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Lightning Scientific Arnis 12 Ways of Fighting 1) 2) 3) 4) Inward and Backhand Power Strikes Baston, Daga, Crossed, Abierta Baston

Daga Crossed Serrada Inward Power, Backhand Witik, Backhand Power Through Down to Lower Abierta, Upward Inward Power, Repeat Previous Steps. 5) Inward Power, Backhand Witik, Back Hand Power with a round path ending in High Abierta. 6) Inward Power, Backhand Witik, Downward Bertical Redonda, Backhand Power Ending in Low Abierta, Upward Inward Power, Repeat Previous Steps. 7) Inward Power, Backhand Witik, Downward Bertikal Redonda, Backhand Power Ending in High Abierta. 8) Inward Power, Backhand Witik, Backhand Power to Low Abierta, Upwards Ocho (3 hits) Backhand Witik, back into Serrada. 9) Inward Power, Backhand Witik, Backhand Power to High Abierta, Inward Doblata (High Low), Backhand Doblata (High Low) ending in High abierta. 10)Inward Power, Backhand Power, Ocho, Backhand Power, Doblata Inward, Doblata Outward ending in High abierta 11)Inward Power, Backhand Power, Inward Doblata, Outward Doblata 12)Baston Daga Crossed Tumba Speed Drill: Block and counter. Block Block and One Counter Strike Block and Two Counter Strikes Block, Counter Strike, Puno Block, Disarm, Counter Strike Block, Counter, and Throw Dos Manos Drill Dos Manos 1 Dos Manos 2 (X) Redonda

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