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How To Close Ports So i've been looking for a while on just how to close a port on a computer.

I simply couldn't find a way. Well, i finally found it. This'll only work for windows users (unless your unix version OS has netsh). it's actually quite simple. here's the command for it: netsh firewall delete portopening TCP portnumber it's that simple. Simply go to START -> RUN -> and type in that command up there, and it'll close it for you. or, you can also open up command prompt (START -> RUN -> CMD) and type in "netsh" without the quotes to get to your windows firewall settings. however, since i'm such a nice guy, i wrote it all out in a vbs script for you so that it's automatically runable. as well as a batch script. so here you are fellas: .VBS Script set ss = createobject("wscript.shell") set ws = wscript dim PORT PORT = InputBox("Enter the port you wish to close:") ss.run "netsh.exe" ws.sleep 1000 ss.sendkeys "firewall delete portopening TCP " & PORT ss.sendkeys "{enter}" ws.sleep 500 'ss.sendkeys "exit" 'ss.sendkeys "{enter}" .BAT Script @echo off title Port Closer echo Port Closer echo. set /p port=Type the port number you wish to close here: netsh firewall delete portopening TCP %port% msg /w * Port %port% has been closed. exit

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