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Class Paper PSYC 3370 Spring 2013 Section 1 Directions: Select a job that you want to study.

Be sure that you will be able to interview at least one person in the job (incumbent). Prior to the interview, do two things: (1) learn about the job using information on O*net and (2) prepare an interview guide so that you do not forget what questions to ask the incumbent. Review the Section 1 requirements below so that you know what information needs to be collected. Submit a report via the D2L drop box by midnight of February 28th. The report should contain all the information outlined below: Section 1 Work Analysis Tell me about the job you analyzed. You need to include each of the following: A. Preparing for the Interview 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Incumbents name the name of the person you will interview. Company name/address name and address of the company which has the job. Interview date the date of the interview. Job title the official title of the job. DOT code - The DOT code for the job and the name of each of the People-Data-Things levels based on the DOT code. (http://www.occupationalinfo.org/) 6. Interview guide The questions you are going to ask in the interview. B. Information Collected From the Interview and Other Sources 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Job description* a brief description of the job (1-2 paragraphs). Organizational chart a chart depicting the reporting relationships for the job. Task list a list of all the tasks performed on the job. KSAOs a list of the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other talents someone needs to bring to the job (do not include things learned on the job). Credentials a list of the credentials, licenses, certifications, education level, examinations, etc. required to be hired for the job. Equipment/Tools/Machinery a list of the equipment, tools, machinery, supplies, etc. used on the job. Training/Development Describe any training provided by the company to train incumbents to do the job. Describe any development opportunities that incumbents have in order to prepare themselves for advancement within the company. Environment Describe the physical and social work environments in which the work is performed.


If the company provides you with a job description, turn it into me. You do not have to insert it in your report.

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