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Feed back to the student

Elizabeth Hogan wrote on 10/10/2012

Being willing to put yourself out there with your colleagues and share some of your techniques is a terrific way to model what you expect of your faculty. Great experience and one that you will draw from in an administrative position. Exp. Record #: 11315 Date submitted: 10/09/2012 Elizabeth Hogan approved on 10/10/2012 Cohort: UEN 2011

Student Name: Velasquez, Loren Christopher (392205)

Field-Based Internship Reflection Form For Internship Experience Standard 1: Visionary Leadership; Standard 2: Instructional Leadership; Standard 3: Organizational Leadership; Standard 4: Collaborative Leadership; Standard 5: Ethical Leadership; Standard 6: Political Leadership Standard and Criteria 2.a Provides leadership for Assessing/Developing/Improving Climate and Culture Level Secondary Time Spent 5 hour(s) Note

Briefly describe this field-based internship experience, including your specific role (1/2 page). My specific role in this experience was highlighted teacher in the area of strong rapport with students and staff. My principal did an observation during the first period social studies class which ran from 8:08am to 8:53am. He mentioned that he has not seen students that engaged and awake during a first period class in a long time. We talked about the observation during the post-conference. He wanted me to share some of the strategies I used to get the students hooked and engaged. I shared with the 8th grade team first during a data-team meeting, and then shared with the whole staff on a Wednesday early out. I shared that the main strategy that made all of that work was the daily building of relationships with the students, starting with a positive greeting as they entered the room. I ended up sharing a few secrets that I had learned and picked up over the years in regards to improving the climate and culture of the 8th grade hall. Reflect on what you have learned from this experience, from mentor discussions, and how you will use this learning in future administrative leadership roles (no more than 1/2 page). From an outsiders perspective I learned that as an administrator that some of the best practices in teaching come from the teachers in your building. I learned that if you can get the teacher on board to sharing it without feeling like they are above other teachers, it can be a very resource. Professional development can center around teachers leading teachers. As a future principal I will be sure to keep note, literally some type of data base, of what teachers in my school do good and who they can go see is an excellent example of "Standard 6a". Mentor(s) Brad Schweppe The date approved by his/her lead mentor: 10/09/2012

03/10/2013 04:51:38 PM


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