dawn reddens the east sky The cold southern wind brings long harsh chills Frozen hardness is a hold up Making veins turn pale Papua, I am restless What jokes will I tell if we go our separate ways? Anyway, lets try To hug whole heartedly Lean against my chest I will whisper: Good morning, my brothers
Jakarta, 18th November 2011

*) UP4B: Speedy development unit for Papua and West Papua


Pro : Rosihan Anwar

Lempengan pasti kan ranum, Ranah semolek ini, lintang pukang dicabiknya Gelap meraba dipengap reruntuhan Sontak bersama pulang melangit Saluang meratapi perpisahan Memekik kawasan ..... Daku terperangah, kuredam dukaku, kuseka seluruh getir, kuterima musibah Tak pun lagi bertanya, kukawal syarafku Iklas .... ? Namun mataku basah Semua siaga, Tak lagi layak menunggu Palung gempa sejajar pantai, Elukan semua tiba ... Bertahan !!! Padamu ranah kekasih Duka membara diredam pasrah
JKT 1/10/2009


To : Rosihan Anwar

Plates get ripe Such lovely land as this Is pathetically torn apart to pieces Darkness probes in the damp of ruins All at ones go home to the sky Flute laments for farewell Shout out loud do disaster spots Im off guard I muffle my anguish I wipe all bitterness I accept this disaster No longer question it I guide my nerve Sincere..? But my eyes are wet All are alert Not worth waiting anymore Earthquake zone extends along the coast Hail all arrive.. Hang on!!! To you island of lover Painful anguish is muffled in submission
Jakarta, 1 October 2009



Soe, NTT 3-7-2008

Mama dan Bapa, Mohon maaf........... Kubur Karin dan beta, diharibaanmu di rumah, agar tenang tak gelisah Hilang rasa takut... Kalut kan reda... Bebas hutang, tak butuh makan, Terlalu lama beta susah. Mama dan Bapa, Sol sepatu sudah mengganga, Kain layar compang tersobek, Kerangka menonjol, perut membusung, bola mata menjungkal. Berangkat kali ini, tinggalkan suami selamanya. Dihentak miskin terlalu lama



Soe , NTT,3 July 2008

Mother and father, Im sorry. Burry Karin and me Around you at home To rest in peace No more fear.. Confusion subsided Free from debt, no need for food Ive been in anguish for too long Mother and father, Shoe soles have been wide opened Screen clothe was torn apart Protruding skeleton, swollen belly Eye balls turn around Departing this time Leaving the husband for good Too long shaken by poverty


Bapa Karin, suami beta. Janji pilkada , citra memekat, tanpa bayangan. Subuh pergi, larut kau tiba Tak lagi ada cengkerama terlalu lama dicekik derita Bukan salahmu !!!! Sedikitpun tak menguras kasihku. Maaf beta kalap. Famili semua, Diketerpurukan ini, Simpati tak bermakna, Hanya menyulut kesal sedih Tuhan Allah, Dosakah memuja-Mu dalam kalap ? Maaf beta berserah

Catatan kaki : Karena terpaan ekonomi, Ibu meracuni putrinya, Sebelum menggantung diri, (Kompas 6/7/2008)


Karins father my husband Local elections promises Thicker impression, without shadow Went at dawn, back late at night No family-get-together anymore Too long being strangled by hardship Its not your fault!!!! Not at all reducing my love Sorry for crossing the border All relatives In this hopelessness Sympathy had no meaning Just ignited sadness God Almighty, Is it a sin to worship YOU in bewilderment ? Forgive me for surrendering
July 8, 2008 ______) because of economic hardship, a mother poisoned her daughter before hanging herself (Kompas, 6 July 2008)



Untuk : cucu-cucuku

I Mari duduk bersila, aku kan bercerita, Mimpi indah ditahun 2025 nanti, Kala kalian sudah dewasa... Masa depan adalah, hal-hal yang telah ada, terletak di satu ruangan, nan belum kita ketahui, hanya sesederhana itu.... 240 juta jiwa adalah berkah, Bangsa nan kreatif ini, teladan dalam pluralisme, selama padu !!! Walau reformasi ramai bertengkar, partai-partai berebut kuasa, sementara alampun tak hentinya meradang, Tanpa kalian sadari... Kue produksi domestik naik, walaupun tidak capai sasaran. Kini negeri peringkat 15 dunia, anggota G-20... Diatas kertas, di 2025, sekitar setengah kue domestik Asean, milik kita... Kita menjelma jadi raksasa Dapatkah kalian mengerti apa artinya itu ? Kebanggaan yang harus dijaga ....!!! 49


To : my grandchildren

I Lets sit on a mat With our legs crossed I will tell you a story about A beautiful dream in year 2025 When youre grown ups.. The future is about things which exist Stored in one room which hasnt been found Its that simple. Lives of 240 millions become a blessing This creative nation Is a good example of pluralism As long as it unites!!! Though reform fights widely Parties strive over power While nature is moaning painfully without realization Domestic production cake gets bigger Though not yet achieved the target. Now the country is in the worlds 15th rank Of G-20 members. On the paper, 2025 Around half of ASEAN domestic cake is ours We turn to be a giant Can you the understand the meaning Pride to be guarded..!! 50

II. Cucu-cucuku Bagaimana mendistribusikannya dengan adil ?, itulah utamanya !!! Tentunya tanpa jurang perbedaan, antara bumi dengan langit, Juga tidak harus sama rata Kwantitas jaga, tapi juga kwalitas Keadilan dalam kesejahteraan, dipandu hati nurani... Disemua lini, tak lagi ada : - Kelaparan kurang gizi, - Anak tertimpa gedung sekolahnya - Ditolak berobat alasan biaya. Agar hidup tak terlalu sunyi, semua layak didengar, patut disapa - Mereka nan bingung, frustasi, - Ibu-ibu Kamisan nanyakan anaknya, - Bakar diri depan istana hingga jahit mulut dibawah tenda. - Tak pula layak bocah dipenjara, sementara koruptor berkeliaran. - Seribu sandal jepit, mari usung ke Polda, penawar mutung Demokrasi apa yang kita anut, bila masyarakat tidak lagi didengar ?


II My grandchildren How to distribute it fairly? Thats the ultimate question!!! There shouldnt be wide gap Between earth and sky though not necessarily the same . Watch for both quantity and quality Justice in welfare Guided by conscience In all fields, no more, Hunger from malnutrition Student victims of school break down Rejected poor patients for insufficient fee So that lives arent too lonely All deserved to be greeted and heard They who are confused and frustrated Thursday mothers asking for their lost children The extremists from self-burning To mouth-sewing under tents Children indecently imprisoned While corruptors walk freely Thousands of sandals Lets bring them to Police Stations to heal their hurt-feeling. What democracy we believe If common people are no longer heard?


III Cucu-cucuku, Politik serta ekonomi belaka, tak sanggup lagi, menenangkan keresahan itu... Nuranilah keadilan, perhalus dengan taqwa, Sidharta Gautama memutuskan bertapa... Telah kulihat partai-partai berenggutan Memainkan sikut dan tendangannya Sumpah serapah, memaki... Berkilah, menebar uang ! Surat palsu berkeliaran, Bau busuk mengendus, KPU dan MK saling menuduh Demokrasi kita, tergradasi urakan. Indonesia kini, dicekam kuku-kuku tajam, darahpun telah muncrat... Rintihan disekap dilupakan, Retorika ke retorika, Janji ke janji, Akan ke akan, nanti ke nanti, dusta ke dusta...


