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Toutes sries

Les propositions relatives

Emploi des divers pronoms relatifs
Relatifs Who (qui) S U J E T S Which (qui) That (qui) Remarques ant. : personne ant. : chose ant. : pers. ou chose. aprs : the only, the first, the last, all, et superlatifs ant. : pers. (RND) ant. : pers. (+ prposition rejete en fin de relative) Exemples The girl whos sitting next to him is pretty. (RD) The car which has just passed us is a Ferrari. (RD) Hes the only one that can do it (RD) (Il est le seul pouvoir le faire).

Whom (que) C O M P L M E N T S Who (avec lequel, laquelle)

Mrs Pinkerton, who he had often had words with, ... (RND) (Mrs Pinkerton, avec laquelle il stait souvent disput, ...). His house, which he had bought for a song, ... (RND) (quil avait achete pour une bouche de pain, ...). The girl he is in love with is not very nice. (RD)

Which (que) ant. : chose

Whose (dont)

ant. : pers. ou chose ant. : pers. ou chose

La phrase


The boy whose mother was injured... (RD) (dont la mre a t blsse...). Attention ! Which et what peuvent tre sujet ou complment : Hes late again, which is hardly surprising (...ce qui nest gure surprenant). What I hate is their hypocrisy (ce que je dteste...).

Ant. : antcdent. RD : relative dfinissante indispensable au sens de la phrase. RND : relative non dfinissante entre virgules.


B@c en Ligne

NATHAN, 1999 - Atout Bac, Anglais, Term. Toutes Sries (J.-F. Dreyfus).

Mr Smith, whom you must have met before, is our new accountant. (RND)

Du style direct au style indirect

Le passage du style direct au style indirect se fait par lajout dun verbe introductif qui entrane des changements dans la phrase.

Les verbes introductifs

Rponse, rplique : to answer, to reply, to retort that ... Conseils, suggestions autrui : to advise + proposition infinitive. Mise en garde : to warn somebody against + ing (dconseiller de...). Suggestion, proposition (le locuteur est souvent inclus) : to suggest that + sujet + should/might. Reproche, regret : to blame, to wish ... Ordre : to tell + proposition infinitive. Demander quelquun : to ask someone whether. Se demander : to wonder whether. Dire que : to say that. Ce qui change Pronoms pers., ordre des mots, adj. possessifs Style direct Style indirect

Ive lost my keys, she says. She says shes lost her keys.

Ce qui change si le verbe introductif est au pass present simple past simple past simple past/past perfect Who told you that? She asked me who had told me that. future would + base verbale present perfect past perfect past perfect past perfect here there this that these those yesterday tomorrow a week ago next week today the day before the next day a week before the following week (on) that day.


Adverbes et dmonstratifs

La phrase

Repres de temps


B@c en Ligne

NATHAN, 1999 - Atout Bac, Anglais, Term. Toutes Sries (J.-F. Dreyfus).

Le passif
Present continuous Am, is are, + being + participe pass PP Past continuous Was/were + being + PP Future Shall be + will be + PP Simple present Am, is, are + PP Present perfect Has been, have been + PP Past perfect Had been + PP Past conditional Would have been + PP

Simple past Was/were + PP Conditional Would be + PP


Traduction de on dit que , le bruit court que , on pense que . Cest la personne dont on parle qui devient le sujet de la phrase. Ex. : Le bruit court que la princesse D. envisage de sinstaller aux tats-Unis. Princess D. is rumoured to be thinking of settling in the United States. Lorsque lon fait rfrence des faits antrieurs au moment o on les voque, ces expressions sont suivies dun infinitif pass. Ex. : On pense quil a travaill pour la CIA dans les annes 50. He is thought to have worked for the CIA in the 50s. Traduction de on + verbes suivis de 2 complments ou dun infinitif Ex. : On lui a demand de rester. She was asked to stay.

La phrase


B@c en Ligne

Autres verbes souvent utiliss : to offer, to show, to tell, to advise...

NATHAN, 1999 - Atout Bac, Anglais, Term. Toutes Sries (J.-F. Dreyfus).

Notez la transformation de la phrase lorsque lon passe de la forme active la forme passive : They looked down upon her. She was looked down upon.

Traduction dune phrase franaise la voix passive ou la voix active (avec on + verbe transitif) Ex. : Ils ont t arrts hier soir ; (ou) on les a arrts hier soir. They were arrested yesterday.

Cause, consquence, similitude et opposition

Expression de la cause
Prpositions + substantif ou pronom personnel complment As a result of ( cause de) As a result of the governments policy. Autre possibilit : Because of the governments policy. Owing to/due to (en raison de) suivi de termes tels que the strike (la grve), bad weather (mauvais temps)... Thanks to (grce ) : Thanks to your help. Conjonctions de subordination As (comme), because (parce que), since (puisque).

Expression de la consquence

Computers have become cheaper and hence more available to a great number of people. So that (si bien que) He had not expected such a defeat, so that it was quite a shock when they lost 20 to one.

Expression de la similitude et de lopposition

Like ou as (comme)
Like unlike

As contrary to Whereas/while : tandis que/ alors que

Like suivi dun pronom ou dun nom. Like all of us, he felt like leaving (il avait envie de partir, comme nous tous). As suivi dun sujet et dun verbe/ou suivi du verbe seulement. As was said before/As was to be expected (comme on la dit auparavant, comme lon devait sy attendre). Unlike ou contrar y to (contrairement ) Unlike suivi dun pronom ou dun nom. Unlike his father he was friendly. Contrary to suivi de what + sujet + verbe. Contrary to what people say ...

