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MOVE CONVENTIONS 236 = qcf 623 = dp 214 = qcb 421 = rdp 63214 = hcb 41236 = hcf 632146 = hcb,

f etc... P = Punch K = Kick S( c ) = Slash (close) S( f ) = Slash (far) HS = Hard Slash D = Dust 5xx = neutral xx 2xx = crouching xx 6xx = f+xx j.xx = jumping xx dj.xx = double jump xx hj.xx = high jump xx tj. xx = triple jump xx JC = jump cancel HJC = high jump cancel IAD = instant air dash ADC = air dash cancel (Millia only) CH = counter hit RC = roman cancel FRC = force/false roman cancel TK = tiger knee (e.g. 2369 / qcf, uf) CH = counter hit JI = jump install ID = impossible dust CHARACTERS Sol Badguy 1. IAD j.S, j.HS (land) 5K, 2D, 236K (116) 2. Dash 5K (1 hit) 2HS, 214S * dash jump j.D 236HS * (land) dash 2HS 236K (203) 3. 2D, 236K (1 hit) RC j.D, dj.HS (1 hit) 236HS * (land) dash 2HS JC j.S, 236HS * (land) dash 2HS JC j.S, 623S, 214K (206) 4. 623K dash 2HS JC j.D, 236HS * (land) dash 2HS JC j.S, 236HS * (land) j.S, 623 S, 214K (146) 5. 5D, homing jump, j.D, dj.D (land) dash 2HS JC j.S, 236HS * (land) dash 2HS JC j.S, dj.S, 623S, 214K (163) 6. (corner) 236K (hold) dash 236P FRC 236K (hold) dash 236P, 2HS JC j.S, 236HS * (land) 41236D * dash 2HS, 236K (188)

7. (corner) 2D (CH) 236P FRC 236K (hold) dash 236P, 2HS JC j.S, 236K (air) (land ) 5K (1 hit) 236K (229) 8. (corner) 41236D, 46D, dash jump j.S, 236HS * (land) dash 2HS JC j.S, 236HS * (land) dash 2HS 236K (214) 9. 214K RC j.HS (1 hit) 236K (air) (land) 2HS, 236K (151) 10. Air throw, 41236D * dash 2HS JC j.S, 236HS * (land) dash 2HS JC j.S, dj.S, 6 23S, 214K (155) Notes: Combo 2. utilises the new property of Grand Viper, notably the Clean Hit knockdo wn (the * refer to Clean Hits) and Combos 2., 3. and 4. show examples of short S ide Winder loops. Combo 5. is an Impossible Dust. Combo 6. uses the new version of Fafnir (41236D) which is now a Force Break move and has Clean Hit properties as well. Combo 8. uses the new follow up to Fafnir, a modified version of Tyrant Rave. 3. vs. Ky, Johnny, Testament & Robo-Ky: use j.HS instead of first j.S, remove JC (m ake {j.HS, j.236+HS} direct hit) vs. Potemkin, ABA: dj.HS 2 hits Combo 8 alternative 41236+D -> 46+D , dash j.S, j.236+HS (Sidewinder*), land, j.S, j.236+HS*, (land) j.S, j.236+HS*, dash 2HS, 236+K (221) Ky Kiske 1. 5K, 5S( c ), 6K, 2P, 5HS, 236K, 222HS (106) 2. (opponent jumping in) 6P, 5S( c ), 2HS HJC hj.S, j.HS, 623S / HS, HS (139) 6P, 5S, 2HS, 623HS, HS,5K, 5S, 2HS, 623HS, HS (147) 3. 5K 5S( c ), 2D, 236D, 214D, dash 2P, 5S( c ), 2HS JC j.S, dj.S, j.HS, 623S / HS, HS (133) 4. 214K, 5S( c ), 2HS JC j.S, dj.S, j.HS, 623S / HS, HS (120) 5. Throw FRC dash 2P, 5S( c ), 2HS, 623HS, HS (land) 2P, 5S( c ), 2HS, 623HS, HS (106) 6. 2S, 2D, 236D, 214D, 5S( c ), 2HS JC j.S, j.HS, 623HS, HS (land) 2P, 5S( c ), 2HS, 623HS, HS (195) 7. [6P (CH) 6HS] or [2D, 236236P] 6HS x5, 236K, 222HS (140) (sweep into Sacred E dge 183) 8. (corner, j.214D) 2D, 6P, 5S( c ) JI 2HS HJC hj.S, dj.S, j.HS, 623S / HS, HS ( 172) 9. 2D JC 632146HS (air) (land) 2P, 5S( c ), 2HS JC j.S, j.HS, 623S / HS, HS (203 ) 10. 5D, homing jump, j.HS, dj.S (land) 5S( c ), 2HS JC j.S, dj.S, j.HS, 623S / H S, HS FRC j.S, dj.S, j.HS, 623S / HS, HS (127)

Notes: Combo 1. uses Ky's new 222HS move, Lightning Strike. The 2P is a link after 6K. Combo 2. is a standard anti air option and shows Ky's new move, Rising Javelin, the extension on his Vapor Thrust. Combo 3. uses the new Force Break move Lightn ing Sphere, 214D during a Charge Stun Edge. Combo 5. shows a short Rising Javeli n loop . For Combos 3. and 6. the CSE must be canceled off the sweep and into 214D immediately for the combo to work. In Combo 9. Ride the Lightning can be TK'd w ith a 360 motion 632147896. Combo 10. is an Impossible Dust which uses the FRC o n the Rising Javelin to extend the combo further. combo 4. May, Baiken, Jam, Bridget doesn't KO May 1. 63214K, 2 (hold) 8S, 5S( c ) JC j.P, j.P, j.D, dj.HS, j.D (129) 2. 63214K dash 5S( c ), 5HS, 2 (hold) 8S, 5S( c ), 5HS, 2 (hold) 8S (150) 3. 63214K dash 5S( c ), 5HS, 2 (hold) 8S, 2P, 2 (hold) 8S, 2P, 2 (hold) 8S (145) 4. 63214K, dash 5S( c ), 5HS, 2 (hold) 8S, 5S( c ), 5HS, 2 (hold) 8S, 2P, 2 (hol d) 8S (163) 5. 2D (OTG) 214D, 5S( c ), 5HS, 2 (hold) 8S, 5S( c ), 5HS, 2 (hold) 8HS (193) 6. 2D (OTG) 214D, 5S( c ), 5HS, 2 (hold) 8S, [2P, 2 (hold) 8S] x2 (189) 7. 2D (OTG) 214D, 5S( c ), 5HS, 2 (hold) 8S, 2P, 2 (hold) 8HS (166) 8. [air dash j.K, j.HS] or [623HS air hit FRC] 5S( c ), 2D, 2 (hold) 8S 8D dash 5S( c ), 5HS, 2 (hold) 8S, 5S( c ), 5HS, 2 (hold) 8S (228) 9. 5[D] JC 2 (hold) 8S, 5S( c ), 5HS, 2 (hold) 8S, 5S( c ), 5HS, 2 (hold) 8S (19 7) 10. 5D, homing jump, j.HS, dj.HS (land) 2 (hold) 8S, 5S( c ), 5HS, 2 (hold) 8S, 5S( c ), 5HS, 2 (hold) 8S (196) Notes: 2. vs. Sol, Ky, Eddie, Potemkin, Chipp, Johnny, Axl, Venom, Slayer, Zappa, roboKy, ABA, Order-Sol 3. vs. May, Baiken, Jam, Dizzy, Bridget, Millia Rage 4. vs. Millia, Faust, Anji, Testament, I-No 5. vs. Sol, Chipp, Baiken, Anji, Johnny, Venom, Testament, Dizzy, Slayer, robo-K y, ABA, Order-Sol vs. Millia: [2]8+S (S Vertical Iruka-san) instead [2]8+HS (HS Vertical Iruka-san ) vs. I-No: Jackhound doesn't hit 6. vs. May, Bridget 7. vs. Ky, Potemkin, Faust

