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I am very thankful and expressing my deep sense of gratitude towards Miss Komal Walia, Lecturer LSE, Lovely Professional University, who inspired me to work on this topic. I benefited a lot with discussing him on this topic. I am also thankful to my parents & friends who provided me such a opportunity, for their inspiring words. I am also thankful to all my colleagues and all those who helped me in completion of this project.


1. 2. 3.





As a programming language, C is rather like Pascal or FORTRAN. Values are sorted in variables. Programs structured by defining and calling functions. Program flow is controlled using loops, if statement and function calls.

Input and output can be directed to the terminal or to the file .Related data can be sorted together in array or structures. Of the three languages, C allows the most precise control of input and output .C is also rather more terse than FORTRAN and PASCAL .this can result in short efficient programs where the programmer has made wise use of C range of powerful operators. It also allows the programmer to produce which are impossible to understand.

Programmer who are familiar with the use of pointers (or indirect addressing, to use the correct term) will welcome the ease of use compared with some other languages .Undisciplined use of pointer can lead to errors which are very hard to trace .This course only deals with the simplest applications of pointers.

It is that newcomer will find C a useful and friendly language. Care must be taken in using C. many of the extra facilities which it offers can lead to extra types of programming error. You will have to learn to deal with these to successfully make the transition to being a C programmer.

#include <graphics.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <dos.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> struct record { // char name[30]; char type[15]; // char dday[10]; char dtime[10]; char aday[10]; char atime[10]; char des[30]; int capa; } airline; struct record1 { // char name[20]; char addr[40]; char pnum[15]; char dob[15]; char nic[15]; char pass[15]; char nation[20]; char dest[30]; char airline[20]; char dod[10]; char time[10]; } customer; void printTitle(void); void customerf(void); void airlinef(void); void menu(void); void add_airline(void); void edit_airline(); void delete_airline(void); STRUCTURE FOR AIRLINE WITH THEIR ELEMENTS




// //


void add_customer(void); void edit_customer(void); void delete_customer(void); void end(void); void view_airline(void); void view_customer(void); void option(void); void option1(void); void end2(void); void option2(void); int Password(void); void inv(void); int c=0,d=0; void main(void) { int Proceed;



int driver=VGA,mode=VGAHI;

//detect best driver and mode //initialize graphics mode

initgraph(&driver,&mode,"c:\\tc\\bgi"); randomize(); do { Proceed = Password(); } while ( Proceed!=1); cleardevice(); start(); // menu(); getch(); // closegraph(); }




void menu(void) { Printf( AIRLINE INFORMATION /n"); Printf( CUSTOMER PROFILE\n"); Printf(EXIT\n");

while (1) board hits { while(!(kbhit())) { printTitle(); } switch(getch()) user { case '1': Printf( AIRLINE INFORMATION"); Printf( CUSTOMER PROFILE"); Printf(EXIT"); delay(500); airlinef(); cleardevice(); start(); break; case '2':

//loop will folow untill key

// getting options from the

//set text style for the options //set colour for the fonts Printf( CUSTOMER PROFILE"); //setting the position and the font //set text style for the options //set colour for the fonts outtextxy(60,210,"2) CUSTOMER PROFILE"); //setting the position and the font delay(500); customerf(); cleardevice(); start(); showMenu(); break; case '3': //set text style for the options //set colour for the fonts outtextxy(60,270,"3) EXIT"); //setting the position and the font outtextxy(60,270,"3) EXIT"); font delay(500); //set colour for the fonts //setting the position and the

end(); cleardevice(); start(); showMenu(); AFTER break; default: inv(); } } } void printTitle(void) { int temp, temp2; temp=(rand()% 15)+1; //set tect style for the heading



//set colour for the fonts Printf(WELCOME TO THE AIRPORT RESERVATION"); //setting the position and the font temp2=(rand()%15)+1; the underline line(20,80,621,80); delay(400); } void airlinef(void) { d=0,c=0; cleardevice(); start(); outtextxy(25,40," AIRLINE INFORMATION"); outtextxy(60,150,"1)ADD AIRLINE INFORMATION"); outtextxy(60,210,"2)DELETE AIRLINE INFORMATION"); outtextxy(60,270,"3)VIEW AIRLINE INFORMATION"); outtextxy(60,330,"4)EDIT AIRLINE INFORMATION"); outtextxy(60,390,"5)GO BACK TO THE MAIN MENU"); switch(getch()) { case '1': add_airline(); cleardevice(); //set position for the line //blinking the heading //set colour for