III. My grandchildren, Simply Politics and Economics Can no more calm the restless down Live true justice Soften with faith Sidharta Gautama decided to live As an ascetic.. Ive seen political parties in dispute Play with their elbows and kicks Curse Scold Deny Bribe Letters of forgery haunt around Rotten odor sniffs Election committee and Constitutional Court accuse each other Our democracy is downgraded by rowdiness Indonesia is now Gripped by claws Blood burst out. Moans are locked up to be forgotten From rhetoric to rhetoric Promise to promise Will to will Later to later Lies to lies


Penghancuran ini, dari dalam diri kita sendiri... Tunggu saatnya, di altar waktu, semua kan terbuka... Cucu-cucuku, Semoga aku masih ada, bersila bersamamu, di 2025 nanti.

Jakarta, 4-1-2011

KPU : Komisi Pemilihan Umum MK : Makamah Konstitusi


This destructions is From inside ourselves There will come the moment On the altar of time When all will break free. My grandchildren I hope to still be here Sitting with you with legs crossed In year 2025
Jakarta, January 4th 2011


Untuk : Bismar Siregar

I. Masa cuma 11 bulan, tambah juga boleh !!!! Remaja nyolong kacamata, menantang ketidak adilan, di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta 1962 silam Terkapar ditepi jalan, disambar bocah pulang sekolah Sandal jepit aparat ??? Pengadilan Negeri Palu 2011 lalu, deklamasikan ode, lirik pujaan, benda bulukan itu, tuntutan 7 bulan... Di Januari nan basah ini, Puting beliung meliuk, menyuruk jalanan kota, seruduk segala penghambat.. Tak tertahankan ? Ditahanan polisi Sijunjung, Bersama adiknya, remaja tergantung... Bunuh diri ? Logika hukum pudar seketika !


To : Bismar Siregar

I Why.only 11 months? Id gladly serve longer time!!! A teenager stole glasses Challenging injustice At Jakarta court of first instance In the year 1962 Laying about street Snatched by a student from school Apparatus sandals??? Palu Court of first instance In the year 2011 Recited literature ode Lyrics of worship For those mildewed sandals With 7 month jail sentence. In this wet January Whirlwind flickered Ducked through city streets Rammed into all inhibitions. Is it unbearable? In a detention center Together with his brother A teenager hung Is it a suicide?? Logic of law faded away at once!


II Tragedi ke tragedi... mungkinkah lenyap begitu saja ? Yang pasti, ketidak pastian itu Butuh dimensi waktu, Menguap keudara Hari hari penuh alpa Makna kehidupan kabur Meraba-raba dalam kabut Bingung dimana kita Ketamakan tanpa batas. Kepongahan cemari udara Masa nan mencekam ini Hindari meledak sebaiknya jaga Kelak kan terpingkal.... kita mensyukurinya

Jakarta 17-02-2012


II From tragedy to tragedy. Can it disappear automatically? Certainly That uncertainty.. Needs the time dimension to evaporate to the sky Days are full with errors The meaning of life is blurred Probing in the fog Confused about our where about. Greed without boundary. Arrogance pollutes the air In this such suffocating period Avoid the explosion!!!! Better be on guard!!!! Well later laugh out loud.. To be grateful about it

Jakarta, February 12, 2011



I Sosialisme tanpa anatomi Otopsi se-absolut monarki Stalin adalah Tsar Mao Zedong sang Emperor. Kim Yong Il mangkat Hidup tiran baru ! Babak barupun direkayasa Penuh misteri. Pewaris nuklir pemusnah, pemungkas ditangannya Kapan di lepas ? Dunia disekap gelisah.... Bakhun tua nan pemurah, aliran nestapa utara, basahi lembah bukit selatan Dipelukanmu semenanjung menyatu Siaga dibuai arus. II Apapun dakwaannya, Vaclav Havel nan ringkih, bertahun dipenjara Kebebasan tak lah mengenal musim Revolusi Beledru menuju demokrasi.



I Socialism without anatomy Autopsy as absolute as monarchy Stalin was the Tsar Mao Zedong was the Emperor Kim Yong Il passed away Long life a new tyrant! A new order was schemed Full of mystery. The heir of destructive nuclear In his hand was deadly When will it be released? The world is locked up in restlessness Old generous Bhakhun, The stream of north anguish Flowed to the valley of south hill In your embrace, peninsula unites Alertness is cradled by stream II Whatever the prosecution was The lame Vaclav Havel, Had been imprisoned for years Freedom is not seasonal Velvet revolution toward democracy Patung bertumbangan 62

tembok diroboh Uni Soviet bubar.. Dunia enggan melepas Kala Raksasa Demokrasi itu wafat Mari tafakkur........... II Rabu itu, depan istana Sondang Hutagalung bakar dirinya Kegelisahan nan tak tertahankan, tak pula didengar....... Arogansi kemunafikan. Terbata melalui stafnya, SBY sangatlah berduka, hanya itu.......... IV Derita Mesuji Merambahi Lampung kesana Kayu Agung ke Musi Di Sungsang digerbang kuala, tragedi demi tragedi. diterjang derasnya arus ke selat Galau pun menggelegak Mengendapkannya.


Statues went down Wall was smashed down Uni - Soviet was split The world was reluctant to let go When that giant democracy died Lets contemplate . III That Wednesday, in front of the palace Sondang Hutagalung burned himself This unbearable restless soul Was unheard. The arrogance of hypocrisy Through his stuttered staff SBY is in sorrow Not more than that IV The pain in Mesuji Extended to Lampung and further From Kayu Agung to Musi Put upside down in the gate of estuary From tragedy to tragedy Smashed by strong waves to the strait Restless soul heats up.. Burry it down...


V Hati Bima terluka Isak tangis yang ditinggal korban nan terkapar. tertembak peluru tajam...... Terkatub kaku....... terbunuh tanpa harkat, demi apa ? Berkilah bersitegang merasa benar diri, sampai kapan ? VI Sobat Sedari pertemuan lalu Aku masih menulis puisi Muak dilantak tragedi..... Litak hatiku diperas pedih Menjalar pulau ke pulau..... Nusantara memanas, selat serta laut mendidih... Menunggu titik kulminasinya.

Jakarta , Desember 2011.


V Bima is broken-hearted The sobs of those who are left behind The hopeless victims Shot by sharp ammunition Shut up in a rigidity Murdered in humiliation What for? Argue wildly Each claims to be the best When will it stop? VI Friends, Since our last meeting Ive still been writing poems Fed up being crashed by tragedy My heart is torn apart Twisted by poignancy Spreading out from island to island The motherland heats up Straits and ocean boil up Waiting for its culmination point
Jakarta, December 2011


JAKARTA 1 Terapung di rawa, Resah gelisah, kontemporer berubah, gaul di tato, nyaris tak lagi kukenal 2 64 tahun silam Berlompatan, berjingkrak di jalanan Demikianlah gempitanya, kala proklamasi dibacakan Dilansia ini, kurindu gelora itu 3 9 Desemmber lalu, astronomi nihil gravitasi Kututup logika, ku abaikan ujur Muak aku ketidak pastian !! Kupiting trauma Di Monas hati menyatu Lampiaskan semua keluh Sumpahi seluruh kelit Muntahkan segala kesal Istana kosong kala itu Pengamanan berlapis, kawat duri melintang Istana kosong kala itu


JAKARTA 1 Floating in a swamp Feeling restless Contemporary changes Well-known for tattoo I barely acknowledge 2 Sixty four years ago Jumping up Stamping on streets What a triumph! When proclamation was announced In this old age I miss that triumph 3 Last December 9 Astronomy was without gravity I closed logics I neglected my old age I was sick of uncertainty I locked trauma At Monas, hearts united To pour out all complaints To swear over all denials To throw all annoyance The palace was empty that time Security was in full force Barbwire spread around The palace was empty


4 Azan Istiqlal sayup menghimbau, Apa dicapai hari ini ? Kusapa langit malam Bulan redup, komet berselancar Semua gelisah, semua menunggu, Pengembaraan ini sungguh melelahkan, Sudah terlalu lama 5 Jakarta, terapung rawa Jauh di balik bukit Terlalu resah, senantiasa gelisah Tapi aku tekad bertahan Songsong apa tiba....