Millia Rage

1. 2K, 2S, 5HS, 2D (68) 2. (corner) 2K, 2S, 236S, 5P JC j.K, j.D (ADC) j.K, j.D (ADC) j.D (94) 3. Throw, dash 5S( f ), 2HS JC j.D (ADC) j.K, j.D (ADC) j.D (45)*1 4. 6K, 214S, 214D dash 5S( f ), 2HS JC j.D (ADC) j.K, j.D (ADC) j.D (124) 5. 5S( f ), 5HS, 236236S, 6HS, 214HS (+ direction afterwards) (159) 6. 2S, 2HS JC j.S, j.HS (ADC) j.HS, 236D (land) 5S( c ), 2HS JC j.D (ADC) j.K, j .D (ADC) j.D (169) 7. (air) 236P FRC 5S( c ), 2HS JC j.D (ADC) j.K, j.D (ADC) j.D (117) 8. (Corner) 214P FRC dash 5S( f ), 2HS JC j.HS (ADC) j.HS, 236D (land) 6HS (170) 9. 2S, 2HS JC j.K, j.D (ADC) j.K, j.D (land) 5S( c ), 2HS JC j.D (ADC) j.K, j.D, 214HS, j.HS, 236D (land) 6HS (157)*2 10. (236HS hit) 5S( f ), 2HS JC j.HS (ADC) j.D (ADC) j.S, j.HS (land) j.K, j.S, j.HS (ADC) j.D (ADC) j.D (186) Notes: All the combos which have (ADC) in them are using Millia's new Air Dash Cancel. Combo 4. uses one of her new Force Breaks, as do combos 8. and 9. *1 Throw Combos Throw, dash f.S, 2HS, (delay) JC j.D, (delay) ADC j.K-D, (delay) ADC j.D Bsic - Throw, dash f.S, 2HS, JC j.HS, ADC j.D, ADC j.S-HS, land j.K-S-HS, ADC j.D, AD C j.D-214S, land 6HS vs. Jam, Bridget, May, Baiken, Ky, Venom, Eddie, Johnny, Testament can change {land 6HS} for {j.236P} - Throw, dash f.S, 2HS, JC j.HS, ADC j.D, ADC j.S-HS, land dash j.K-D-214S-D, AD C j.D O {dash j.K} caso voc esteja longe demais pro j.K pegar normalmente - Throw, dash f.S, 2HS, JC j.S-HS, ADC j.D, ADC j.D vs. Eddie, Venom: delay between {2HS} and {JC j.S} vs. Johnny: delay between {2HS}, {JC j.S} e {j.HS} can change last {j.D} for {j.HS-214S, land 6HS} easy Knockdown - Throw, dash f.S, 2HS, JC j.HS, ADC j.D, ADC j.D vs. Millia, Bridget - Throw, dash 5K-5K, JC j.K-D, ADC j.(K)-D, delay ADC j.D j.K is optional can made {j.214S, land 6HS} if ends in corner - Throw, dash 5K, JC j.K-S-HS, delay ADC j.D, ADC j.D vs mediumweights can made {j.214S, land 6HS} if ends in corner - Throw, dash 5K, JC j.P-K-D, delay ADC j.K-D, ADC j.D

vs. lightweights Baiken and Bridget can made {j.214S, land 6HS} if ends in corner - Throw, dash 5K, JC j.P-K-S-HS, ADC j.D, ADC j.D vs. Johnny can made {j.214S, land 6HS} if ends in corner - Throw, dash 2HS, JC j.S-HS, ADC j.D, ADC j.S-HS, land j.K-S-HS, ADC j.D, ADC j .D-214S, land 6HS must hit {dash 2HS} specific distance, or little dash for 1~3Frames , high risk vs. Robo-Ky, Potemkin, Baiken, Slayer, Eddie, Bridget, Anji, Faust, May, Sol, Ch ipp - Throw, j.K-S-HS, ADC j.D, ADC j.S-HS, land j.K-S-HS, ADC j.D, ADC j.D-214S, la nd 6HS vs. Faust - Throw, dash j.K-S-HS, ADC j.D, ADC j.D vs. Slayer, ABA e Faust (corner) Throw, dash f.S, 2HS, JC j.D-214S, ADC j.D, ADC j.D vs. All (corner) Throw, dash f.S, 2HS, JC j.D, delay ADC j.K-D, ADC j.D-214S, land 6HS vs. Johnny: not use {j.214S, land 6HS} near end (corner) Throw, dash f.S, 2HS, JC j.K-D, ADC j.K-D-214S, land 6HS *2 ADC combos Midscreen A) (dash) j.K-S-HS, ADC j.D, ADC j.D, {j.214S, land 6HS} B) (dash) j.K-D, ADC j.K-D, ADC j.D, {j.214S, land 6HS} C) (dash) j.K-D-214S, airdash j.D, ADC j.D D) (dash) c.S, JC j.K-D, ADC j.K-D, ADC j.D, {j.214S, land 6HS} E) (dash) 2HS, JC j.S-HS, ADC j.D, ADC j.D, {j.214S, land 6HS} F) (dash) j.K-D, ADC j.S-HS, ADC j.D, land c.S, 2HS, JC j.D, delay j.214S, ADC j .D, ADC j.D G) c.S, 2HS, JC(7 ou 8) j.D, ADC j.S-HS, j.D, land c.S, 2HS, JC(9) j.D, delay j. 214S, airdash j.D, ADC j.D H) c.S, JC(7 ou 8) j.K-D, ADC j.S-HS, ADC j.D, land c.S, 2HS, JC(9) j.D, delay j .214S, airdash j.D, ADC j.D I) c.S, JC j.K-D-214S, airdash j.D, ADC j.D J) 2HS, JC j.D, ADC j.D, ADC j.S-HS, land j.K-S-HS, ADC j.D, ADC j.D - 2HS, JC j.K-D, ADC j.K-D, ADC j.D-214S, land 6HS Basic Combo - 2HS, JC j.S-HS, ADC j.D, ADC j.S-HS, land (A), (B) ou (C) vsBridget, Baiken, May & Jam diffcult vs. the rest is ok vs. Ky/Robo-Ky: use {2HS, delay JC...} (A) lightweights (B) heavyweights (C) near corner - 2HS, JC IAD j.HS, land (A)~(D), (H), (I) vs all combos (A)~(D) midscreen.

