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Once a young fairy, Oriana, lived carefree, On the Azorean islands, mid-Atlantic sea. She flew over villages, lakes and mountains, Played on beaches, in gardens and fountains. Until one day the Queen commanded, "Do you swear, to manage a forest with love and care? to guide and protect its living things?" Said Oriana, "I promise!" and fluttered her wings. Era uma vez uma jovem fada, Oriana, que vivia sem preocupaes, Nas ilhas Aoreanas, no meio do Atlntico Ela voava sobre aldeias, lagos e montanhas, Brincava nas praias, em jardins e fontes. At que um dia a Rainha lhe perguntou: Prometes tratar da floresta com amor e carinho, protegendo todos os seus animais? Prometo, disse Oriana, e agitou as suas asas. Assim, obedientemente, esta fada iria zelosamente cuidar da floresta. A uma vivia uma velha que Oriana acompanhava todos os dias at cidade porque passava ao lado de um grande abismo. Enquanto Oriana trabalhava, por entre as ervas, Observava-a um peixe, aborrecido pelas suas virtudes Obrigado, devo-te a minha vida Obrigada, disse Oriana, mas por agora no preciso de nada Espera, deves ficar, para veres a beleza que eu vejo! Olha para o lago e com certeza concordars Com os elogios contnuos do peixe e a sua vaidade passaram-se horas, meses e estaes do ano . Esquecendo-se de tudo o que devia proteger Tudo secou com o seu abandono. O nevoeiro adensou-se e a escurido espalhou-se. As notcias chegaram Rainha, e o peixe? Fugiu. Quando Oriana se apercebeu da sua vaidade A Rainha quis castig-la ecom um agitar da varinha retirou-lhe as suas asas, Oriana teve de enfrentar a floresta sozinha e desconsolada Ela deu por si a flutuar sobre o Oceano A Rainha considerou que Oriana passara o teste com devoo Com os seus renovados poderes e asas Oriana voou de novo encantando tudo o que a rodeava.
Traduo e adaptao por Srgio Fernandes

Thus obediently this fairy would tirelessly spend, Time tending the forest to its very end. There an old lady walked daily to town, Followed closely beside, for it was a long way down.

While Oriana worked, watching betwixt the weeds, Was a fish who was bored by her virtuous deeds. "Thanks to you, my life I owe!" "You're welcome, but I have to go!" "Wait, you must stay, to see the beauty I see! Look in the pond and you'll surely agree."

With the fish's continual flattery and praise, Hours, months and seasons she gazed. Forgetting all she should protect, Everything withered with her neglect. The fog grew thicker, gloom and darkness spread. Word reached the queen, and the fish? He fled. When she awoke from her perpetual gaze, The queen came to address her careless ways. A swift flick of a wand, and her powers were gone, She faced the forest alone, and withdrawn. She found herself hovering, inches above the ocean, The queen deemed she passed her test with devotion. With her newly returned powers and her wings, Oriana flies onwards with a heart that sings.
Animao por Kara M. Lawrence

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