airlinef(); break; case '2': delete_airline(); cleardevice(); airlinef(); break; case '3': view_airline(); cleardevice(); airlinef(); break; case '4': edit_airline(); cleardevice(); airlinef(); break; case '5': cleardevice(); start(); menu(); break; default : inv(); airlinef(); } } void customerf(void) { d=0,c=0; cleardevice(); start(); outtextxy(13,40,"CUSTOMER INFORMATION"); outtextxy(60,150,"1)ADD CUSTOMER INFORMATION"); outtextxy(60,210,"2)DELETE CUSTOMER INFORMATION"); outtextxy(60,270,"3)VIEW CUSTOMER INFORMATION"); outtextxy(60,330,"4)EDIT CUSTOMER INFORMATION"); outtextxy(60,390,"5)GO BACK TO THE MAIN MENU"); switch(getch())

{ case '1': add_customer(); cleardevice(); customerf(); break; case '2': delete_customer(); cleardevice(); customerf(); break; case '3': view_customer(); cleardevice(); customerf(); break; case '4': edit_customer(); cleardevice(); customerf(); break; case '5': cleardevice(); start(); menu(); break; default : inv(); customerf(); } } void end (void) { cleardevice(); outtextxy(60,150,"ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO EXIT (Y/N)"); switch(getch()) { case 'Y': case 'y': end2(); exit(0); break; case 'N':

case 'n': break; default : inv(); getch(); end(); } } void add_airline(void) { FILE *fpoin; char temp[30]; int a=35; fpoin=fopen("c:\\airline.txt","a"); cleardevice(); start(); outtextxy(35,40,"ADD AIRLINE INFORMATION"); outtextxy(60,100,"ENTER AN AIRLINE NAME"); gotoxy(a,7); gets(temp); strcpy(airline.name,strupr(temp)); outtextxy(60,115,"ENTER A DESTINATION"); gotoxy(a,8); gets(temp); strcpy(airline.des,strupr(temp)); outtextxy(60,130,"ENTER AN AIRCRAFT TYPE"); gotoxy(a,9); gets(temp); strcpy(airline.type,strupr(temp)); outtextxy(60,145 ,"DAY OF DEPARTURE"); gotoxy(a,10); gets(temp); strcpy(airline.dday,strupr(temp)); outtextxy(60,160,"DEPARTURE TIME"); gotoxy(a,11); gets(temp); strcpy(airline.dtime,strupr(temp)); outtextxy(60,175,"ARRIVAL DAY"); gotoxy(a,12);

gets(temp); strcpy(airline.aday,strupr(temp)); outtextxy(60,190,"ARRIVAL TIME"); gotoxy(a,13); gets(temp); strcpy(airline.atime,strupr(temp)); outtextxy(60,205,"CAPACITY"); gotoxy(a,14); scanf("%d",&airline.capa); fwrite(&airline, sizeof(airline),1, fpoin); if((c!=1)&&(d!=1)) { cleardevice(); start(); outtextxy(90,290,"RECORD ADDED"); outtextxy(90,310,"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); getch(); } fclose(fpoin); fflush(stdin); } void delete_airline(void) { char *searchname,*desname,temp1[30],temp[30]; int count=0,count1=0,success=0,i,j,success2=0,k=0; FILE *fpoin,*fpoin1; cleardevice(); start(); cleardevice(); start(); gotoxy(10,5); printf("ENTER THE NAME OF THE AIRLINE:"); gets(temp1); searchname=strupr(temp1); gotoxy(10,7);

printf("ENTER THE NAME OF DESTINATION:"); gets(temp); desname=strupr(temp); fpoin=fopen("c:\\airline.txt","r"); while((fread(&airline,sizeof(airline),1,fpoin))!=NULL) { count1++; if((strcmp(searchname,airline.name)==0)&&(strcmp(desname,airline.des)==0)) { success2=1; cleardevice(); start(); gotoxy(9,10); printf("AIRLINE NAME"); gotoxy(26,10); puts(airline.name); gotoxy(20,11); printf("\n\tDESTINATION\t %s \ \n\tAIRCRAFT TYPE\t %s \ \n\tDEPARTURE DAY\t %s \ \n\tDEPARTURE TIME\t %s \ \n\tARRIVAL DAY\t %s \ \n\tARRIVAL TIME\t %s \ \n\tCAPACITY\t %d",airline.des,airline.type,airline.dday,airline.dtime,airline.aday,airline.atime,airline.capa); printf("\n\n\n\n\n"); start(); count++; gotoxy(20,20); printf("(D)ELETE OR MOVE (F)URTHER"); switch(getch()) { case 'D': case 'd': k=1; success=1; break; case 'F': case 'f': break; default : success=2;

