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Gifted Programming Student Identification Plan

Sarah Averill, 2013

New York State requires that all incoming students be tested for potential giftedness in
order to provide appropriate levels of service. This comprehensive plan is designed to
pinpoint the purpose of gifted programming; identify the intended population to
receive these services; and provide an overview of the identification and screening
Definition of Gifted and Talented

The U.S. Federal definition of gifted and talented includes students, children, or
youth who give evidence of high performance capability in areas such as
intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership capacity, or in specific academic
fields, and who require services or activities not ordinarily provided by the
school in order to fully develop such capabilities *Javits Act+.

New York State defines gifted students as those pupils who show evidence of
high performance capability and exceptional potential in areas such as general
intellectual ability, special academic aptitude and outstanding ability in visual
and performing arts. Such definition shall include those pupils who require
educational programs or services beyond those normally provided by the regular
school program in order to realize their full potential *NYS Education Law

Gifted Programming Objectives

The goals of gifted programming are to:

Recognize individuals who demonstrate evidence of high performance capability

in intellectual, creative, artistic, or leadership skills

Provide appropriate services and programming in order to help those students

fully develop and realize those capabilities

Recognize and encourage the development of interests, talents, and strengths in

all students

Levels of Service
Tier 1All Students
Whos Responsible: General Education Teachers
All classroom teachers will provide students with opportunities to identify, develop,
and explore their interests and strengths through differentiated instruction and multiple
Tier 2Interested Students
Whos Responsible: All Teachers and Administrators
The school will provide opportunities for all students to further explore interests and
strengths, including clubs and organizations, field trips, guest speakers, electives, and
Tier 3Selected Students
Whos Responsible: Gifted Programming Specialist, General Education Teachers
Students who demonstrate potential for giftedness in a particular subject area will have
the opportunity to do extended and in-depth work in that area with the support of a
gifted programming specialist. This may be done as an extension or alternative to
regular classroom work, such as independent studies or curriculum compacting, or
through participation in pull-out or extracurricular gifted program groups.

Participation in Gifted Programming Services

Gifted behaviors can be found in certain people (not all people), at certain times (not
all the time), and under certain circumstances (not all circumstances) *Renzulli+. As
such, it is important to remember that the process of gifted screening and identification
is flexible and continual.
All students will be screened for potential giftedness upon entering the district. After
the initial screening, regardless of outcome, all students will continue to be observed
and monitored by classroom teachers and gifted programming specialists for potential
giftedness. Students may be recommended at any time for inclusion in a particular
enrichment program or for other gifted services. Inclusion in a particular enrichment
unit does not mean that that student will continue to receive enrichment programming
in all areas and all grades.

Methods of Identification and the Identification Process

All incoming kindergarteners and new students will be screened for giftedness upon
entering the district. In addition, a classroom teacher, gifted programming specialist, or
parent may request assessment of a child for gifted services at any time.
Methods of Identification
Students undergoing evaluation for inclusion in gifted programming services will be
identified using a combination of quantitative and qualitative data. In order to present
a picture of the whole child, and in order to ensure a level playing field for students of
all backgrounds, multiple examples of both quantitative and qualitative data must be
included in the evaluation. In addition, any test modifications, language adaptations or
adaptive environments must be allowed in the administration of screening tests. The
SIGS screening test is available in Spanish.
Examples of quantitative data that may be included in the students identification

Intelligence quotient (IQ) tests. These may be administered by a child

psychologist or other trained professional outside the school at the parents
request. Examples include Stanford-Binet and Wechsler, including the WISC-IV,

Achievement tests. These evaluate a students mastery of particular content;

examples include the KTEA-II, WJ-III and WIAT-II.

Gifted pre-screening tests. These may be administered by the gifted

programming specialist and include the GATES (Gifted and Talented Evaluation
Scale; norm-referenced) and SIGS (Scales for Identifying Gifted Students; normreferenced).

Standardized test scores

Grades and report cards

Examples of qualitative data that may be included in the students identification profile:

Observations and data collection from gifted programming specialist, classroom

teachers, and parents

Portfolios and other student exemplars of work

Pre-screening interviews with gifted programming specialist

Student self-recommendations

The Identification and Screening Process

A student may self-request to be screened for inclusion in gifted programming services,
or the student may be recommended by a parent, teacher, or the gifted programming
specialist. As soon as a request for screening is made, a profile is established in order to
collect data on the student. The following steps should be present in the development
of a students profile:
1. Student is recommended for screening.
2. Outside data is collected by the gifted programming specialist. This should
include both quantitative (grades, test scores, etc.) and qualitative (student work,
recommendations from teachers and parents, portfolios, etc.).
3. The gifted programming specialist continues to collect data in the form of
classroom observations, interviews, and/or administration of screening exams
4. When a sufficient amount of data has been collected, the gifted programming
specialist makes a recommendation as to whether the student would benefit
from the development of a Gifted Individualized Education Plan (GIEP).
5. If the student is not recommended at this time for a GIEP, s/he will continue to
be monitored and screened again if circumstances warrant or if nominated again.
6. If the student is recommended for gifted enrichment programming, the gifted
programming specialist will develop a GIEP detailing what modifications and
support, both in-class and pull-out, will be provided by the gifted program. A
copy of the GIEP will be provided to the parent.