(H) & (I), corner less. - 2HS, JC IAD j.S-HS, land (A)~(J) Funciona melhor vs. Potemkin, Robo-Ky, ABA, Ky, Eddie, Testament, Zappa, Chipp vs. Robo-Ky, Potemkin: possible use {land 6HS, 236S, j.K} corner less vs. ABA, Ky, Eddie, Testament: high airdash vs. Zappa, Chipp: use HJC and not IAD (A)~(D) midscreen, and corner less - 2HS, JC IAD j.HS, ADC j.HS, land (A)~(D), (G)~(I) (~200), character-specific vs. Sol, Ky, Eddie, Potemkin, Anji, Testament, Robo-Ky, ABA Use (A)~(D) midscreen, or (G)~(I) corner less - 2HS, JC j.HS, ADC j.S-HS, land (B), (C) ou (J) vs. May, Millia, Baiken, Axl, Jam e Dizzy Use (B)~(C) midscreen, or (J) cornerless - 2HS, JC j.214S, j.HS, ADC j.HS, land 2HS... vs. Johnny 2HS or Silent Force Corner K) j.P-K-D, ADC j.D, ADC j.S-HS, land j.K-D-214S, ADC j.D, ADC j.D L) j.P-K-D, ADC j.S-HS, land j.K-D-214S, ADC j.D, ADC j.D - 2HS, IAD j.HS, ADC j.HS, land (D) ou (I) vs. Sol, Ky, Eddie, Potemkin, Chipp, Faust, Axl, Anji, Venom, Testament, Slayer, Robo-Ky, ABA, Order-Sol must do a late {ADC j.HS} to hit low - 2HS, delay JC j.S-HS, ADC j.HS, land (E) ou (J) vs. Eddie, Testament, Johnny - chain combo, 236S, 5P, (A)~(C), (F), (K) or (L) Or (B) vs. All Or (F) biggest damage specific ryhtm - chain combo, 214S~214D, dash f.S, 2HS... alternative combo. mades a more longer combo than 236s - 2HS, {IAD j.S-HS} or {IAD j.HS-214S}, land 6HS, {236S FRC, 2HS} or {214P FRC} or {214S~214D} or {236S, 5P}... use 5P instead of j.K 2nd relaunch recommended combo: {j.K-D, ADC j.S-HS, ADC j.D, land c.S, 2HS, JC j .D-214S, ADC j.D, ADC j.D} 227 damage vs. Ky - 6K, {214P FRC} or {236S} or {236236S} or {214S~214D} or {RC dash} or {2K}... Overhead Combo Eddie 1. 5S( c ), 2HS, 22D, dash jump j.K, j.HS, j.D (194) 2. (crouching opponent) air dash j.S, j.HS, 5S( c ), 5HS(2), 22D, dash jump j.K, j.HS, j.D (185) 3. HS (mini Eddie) + j.P mini Eddie (?) 5S( c ), 6P, 5S( c ), 6P, 5S( c ), 2D (1 11)

4. HS (mini Eddie) + j.P mini Eddie (?) 5S( c ), 6P, 5HS(1), 5D, homing jump, j. D, j.K, 41236S (1 hit) (115) 5. (mini Eddie summoned) [6K, 214S] or [j.HS, (2 hit) K (mini Eddie)] 5S( c ), 6 P, (2 hit) K (mini Eddie), 5P, 2P, 2K, P (mini Eddie) dash 2P, 2D, HS (mini Eddi e) (129) 6. (mini Eddie summoned) 2D, 214K, K (Mini Eddie) 41236S, 214K ,K (Mini Eddie), 41236S, K (mini Eddie), 4123469S FRC HS (mini Eddie) (175) 7. (Corner) 2D, S (mini Eddie), j.HS, j.D, S (mini Eddie), j.HS, j.D, S (mini Ed die), hj.HS, j.D (207) * 8. Dash 2D, 214S FRC j.K, j.HS, j.D (111) 9. (Corner) 623S, HS (mini Eddie) 5S( c ), 6P, 5S( c ), 6P, 5S( c ), 5HS(1), 22S (140) 10. 5D, homing jump, j.D x2, j.K, j.S, j.HS, j.D (123) * vs Potemkin, Johnny, Robo-Ky, A.BA. Notes: Combo 1. and 2. Use the new Force Break,Combo 3. and 4. are Hole Combos,Combo 7 is vs. Johnny, Potemkin, Robo-Ky and ABA suggestable,Combo 10. typical Dust Comb o Potemkin 1. 5K, 5S( c ), 2S, 2D (113) 2. 236S (4 hold 6HS ~ 4 hold 6HS, P) [5K, 2HS, 623HS 63214HS] or [5K, 2S, 2HS, 2 36, 236S] (132) *(1) 3. 236S, hj.S, 5S( c ), 5S( f ), 623HS, 63214HS (131) 4. [632146P FRC] or [throw FRC] into [2S, 623HS 63214HS] or [2S, 2HS, 236, 236S] (219) *(2) 5. 5K, 2S, 2HS [4 hold 6HS ~ 4 hold 6HS, P j.P, j.K JC 632146P (air)] or [632146 HS, 41236 41236P, 6P, 623HS, 63214HS] (194) *(3) 6. 6P (opponent jumping in) j.P, j.P, j.K into [dj.S, j.HS] or [632146P] (115) 7. 4 hold 6HS FRC 2HS, 623HS, 63214HS (208) 8. 5D, homing jump, j.HS x2 (land) 5HS, 623HS, 63214HS (156) Notes: Combo 1. is a standard Potemkin gatling into sweep. Combo 4. shows Potemkin's ne w PB FRC. Combo 5. shows Potemkin's new Force Break move air PB. Seems like you can tiger knee the motion in the air. Combo 8. is an Impossible Dust 3: vs. Ky, Potemkin, Baiken, Dizzy, Robo-Ky, Faust, Slayer vs. Sol, ignore (f)S

