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Aula 04

As conjunctions (conjunes) ou connectors so de extrema importncia para a compreenso da lngua inglesa.

1. Notwithstanding their personality, their dress and their ideas, they were and they are the most courteous, considerate and wellbehaved group of kids I have ever been in contact with..

The word notwithstanding can be replaced, without any change in meaning, by:

(A) In spite of (B) As a result (C) Because of (D) In any case (E) In addition to

2. Complete the blanks in the following sentence with the appropriate sequence:

4. But today despite the film's merits, Newcastle no longer needs a movie to boost its reputation.

.the late structural works, all the problems were solved . time the games.

The word despite could be correctly replaced by :

(A) Although with for (B) In spite of in for (C) Because of in for (D) In spite of on to (E) Because of on to (A) although (B) in spite of (C) nevertheless (D) any how (E) at any rate

3. Consider the sentences below and mark the alternative that completes them correctly.

1-. the news irritated Gerald Middleton, the newspaper presented it in an optimistic tone.

5. The second phenomenon is the advent of the personal computer. It has been a great equalizer in offices among other things, getting executives to type! Moreover, Pcs and telecommunications technologies have enabled more women and men to work at home...

2- The news irritated Gerald Middleton; ., the news paper presented it in an optimistic tone.

No trecho acima, a palavra moreover pode ser substituda por:

(A) however (A) However hence (B) Although however (C) Hence although (D) Despite however (E) Although despite (B) such as (C) in addition to that (D) provided that (E) notwithstanding

1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C

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