Jakarta, 12 12 - 2009


4 The call for pray from Istiqlal Softly invited I greeted the night sky The moon was overcast A comet was surfing All were restless All were waiting This adventure was exhausting It had been too long 5 Jakarta Floating in a swamp Far behind the hill So restless Always anxious But Im determined the go on Welcome whatever come
Jakarta, December 12, 2009



Untuk : Siti, TKW di Saudi

I Baginya di sini, tak lagi ada kehidupan TKW *) itu pasrah, kontrak mati Menitipkan bayinya Dia harus pergi. Wajah keriput menua, Biji mata menyembul Mulut , tak lagi merengek Tangan lunglai, dingin Berhenti menggapai Mencari puting ibunya Desa Gekbrong, berkabung Hingga detik ini , tak seorang pun tega mengabarkan duka itu II Inikah sejahtera ? Inikah yang kita tunggu ? Apa yang kita tuju , dalam ketidakpastian ini Ego berlaga ego, Berebutan kekuasaan Potensi penghancuran Manusia lupa diri
20/7/2007 *) TKW Tenaga kerja wanita


To : Siti, a female migrant worker in Saudi

I For her, no more life The migrant worker gave in.death penalty! She gave away her baby She had to go A prematurely wrinkled face With protruding eyeballs Mouth - no longer moaned Hands dangly cold Stop reaching out To search for the mothers nipples Gebrong Village mourned Up to now, no body has the heart To pass on the obituary

II Is this welfare? Is this what were waiting for? Whats our goal in this uncertainty? Ego fights ego To win over power The potential of destruction Men forget their humanity

July 20, 2007



Untuk ; SK. Trimurti

Terengah di perbatasan Senja kan berganti malam Telah kau baktikan, Segala jurus yang kau punyai Nikmati cakrawala di keheningan Kau berhak untuk itu Istirahatlah dari keserakahan Melingkar mendambakanmu Kidung masa lalu, Kenangan sekapan penjara Sejelas tekad merdeka atau mati Kala proklamasi dikumandangkan Slang infus, katup oksigen, Tetesan cairan Ketidaksadaranmu membuatku bertanya Biologismu lelap Rohmu entah kemana Desismu misteri ... Puteri bangsawan nan mungil, Kau tanggalkan seluruh gelar Menjelata tersingkirkan Merangkak terpinggirkan Dalam gering kau desiskan Bila sejahtera tiba ?
Jkt, 3/9/2007


To : SK. Trimurti

Breathless at the border From dusk to dawn You had dedicated All capabilities you owned Enjoy the horizon in silence You deserve it Take a break from the power of greed which coils in a hope of your presence Songs from the past The memory of detention As clear as the determination: Freedom or death When proclamation was announced The transfusion pipe, the oxygen valve The drips of liquid Your unconsciousness mad Your physical being is asleep Your spiritual being is nowhere to reach out Your whisper is a mystery Little princes You put off all titles To become an abandoned individual To crawl aside In illness you whisper When will happiness come?
Jkt, 3 September 2007


10 NOVEMBER 2007

Siap , tak lagi menunggu Sekali adzan mengudara , semua terpanggil Tekad , tak butuh kalkulasi Gendrang perang telah dipalu, Seru adzan mengkomando Handuk melilit kepala , sarung di pinggang Tanpa sepatu , menyerbu Pasukan tak terlatih , menghujat panser Mati tak perih lagi , di hari itu 10 November 1945, Surabaya bersimbah darah

Sudah 744 bulan sabit , dimakan purnama Ribuan masih , tak tentu kubur Gagak hitam kehabisan suara, Tak didata , tak bernama Terlupakan tak dikenang Hilang didaur ulang bumi


NOVEMBER 10, 2007

Ready no longer waiting Once, a call for pray went to sky All were called out Determination no need of calculation War drum was beaten A call for pray Towels around heads, sarongs around waists Without shoes, attacked Untrained troop cursed armored vehicle Death was no longer painful that day November 10, 1945 Surabaya was flooded with blood Its been 744* ) times That the crescent moon was swallowed by full moon Thousands are still unidentified in their tombs Black hawks cant shout anymore No data, no name Forgotten without memoir Gone in the recycle of the earth


Mereka yang menangkan perang, Mereka yang merdekakan negeri Sudah 22630 siang , dimakan malam Hari ini , apa yang kita kenang ? Apa pula , yang kita lupa ? Kita tetapkan Pahlawan Yang lainnya apa ? Issu utama Harga minyak mendekati seratus Bermunculan capres, Dicari Pahlawan ?

Catatan : 744 = 62 x 12 22630 = 62 x 365 US $ 100 per-barrel


They who won the war They who set the country free Its been 22630**) days changed into nights Today, what do we reminisce? What else do we forget? We selected heroes What do we call the others? Main issues are Fuel price comes nearly one hundred***) Candidates of presidents popped up Heroes wanted?
November 10, 2007

Notes: *) 744 = 62 x 12 **) 22630 = 62 x 365 ***) US $ 100 per barrel


Untuk : Capres lama Capres baru

I Pekik merdeka , warga bernyanyi Sorak sorak bergembira , di jalanan Merah putih , di dada Tekad bebas tak terbendung Ujung ke ujung kita satu Aku rindu masa itu II Pemilu 2009 Capres bermunculan Muka lama, wajah baru Partai tak merinci visi Legenda lalu dipuja Langkah kedepan urusan nanti Pemilu, Ajang resmi beli suara, rebut pelana Hantu tirani bergentayangan masih Pancasila tak lagi perekat Kiblat berseberangan Di lapangan penikmat dangdut melimpah Pintu pintu gubuk di desa Terbuka subuh itu Serangan fajar di tunggu


To : Presidential candidates

I Shouts of paroxysm for freedom Songs from civilians Triumphant excitement alongside streets Red and white on chests The determination to be free Was uncontrollable From all directions were united I miss that moment II National election of 2009 Candidates for presidents popped up The same individuals The new appearance Parties had no visions in details Legends were no longer adored Progressive plans could catch up later National election Official medium to buy votes And win over the saddle Pancasila*) was no longer a unifier Ideologies in opposition In the field, dangdut**) freaks crowded around Doors of huts in villages Were open up at the day break The attach at down was anticipated


Apakah, masih itu - itu jua ? Wajah baru berkeliaran Dibiarkan tak dibina Tak pula didengar Arus mengalir di celah batu , berbusa beriak Seperti sediakala Terkontaminasi sedari hulunya Kudekap cucu cucuku, Di hati cemas kupanjatkan doa Semoga lebih bijaksana Aku lelah

9 l0 - 2007


Are they still the same? New faces came along Neglected, untrained And unheard Stream flows through rocks Full of foam and water ripples As always Being contaminated like before I hold my grandchildren In my anxious heart, I sent my prayer I wish you wisdom Im exhausted
October 9, 2007

*) Pancasila : The basic principle of the Republic of Indonesia **) Dangdut : Popular (traditional) music with strong beat reminiscent of Hindi and Arabic Music


Untuk : DR. Herry Priyono STF DRIKARYA

Kutulis warkah ini, Kala musibah, telah mendobrak pintu, Diluar antre, hingga jalanan Kau sebut saja, yang tidak kita hadapi, BBM melambung harga, Tekanan ekonomi memicu ibu Membakar anaknya sendiri Sanggup kau bayangkan itu ? Terlalu SBY tetap bersikukuh, Mentan serta Ka Bulog mengimbali Beras cukup, pangan aman ! Kenapa busung lapar, merebak masih ? Janji yang tak ditepati, Memicu mahasiswa berang Di tanggapi polisi melabrak kampus Prof. Djoko Soetono rektorku Larang Soekarno langkahi gerbang, tanpa izin Berapa banyak undang-undang dilanggar, diperkosa Disaksikan emas di Puncak Monas, Hari lahir Pancasila di nodai Kita seyogyianya bertanya Apa yang bangkit ? Apa pula terpuruk ? 83

To : DR. Herry Priyono STF DRIKARYA

I wrote this letter When catastrophe broke doors down Queue outside was as far as the street Mention problems we dont face Fuel raised its price Financial pressure triggered a mother To burn her own child Can you imagine? Its too much. SBY was still firm, The minister and chief of BULOG*) supported The rice is enough. Food supply is safe! Why does malnutrition spread all over? Broken promises Triggering scholars to rage Responded by police, attacking campus Professor Djoko Soetono**) my university president Forbade Soekarno to step inside the gate, without permission How many rules are broken and rapped Watched by gold on top of Monas Birthday of Pancasila was messed up We should have asked What arose? What went down?