Chipp Zanuff 1. 5S( c ), 6P(1), 5S( c ), 6P(1), 2D, 41236HS dash 5S( c ), 5S( f ), 2S, 5HS (1 22) *1 2. 5S( c ), 5S( f ), 2HS, 22 HS or D, [j.P, j.S] or [j.K, j.S], dj.K(1), j.K(1), j.S, tj.S, j.HS, 623S (162) *2 3. Dash 5S( c ), 5S( f ), 5HS, 236P RC 6HS JC j.K(1), j.K(1), j.S, dj.K(1), j.K( 1), j.S, tj.S, j.HS, 623S (215) 4. 41236HS, 5S( c ), 5HS JC j.K(1), j.K(1), j.S, dj.K(1), j.K(1), j.S, tj.S, j.H S, 623S (132) 5. (opponent jumping in) 6P, 5HS JC j.P, j.K(1), j.S, dj.P, j.K(1), j.S, tj.S, j .HS, 623S (120) 6. j.D or 6K (...counter hit...) dash 5S( f ), 5HS JC air dash j.P, j.D, 236P (1 45) *3 7. j.HS, 236P FRC (air) (land) 5HS JC j.D, 236P (156) 8. (corner) 5S( c ), 5S( f ), 2HS, 41236K D (land) 5S( c ), 5S( f ), 5HS JC j.D (179) *4 9. (corner) 5S( c ), 5S( f ), 5HS, 22D, j.K, j.D, 236P FRC (land) 6HS JC j.D, 23 6P (193) *5 10. 5D, homing jump, j.D, dj.K(1), j.D (land) 41236HS, 236P (air) (107) *1: 2D OTG *2: vs. Ky, Eddie, Potemkin, Testament, Johnny: instead {j.P/j.K, j.S}, use {j.P , j.S} vs. Faust: instead {j.P/j.K, j.S}, use {j.K (1 hit), j.K (1 hit)} vs. Others: instead {j.P/j.K, j.S} can use {j.K (2 hits), j.S} vs. Robo-Ky: Not *3: 6K: 96 damage *4: vs. Ky, Eddie, Potemkin, Chipp, Faust, Johnny, Anji, Venom, Testament, Slaye r, ABA, Robo-Ky *5: vs. Sol, May, Millia, Chipp, Baiken, Jam, Axl, Dizzy, Slayer, I-No, Zappa, B ridget, Order-Sol Combo 8. uses Chipp's new FB move. Combo 10. is an Impossible Dust . Faust 1. 2D, 2S JC j.K, j.S, j.K, dj.S, j.HS (145) 2. (corner) Drill K JC j.2K, 5S( f ), 2HS, 236S, S, 236HS (164) 3. Drill K JC j.2K, 5S( f ), 5HS, 236S RC dash 2S JC j.K, j.S, j.K, dj.K, j.S, j.HS (202) 4. (corner) Drill K JC j.2K, 5S( f ), 5HS, 236S RC dash 2HS or 6HS, 236S 9, S, 2 36HS (225) *1 5. Drill K JC j.2K, dash 5P, 2D, 2S JC j.K, j.S, j.K, dj.S, j.HS (160)

6. 214D, 5K, j.K, j.S, j.K, dj.S, j.HS (121) 7. 41236K 4, 236D, 2S JC j.K, j.S, j.K, dj.S, j.HS (145) 8. j.2K, 41236K, 236P, 236S S, 236HS (141) + extra 9. 214HS RC 5S( c ), 2D, 2S JC j.K, j.S, j.K, dj.K, j.S, j.HS (137-147) *2 10. 5D, homing jump, j.HS x2 j.S, j.K, j.P, j.K, dj.K, j.S, j.HS (178) *1: vs A.B.A knocksdown *2:Metagiri RC followup Notes: Notes about 2 things above still to add. Combos 6. and 7. use 2 of Faust's new F orce Breaks. Baiken 1. 2D, 236K, hj.P, j.S, j.D (101) 2. [412P from guard] (CH) or [236K (CH)] dash 6HS JC j.S, j.P, j.S, j.D (111) * 3. 412S (from guard) FRC dash 6HS, 236K hj.P, j.S, j.D (144) 4. (corner) 5D, homing jump, j.S, j.S, j.S, j.D, j.S, j.D air dash j.S, j.D (169 ) [Throw combos Corner] General: Throw, 236+K (Tatami Gaeshi), hj.P, hj.S, hj.D, air dash hj.S, hj.P, hj .D vs. Potemkin, Robo-Ky, Order-Sol: Throw, 236+K (Tatami Gaeshi), hj.P, hj.S, hj.P , hj.D, air dash hj.S, hj.P, hj.S, hj.D vs. Johnny: Throw, 236+K (Tatami Gaeshi), hj.P, hj.P, hj.S, hj.D, air dash, hj.S , hj.P, hj.D vs. May, Millia, Axl, Jam, Bridget: Throw, dash 2K, S, JC j.S, j.D, air dash j.S, j.D encyclopedia says"RC" after S at the end, instead JC... [Corner after{2D, 236+K}] vs. Sol, Axl, Faust, Anji, Order-Sol: ... hj.P, hj.P, hj.D, air dash hj.S, hj.D, FRC, hj.236+K (Tatami Gaeshi), land, hj.S, hj.D, air dash hj.S, hj.D vs. Faust, use{hj.P, hj.D} opens combo vs. Ky, Chipp, Eddie, Testament, Venom, Slayer, Zappa: ... hj.P, hj.S, hj.D, air dash hj.S, hj.D, FRC, j.236+K (Tatami Gaeshi), land, hj.S, hj.D, air dash hj.S, hj.D vs. Millia, I-No: ... high jump (8) hj.P, hj.D, air dash hj.S, hj.D, FRC, hj.236 +K (Tatami Gaeshi), land, dash high jump hj.S, hj.P, hj.S, hj.D, air dash hj.S, hj.D vs. Potemkin: ... jump (9) j.P, j.S, j.P, j.D, air dash j.S, j.D, FRC, j.236+K ( Tatami Gaeshi), land, hj.S, hj.P, hj.S, hj.D, air dash hj.S, hj.D vs. Johnny, ABA: ... jump (9) j.P, j.K, j.D, air dash j.S, j.D, FRC, j.236+K (Ta tami Gaeshi), land, high jump (9) hj.S, hj.D, air dash hj.P, hj.D vs. Robo-Ky: ... jump (9) j.P, j.S, j.P, j.D, air dash j.S, j.P, j.S, j.D, FRC, j.236+K (Tatami Gaeshi), land, dash 6HS, JC j.S, j.P, j.S, j.D

Notes: There's a note about * which lists 154 damage for some reason and an entire sect ion on character specific stuff that I won't translate just yet. It essentially lists characters names and combos like tatami FRC hj.P, j.S, j.D air dash j.P, j .S, j.D and the like. Jam Kuradoberi 1. 236236HS FRC dash 5S( c ), 5HS, 6HS, 6P(1), 5HS, 6HS, 2D (275) 2. 2D JC 236K, 236K (max charge) hj.S, j.HS, 236K (194) * 3. 2D, 623K, 236K (max charge), hj.S, j.HS, 236K (181) 4. 2D, 236S, 2D, 236K (max charge) dash 5S( c ), 5S( f ) HJC hj.S, j.HS, 236K (1 89) 5. (corner) throw FRC 2S, 2HS, 6HS, 6HS, [2HS(1), 6HS, 6HS] x2 (128) * 6. (Corner oposite opponent) 236S D,236S HS, 5S( c ), 2HS, 6HS, 6HS, 2HS(1), 6HS , 6HS (232) 7. (Corner oposite opponent) 236S D, 236K (Lv3), 236S HS, 5S( c ), 5S( f ) HJC h j.S, j.HS, 236K (215) 8. Throw, j.S, dj.HS, 623K, 214K (Lv3) (88) Throw, FRC, 2HS (2), 6HS, 6HS, dash, 2HS (2), 6HS,6HS*a Throw, FRC, 2S, 2HS (2), 6HS, 6HS, dash 2HS (2 hits), 6HS,6HS, dash 2HS (2), 6HS, 6HS*b Throw FRC, 2HS (1), 6HS, 6HS, dash 2HS (2 hits), 6HS ,6HS, dash 2HS (1), 6HS, 6HS*c 9. 2D, 236236HS, dash 5S( c ), 2HS(1), 6HS, 6HS, 5S( c ), 2HS(1), 6HS, 6HS (217) * 10. 5D, homing jump, j.HS, 214K (land) dash 5S( c ), 5S( f ) JC j.S, dj.S, j.HS, 236K (145) Notes: 2: vs. 3: vs. vs. 6: vs. 8: vs. vs. vs. 8a:vs. 8b:vs. 8c:vs.