Any student, whether equipped with a GIEP or not, may at any time be nominated and
selected for inclusion in a particular Tier 3 enrichment unit. Information on the unit
will be sent to parents at the beginning and end of each enrichment unit.

Gifted/Talented Identification:

Individual Evaluation Profile

Student: ________________________________________

D.O.B.: ________________

Parent/Guardian/Primary Custodian: ____________________________________

Relationship to student: _________________________________


Phone number: ___________________________ E-mail: ____________________________

Date identification process began: _______________________

Students grade: _________

Primary teacher: _______________________

Initial recommendation for evaluation made by: ___________________________________

Supporting Documents Attached:

Teacher recommendation: _______________________


Teacher recommendation: _______________________


Student self-recommendation


Parent recommendation


Current report card




Portfolio/student work


Evaluator classroom observation and student interview


Test records: _______________________


Test records: _______________________


Test records: _______________________


Other: _____________________________


Other: _____________________________


Other: _____________________________

Evidence for Inclusion in Gifted Programming

Intelligence Tests
____ WISC-IV/WPPSI-III/WAIS-III (please specify)
____ Stanford-Binet

____ Other: __________________

Date: ______________

Score: __________

Administered by: __________________________________________

Location: _________________________________________________
____ WISC-IV/WPPSI-III/WAIS-III (please specify)
____ Stanford-Binet

____ Other: __________________

Date: ______________

Score: __________

Administered by: __________________________________________

Location: _________________________________________________

Achievement Tests

Date: ____________________

Administered by: ___________________

Location: _____________________________________________________________________
Results: ______________________________________________________________________

Date: ____________________

Administered by: ___________________

Location: _____________________________________________________________________
Results: ______________________________________________________________________

Date: ____________________

Administered by: ___________________

Location: _____________________________________________________________________
Results: ______________________________________________________________________

State/Local Examinations
Examination: _____________________________

Date: ______________

Location: _____________________________________________________________________
Results: ______________________________________________________________________
Examination: _____________________________

Date: ______________

Location: _____________________________________________________________________
Results: ______________________________________________________________________
Examination: _____________________________

Date: ______________

Location: _____________________________________________________________________
Results: ______________________________________________________________________
Examination: _____________________________

Date: ______________

Location: _____________________________________________________________________
Results: ______________________________________________________________________
Evaluation Results
Evaluator: ____________________________________

Date: __________________

Screening results (GATES/SIGS) and notes: _______________________________________

_____ GIEP/additional enrichment recommended for the following subjects/areas:
_____ No GIEP/additional enrichment recommended at this time
Notes/comments: ______________________________________________________________

Gifted/Talented Identification:

Parent Recommendation

Please provide your perspective on your childs strengths, interests, and motivation in order to
help us provide programming and support as needed.
Student: ____________________________________

Grade Level: ________

Parent name(s): ______________________________________________________

Phone number: ______________________________________________________
E-mail: ______________________________________________________________
Please write a brief overview of what makes your child unique. Consider areas of
sustained interest, areas of knowledge, particular talents, etc.

What do you consider to be your childs greatest strengths?


What do you consider to be your childs greatest weaknesses?


You may attach any supporting documents and further describe circumstances under which you
have observed these unique strengths, talents, or sustained interests.

What else would you like to tell us so that we may best respond to your childs needs?

Thank you for your time!

Please return to ______________________________________ by _____________________.

Gifted/Talented Identification:

Teacher Recommendation

Teacher: _________________________________________
Student name: _____________________________________

Grade: _____

Subjects/classes in which you teach this student: __________________________________

How long have you taught this student? _________________________________________

In what areas do you think this student demonstrates particular gifts or talents? Check
all that apply.











Artistic talent





Briefly describe why you feel this student should be considered for enrichment
programming: ________________________________________________________________
Please rate the student (1 being lowest, 4 being highest) on the following:








What is the students current class average?


Comments: ___________________________________________________________________

What is the students current average on tests/projects/assessments?


Comments: ___________________________________________________________________
Please attach a sample of student work from your class, and give a brief explanation of
the assignment and how it demonstrates the students potential gifts.
Any other comments, qualifications, etc. regarding this student:

Thank you for your time!

Please return to ______________________________________ by _____________________.

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