inv(); } if(success==1) break; } } if((success2==1)&&(success==1)) { rewind(fpoin); fpoin1=fopen("c:\\temp.txt","w"); for(i=1;i<count1;i++) { fread(&airline,sizeof(airline),1,fpoin); fwrite(&airline, sizeof(airline),1,fpoin1); } for(j=0;j<=3;j++) { cleardevice(); start(); outtextxy(100,150,"RECORD DELETING"); delay(700); outtextxy(100,150,"RECORD DELETING"); delay(700); } cleardevice(); start(); outtextxy(100,170,"RECORD DELETED"); delay(1500); fread(&airline,sizeof(airline),1,fpoin); while((fread(&airline,sizeof(airline),1,fpoin))!=NULL) fwrite(&airline, sizeof(airline),1,fpoin1); start();


fclose(fpoin); remove("c:\\airline.txt"); rename("c:\\temp.txt","c:\\airline.txt"); fpoin=fopen("c:\\airline.txt","r"); } if(success2==0) { gotoxy(28,20); printf("RECORD NOT FOUND"); getch(); } if((count!=0)&&(k==0)) { gotoxy(10,22); printf("THERE ARE %d RECORD(S) LEFT",count); getch(); } } void view_airline(void) { cleardevice(); setcolor(4); settextstyle(3,0,5); outtextxy(40,100,"PRESS"); setcolor(11); settextstyle(3,0,3); outtextxy(70,200,"1 - TO SEARCH BY NAME"); outtextxy(70,240,"2 - TO SEARCH BY DESTINATION"); outtextxy(70,280,"3 - TO SEARCH BY BOTH"); outtextxy(70,320,"4 - TO GO BACK"); start(); switch(getch()) { case '1': option1(); view_airline(); break; case '2': option();

view_airline(); break; case '3': option2(); view_airline(); break; case '4': airlinef(); break; default : inv(); view_airline(); } fflush(stdin); } void option(void) { FILE *fpoin; char *searchname,temp[30]; int count=0; cleardevice(); start(); gotoxy(10,5); printf("Enter the name of destination to search:"); gets(temp); searchname=strupr(temp); fpoin=fopen("c:\\airline.txt","r"); while((fread(&airline,sizeof(airline),1,fpoin))!=NULL) { if(strcmp(searchname,airline.des)==0) { cleardevice(); start(); gotoxy(9,10); printf("AIRLINE NAME"); gotoxy(26,10); puts(airline.name); gotoxy(20,11); printf("\n\tDESTINATION\t %s \

\n\tAIRCRAFT TYPE\t %s \ \n\tDEPARTURE DAY\t %s \ \n\tDEPARTURE TIME\t %s \ \n\tARRIVAL DAY\t %s \ \n\tARRIVAL TIME\t %s \ \n\tCAPACITY\t %d",airline.des,airline.type,airline.dday,airline.dtime,airline.aday,airline.atime,airline.capa); printf("\n\n\n\n\n"); start(); count++; getch(); } } printf("\n\n\t\t\tTHERE ARE %d RECORD(S)",count); start(); getch(); } void option1(void) { FILE *fpoin; char *searchname,temp[30]; int count=0; cleardevice(); start(); gotoxy(10,5); printf("Enter the name of airline to search:"); gets(temp); searchname=strupr(temp); fpoin=fopen("c:\\airline.txt","r"); while((fread(&airline,sizeof(airline),1,fpoin))!=NULL) { if(strcmp(searchname,airline.name)==0) { cleardevice(); start(); gotoxy(9,10); printf("AIRLINE NAME");

