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CIM Fall 2012 A-Day Afternoon


300 BC 250 BC 1500 1750 1760 1791

1903 1900 1850 1865 1818 1801

1917 1920 1927 1930 1940 1942

1961 1960 1956 1949 1947 1945

1970 1972 1977 1979 1982 1993

2000 2000 1999 1998 1998 1995



















Artificial Intelligence
First came up at Darmouth College

in 1956. John McCarthy is known as the father of AI. The seeds of modern AI were planted by classical philosophers, and the work culminated into the programmable digital computer in the 1940s. Rock cutting for mining and small micro rovers on mars are automated machines that use AI.

Definition- The theory

and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception.

By: Austin Taylor

Arthur C. Clarke
Wrote stories that told of Born: December 16, 1917 Died: March 19, 2008

the future and automation machines. Most of his stories that were related to the future actually came true. Some of his stories were related with automation. Cool fact- he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1998.

428-347 BC The brilliant Greek mathematician, Archytas of Tarentum builds a mechanical bird dubbed "the Pigeon" that is propelled by steam. It serves as one of histories earliest studies of flight, not to mention probably the first model airplane.

1977-2008 Responsible for occurrence is George Lucas Industrial Automation (IA) is one of the oldest droid producers in the galaxy and has developed an expertise for its business.


Was established in 1861 and opened in 1865 William Barton Rogers is who proposed the plan for the opening of MIT It emphases on scientific, engineering, technological education. Was connected to defense research during the Cold War and World War II Develop processors Brain and Cognitive Science, genomic, biotechnology, and cancer research


1721-1790 Swiss watchmaker Designed and Built animated dolls Some people consider this the oldest example of computers

Metropolis is a movie created in 1927 about a futuristic dystopian city run by secret underground workers. It was written by Fritz Lang and his wife Thea von Harbou It was the first movie ever to feature a robot. Automation is involved in the film when a scientist successfully creates a robot who was programmed to destroy Metropolis.

Mary Shelley
1797-1851 She affected automation when she wrote Dr. Frankenstein in 1818, which is about the creation of an synthetic human being with artificial intelligence. The creature was able to experience human emotions, such as anger and sadness.

Josephine Garis Cochran

1839-1913 Invented the dishwasher Garis-Cochran manufacturing company became part of KitchenAid and in 1949 the 1st dishwasher was introduced to the public Today the dishwasher is a standard appliance in most american homes.

Alan Newell & Herbert Simon

Newell 1927-1992 Simon 1916-2001 Invented artificial intelligence (electronic chess) Paved the way for gaming systems to advance

The Robotics Institute

Advance research in robotic fields, including space-robotics, computer graphics, medical robotics, computer vision, artificial intelligence, and many others.

Nathaniel Hagen

Shigeo Hirose

JIRA Award in 1990 and Best Paper Award in 1992 both from the Japan Industrial Robot Association. Professor in Tokyo Institute of Technology.

The first Pioneer in Robotics and Automation Award in 1999

Nathaniel Hagen

Invented the robot arm in 1969 with 6 degrees of freedom designed for easy control and compatibility with computer programs

1752-1834 In 1801 he constructed a loom that used a series of punched cards to control the pattern of longitudinal warp threads depressed before each sideways passage of the shuttle. Jacquard later developed a machine where the punched cards were joined to form an endless loop that represented the program for the repeating pattern used for cloth and carpet designs.

The first season of battlebots was in the August of 2000 Greg Munson and Trey Roski were the initial creators This contributed to automation by teaching people how to build robots and use them in competition

April 15, 1452 May 2, 1519 Made an automated knight
Capable of waving, sitting, appear to talk, and walking movements

Very few of his designs were capable of being created in his time period
Made the concept of a helicopter, tank, and solar powered calculator

Made important discoveries in anatomy, civil engineering, optics, and hydrodynamics He did not publish his finding

Alan Turing
Lived from 1912-1954 British mathematician and computer scientist Father of computer science and artificial intelligence Helped develop the modern day computer

Mary Anderson
Lived from 1866-1953
November 1903 she was granted her first patent for an automatic car window cleaning device controlled inside the car Lead to the development of the modern day windshield wiper

Dante was a robot that was created in 1993 by Carnegie Mellon University to scale surfaces and harvest grasses near the magma of volcano's Dante was very important to automation because its failure helped them learn how to improve it and build the much more successful Dante II

George Devol was born in 1912 and died 2011 George Devol completely changed automation when his company Unimation Created the first industrial robot, Unimate Unimate worked on a General Motors assembly line in Ewig township, New Jersey

The Unimate was the first robot to be used in industry. This new machine was useful because it could do jobs too dangerous for humans, like handling molten parts.

This machine affects me because it helped the Detriot auto manufactures which in turn helped the Detroit economy, and my dad grew up near Detroit.

Charles Babbage
Charles Baggage lived from 1791-1871. Charles Babbage was very influential to automation because he invented the first mechanical computer. Babbage was influential to me because I use computers everyday. He was the first in modern times to actually invent computers and adding machines.
Difference Engine #2

Analytical Engine Difference Engine #1

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