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Con .4142-06. Note: ® Se. CInFownao Tech) Semi) nek Techre! 2 Ines ech 28 aoe (3 Hours ) { Total Marks + 100 1. Q.No. Jis compulsory IPactog. 2. From Q. No. 2 ta Q. No.7, - attempt any four questions. 3. Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary. Answer the following: a) A router with IP address and Etheret physical address 2367CBADESCE has received a packet for a host with destination IP address 124.11,87.11 and Ethemet physical address BBCCA24FESBC. Show the entries in the ARP packet sent by the router. Encapsulate the entries in data link frame. Assume no subnetting, Show the entries sent in response ta the above. b) Explain the process of socket acceptance and termination by the server, ©) How are remote objects serialized? Explain. 4) Distinguish between object request broker and remote procedure call. a) Draw the TCP state transition diagram. Explain the states which the TCP server can attain. >) What is CORBA? What do the following CORBA elements do on the server? i, The server IDL stubs i, The Dynamic Skeleton Interface iii, ‘The object adapter. iv, The implernentation Repository. v.- The ORB Interface. ©) Installation and maintenance of wireless LAN is cheaper as compared! to wired LAN. Da you agree? Discuss. 2) State and explain the different categories of multiple byte options in an IP datagramn in detail. b) Write a remote method invocation system which accepts a number and determines whether it is even or odd, ©) What are the different technologies by which wireless LAN data transfer implemented? Explain any one. a) Explain the different types of links in Open Shortest Path First terminology with their graphical representation. b) Write a TCP client — server socket application in which i. acclient reads an 4-digit integer from its standard input (keyboard) and sends the number out its socket to the server ii, the server reads the number from its connection socket iii. the server reverses the integer iv, the server sends the result out its connection socket to the client v. the elient reads the result form its socket and prints the result on its standard output (monitor) [ TURN OR. v (Con .4142-xE-2182-06. 2 5. ¢) a) ») ) A TCP connection is in the ESTABLISHED state, The following events occur one after another: i. The application sends a “close” message. ii, An ACK segment is received. What is the state of the connection after each event? What is the action after each event? Explain the fields of Notification’ message packet used by Border Gateway Protocol with the appropriate error code description and error subcode description. Discuss in detail the CORBA architecture A router running RIP has a routing table with 20 entries. How many periodic and expiration timers are needed to handle this table? With the help of a neat segment format. .gram explain the transmission control protocol Write a short note on the remote method invocation interface. Explain the function of transport layer int RMI architecture, How is wireless LAN setup? Explain any one architecture to setup wireless LAN. What is transmission control block (TCB)? Explain any eight common fields which can be included in TCB. Explain the Routing Information Protocol Message format. A routér has the following RIP routing table: i: { Destination | Hop Count | Next Hop ‘Nett 4 B Net2 2 Gur ‘Nets 1 Fane [Nets Se G ‘Show the response message sent by this router Explain the difference between datagram and stream socket.

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