Menjelang hari proklamasi Presiden terengah membaca laporannya, Depan musyawarah nan terkantuk-kantuk Semuanya baik baik saja ? Minyak goreng, minyak tanah, tempe, langka Daya beli itulah kuncinya. Ekonomi, mengukur hasrat dengan harga Apalah sulitnya membanjiri pasar, kalau sanggup bayar Pembayar tinggi selalu pemenang Etos cinta, kemurahan hati, kebijaksanaan, Keutamaan lainnya tersingkir punah, Kebaikan hati, manalah ada dalam kalkulasi saudagar.
Juni 2008

Alm. Prof.Djoko Soetono : Rektor UI di era 1960-an salah satu penggagas pendiri Universitas Gadjah Madam, PTIK


Approaching the commemoration of proclamation President was breathless in reading his report In front of sleepy parliament Was everything OK? Cooking oil, kerosene, bean curd cake were scarce Buying power was the key Economy was calculating desire with price Whats so difficult to flood markets? If we can pay The highest-priced buyers were the winners Love ethic, generosity, wisdom Were other ultimate values being extinct Generosity-is it part of merchants calculation?
June, 2008

*) **)

BULOG : Bureau of Logistics The late Prof. Djoko Soetono: President at University of Indonesia in the year 1960 One of the founders of Gajahmada University, PTIK ( Police Academy )


( Seabad Kebangkitan Nasional )

I Stadion gegap gempita didukung seluruh angkatan Podium kehormatan melambai santun Apa yang kita rayakan ? Tertinggal tak berobah, Apakah negeri terlupakan waktu ? Pemimpi enggan terbangun Dari indahnya wacana janji Mana kreasi, Telah pun di bunuh ragu Apakah lapar sabar dipacu ? Tak tertahankan, berarak demo ke istana Seabadkah kita bangkit ? Kutanyakan kau, Bosan aku menunggu Apa yang kan, kau tuturkan Seabadkah kita terlena ? Kutangisi masa mudaku yang hilang Silam tak kenal kembali Sekolah tua itu masih disana Budi Utomo telahpun ditelan zaman Pemuda meneriaki keterpurukan Laksana pembangkangan seabad lalu, Tatkala busung lapar merambah Miskin memutung Apakah yang bangkit ? Kutanya kau 87

(One century of National Awakening)

I Stadium was in triumph All forces were back up The stage of honor waved gracefully What did we celebrate? Being left unchanged Is this country forgotten by time? Dreamers dont want to wake up From the beauty of promise While creation has been killed by doubts Is hunger patiently raced? Unbearably, in mass rally marches to palace Have we been a century awaken? I ask you Bored am I waiting What is your answer? Have we been a century slept? I cry for my missing youth Past wont be back That old school is still there Budi Utomo has been swallowed by time Youth shouted at failure Like rebels a century ago When malnutrition spread, poverty drew attention What is awoken? I ask you


II. Mazhab ekonomi apalagi, dicoba diterapkan, Lumbung - desa belum juga penuh Sembako menanjak, antre tak berkesudahan 62 tahun waktu yang lama Apa yang salah Ribuan Doktor, maha Sarjana Universitas resmi, tak resmi Asli, Palsu, Alamiah, Cangkokan Petengtengan berkeliaran gelar kebangsawanan mutakhir kita Feodalisme ganti baju Politisi, Penghulu, Dubalang, Manti Pengusaha, mendambakannya Kampus-Ruko, bertebaran menjajakan Budaya Selebriti, menghantui menghambat pembangunan Di mana moral, di mana malu ? Silahkan jawab sendiri. III Menjelang Ramadhan penuh berkah ini, Harga melambung Gerah kemarau, ditengah PHK Negeri adem saja ? Kutanya kau


II More economic theory is put into practice Villages rice barns have never been full Prices of basic needs are soaring Queue knows no end Whats wrong? Thousands of doctors, scholars Registered and unregistered universities Original and false Natural and transplanted Show off power while roaming Our honorable Nobel titles Feudalism changed its clothes Politicians, Village Chiefs, low level government Entrepreneurs long for it Campuses, shop houses Are mushrooming offering celebrity culture Haunt and inhibit development Where is morality, where is shame? Please answer by yourselves III Approaching this blessing fasting month Prices are soaring Dry season heats up Amidst lay off The country is under control? I ask you.

May 20, 2007


Untuk : Alm. Maftuh Fauzi *)

I Polemik berkecamuk menggonggong... Jelejahi malam, Kafilah tetap berlalu Tanpa empati, pongahkan kuasa Tak lagi ada peka, dewakan kalkulasi ... Demokrasi hanya struktur. Bergelimpangan dibawah tenda, Mogok makan, bibir terjahit, Lelah tak lagi berteriak, Mereka dihalau, dari kampus sendiri Yang disekap, dilepas sudah, Dia nan terkapar,tak lagi bertahan Di jalanan lolongan,histeris, Ucapan selamat jalan.... Harga lanjut mencekik bergerak, Kampus perlawanan itupun,terperangah, Bara dikuyu mata, Frustrasi memendam dendam Sedari Arief Rachman Hakim diterjang peluru, Kenapa terulang ?


For The late Maftuh Fauzi*

I Polemics crowdedly barks During the journey through the night Travelers keep going Without empathy, boast about power No sensitivity, worship calculation.. Democracy is a mere a structure Lying about under tents Hunger strike, sewn lips Tired no longer shout Theyre hauled from their campus Those whore locked up were set free Those whore unconscious couldnt survive On the streets were historical wails Good bye Price continuously moved to strangle That fighting campus was at awe Flame tired eyes Frustration suppressed revenge Since Arief Rachman Hakim was hit by a bullet Why does it keep happening?


II Periuk nasi nan terancam, Dilibas harga-harga Disepele didiamkan... Menyulut amarah Diorasikan, Asap ban mengepul hitam, Dobrak gerbang sepenuh benci, Perang lemparan batu Landakan semprotan... Libasan menghalau Medanpun berpindah ke jalanan, Munuja saling menyakiti Apakah reformasi lahirkan tirani lagi ? Bung. kutanya kau !!! Nyala kebencian menyambar, Obor pembakaran, disulut di tepi jalan Kobaran kembali ? Bung, Alangkah naif, betapa daifnya Siapkah menyambut, limpahan amarah mengepung istana ?
Juli 26/6/2008

*) Mahasiswa Universitas Nasional


II Rice pan which is threatened Beaten by prices Being isolated in humiliation Ignited rage Put in oration The black smoke Broke open the gate in full hatred War of stone throwing Brought in splashes Hits hauled War moved to streets Toward hurting each others Does reform give birth to another tyranny? Guys, I ask you!!!!! The flame of hatred snatched The torch of burning was set on the side of street Would it be another city fire? Guys, How nave, how powerless Are you ready to welcome abundant anger Surrounding the palace?

