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autism/sensory/fine motor

autism/sensory/fine motor
Lynn McCloskey Follow


Viziflex Seels - To protect keyboards and communication devices from w ater, moisture, dust and more. viziflex.com FREE Life Skills Program Planner For Individuals On The Autism Spectrum produced by the Grand Erie Distric School Board of Brantford, Ontario, Canada w hich includes over 130 free step-by-step task analyses! autism beacon.com

HUGE resource of OT Activities for Sensory Processing Disorder! - Repinned by @PediaStaff Please Visit ht.ly/63sNt for all our pediatric therapy pins sensoryprocessing.yolasite.c om

Night under the stars. Use a blow up kiddie pool and fill w ith pillow s and blankets.No itchy grass, no ants craw ling on food! Great idea thedatingdivas.com

People First Language - FREE Disab Aw areness Pow erPoint. bedrestedteacher.blogspot.co m

Sensory Integration Netw ork 1 repin sensoryintegration.org.uk Joanne M. Cafiero Ph.D. -Communication Strategies for Children With Autism 2 repins 150+ sensory tub ideas cafierocom m unications.com ourw orldw ideclassroom .blog spot.com

Preschool prekinders.com

Visual Recipes for Children w ith Autism: PB & J and Mini Pizzas! {visual recipe and comprehension w orksheet for Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandw iches and Mini Pizzas} 1 like 2 repins teacherspayteachers.com

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26 Sensory Integration Tools for Meltdow n Management Dozens and dozens of ideas for sensory play 1 repin 10 Favorite Toys for Fine Motor Skills teachpreschool.org happybrow nhouse.com sensory, processing, integration, softw are, ADHD, diet & Autism stickids.com Eye-hand coordination/fine motor. A neat variation to tracing lines! Cars, fire trucks, make train tracks for trains, tan paper and brow n "road" for dump trucks, etc. Repinned by Columbus Speech & Hearing Center. For more ideas like this visit w w w .pinterest.com ... sim ply-m ari.blogspot.com blog.friendshipcircle.org

Pediatric Occupational Therapy Tips: Visual Attention and Coloring Inside the Lines--Web-site seems to have many ideas. article: oral sensitivity in children w ith aspergers and high-functioning autism m yaspergerschild.com w ebm d.com PROJECTS MADE WITH PVC PIPE 1 like 2 repins pvcw orkshop.com drzachryspedsottips.blogspot. com

sensory, processing, integration, softw are, ADHD, diet & Autism stickids.com Repurposed sponge hair rollers to ease every day tasks




autism/sensory/fine motor

Play Dough Learning Mats for Literacy and Numeracy Development 1 like theim aginationtree.com parking lot game: call out a w ord & they "park" the car in that place. PERFECT FOR SIGHT WORDS! Or letters/numbers/colors/anything! jugglingw ithkids.com

Sentence surgery, w hat a great center! classroom collective.tum blr.co m

Weighted pencils can be beneficial students w ho do not press hard enough w hen w riting or for studen w ho have poor body aw areness & need additional proprioceptive input increase aw areness of their hand. pediatricotblog.blogspot.com

file folder games!! confessionsofahom eschooler. com Movement Break! by HarryKindergarten youtube.com Schedule Cards and Analog Clocks.. Free template sharingkindergarten.com Original Pinner said: "This morning I w alked into a fifth grade classroom and they w ere singing the song "What I Am" by Will.i.Am. And Yes, it's a song he sang on Sesame Street. But these fifth graders w ere LOVING it. Their teacher told me this w as their new theme song. Let me tell you....all the kids w ere standing up and singing this song LOUD and w ith hand movements. It w as so aw esome because I could see how much they BELIEVED the w ords to this song." by Sesam eStreet youtube.com Water Table: Catching Fish How to create a sensory room. Good information. People w ith Autism lack a theory of mind. We have to teach them these skills. It takes time and patience and the earlier w e start the better!~ Re-pinned by Total Education Solutions. Check out the rest of our School Resources and Therapy pins @ pinterest.com /... elearning.autism .net 1 repin w ellthatm akessenses.blogsp ot.com 1 repin prekinders.com

What a great adaptive idea to help k hold a pen, pencil or even a paint brush. Perfect for kids w ith limited abilities. sjphippsvcuotghana.blogspot.com

Homegrow n Grass Handprint 1 repin Uploaded by user

How to make a w eighted blanket craftnectar.com make a w eighted pencil 2 repins pediatricotblog.blogspot.com lion m rskarensclass.blogspot.com Letting feet stay busy..... students can push on the band w hile sitting in their chair. This w ill help the child w ho needs constant movement. {I use this w ith tw o kiddos, and it is a HUGE help!} therapyfunzone.com

10 Free brain Gym exercises - Repinned by @PediaStaff Please Visit ht.ly/63sNt for all our pediatric therapy pins healthyexercisew orld.com

"Cloud dough is a lovely sensory experience to provide for preschool children. It has a beautiful silky smooth texture and can smell divine depending on w hich baby oil you choose to add to the mix. Here is the recipe and oh so easy! 8 cups of plain flour to 1 cup of baby oil. Enjoy mixing!" Morning routine posters flightsofw him sy-ece.com 1 repin creeksidelearning.com

Fine Motor Strength Activities 1 repin therapystreetforkids.com Great Product 4 a Great Cause: SafetyTats Temporary Tattoos to Protect the Child that Cannot Speak Pinned by @PediaStaff Please Visit ht.ly/63sNt for all our pediatric therapy pins pediastaff.com

Ideas for using play dough to help young children strengthen w eak hands. 1 repin hom eschoolconvention.com

great video to help understand proprioception




autism/sensory/fine motor

Printable Kids Sensory Activities List creativew ithkids.com Genius idea for positive parenting-a w ay to teach children all emotions are OK--and how to cope w ith them! Routines w ith Printable Picture Cards Pinned by @PediaStaff Please visit ht.ly/63sNt for all (hundreds of) our pediatric therapy pins childhood101.com sim plyrealm om s.com Routines w ith Printable Picture Cards Pinned by @PediaStaff Please visit ht.ly/63sNt for all (hundreds of) our pediatric therapy pins Lots of good behavioral graphics Look childhood101.com through print you don't have to reinvent the w heel! elearning.autism .net Sensory Play Ideas for Preschoolers m akedoandfriend.com use ipad speech therapy thetherapeuticresourcesblog. blogspot.com

List of books that help you talk to your children about bad days, making friends, sharing, taking a bath, and going to sleep. #exam inercom 1 repin exam iner.com Boardmaker routines for Autism setbc.org

11 More Tips For Dressing Your Sensory-Sensitive Child - Pinned by @PediaStaff Please Visit ht.ly/63sNt for all our pediatric therapy pins blog.friendshipcircle.org

Technology in Education w orth 1000 w ords. Signs of autism nicely done as a visual. Autism Action 1 repin techinspecialed.com



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