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Proof Of God's Existence #1: We didn't create ourselves and we weren't created from nothing.

#2: the prophets were sent with books and miracles as proof of their truthfulness. #3: all of creation follows certain laws. Laws created by who? #4: if we are all accountable and I do wrong and die, how will I be punished? #5: do you have an explanation for the innate belief in God across all human civilizations? I do. We all testified when we were just souls. Meaning EVERYBODY knows God exists, whether we want to admit it or not because its embedded in our souls. Even if we don't remember that day. #6: there is flawless design that we see in nature all around us, some of which we still haven't discovered. No way that man is the supreme being. #7 whenever life gets bad, even atheists have been known to call out for God. Famous example? Pharaoh when he was drowning. #8: there is scientific and prophetic information in the holy books that couldn't have been known by any men during those times. Which is still being discovered and is coming true to this day.

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