June 26, 2008



Untuk : Taufiq Ismail

Proklamasi 45, Tekad tak pedulikan pengakuan, Tak terpadamkan... Negeri tanpa APBN kala itu Serahkan apa saja. Aku Ompung Siregar Generasi ABS orde lalu, Bertahun dikangkangi tirani Masa mudaku hilang bersamanya, Tak pula melenguh... Dilansia ini, Kukicaukan pergantian musim Kutulis pamflet............. Garis merah kesinambungan, Keteledoran generasi ke generasi, Penguasa ke penguasa, Keterpurukan negeri, Kutorehkan dalam elegi.... Mengawang bersama karbon, Lenyap digemuruh polusi suara.



To : Taufiq Ismail

Proclamation 45, Determination cared no claim It couldnt be extinguished The country was without plan of national budget Gave away anything Im Grandpa Siregar The past order of ABS*) generation Have been years colonized by tyrants My youth was gone with it I dont whine In this old age I chirp about the turn of era I wrote flyers. Red line of continuity Negligence from generation to generation Authority to authority The failure of this country I wrote is elegy. Flew away with carbon Disappeared in rumbles of sound pollution


Agressi Kolonial Juli 1947, Pak Dirman berseru : Ibu Pertiwi memanggil ! Nusantara menyatu ... Matipun tak lagi perih Dilansiaku ini, ku rindukan saat itu.


Catatan kaki : A large part of any poets inspiration must come from his reading and from his knowledge of history, T.S. Elliot, To-day, September 1918 ABS : Asal Bapak Senang


Colonial aggression in July 1947 Pak Dirman shouted : Motherland is calling! The archipelago united.. Death was no more painful In this old age, I miss that moment
July 10, 2010 ___________) A large of any poets inspiration must come from his reading and from his knowledge of history-T.S. Elliot, Today, September 1918 *) ABS: yes, sir!



Untuk : Hariman Siregar Syahrir

Ketika kalian, dibundaran HI Aku di Gorontalo, bersama isteri Ketika kalian demo Aku, demo menanam padi Kalian, mau copot mandatku Apa salahku ? Apa pula masalahmu ? Aku, harus hati-hati, Lambat sedikit Sabarlah Kita ketemu, di pemilu nanti

Jakarta, 15/01-2007



To : Hariman Siregar Syahrir

When youre at HI traffic circle I was in Gorontalo with my wife When you rallied I demonstrated rice planting Youll slide me down my position What did I do wrong? What was your problem? I have to be careful Slow down a bit Be patient. Well meet in the next election
Jakarta, January 15, 2007



Pergumulan ini, bukan sekilas cicak vs buaya, Lebih perkasa lagi Benalu menyerabut budaya, menggurita... piting ketat, memantak, perkosa negeri Siapa di belakang semua ini ? Apapun kau sebut, mereka adalah Godzilla Raksasa Sepanjang kemerdekaan, bertengkar, bertarung, Tak pun ereksinya Lalu, kapan rakyat diurus sejahtera ? Janji proklamasi mereka tunggu Pergumulan ini, bukan sekilas cicak vs buaya Tapi batin keadilan nan tercemar Itupun bila kau mahfum adanya




This struggle isnt merely about house lizard versus crocodile Its more spectacular parasite takes over culture Octopus-like..tightly strangles Nailing, rapping the country Who are behind all this? Whatever you name it Theyre giant godzillas All time during independence Arguing, fighting Without erection So, when will people be taken care of? They demand the realization of proclamation promises This struggle isnt merely about house lizard versus crocodile But the conscience of polluted justice Thats if you really understand

November 17, 2009


Pro : Prita

1 Jutaan senar serempak melengking Azasi nan paling dasar di injak Solidaritas meraung...... Gemercingan koin, donasi nan terpuruk 2 Kala Tuhan tak lagi didengar, mulut hukum tak adil Beludak kemarahan di jalanan Matipun tak masalah hari itu Hanya ada kecewa, menyeringai siap menerkam 3 Semangat nan hakiki bangkit, barisan dibentuk Recehan digenggam Tantang kesemena-menaan 4 Mulut hukum tak adil, suara Tuhan diabaikan Tidak hanya ribuan, bahkan bereskalasi Berbondong mereka berbaris koin di genggam.......
Jakarta, 15 12 2009


To : Prita

1 Millions of strings simultaneously wailed The most basic right was stamped on Solidarity howled. Coins were clinking Donation was failing 2 When God was no longer heard The mouth of law was unjust The blast of anger was on the street Death is not a problem then Theres just disappointment Grinning-ready to pounce on 3 The pure spirit rose Ranks were formed Coins mere in hands About injustice 4 The mouths of justice took side The voice of God was ignored Not just thousands Even the escalation Coming together in long ranks With coins in fists
Jakarta, December 15, 2009



1. Kala struktur direkayasa dimana keterbukaan ? Ruang pengap tersumbat sekat. Demokrasi tergelincir misteri. 2. Selama jelajah dipandu pesona Horison kan sebatas pandang, selepas itu urusan nanti Dipergantian musim biarlah banjir ? 3. Sebelum hanyut ke laut, hentikan bertanya Berpeganglah erat, bergegas ketebing Cegah ! 4 Dikeheningan malam ini Noktah berdenting, hampa meringis Serentak bisu meraung Gendang pendengaran tersumbat nanah Pasti tak mendengar



1 When structures are conspired Where is openness? Stuffy rooms are blocked by walls Democracy slips away in mystery 2 During the exploration guided by charm Horizon is as far as sight Further than that will catch up later In the change of season, let it flood? 3 Before being drowned to the sea Stop asking Hold tightly Go to the edge Prevent it! 4 In silence of this night The node is tinkling Grinning in emptiness Muteness all at once shouts Ear drum is blocked Surely unheard


5 Demo pun lelap dijalanan Mimpi kedaulatan, seribu mil dikejauhan Pergumulan ini berkepanjangan ! Sudah berkali kubilang
Jakarta 21/12/2009

5 107

Rallies are dozing on streets Dreaming of sovereignty Thousand of miles ahead This struggle goes along Ive told you for many times
Jakarta, December 21, 2009



Untuk : Dian & Reza

1 Kujenguk kebawah, Ku emban geitr rinduku Deru pesawat terengah Bimbang berdegup bertanya Masihkah mimpi menyatu ? Dalam keserumpunan 2 Rasuki muhibah Wajah bunda dimana-mana Mimpi kita ? Masihkah sama ? 3 Hutan Bukit Tinggi, Pahang Siamang berjuntai bersahutan Saling menyapa, saling merindu Pastikan tempat berpelukan 4 Menara Suria bertanduk dua, meruncing, menggapai langit Menjulang bangga anak negeri Budak budak tanah Melayu


To : Dian & Reza

1 I looked down, I bore my bitter yearning The rumbling plane was breathless Doubtfully beat while asking Were dreams still united? As one kind? 2 Possessing goodwill Mothers face was every where Our dreams, were they still the same? 3 The forest of Bukit Tinggi, Pahang Chimps dangling Greet and long for each others Decide on the hugging spots 4 Suria tower with two tusks Sharpening up, reaching the sky Towering proudly are the children of nation The little ones of Malay land


5 Stasiun berkubah, berapa telah kau lepas, merambah jantung semenanjung Hingga nadi nan terujung, tepi batas kerajaan 6 Kuala Lumpur berbukit batu Disanggah Petaling Jaya Di Putra Jaya, Cyber city Datuk Mahathir lampiaskan visinya, ukir pualam sejarah, harungi masa depan 7 Rinai hujan pagi itu, anjungan perpisahan basah Kuala Lumpur seribu kubah Kota datuk berlilit sorban Dara melirik dibalik kerudung Seremban ranah bergonjong Saluang keserumpunan meratap Aroma rendang resapi pori 8 Hang Jebat, Hang Kesturi, lanun Selat Malaka Lebih baik berputih tulang, dari pada berputih mata