gotoxy(26,10); puts(airline.name); gotoxy(20,11); printf("\n\tDESTINATION\t %s \ \n\tAIRCRAFT TYPE\t %s \ \n\tDEPARTURE DAY\t %s \ \n\tDEPARTURE TIME\t %s \ \n\tARRIVAL DAY\t %s \ \n\tARRIVAL TIME\t %s \ \n\tCAPACITY\t %d",airline.des,airline.type,airline.dday,airline.dtime,airline.aday,airline.atime,airline.capa); printf("\n\n\n\n\n"); start(); count++; getch(); } } printf("\n\n\t\t\tTHERE ARE %d RECORD(S)",count); start(); getch(); } void option2(void) { FILE *fpoin; char *searchname,*desname,temp[30],temp1[30]; int count=0; cleardevice(); start(); gotoxy(10,5); printf("ENTER AIRLINE:"); gets(temp1); searchname=strupr(temp1); gotoxy(10,10); printf("ENTER DESTINATION:"); gets(temp); desname=strupr(temp); fpoin=fopen("c:\\airline.txt","r"); while((fread(&airline,sizeof(airline),1,fpoin))!=NULL) { if((strcmp(searchname,airline.name)==0)&&(strcmp(desname,airline.des)==0))

{ cleardevice(); start(); gotoxy(9,10); printf("AIRLINE NAME"); gotoxy(26,10); puts(airline.name); gotoxy(20,11); printf("\n\tDESTINATION\t %s \ \n\tAIRCRAFT TYPE\t %s \ \n\tDEPARTURE DAY\t %s \ \n\tDEPARTURE TIME\t %s \ \n\tARRIVAL DAY\t %s \ \n\tARRIVAL TIME\t %s \ \n\tCAPACITY\t %d",airline.des,airline.type,airline.dday,airline.dtime,airline.aday,airline.atime,airline.capa); printf("\n\n\n\n\n"); start(); count++; getch(); } } print("\n\n\t\t\there ARE %d RECORD(S)",count); start(); etch(); } void edit airline() { char *search name,*desname,temp1[30],temp[30]; int count=0,count1=0,success=0,i,j,k=0,success2=0; FILE *fpoin,*fpoin1; cleardevice(); start(); cleardevice(); start(); gotoxy(10,5); print("ENTER THE NAME OF THE AIRLINE:");

gets(temp1); search name=strupr(temp1); gotoxy(10,7); print("ENTER THE NAME OF DESTINATION:"); gets(temp); desname=strupr(temp); fpoin=fopen("c:\\airline.txt","r"); while((fread(&airline,sizeof(airline),1,fpoin))!=NULL) { count1++; if((strcmp(searchname,airline.name)==0)&&(strcmp(desname,airline.des)==0)) { success2=1; cleardevice(); start(); gotoxy(9,10); print("AIRLINE NAME"); gotoxy(26,10); puts(airline.name); gotoxy(20,11); print("\n\tDESTINATION\t %s \ \n\tAIRCRAFT TYPE\t %s \ \n\tDEPARTURE DAY\t %s \ \n\tDEPARTURE TIME\t %s \ \n\tARRIVAL DAY\t %s \ \n\tARRIVAL TIME\t %s \ \n\tCAPACITY\t %d",airline.des,airline.type,airline.dday,airline.dtime,airline.aday,airline.atime,airline.capa); print("\n\n\n\n\n"); start(); count++; gotoxy(20,20); print(" (E)DIT OR (N)EXT RECORD"); switch(etch()) { case 'e': case 'E': k=1; success=1; break; case 'N': case 'n': break;

default : success=2; inv(); } if(success==1) break; } }

if((success2==1)&&(success==1)) { rewind(fpoin); fpoin1=fopen("c:\\temp.txt","w"); for(i=1;i<count1;i++) { fread(&airline,sizeof(airline),1,fpoin); fwrite(&airline, sizeof(airline),1,fpoin1); } fread(&airline,sizeof(airline),1,fpoin); d=1; c=1; add_airline(); for(j=0;j<=5;j++) { cleardevice(); start(); settextstyle(TRIPLEX_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,2); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(100,150,"RECORD MODIFYING"); delay(700); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(100,150,"RECORD MODIFYING"); delay(700); setcolor(WHITE); } cleardevice(); start();

outtextxy(100,170,"RECORD MODIFIED"); delay(1500); while((fread(&airline,sizeof(airline),1,fpoin))!=NULL) fwrite(&airline, sizeof(airline),1,fpoin1); start();

fclose(fpoin1); fclose(fpoin); remove("c:\\airline.txt"); rename("c:\\temp.txt","d:\\airline.txt"); fpoin=fopen("d:\\airline.txt","r"); } if(success2==0) { gotoxy(28,20); print("RECORD NOT FOUND"); etch(); } if((count!=0)&&(k==0)) { gotoxy(10,22); print("THERE ARE %d RECORD(S) LEFT",count); etch(); } } void add_customer(void) { FILE *fpoin1; char temp[30]; int a=35; fpoin1=fopen("d:\\customer.txt","a"); cleardevice(); start();