May, Millia, Chipp, Potemkin, Faust, Testament, Zappa Millia, Axl, Faust, Anji, Venom, Testament, Slayer, Zappa: 623+K 3 hits Sol, Potemkin, Chipp, Johnny, Eddie, ABA, Order-Sol: 623+K 4 hits Sol, Potemkin, Robo-Ky, ABA, Order-Sol May, Baiken: Throw, j.S, j.623+K Potemkin, Testament: Throw, hj.S, hj.HS, hj.236+K -> 214+K Robo-Ky: Throw, j.S, JC dj.HS, dj.236+K -> 214+K Sol, Potemkin, Robo-Ky, ABA, Order-Sol May, Millia Baiken, Bridget

Combos 6. and 7. Force Break Combos with the new Wallstick Loop Johnny 1. Chain Combo, Stand Lv2 236S, 5S( c ) JC j.P, j.S, dj.S, j.HS, 214S FRC j.S, d

j.K, j.S, j.D, 41236HS (217) *1 2. 6P JC j.P, j.K, j.S, dj.S, j.HS, 214S, j.HS, 236S (129) 3. 2K, 5S( c ) JI 5HS, 421S, S FRC j.S, dj.S, j.HS, 214S FRC j.S, dj.S, j.HS, 23 6S (154) 4. 236S (air) FRC j.S, dj.K, j.S, j.D, 41236HS (163) 5. (corner) 5S( c ) JI 5HS 421S, S FRC j.S, dj.S, j.HS, 236S (135) 6. 5D, homing jump, FDC j.HS, j.D (land) 6HS, 236P/K/S hold 214D, 214P (141) 7. (corner) 2D, 236K FRC dash 236HS j.K, j.S, j.D (land) j.K, j.S, j.D, 41236HS( 1) RC (land) 214P (150) 8. (corner) 41236HS (air) RC air dash j.S, j.D (land) j.K, j.S, dj.S, j.HS, j.D, 41236HS (221) 9. (corner) 5S( f ), 236K dash 6HS [236P/K/S hold 214D 5S( c ), 5HS] x2 623S, S (247) *2 10. (vs crouching opponent?) 6HS 236P/K/S hold 66 214D [5S( f ), 5HS, 236P/K/S h old 66] x3, 5S( f ), 6HS (319) Notes: Combo 1. begins but it uses the new move Killer Joker in the air. vs. Sol, Axl, Order-Sol use 5S vs. Eddie, Chipp, Venom: air combo = j.P, j.K, JC... vs. Ky, Potemkin, Johnny, Anji, Testament, Robo-Ky: air combo = j.P, j.K, j.S, J C... vs. Dizzy, ABA, I-No: air combo = hj.P, hj.S, hj.HS, hj.421+S... vs. May, Millia, Baiken, Jam: ignore S, j.K, j.S, JC dj.S, dj.HS, dj.D, dj.41236+ HS Combo 3. uses the new Killer Joker Transport into Killer Joker. vs. Eddie, Jam, Venom, Dizzy, I-No, ABA: After 2nd Killer Joker: j.HS, j.236+S vs. May, Millia, Baiken, Bridget: After 2nd Killer Joker: j.S, JC dj.S, dj.HS, d j.D, dj.41236+HS (knockdown) Combo 6. is an Impossible Dust and uses the modified Jackhound which is now a FB move. In Combo 8. TK Esenga vs. Ky, Eddie, Johnny, Venom, Robo-Ky, ABA: use {ai r dash j.K, j.D} Combo7. must use FRC no Mist Finer - Midvs. Ky, Dizzy, Robo-Ky, ABA: Mist Finer - Mid doesn't hit Combo8. vs. Ky, Eddie, Johnny, Venom, Robo-Ky, ABA: {AD j.K, j.D} Axl Low 1. [623S (CH) FRC] or [5K, 5S( c ), 2D] 4 (hold) 6S FRC dash 5S( c ), 2S(2), 6K( 1), 2S(2) HJC hj.HS, j.D, 63214S (air) (172) 2. 5K, 5S( c ), 2D, 4 (hold) 6 FRC dash 5S( c ) (...) JC j.K, j.D, 623D, air das h j.D, 623HS (air) 2S(2) JC j.D, 623HS (air) 4 (hold) 6S 2 (208)

3. (corner) 623HS (air) dash 5S( c ) JC j.D, 623HS (air), 2S JC j.D, 623HS (air) 2S(2) JC j.D, 623HS (air) 4 (hold) 6S 2 (249) 4. (corner) 2D, 4 (hold) 6S FRC air dash j.D, 623HS (air) 2S(2) JC j.D, 623HS (a ir) 2S JC j.D, 623HS (air) 4 (hold) 6S 2 (209) 5. Throw [dash 2S(2) JC j.D, 623HS (air)] x3 (161) 6. Throw dash 5K, 5P(2), 2S(2), 623HS 623HS (92) 7. Throw [6K(2), 2S(2)] x2 HJC hj.HS, j.D, 63214S (air) (126) 8. [214P] or [214K] dash 5K, 2S(2), 623HS 623HS (89) 9. 623HS (air) 5S( c ) JC j.D, 623HS (air) j.D, 623HS (air) j.D, 623HS (air) 2S( 2) JC j.D, 623HS (air) 4 (hold) 6S 2 (264) 10. 2D FRC IAD j.D, 623HS (air) j.D, 623HS (air), j.D, 623HS (air) (219) Notes: 5: vs. Axl: 2S deve dar 1 hit(?) vs. Chipp, ABA: last part of loop or {2S (2 hits), 623+HS -> 623+HS (Bentengari -> Axl Bomber)} vs. Jam, Baiken: 2nd last part of loop {2S (2 hits), 623+HS -> 623+HS (Bentengar i -> Axl Bomber)} vs. Johnny: begin with {dash S, 2S (2 hits)} 2nd part of loop or {[4]6+S -> 2 (Re nsengeki -> Sensageki)} vs. Faust, Dizzy, I-No, ABA: don't use 2S 6 vs. Sol, May, Chipp, Jam, Dizzy, Bridget: no knockdown(?) vs. Baiken: switch {623+HS -> 623+HS} with {HJC hj.HS, hj.D, hj.63214+S (Kokuuge ki)} vs. Anji: throw {5P, (2 hits), 2S {2 hits)} vs. May, Jam: {throw, [4]6+S} instead 7: vs. Sol, Chipp, Dizzy, Zappa, Bridget (Loop x1), Order-Sol 9: vs. Sol, May, Axl, Potemkin, Faust, Anji, Dizzy, Slayer, ABA, Order-Sol 10: vs. Sol, Axl, Potemkin, Faust, Anji, Dizzy, Slayer, ABA vs. ABA: {2S, 623+HS -> 623+HS} Anji Mito 1. IAD j.S, j.HS (land) 5K, 5S, 5HS, 236S S (142) 2. dash 5K, 5S, 5HS, 236HS D, dash 236HS, 5K, 5S, 623HS (190) 3. dash 5K, 5S, 5HS, 236HS D, dash 236HS K, 5P HJC hj.S, j.P, j.S, j.D (183) 4. dash 5S, 3S, 5S, 3S, 5S, 5HS, 236HS HS (157) 5. (corner) K (guard point) dash 236HS, 5K, 5S, 623HS (163) 6. air throw (land) 5S, 623HS (land) 236HS HS (127) 7. [214P] or [214K] dash 5K, 5S, 623HS, 632146HS FRC dash 5S, 623HS (181) * 8. 5D, homing jump, j.D, dj.S (land) 5S, 623HS (118) 9. 5D, homing jump, j.D, j.D, j.S, j.P, j.S, j.P, j.S, j.P, j.S, dj.P, j.S, j.D (129)

