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Linear Misclosure

Linear Misclosure = Relative precision

Total length of traverse
Table latitudes and departures
Relative precision = ( 0.00218 )2 + ( 0.00024)2
= 0.002193

= 0.002193
= 1.404697699 x 10-5
= 1 / 1.404697699 x 10-5
= 1 : 71189.69448

Area of Traverse
Area of traverse = Area = 1 / 2 ( TN TE )
TN = ( N / S ) 1 x ( E / W )2 x ( N / S)2 x ( E/W)3 + ( N / S)n x (E /W)1
TE = ( N/ S)2 x ( E/W)1 + (N/S)3 x ( E/W)2 . + ( N/S)1 x (E/W)n

Area = [ (1992.4448 x 1974.8974) + (2010.1876 x 2000.0000) + (2000.0000 x 2007.1065) +

(1978.9376 x 1978.3347) + (1966.7771 x 1961.4851 ) + (1969.4097 x 1948.3043) ]
[ ( 1948.3041 x 2010.1876 ) + ( 1974.8974 x 2000.0000) + (2000.000 x 1978.9376)
+ ( 2007.1065 x 1966.7771) + ( 1961.4851 x 1992.4451) + ( 1978.3347 x 1969.4097) ]
= [ 2359276.54 2357960.77]
= [ 3315.7714]
= 1657.8857 m2

Linear Misclosure
Linear Misclosure = Relative precision
Total length of traverse
Table latitudes and departures
Relative precision = ( 5.12737 )2 + ( 2.28374)2
= 5.61297

= 5.61297
= 0.035046
= 1 / 0.035046
= 1 : 28.533

Area of Traverse
Area of traverse = Area = 1 / 2 ( TN TE )
TN = ( N / S ) 1 x ( E / W )2 x ( N / S)2 x ( E/W)3 + ( N / S)n x (E /W)1
TE = ( N/ S)2 x ( E/W)1 + (N/S)3 x ( E/W)2 . + ( N/S)1 x (E/W)n

Area = [ (1988.1685 x 2004.46553) + (2010.25471 x 2000) +(2000 x

2031.90285)+(2015.23471 x 2050.0245)+ (2011.7639 x 75639 x
2060.91409)+(1989.85038 x 2033.15544) ]
[ ( 2010.25474 x 2008.6317) + (2000 x 2004.46553) + (2015.23471 x 2000)
+ ( 2011.75639 x 2031.90285) + (1989.85038 x 2050.0245) + ( 1974.65637 x
2033.15544) ]
= [ 24392543.15 24258980.79]
= [ 133562.36]
= 66781.18 m2

Linear Misclosure
Linear Misclosure = Relative precision
Total length of traverse
Table latitudes and departures
Relative precision = ( 0.0854 )2 + ( 0.19228)2
= 0.2103919

= 0.2103919
= 2.15757813 x 10-4
= 1 / 2.15757813 x 10-4
= 1 : 4634.826364

Area of Traverse
Area of traverse = Area = 1 / 2 ( TN TE )
TN = ( N / S ) 1 x ( E / W )2 x ( N / S)2 x ( E/W)3 + ( N / S)n x (E /W)1
TE = ( N/ S)2 x ( E/W)1 + (N/S)3 x ( E/W)2 . + ( N/S)1 x (E/W)n

Area = [ (500x 640.17069) + (333.02140 x 494.52206) + (206.44009 x 324.53218) +

(268.90091 x 276.00011) + ( 395.41293 x 500.37530) ]
[ ( 333.02140 x 500) + (206.44009 x 640.17069) + (268.90091 x 494.52206)
+ ( 395.41293 x 324.53218) + (500 x 276.00011) ]
= [ 823839.7704 697969.302]
= [ 125870 . 4684]
= 62935.2342 m2

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