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Long Faculty Mentor: Mary Burbank, Community Partner: Kristen Yancey Secondary Educa6on University of Utah
ABSTRACT Tie to Coursework Community Need

Bullying Stops Here

Bullying Stops Here is a curriculum that has been created for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah organiza:on to educate and train adults to handle bullying situa:ons with their li<le brothers and sisters in the program. The research began with a survey that was given to over 200 members of the organiza:on. Working closely with the organiza:on to put on a one :me live training event that would be recorded for future use in the organiza:on was a fullling opportunity. The result of the event was a posi:ve one, with Bigs gaining more informa:on dicult situa:ons that come up while working with children.

My academic major is History Teaching, I am also in the Secondary Educa6on Licensure program with the College of Educa6on. To 6e my course work to my Integrated Service Project I created a curriculum that focused on Bullying. I incorporated basic informa6on on the topic along with warning signs, preven6on techniques and interven6on strategies. Throughout my studies in educa6on I have read and research many dierent behavior management styles and the stages of adolescent development.

An online survey was completed to determine what the actual needs are in the organiza6on. The results are:
Bullying/Teasing! School!Safety/!Violence! Studying!and!Homework! Techniques! Inspiring!Little!to!enjoy!school! more! Respect!for!Teachers!


The curriculum/training included 2 parts: One 6me live training event was on November 28, 2012 at the Murray Library. During the event each par6cipant was given a folder with ve handouts with various informa6on on the topic. The presenta6on had an interac6ve format. Video of training of the live event with online access to the presenta6on and handouts.

For this training event I decided to choose the most needed area, Bullying and Teasing. The rest of the data was sent to BBBSU for them to address at a later 6me. The goal of the project was to give needed informa6on and training to the Bigs and focusing on one area was the best way to do this.


Bullying is a growing issue that has come to the a[en6on of the media, school administrators and organiza6ons like BBBSU. Children that come from lower socioeconomic backgrounds are more likely to be bullied because of an imbalance of power. Research has found that when adults are educated and are prepared to deal with these types situa6ons it can change the course of a bullying chain in our schools.

Espelage, Dorothy et al.(2003) Research on School Bullying and Vic4miza4on: What Have We Learned and Where Do We Go From Here? School Psychology Review, Vol 32(3) 365-383. Salmivalli, C. et al. (1996), Bullying as a group process: Par4cipant roles and their rela4ons to social status within the group. Aggr. Behav., 22: 115. Nansel TR, et al. (2001) Bullying Behaviors Among US Youth: Prevalence and Associa4on With Psychosocial Adjustment. JAMA.;285(16):2094-2100. Salmivalli, Chris:na (Aug 1999) Par4cipant role approach to school bullying: Implica4ons for interven4on. Journal of Adolescence, Vol 22(4), 453-459. Olweus, D. (1994). Aggressive behavior current prespec4ves. New York City, New York: Plenum Press Stopbullying.gov Pacer.org Educa:on.com Kidshealth.org

Both parts of the curriculum/training focused on giving informa6on and strategies to the Bigs in BBBSU and other community members. The videos and informa6onal handouts will be used by BBBSU sta and given to Bigs that ask for more informa6on on the topic.


The Goal of this project to educated and prepare adults that are involved in Big BBBSU to help their li[le brothers or sisters.

JaNae Lilly- Service Learning Coordinator Nancy Basinger- Engaged Faculty Director Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah Trevor Bruhn Kristen Yancey Scholars Advisory Commi[ee Members

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