10. (corner dash 5K, 5S, 5HS, 236HS S, 5K, 5S HJC hj.S, j.P, j.S, j.D (176) * Note about using the K version can do 231... Notes: 2: vs. Ky, I-No: FB Corner don't hit,use {236+HS -> S} vs. Eddie, ABA: FB Corner don't hit,use {236+HS -> S} vs. Robo-Ky: don't use 2ndFuujin,use down combo Combo 4. uses Anji's new 3S move. Combo 8. is an Impossible Dust. Venom 1. 2K, 2S, 2D, 4 (hold) 6S FRC 6P, 6HS, [623HS] or [623D] (96) *1 2. 2K, 5S( c )(2) 5HS 4 (hold) 6S FRC dash 2S, 2D (74) 3. (opponent jumping in) 6P, 5S( c ), JC j.K, j.S, dj.S, j.HS, 236, 236HS (144) 4. Dash 2K, 5S( c ), 6P, 6HS, 214S, 6HS, 623K air dash j.S, j.HS (87) *2 5. Dash 2K, 5S( c ), 6P, 6HS, 214P, 6HS, 623K air dash j.K, j.S, j.HS (86) *3 6. 236S/HS (air) (land) 5S( c )(1) 2 (hold) 8S dash 2K, 2D (89) 7. 5S( c ) JC (jump...) 236D, air dash j.S (land) 5S( c )(1), 6P, 6HS, 214P/K/S/ HS, 6HS, [623HS] or [623D] (149) *1 8. Throw 5S( c )(2) [214K] or [214HS] (...) 2D (55) 9. (corner) [5S( c )] or [Throw] {421S, 2S (hit ball)} x3 421P/K/S/HS (110) *4 10. 5D, homing jump, j.D, j.D, 236HS (81) *1 Note about using the FB form of Double Head Morbid. Combo 1. does 95 with it, Combo2. Does 149. *2 Doesn't work vs Ky, Eddie, Johnny, Axl, Robo-Ky, A.B.A. vs. May, Jam, Testament, I-No, Zappa, Bridget: end 2D *3 Doesn't work vs Eddie (cornered), Axl, Johnny vs. Sol, Faust, Order-Sol: ignore j.K *4 vs Sol, Baiken, Dizzy, Bridget 8: Doesn't hit vs. Sol, Millia, Chipp, Faust, Dizzy, Order-Sol Notes: Combo 1. can uses Venom's new FB version of Double Head Morbid. Version of Mad S truggle (S or HS) for Combo 6. is not specified in the Mook. Combo 7. uses the F B version of Mad Struggle (I think you need to Tiger Knee it from the 5S( c )). Combo 10. is an Impossible Dust (I think).

Testament 1. 2K, 2S, 5HS, 214P (70) 2. 2K, 5S( c ), 2D, 236P ( 48 )

3. Throw, 6K, 214P, 214P (air), 214P (air) (116) 4. 6P, 5S( c ), 2D, 214P ( 98 ) 5. HITOMI (CH) 5HS, 214HS, j.HS, j.D, 214P (air) (126) 6. (corner) 6P, 5HS, 632146HS, 41236HS, 5S( c ) JC j.K, j.S, j.HS, 214P (1 hit) (land) 5HS, 214P (257) 7. (corner) 2D, 41236HS, 5S( c ) JC j.K, j.S, j.HS, 214P (1 hit) 5HS, 214P (184) 8. 6P, 5S( c ), 5HS, 41236HS FRC 214HS, 236K, 6K, 214P (117) 9. (corner) 6P, 5S( c ), 2D, 41236HS, 6K, 214P, 214P (air) 214P (air) (154) 10. 2D, 41236HS, 6K, 214P, 214P (air), 214P (air) (276) Notes: All out Badlands attack!! Combo 1. introduces Testament's new move Badlands (the old Grave Digger motion which itself is now a Force Break and done as 214D). In Combo 2. the P Phantom Soul goes over a shorter range now and can be combo'd af ter a sweep. Combo 3. first shows an example of a Badlands Loop. Combo 6. uses t he new forward EXE beast and combo 8. shows that using forward EXE beast FRC in a combo is possible. Dizzy 1. IAD j.2S, j.HS (land) 5K, 5S, 5HS, 236HS (156) 2. dash 5K, 5HS, 236HS FRC IAD j.2S, j.HS (land) j.K, j.P, j.S, dj.S, j.D (183) 3. (crouching opponent) air dash j.2S, j.HS (land) 2K, 5HS, 2HS, 236HS (172) 4. [throw] or [air throw] dash 2K, 5S(f) (2~4 hits) 236HS (88-97) 5. (opponent jumping in) 2S JC j.P, j.P, j.S, dj.S, j.D (119) 6. (opponent jumping in) dash 2S (CH) 421S (1 hit) hj.HS, 214K (air spike hits) j.K (bubble pop) land j.S, dj.S, j.D (212) 7. (j.214+P/K/D j.Any) dash 6HS (2 hits) JC j.S, dj.S, j.D (191) 8. 5D, homing jump, j.HS, j.HS, 214P, j.HS (bubble pop) land j.S, dj.S, j.D (175 ) 9. (corner) dash 5S( c ), 6P, 421S (1 hit) 6HS (2 hits) (air spike hits) JC j.S, dj.S, j.D (203) 10. (corner) dash 5S( c ), 6P, 421S, IAD j.HS, 214P (air spike hits, bubble pop, land) 5S( c ) JC j.S, dj.S, j.D (215) Notes: First few combos use Dizzy's new j.2S move. Combo 2. shows an example of an Ice Spike FRC combo in Accent Core.Not sure how combo 7. begins. Combo 8. is an Impo

