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Main Workshop Compressor Area Battery Area Electrical Workshop Technical Area Corridor Technical Area Fire Stair

Electrical Room Toilets Tram Air Condition Area Mechanical Area Comm. Manager Office O+M Director Exec. Management TOTAL

2713.21 20.29 22.05 19.95 52.1 61.2 133.31 19.05 14.8 18.65 91.35 177.33 16.77 30.81 31.39 32.86 4042.83

Electro Mechanical Area 62.68 Pneumatic Hydraulic Area 76.83

First Aid, Toilets, ELV, Stair and Corridor 142.45

Main Store, Tool Storage, Office 305.75

First Floor
Technical Administration Room 86.39 Technical Room OCC Passage Way Maintenance Manager Operation Manager Fire Stair Training Room 1 Safety Office Training Manager Training Room 2 41.6 52.1 96 25.35 24.42 19.05 115.05 24.42 24.42 110.11

Scheduling & Driver Dispatch 24.42

Female Prayer, Lockers, Showers and Toilets 47.74 Male Toilets, Showers, Lockers, Ablution and Prayer 88.5

Pantry & Canteen Stair, Lobby and ELV Corridor Steel Platform (Area 1) Steel platform (Area 2) Steel Platform (Area 3) Steel Platform (Area 4)

107.3 31.43 51.94 157.162 123.4 163.5 124.53


Area of Workshops 3489.44

Area of Adminsitrative Building 553.39

Area of Workshops 568.592

Area of Adminsitrative Building 970.24

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