5 The domed station How many have been departed from you To go through the heart of peninsula As far as the edge of rein At the border of kingdom 6 Kuala Lumpur with rocky hills Supported by Petaling Jaya At Putra Jaya, Cyber City Datuk Mahathir poured his vision To inscribe the alabaster of history To go through the future 7 Drops of rain that morning, The wet stage of farewell Kuala Lumpur with a thousand domes The noble city in twist of turban A girl was stealing a glance From behind the veil The ethnic flute lamented The sweet smell of spicy meat was absorbed by pores 8 Hang Jebat, Hang Kesturi Pirates of Mallaca straits Its better to be white boned Then to be white eyed


9 Malaka kota ziarah Armada Portugis menyandar tebing Gereja menohok salib Dibahu pantai, dupa kelenteng berpadu, menguap, meninggi Nirwana dewa dewi 10 Lepas hambatan membelit rantau, Kebun sawit tembus kesana Rimba perawan di puncak bukit Pontian pantai bercermin Johar Bahru di ujung rantau 11 Di jembatan penghubung, Rinduku tercecer..... Hatiku masih disana, Mengkais-kais keserumpunan

Malaysia - Singapura, 22-31 Oktober 2009


9 Mallaca, a city of sacred visit Portugal fleet leans against steep riverbank A cross on top of church At the shoulder of beach Evaporating, higher Heaven of goddess 10 Let go of obstacles coiling the shoreline Palm plantation goes through it Virgin jungle on top of the hill Pontian beach looks into mirror Johor Baru at the edge of shoreline 11 On connecting bridge My yearning was scattered My heart is still there Scavenging for the ethical unity

Malaysia-Singapore, October 22-31, 2009


REKUIEM 2009 Intro : Layar turun lakon terhenti, Fragmen tak bersimpul, 2009 nan kerontang Innalillahi

Pro : W.S Rendra Kesatria berkuda ringkik, Roketi lebu pemangsa Mimpimu lebihi hidup, Dalam nafas bangsa Aku tak terpana Kala kau tumbang duluan.
Jakarta, 28 8 2009

Pro : Curazon Aquino Tirani telah tumbang, Segar demokrasi masih jauh Sendat isak atas kepergianmu Hari itu Philipina piatu.
Jakarta, 16 September 2009


REQUIEM OF 2009 Intro: The screen was down, the play was terminated Fragment without ending The dry 2009 Innalillahi.. To : W.S. Rendra The knight on a neighing horse Flew over dusty attackers Your dream was more than life In the breath of the nation.. I wasnt shocked When you fell down first
Jakarta, 28 August 2009

To : Curazon Aquino Tyrant had fallen down The fresh democracy was still far The mourners moaned upon your departure That day, the Philippines was an orphan
Jakarta, September 16, 2009


Pro : M.S. Hutagalung Sajak sajak lansia kita Terhenti dirinai subuh ini Kan dikenang, kan dilupa Taklah urusan kita Remuknya persekutuan Itulah paling kutangisi
Jakarta, 24 November 2009

Pro ; Gus Dur Detik tutup tahun, Tuhan menyuruh istirahat Knalpot motor menyalak duka Nestapa kegetiran. Kok repot.?
Jakarta, 31 Desember 2009


To : M.S. Hutagalung Our poems of elderly Was terminated in the rain of this dawn Remembered or forgotten Its not our problem The broken fellowship Its the one I cried about
Jakarta, November 24, 2009

To : Gus Dur

Seconds before old and new God told you to rest The exhaust pipes of Motorcycle shouted the anguish In bitter sadness Why fuss.?
Jakarta, December 31, 2009



Utk : Adek & Bastian

I Mekong nan meliuk kota Mengalir sepi, lintasi abad. Bisu seakan tak punya kisah Melaut kemana tiba, Berliku melepas derita panjang Mengendap delta dikuala II Ho Chi Minh city dilelap malam, Yang ada hanya senyap Cahaya kota memoles permukaan, Mekong pulas di sekap waktu, Ke delta, ke delta sana. Endapkan semua rintihan tangismu III Ho Chi Minh city, kudengar gemercik ditebing berlumpur, Senandung ratapi silam. Kutemuikau, dikanvas lukisan, dilembar sulaman , diwajah keras, suara lantang Kuingat semangat tak terkalahkan Kuhirup aroma, kuteguk mesramu,



To : Adek & Bastian

I Mekong which wriggles the city Flowing in loneliness through centuries Mute as if without a story Going to sea as its destination Winding to release suffering Precipitating river mouth delta II Ho Chi Minh City cradled by night Only silence. City light polishes the surface Mekong sleeps soundly in time trap Delta to delta Precipitates all groans of your cries III Ho Chi Minh City I hear falling water from the muddy river blank Humming to laments the past I meet you On canvas painting embroidery On stiff faces, in loud voices I remember the unbeatable spirit I smell the fragrance, I drink your intimacy


IV. Kumerenung depan mojo on dong khoi Motor melaron saling memekik Kuhirup kopi, croissant kucubit Cita rasa caf de Paris. V Bumi nan dijajar penghancuran, Hijau dipergantian musim Tahun mudah lupakan segala Hanya sejarah terukir pasti.

Saigon, 16 September 2011


IV I was deep in thought in front of mojo on dong khoi Motorbikes crowded around with wails I sipped my coffee and pinched of croissant The flavor of Caf de Paris V The earth leveled by destruction Green in the change of season Years have forgotten easily Only history inscribed for sure

Saigon , September 16, 2011



Utk : Cucu-cucuku

I. 1. Disatu musim gugur Lebih setengah abad silam Sangkur mutahir ditakluk semangat Semua demi garis depan, Semua demi kemenangan. 2. Kala musim bunga tiba Di Dien Bien Phu... Musuh terpuruk diperut lembah, benderapun ditancap, dibenteng lawan, melambaikan kemenangan, Selamat Ulang Tahun, Paman Ho 3. Di Dien Bien Phu, perang akbar dimenangkan petani Di Dien Bien Phu, teknologi dikeroyok siasat Di Dien Bien Phu, musuh menyerah dengan jenderalnya. Di Dien Bien Phu, kepongahan digilas semangat Di Dien Bien Phu, Perancis kalah



To : My Grandchildren

I. 1. In one autumn More than half century ago The weapon gave in to spirit All for front line All for victory 2. When flower season came At Dien Bien Phu Foes were suppressed The flag was set up down the valley Waving victory at the front of enemy Happy birthday, uncle Ho 3. At Dien Bien Phu, A big war was won by farmers At Dien Bien Phu, Technology was swarmed over by strategies At Dien Bien Phu, Enemies with their general surrendered At Dien Bien Phu, Arrogance was crashed by spirit At Dien Bien Phu, France was defeated


II. 1. Teluk Tonkin direkayasa, Natal Kudus dihujani bom, Da Nang pun di duduki, racun kimia membakar segala Namun semangat tak terkubur jua. 2. Keperkasaan B-52 S berantakan dibumi, Ekor dikumpul dipecundang Roh Dien Bien Phu membubung udara. 3. Mekong yang pengasih, dipelukanmu kawasan menyatu Lintasan kasihmu, beribu bukit, beribu lembah Tak pun mengenal batas negeri Hingga delta diujung kuala. 4. Ada terowongan menuju medan Dibangun gorong-gorong menuju musuh Semua untuk garis depan, semua demi kemenangan. Hingga detik ini, Masih kudengar bahana teriakan, kala rongga Cu Chi disemprot gas, diledakkan.