ssible Dust. 4. vs. Millia, Faust, Baiken, Johnny, Dizzy: use 2P instead 2K Air Throw corner only can use far 5s instead of close 5s 9. works vs. May, Millia, Potemkin, Faust, Testament, Chipp, Baiken, Jam, Zappa, Bridget vs. Potemkin: use {j.S, j.P, j.S, JC dj.S, dj.D} as air combo 10. works vs rest of the chars that doesn't mentioned in the last combo Slayer 1. [(214P/K/S) HS] or [6K] 2K, 2S, 2D (119) 2. 2K, 2HS, 236D, j.K, j.2K, j.K, dj.K, j.D, j.2K, j.D (178) *1 *2 3. 2K, 2HS, 236D, j.K, j.2K, j.K, dj.K, j.2K, j.D, j.2K, j.D (170) *3 4. 2K, 2D RC 5HS JC j.2K, j.K, j.S, j.2K, j.D, j.2K (land) 5S( c ) JC j.K, j.2K, j.D (167) *4 5. 2K, 2D RC j.2K, j.K, dj.K, j.D, j.2K, j.K (land) 5S( c ) JC j.K, j.2K, j.D (1 86) *1 *5 6. 2K, 2D RC 5HS JC j.2K, j.S (land) 5S( c ) JC j.K, j.2K, j.S (land) 5S( c ) JC j.K, j.2K, j.K, dj.S, j.2K, j.D (142) *6 *7 *8 7. 2K, 2D RC 5HS JC j.2K, j.K (land) 5S( c ) JC j.S, j.2K, j.K, dj.S, j.2K, j.D, j.2K, DK (land) 5S( c ) JC j.K, j.2K, j.D (170) 8. (corner) [(214P/K/S) HS] or [6K] 5K, 6P, 2P, 5P JC j.K, j.2K, j.K, dj.K, j.D, j.2K, j.D (204) 9. 5D, homing jump, j.D, dj.D (land) 5S( c ) JC j.K, j.2K, j.K, dj.K, j.D, j.2K, j.D (162) 10. 632146S (CH or FRC) 6HS, 5K JC j.S, j.2K, j.K, dj.K, j.D, j.2K, j.D (318) *1 *1 vs May *2 it needs precision in the position *3 *4 vs Sol, Ky, Axl, Chipp, Eddie, Faust, Anji, Venom, Testament, Slayer, Zappa, Order-Sol vs. Sol: use 5P instead of close 5S *5 vs May, Millia, Baiken, Jam, Dizzy, I-No, Bridget vs. Millia, Jam, Dizzy: use j.S instead j.K after close 5S *6 vs Potemkin *7 ... *8 vs Johnny, Robo-Ky, A.B.A. Notes: Combos 2. and 3. use Slayer's new PileBunker FB. A lot of the air combos revolve around using his new j.2K. Combo 9. is an Impossible Dust. More notes to add. I-No

1. 2K, 5S( c ), 6P, 5S( f ), 632146K (84) 2. dash S (land) 6P, 5HS JC j.HS, 236S (127) 3. 2K, 6P 5HS (JI), 632146K FRC air dash j.HS, 236S (110) 4. throw FRC dash S JC j.HS, 236K (80) 5. (air) 236S, 5S( c ) JC j.S, 63146K FRC air dash j.HS, 236S (166) 6. (dash auto-JI) 2S, 2D, 632146K FRC air dash j.S, 632146S (land) 632146K (159) 7. (dash auto-JI) 2S, 2HS, 632146K FRC air dash j.S, j.K, 632146S (land) 632146K (170) 8. (corner, jump install...) 5S( c ), 2HS, 41236S, 5K JC j.S, j.HS, 236S, 5S( c ) JC j.S, j.HS, 236K (213) 9. (corner) 5S( c ), 6P, 5HS, 632146K FRC air dash j.S, 632146S (land) 5S( c ), 632146S, 5S( c ) JC j.S, j.HS, 236P air dash j.S, j.HS, 236K (249) 10. (corner) 5S( c ), 6P, 5HS, 632146K FRC air dash j.S, 632146S (land) 5S( c ), 632146S, 5S( c ) JC j.S, j.HS, 236K (237) Notes: Can't quite work out what combos 6., 7. and 8. start with (or work against maybe ). I'm sure Combo 3. says JI after the 5HS but it means you need to Tiger Knee t he HCL and similarly you need to TK CL for later combos listed,or as 632147~8~96 K (~ indicates brief pause for JI). 6: vs. Sol, May, Millia, Eddie, Potemkin, Chipp, Faust, Johnny, Axl, Testament, Zappa, Order-Sol: crouching opponent 7: vs. Faust, Baiken, Zappa: crouching opponent 9: Not Vs.Sol, Millia, Chipp, Jam, Venom, Dizzy, ABA, Order-Sol 10: Not vs. Sol,Order Sol Zappa 1. (No Summon) 2K, 2D, 236P RC dash 5S( c ) 236P, dash 214D ( 78 ) 2. (No Summon) Throw, 5P, (236+P) ( 58 ) 3. (Dog Summon) 2K, 5S( c ), 6P, 6D air dash j.P (2 P...D...?) x5 5P, 2K, 2D (pr ess 2+K+D) (91) 4. (Dog Summon) (corner) 5HS, 5D, {5S( c ), 2HS, 5D} x1~2 5S( c ), 2HS, 5D, 6HS (211) 5. (Dog Summon) 8D (CH) j.P, j.S JC 8D, j.P, j.S, 8D (104) *(1) 6. (Sword Summon) [63214HS (CH)] or [623HS (CH) FRC] dash 5S JI 2HS (2 hits) HJC hj.S, dj.S, j.HS, 236HS (180) *(1) 7. (Sword Summon) (corner) 5S(f), 63214HS FRC dash 5S( c ), 2HS (1 hit) JC j.S, dj.S, j.D, 236HS (183) 8. (Ghost Summon) j.HS, 5S( c ) JI 5HS HJC hj.P xN, dj.P, j.D, 236HS (116)

