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Drug Action Generic Name:Oxytocin Mechanism of action:

Indication/Contraindication Indication:

Nsg responsibilities Continuously monitor contractions, fetal and maternal heart rate, and maternal blood pressure and ECG. Discontinue infusion if uterine hyperactivity occurs. Monitor patient extremely closely during first and second stages of labor because of risk of cervical laceration, uterine rupture and maternal and fetal death. Assess fluid intake and output. Watch for signs and symptoms of water intoxication.

Brand Name: Pitocin, By direct action on myofibrils, -Initiation or improvement of uterine Syntocinon produces phasic contractions contractions to achieve early vaginal characteristic of normal delivery. delivery for maternal or fetal reasons Classification: Uterine- Promotes milk ejection (letdown) (IV) active agents reflex in nursing mother, thereby -as adjunctive therapy in the increasing flow (not volume) of management of inevitable or Dosage: 10 units/ml in 1ml milk; also facilitates flow of milk incomplete abortion (IV) ampule, during period of breast -stimulation of uterine contractions engorgement. Uterine sensitivity to during third stage of labor (IV) Route: IV/IM oxytocin increases during gestation -control of postpartum bleeding or period and peaks sharply before hemorrhage (IV, IM) parturition. Not used for elective induction of labor. Contraindication: - hypersensitive Adverse Reactions: to drug when vaginal delivery CV: Hypertension, is advised increased heart - cephalopelvic rate, systemic disproportion is venous return, present cardiac output -when delivery GI: Nausea, requires vomiting conversion as in transverse l RESPIRATORY: Anoxia, asphyxia OTHERS: Low APGAR score at 5 mins

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