II 1. Tonkin Bay was schemed Holy Christmas was down poured by bombs Da Nang was then occupied At Dien Bien Phu, spirit billowed to the sky 2. The powerful B-25 was scattered on earth Tail was collected and humiliated But spirit was unburied 3. The caring Mekong In your embrace, region united The lap of your love Thousands of hills, thousands of valleys Never know border of country As far as delta at the edge of estuary 4. Theres a tunnel toward battlefield Channels were built toward enemies All for the front line, all for victory Till this second, I still hear the reverberated shouts When Cu Chi hallow was splashed by gas Exploded.


5. Gadis kecil terbirit telanjang, kala lembah disulut neraka, semburan nyala membakar tubuh Di My Lai. Seluruh desa dibantai Amarah durjana, musuh membakar diri sendiri. III. 1. Memasuki tahun monyet serangan umum Tet dimulai, Saigon dibebaskan, dipertengahan tahun itu. Kala tank memasuki gerbang istana, Rakyat berjingkrak di jalanan, Merdeka, merdeka .... !!! Utara Selatan menyatu. 2 Musim bunga mendatang, pastilah lebih meriah IV. 1 Dari Saigon menuju Hanoi, jalan menyelusur sepanjang pantai Ke utara selepas Da Nang, Hanoi kan tiba, labuhan cinta sepanjang musim Terus keutara, ada jalur kemenangan, menuju Dien Bien Phu.


5. Little girl was nakedly running When valley was set on fire by hell, The blast of flame burned the living In My Lai. All villages were butchered The evil rage, Enemies burned themselves III 1. Entering the year of monkey The Tet general attack started Saigon was set free in the middle of that year When tanks got into the gate of palace People jumped up all over Freedom, freedom!!! North South became one. 2. The coming flower season must be more festive IV 1. From Saigon to Hanoi, The road passed through the coast To the north after Da Nang, Hanoi was ahead, The port of love in all seasons Go straight north, There was a lane of victory Toward At Dien Bien Phu


2. Penghancuran bertahun Utara ke Selatan Viet Nam berbenah diri Perang baru menunggu, Tanpa Paman Ho Akankah jadi Piatu ?

Saigon, 13 September 2011


2. Years of destruction From north to south Viet Nam tidied up itself The next war was waiting Without uncle Ho Will it be an orphan?

Saigon, 13 September 2011




Untuk : M.S. Hutagalung *)

Selama rabun belum redup, Sekalipun darah dicuci (empat kali sehari) Dendang nan tersisa, senandung hari ini ! Lampiaskan, dalam puisi ....
Juni, 2009 *) Dosen,kritikus,essys,penyair Gagal ginjal, penglihatan terganggu


Afganistan .... Gua rubah bukit batu Terror berperisai sahid, Kembang opium musim bunga, Salju dibeku dingin. Malam gurun nan kudus, Bintang pun bermain mata Somovar menghalang dingin Teh perdamaian menunggu



To : M.S. Hutagalung*)

As long as farsightedness cooperated Though kidney was through the process of dialysis (four times a day) The remaining song Hum of today! Pour it out in poetry
June, 2009 *)Lecturer, critic, essayist, poet - kidney failure, hard of sight


Afghanistan Fox cave at rocky hills Terror with the shield of martyrs Opium flowers in the blooming season Snow in the freeze of cold Holy desert night And stars wink Somovar blocks the cold Tea for peace was waiting


......................... Korea terbelah mencekam rindu, di garis lintang 38 Talu genderang, kibasan selendang Sanak nan terpisah Air mata hati nan menyatu Membeku digigil dingin .......................... Ambalat Semburan gas ladang minyak Lambaian nyiur berbalasan Senjata terkokang......... Hadapkan sesama serumpun
Jakarta, Juni 2009

Untuk : almarhum Julius Toha, Sukainah Rosad

Puncak Siguntang Mahameru, Kemegahan agung nan terkikis, Rindu sendu bermisteri Sriwijaya terlunta sejarah Alunan gending meredup Gemulai lentik jemari Mendayu perpisahan Enggan terputus. Musi bersaksi, Menangisimu resapi wawasan, Limpahkan rindu abad lalu
18 Agustus 2009


Korea was split in the silence of yearning At the latitude of 38 The sound of drums, the sway of drapes Separated family The union of tears from hearts Frozen in the chills of cold . Ambalat The gas splash from oil field The sway of reciprocated coconut trees Weapon was set at the target Put brothers by ethnic face to face
Jakarta, June 2009

To : the late Julius Toha, Sukaianah Rosad

The peak of Siguntang Mahameru The erosion of glorious grandeur The mysterious yearning in blue Sriwijaya, abandoned by history The rhythm of traditional music died down The gracious long and slim fingers Waved the farewell Reluctant to be separated Musi witnessed The cries for you were absorbed by the land Pour out the longing for past centuries
August 18, 2009


Pro Aung San Suu Kyi

Terhalau dari tanah sendiri, diusir kelaut, terhempas jauh dipantai seberang, Ditolak dimana saja, tak pun dikirim ke bulan
29 Sept 2009


To : Ratna Sarumpaet

Sekali bertolak, Lupa kelok menuju danau Purnamapun dihempas gerhana 85 tahun... Demikianlah ringkihnya waktu Tempiaskan dendam Halau... Silahkan menimbang
Erasmus Huis Jakarta, 14 Oktober 2009


To : Aung San Suu Kyi

Being expelled from the land Sent away to the sea Cast away for over the ocean Rejected anywhere Not sent to the moon
September 29, 2009

To : Ratna Sarumpaet

Once set forth Forgetting the bend to the lake Full moon has been knocked down by lunar eclipse 85 years. Thats how time is fragile Splashing revenge Expelled.. Please measure it
Erasmus Huis Jakarta, October 14, 2009



Rentan selaras usia Kubunuh hari, kurangkul sepi Termangu aku menatap puncak Angin berseliuran, menerpa dinding lembah menerjang kabut merangkak Punggung bukit didekap gumpalan Jakarta terlindung bukit dikejauhan sana
Jakarta, 12 Desember 2009



Fragile as old age I killed the day, I hugged silence Dazedly did I stare at the mountain Wind blew To hit the wall of valley To smash the crawling fog The back of hill in the cradle of cloud Jakarta Sheltered by hills From a far
Jakarta, December 12, 2009



Sekilas hanya seketika Kenapa ragu ? Alangkah runyamnya waktu Gelora masih menyala Tak sedetik meninggalkan kita Senantiasa saling mencari, Dekade-dekade pun melintas Biarkanlah rindu menganga Apa masih bisa ? Maha Takdir, Membuka Serta menutup kisah itu Bukanlah rela kita.
Bidakara, Feb 2012

( Dipesta perkawinan itu kusapa Pak Ali Wardhana, Fikri, Billy, Ani )



At a glance, in a flesh Why doubtful? How complicated time is The spirit still glows Never leaves us Always looking for each other Decades flashed by Let this yearning stay still Is it possible? The divine destiny Opened and closed the story Not our willingness..
Bidakara, February 2012

(In that wedding party, I greeted Mr. Ali Wardhana, Fikri, Billy, Ani, )



Termangu di depan cermin, kusulut lilin. Selamat Ulang Tahun Bagi diriku sendiri Sepi itu sunyi. Sepi itu syahdu Sepi itu ramai Hanya sepi nan mengerti. ! Lapuk pasti kan punah, Jelang saatnya tiba, adaptasi semunya dunia .. Hanya sepi senantiasa setia..
Jakarta, 15 Maret 2012 ( Ulang tahun Aqilah ke-4 )



Dazed in front of the mirror I lit up the candles Happy Birthday To my self Silence is quiet Silence is tranquil Silence is crowded Only silence does understand Weakness will wither Approaching the upcoming farewell Life Adaptation Silence is always faithful

Jakarta, March 15, 2012 (the 4th anniversary of Aqilah)