9. (Raoh Summon) 214S RC dash jump j.HS (land) j.S, j.HS dash 214S, 214S (331) 10. (Raoh Summon) (corner) 214S RC {dash 6HS, 236S, K} x3 dash 5S(f), 214S (399) 11. (Raoh Summon) 5D, j.HS x2, 2HS, 236S, 5S(f), 214S (256) 12. (Raoh Summon) (corner) 5D, 214S, j.S, j.HS dash 214S, 214S RC dash 214S, 214 S ( 388 ) 13. (Raoh Summon) 2S, 5HS, 236S, K dash jump j.S, j.HS dash 214S (237) 14. (Raoh Summon) (...?) throw dash jump j.S, j.HS (land) j.S, j.HS dash 214S, 2 14S (171) *(3) Notes: Combo 1. uses Zappa's new Force Break move, 214D which rids him of any present s ummons and gives him an orb on hit. So technically the combo should give you 7 o rbs for 75% Tension (as opposed to using 100% Tension and trying to combo into R aoh). Not sure about the end to Combo 2. I think Combo 3. is supposed to be done as a cross up with the Dog and the j.Ps. Combo 6. ends with Zappa's new Sword m ove in the air, 236HS. Combo 10. uses one of the new follow ups to Darkness Anth em, K which knocks the fireball at an angle toward the ground. Combo 11. is an I mpossible Dust. More notes to add. Bridget 1. 5K, 5S( c ), 5S( f ), 2D (68) 2. 6P, 6S JC j.S, j.2S, dj.S, j.2S, 623P (147) 3. Throw RC 5K, 6S JC j.S, j.2S, dj.S, j.2S, 623P (104) 4. 2S (CH) 2K, 6S (high jump ...) JC j.S, j.2S, dj.S, j.2S (146) 5. 623P FRC 6S JC j.S, j.2S, dj.S, j.2S, 623P (171) 6. 5K, 5S( c ) (2 hits) 236K, P (114) 7. (cross up) j.D (3 hits) 6S JC j.S, j.2S, dj.S, j.2S (139) 8. 2D FRC 5K, 6S JC j.S, j.2S, j.S, j.2S, 623P (171) 9. (...YOYO...) 2K, 5S( c ), 5S( f ) YOYO HS IAD j.P, j.K, j.S, j.K (land) 5P, 2 D (103) 10. 6K FRC 5K, 5S( c ) (1 hit) 236K, K RC j.D (land) 6S JC j.S, j.2S, dj.S, j.2S , 623P (159) Notes: Not much to currently add for now, will be soon. Robo-Ky 1. [2K, 2S] or [Lv3 214S] or [623HS, 6] 5HS FRC dash 5S( c ) JC j.K, j.S, dj.K,

j.D (149) *(1) 2. [throw FRC] or [Lv2~3 623HS (CH)] dash 5S( c ) JC j.K, j.S, dj.K, j.D (115) * (2) 3. [j.HS (CH)] or [5HS (CH) FRC] or [6HS (CH) FRC] or [5D (CH)] dash P, K, S or HS, dash 5S( c ) JC j.K, j.S, dj.K, j.D (184) *(3) 4. Lv2~3 236S, dash 5S( c ), 2P, 5S( c ), 2S (124) 5. air dash j.S, j.HS (land) 5P, 2HS FRC hj.S, j.P, j.D (194) 6. 5K, 5S( c ) Lv2 6HS FRC dash 5S( c ), 5S( f ), Lv2 6HS FRC dash 5P, 5S( c ), 2S (144) 7. 5D, j.D, j.P, j.D, 236S (173) *(4) 8. 5D, j.D, j.S, Lv3 236S, Lv2 236S x4, (j.K, j.S, j.HS) x2 (245) 9. 5S( f ) (CH) Lv3 236S, 236S, 236S, 5P, 5S( c ), 2D (190) 10. 5S( f ), Lv3 236S, 5HS, dash 5S( c ) JC j.K, j.S, j.P, dj.D, 236D, j.S, dj.P , j.D, Lv2 236 x4 (307) Notes: Combos 1. is a very typical one from Slash. Combo 2. uses Robo-Ky's new throw FR C. Combo 10. uses Robo-Ky's new Force Break move, 236D in the air. More notes to add. A.B.A. 1. (Normal Mode) j.HS, 5P, 2S, 2HS JC j.S, j.P, j.S, dj.S, 63214HS (123) 2. (Normal Mode) (corner) 5S( f ), 236S, 46S, 63214S FRC dash 2HS JC j.S, j.P, j .S, dj.S, 63214HS (146) 3. (Normal Mode) (corner) 5D, homing jump, j.S x3~4, j.P, j.S, j.P, j.S, dj.S, 6 3214HS (93) 4. (Moroha Mode) 5S( f ), 236S, 46S, 63214S FRC dash 6HS JC j.S, dj.S, j.HS, j.D (196) 5. (Moroha Mode) j.S, j.HS [5S( c ), 2HS] or [2K, 5S( c ), 2HS] JC air dash j.S, j.HS, 41236S FRC dash 5S( c ), 2S JC j.HS (197) 6. (Moroha Mode) (corner) j.S, j.HS [5S( c ), 2HS] or [2K, 5S( c ), 2HS] JC air dash j.S, j.HS, 41236S, 2S, 63214HS, 63214HS (182) 7. (Moroha Mode) (corner) j.HS, 5S( c ), 2HS JC j.S, j.HS, j.D, 41236S dash jump j.S, j.HS, j.D, 41236S, dash jump, j.K, j.S, dj.HS, 63214HS (234) 8. (Moroha Mode) (corner) j.S, j.HS [5S( c ), 2HS] or [2K, 5S( c ), 2HS] 421HS R C 41236S, dash jump j.S, j.HS, j.D, 41236S, 63214HS, 63214HS (224) 9. (Moroha Mode) (corner) 623D, dash jump j.S, j.HS, j.D (land) j.S, j.HS, j.D, 41236S, dash jump j.S, dj.S, j.HS, 63214HS (250)

10. (Moroha Mode) (corner) throw, 623D, 2HS, 623D, 5S( f ), 63214HS, 63214HS (99 ) Notes: Combos 1.~3. all start in Normal Mode and combo into Keygrab form in Moroha Mode. I think the idea with Combos 6., 8. and o Keygrab at the end to transform into Normal Mode and hence then to immediately use Keygrab to go back into Moroha Mode. ew Force Break move, 623D (similar to her usual 623HS). Order-Sol 1. 2D, 214D (CC) 5K, 5S( c ) JC j.S, dj.S, j.HS, 623HS (131) 2. j.HS (CH) dash 2K (otg) 5S( c ), 5HS HJC hj.S, j.HS, j.D (162) 3. Lv3 236K, Lv2 214S, vertical jump j.S, dj.S, j.HS, 623HS (152) 4. 5K, 5S( c ), 5HS, Lv3 236S JC Lv3 623HS, 6HS (168) 5. (corner) j.HS, j.D (land) 5K, 5S( c ) JC j.HS, j.D, 236K (148) 6. 41236D, dash 5K, 5S( c ) HJC hj.P, j.S, j.HS, j.D (198) 7. Air throw, Lv3 632146P, 5K, 5S( c ), 5HS HJC hj.S, j.HS, j.D (153) 8. 5D, homing jump, j.D dj.HS dash 5S( c ), 5HS HJC hj.S, j.HS, j.D (137) 9. [2S (CH)] or [5S(f) (CH)], 6HS RC IAD j.HS, 5K, 5S( c ), 2D (163) 10. [2S (CH)] or [5S( f ) (CH)], 6HS RC dash jump j.HS, j.D, Lv2 623HS (going in to corner) 5K, 5S( c ) JC j.HS, j.D, Lv1 236K (224) Notes: Combo 1. uses Order-Sol's new CCing (Charge Cancelling). Combo 2. uses the new s kidding knockdown property of Order-Sol's j.HS on CH and the 2K otgs the opponen t. Combo 6. uses Order-Sol's new Force Break move, Fafnir 41236D. Since Order-So l's air throw is totally un-techable in Accent Core, combo 7. lists a possible c ombo after it. Combo 8. is an Impossible Dust. Combo 9. could lead into possible GB cross ups (by the looks of it) or into CCing. at the end to trans 10. is to combo int recover health but Combo 9. uses her n

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