La phrase


B@c en Ligne

NATHAN, 1999 - Atout Bac, Anglais, Term. Toutes Sries (J.-F. Dreyfus).

Hence (do, donc) / thus/therefore (donc, par consquent)

Le temps
From now on ou from then on From now on, I wont tell you anything (dsormais, je ne te dirai plus rien). From then on, she did not trust them any longer (ds lors, elle ne leur a plus fait confiance). So far, up to now, up until now So far, hes been very nice (jusquici, il a t trs gentil). So far, up to then, up until then Up until then, they had been quite cooperative (jusque-l). Meanwhile/In the meantime Meanwhile, you can watch a video (tu peux regarder une vido en attendant/pendant ce temps). By now, by then He should be at their house by now (il devrait y tre maintenant). I will have finished by then (jaurai fini dici-l). At the time She was in Paris at the time ( lpoque).
Ne faites pas dinversion had he started si no sooner ou hardly ne commencent pas la phrase. He had no sooner started... than ...

No sooner + past perfect + than Formule quivalente : Hardly + past perfect + when. No sooner had he started talking than the crowd booed him out of the conference room. = Hardly had he started talking when the crowd booed him out of the hall. (Il avait peine pris la parole que la foule le forait quitter la salle sous les hues). While While we were there, she got at least ten phone calls (pendant que nous tions l...). Ne pas confondre avec during toujours suivi dun nom : during the summer (pendant lt dernier). As soon as (ds que) : As soon as shes back.

La phrase

By the time (lorsque) + pass ou prsent simple.


B@c en Ligne

Attention ! futur franais : simple present

As long as (tant que/aussi longtemps que).

NATHAN, 1999 - Atout Bac, Anglais, Term. Toutes Sries (J.-F. Dreyfus).

La concession et la condition
Expression de la concession
Despite, in spite of, for + substantif/pronom personnel complment. Despite his efforts, ... In spite of his efforts, ... For all his efforts, he did not make it. (Il ny est pas arriv, malgr (tous) ses efforts). Although/Though (bien que) They did not come and see us, although they were only ten miles away. However + adverbe ou adjectif However bright they are, they are unlikely to pass their exam if they dont put in more work (ils ont beau tre trs intelligents...).

Expression de la condition
Unless ( moins que) Ill go with you, unless you dont want me to. Provided ( condition que) Ill come to your party provided my father doesnt need the car. As long as (du moment que) He wont say anything, as long as you bring it back.

Du franais langlais
tudiez soigneusement ces phrases.

Si jtais riche, je voyagerais tout le temps. If I were rich, I would travel all the time. Si je ny allais pas, elle serait furieuse. If I didnt go, shed be terribly angry. Si tu mavais cout, tu naurais pas eu de problmes. If you had listened to me, you wouldnt have had any problems ou Had you listened to me, ...

La phrase


B@c en Ligne

NATHAN, 1999 - Atout Bac, Anglais, Term. Toutes Sries (J.-F. Dreyfus).

Adjectifs et noms suivis dune prposition (1)

Capacit, incapacit To be good at, bad at, hopeless at (bon en, mauvais en, nul en). To have a knack of + ing (avoir le don de, le chic pour).
Il ny a pas de rgle, il faut apprendre systmatiquement toutes ces expressions.

Comparaison To be similar to, to be different from. To be a far cry from (ne pas avoir grand-chose voir avec). Connaissances, habitudes To be aware of, to be alive to (tre au courant de, conscient de). To be familiar with (connatre, avoir lhabitude de). To be used to, accustomed to (avoir lhabitude de). His knowledge of, her habit of (sa connaissance de, lhabitude quelle a de). Dtermination To be determined to + ing, to be intent on + ing (tre dcid ). His insistence on (sa dtermination ). Got, intrt To be interested in, to be fond of, to be keen on maths (tre intress par, tre grand amateur de, tre passionn de). The latest craze for (lengouement pour), a passion for. Responsabilit To be responsible for something (tre responsable de quelque chose). Rputation To be known for, famous for, notorious for (connu pour, clbre pour, tristement clbre). They have a reputation for good service (rputs pour la qualit de leur service).

La phrase


B@c en Ligne

NATHAN, 1999 - Atout Bac, Anglais, Term. Toutes Sries (J.-F. Dreyfus).

Adjectifs et noms suivis dune prposition (2)

Sentiments et ractions vis--vis dautrui
Colre : To be angry with somebody. Jalousie, envie : To be jealous/envious of somebody. Ressentiment : To have a grudge against somebody (en vouloir quelquun). To hold somebody responsible for (tenir quelquun pour responsable de). Reproche : its cruel of you (de ta part). Piti, comprhension : To feel sorry for someone (tre dsol pour quelquun). To feel sympathy for someone (prouver de la piti, de la compassion pour quelquun), mais to be sympathetic to a cause (comprendre une cause).

Sentiments et ractions vis--vis des vnements

Lassitude : to be fed up with, to be tired of, to be weary of (tre las de). Nostalgie : to be nostalgic for ones youthful days. tonnement : to be surprised at, amazed at. Impatience : to be eager to (avoir hte de).

To be afraid of (avoir peur de subir quelque chose). He was afraid of being ridiculous. To be afraid to do something (avoir peur de faire quelque chose). She was afraid to tell them.

La phrase


B@c en Ligne

NATHAN, 1999 - Atout Bac, Anglais, Term. Toutes Sries (J.-F. Dreyfus).

Avenir : to be pessimistic, to be optimistic about.

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