ROMANTIKA KEHIDUPAN Hunian liar sepanjang tepian, gugusan pulau pun, lenyap Lumpur kuala memupur pantai Lapangan tercemar limbah Pedang rinduku nan menusuk Kuncup kering bibir retak Hari ini, semegap kecewaku, Kutadah, kupendam, dan kututup Sibolga*) didesir kenangan Masa kecilku raib bersamanya Fantasipun meredup, Sia-sia dipacu lagi Serapah apapun Bagaimanapun kita janji, Manalah mungkin berobah Sepenuhnya tak lagi peduli, Bila masih mau, Terimalah apa adanya, Alangkah dambanya Keabadian, Himne pujaan, lonceng gereja Senyum Buddha penawar sejuk Azan pun mengajak ummat, menyapa Allah, menyeru Kasih, makna bathin semua agama Lintasi benua Tak pun mengenal musim
Jakarta, 4 April 2012 *) Sibolga ditepi teluk Tapian Nauli, Sumut


LIFE ROMANTISM Illegal residence along the edge of seashore Group of islands disappear The mud of estuary powders the coast Fields are polluted by water waste My longing sword is stabbed Dry buds of cracked lips Today, As breathless as my disappointment I accommodate, burry, and close it Sibolga *) is in the breeze of memory My childhood was gone with it And fantasy fades away Was raced in vain Whatever curses However we promised How can we change it. No longer really care If you still want it Take it the way it is How sweet is eternity The hymn of worship, the bell of church The smile of Buddha offers freshness The call for pray invites mankind To greet the God To call out love Spiritual meaning of all religions Crosses continents. Through all seasons
Jakarta, April 4, 2012 *) Sibolga at Tapian Nauli Bay, North Sumatera



Untuk : Ibu Kembar *) Pengasuh sekolah kumuh bawah jalan layang

Telah kulihat, tersangka korupsi uang rakyat, bermain komedi pada diri sendiri Tanpa kejujuran, berlagak lupa didepan sidang. Alangkah absurdnya pencitraan Jaksa korup dibacok di pengadilan Lebih setengah abad, ragu menyatukan mimpi bersama Ditelan hiruk pikuk, lagu perjuangan terus dikumandangkan, paduan suara, sekolah kumuh kolong jembatan Balita lelap di gerobak sampah Sandiwara kering kerontang ini, sesak lakon petualang matahari kian meninggi Selepas ini kemana ??
Jakarta, 2 Maret 2012

*) Rossy dan Sri Irianingsih


To : Twin mothers *) Guardians of poor, under flyover school

Ive seen A suspect of corruption Played a comedy for himself Without honesty By pretending to be forgetful it trial How absurd image is Corrupt prosecutors was slashed in trial More than a half century, Doubts compile our similar dreams Swallowed by crowd The songs of struggle keep reverberating By choir of poor schools under the bridge A toddler was asleep inside garbage cart This dry play Is full of adventurous characters Dusk gets darker Where to go next?

Jakarta, March 2, 2012

*) Rossy and Sri Irianingsih


Untuk : Prof. Widjajono Partowidagdo

Lebihi puncak Tambora, Tuhan mengajak melangit Hindari polusi Kemunafikan dunia........... Dayu lengkingan, ratap perpisahan Larut dihiruk pikuk politik Selamat jalan.... Kini kau hanya kenangan
Jakarta, 21 april 2012

Untuk : Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih Ph.D

APBN ditopang polusi, racun pembarah paru Kramat Tunggak *) digarpa, senantiasa merebak Flu burung mewabah, politisi mencopotmu ---------------Jiwa yang damai, munculmu tanpa gemercik Berangkatmu tanpa riak
Jakarta, 2 Mei 2012-05-07 *) Bekas lokasi pelacuran


To : Prof. Widjajono Partowidagdo

Higher than the peak of Tambora God invited to go into the sky To avoid pollution The hypocrisy of the world. The rumble of shrieks, the lament of farewell Dissolved in the hustle and bustle of politics Good bye.. Now youre just memory
Jakarta, April 21, 2012

To : Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, Ph.D

National budget was supported by pollution Poison became abscessed in lung Kramat Tunggak*) was locked Always spread widely Avian Flu become an epidemic Politician put you down A peaceful soul, Your arrival was without any splash Your departure was without any ripple
Jakarta, May 2nd, 2012 *) Ex-location of prostitution located in Jakarta



SBY mana visimu kemana kami kan kau bawa Muak kami sudah, dijejali wacana Nyatanya hidup tetap susah Korban lumpur masih terlantar Antrian minyak dimana-mana SBY mana visimu Agar dapat dicerna, jabarkan secara sederhana Kapan, anggaran pendidikan dipenuhi Flu burung, demam berdarah dibasmi Prasarana, listrik, dibenahi Korupsi diberantas, hukum ditegakan Atur visi tahap nyata Agar kami, termotifasi Ikut, disetiap langkah SBY mana visimu Janji kampanyemu, kami tunggu Teriakkan aba-aba, ajak kami kerja Kami punya pacul, punya tenaga Bulatkan tekad kekuatan sendiri Mari bangun strada, bendungan, prasarana Karena itulah yang kami tunggu, hingga kini Ayo mari kita mulai Detik ini juga Jangan biarkan kami, kecewa memilihmu. Jangan biarkan kami, kehilangan harapan
7 Desember 2006


SBY, WHERES YOUR VISION? SBY, wheres your vision Where will you bring us? Were fed up Being crammed with words When life is still rough Mud victims are still neglected The queue for fuel is everywhere SBY, wheres your vision? To be digested and explained easily When is budget granted? Avian flu and dengue fever are eradicated Infrastructure and electricity are improved Corruption is exterminated Law is firmly straightened up? Work on realistic visions To make us motivated To follow every step SBY, wheres your vision? Your promise at campaign makes us wait Shout command, invite us to work We have hoes and energy Set our hearts on being independent Lets build strada, dams, infrastructure Because those are what were waiting for Lets start From this very second Dont let us down for choosing you Dont let us lose hope
December 7, 2006


Nama Lahir Tanggal Pendidikan

: : : :

BIODATA Ibrahim Astar Siregar Bagan Siapi-api 15 Maret 1939 - SD Negeri V, Sibolga - SMP Negeri II, Medan - SMA Negeri III, Medan - Fakultas Ekonomi UI Jakarta, Drs 1963 - Dept of Economics, University of Wisconsin Madison USA, MScec. 1971. - Workshop State Enterprises Harvard Business School Harvard, MA, USA, Summer 1971

Pensiunan Pengajar Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta Putera-puteri lima, yang tertua puteri meninggal di Palembang dalam usia tujuh bulan Cucu-cucu sembilan, tujuh lelaki, dua perempuan Menetap di Jakarta Karya karya : 1. Nyanyian Kehidupan 2. Bertutur Aku Dalam Balada 3. Permata Kehidupan, sajak-sajak lansia bersama M.S. Hutagalung. 4. Rekonsiliasi Dalam Puisi 5. Tatkala Puisi Tak lagi dibaca 6. Renungan Dipergantian Tahun 7. Demokrasi Menuju Padu



Name : Ibrahim Astar Siregar Place of birth : Bagan Siapi-api Date of birth : March 15, 1939 Educational Background: 1. Elementary School, Sibolga 2. Junior High School, Medan 3. Senior High School, Medan 4. Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, Drs, 1963 5. Department of Economisc, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, MecSc 1971 6. Workshop State Enterprises, Harvard Business School, Retired leturer from Faculty of Economics University of Indonesia, Jakarta. 5 children, the oldest daughter passed away in Palembang at the age of 7 months 9 grandchildren, 7 grand sons, 2 grand daughters Lives in Jakarta Books: 1. Songs of Life, 2007 2. Talking Am I in Ballads, 2008 3. Gemstones of Life, Poems of The Elderly with M.S. Hutagalung 4. Reconciliation in Poetry, 2008 5. When Poems are no more read 6. Reflection in the turn of year, 2009 7. Democracy toward Unity, 2009


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