settextstyle(DEFAULT_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,3); outtextxy(35,40,"ADD CUSTOMER INFORMATION"); settextstyle(DEFAULT_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,1); outtextxy(60,100,"ENTER CUSTOMER NAME"); gotoxy(a,7); gets(temp); strcpy(customer.name,strupr(temp)); outtextxy(60,115,"ENTER ADDRESS"); gotoxy(a,8); gets(temp); strcpy(customer.addr,strupr(temp)); outtextxy(60,130,"ENTER PHONE NUMBER"); gotoxy(a,9); gets(temp); strcpy(customer.pnum,strupr(temp)); outtextxy(60,145 ,"DATE OF BIRTH"); gotoxy(a,10); gets(temp); strcpy(customer.dob,strupr(temp)); outtextxy(60,160,"NIC NUMBER"); gotoxy(a,11); gets(temp); strcpy(customer.nic,strupr(temp)); outtextxy(60,175,"PASSPORT NUMBER"); gotoxy(a,12); gets(temp); strcpy(customer.pass,strupr(temp)); outtextxy(60,190,"NATIONALITY"); gotoxy(a,13); gets(temp); strcpy(customer.nation,strupr(temp)); outtextxy(60,205,"DESTINATION"); gotoxy(a,14); gets(temp); strcpy(customer.dest,strupr(temp));

outtextxy(60,220,"ENTER AIRLINE"); gotoxy(a,15); gets(temp); strcpy(customer.airline,strupr(temp)); outtextxy(60,235,"DATE OF DEPARTURE"); gotoxy(a,16); gets(temp); strcpy(customer.dod,strupr(temp)); outtextxy(60,250,"TIME OF DEPARTURE"); gotoxy(a,17); gets(temp); strcpy(customer.time,strupr(temp)); if((c!=1)&&(d!=1)) { cleardevice(); start(); outtextxy(90,290,"RECORD ADDED"); outtextxy(90,310,"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE"); etch(); } fwrite(&customer, sizeof(customer),1, fpoin1); fclose(fpoin1); fflush(stdin); } void edit_customer(void) { char *searchname,temp[30]; int count=0,count1=0,success=0,i,j,success2=0,k=0; FILE *fpoin1,*fpoin2; cleardevice(); start(); cleardevice(); start(); gotoxy(10,5); print("ENTER THE NAME OF CUSTOMER:"); gets(temp); search name=strupr(temp); gotoxy(10,7); fpoin1=fopen("c:\\customer.txt","r");

while((fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fpoin1))!=NULL) { count1++; if((strcmp(searchname,customer.name)==0)) { success2=1; cleardevice(); start(); gotoxy(9,10); print("CUSTOMER NAME"); gotoxy(34,10); puts(customer.name); gotoxy(20,11); print("\n\tADDRESS\t\t\t %s \ \n\tPHONE NUMBER\t\t %s \ \n\tDATE OF BIRTH\t\t %s \ \n\tNIC NUMBER\t\t %s \ \n\tPASSPORT NUMBER\t\t %s \ \n\tNATIONALITY\t\t %s \ \n\tDESTINATION\t\t %s \ \n\tAIRLINE\t\t\t %s \ \n\tDAY OF DEPARTURE\t %s \ \n\tTIME OF DEPARTURE\t %s",customer.addr,customer.pnum,customer.dob,customer.nic,customer.pass,customer.nation,cu stomer.dest,customer.airline,customer.dod,customer.time); start(); count++; gotoxy(20,23); print("(E)DIT OR MOVE (F)URTHER"); switch(etch()) { case 'E': case 'e': k=1; success=1; break; case 'F': case 'f': break; default : success=2;

inv(); } if(success==1) break; } } if((success2==1)&&(success==1)) { i=1; rewind(fpoin1); fpoin2=fopen("c:\\temp.txt","w"); for(i=1;i<count1;i++) { fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fpoin1); fwrite(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fpoin2); } fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fpoin1); c=1; d=1; add_customer(); while((fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fpoin1))!=NULL) fwrite(&customer, sizeof(customer),1,fpoin2);

for(j=0;j<=3;j++) { cleardevice(); start(); outtextxy(100,150,"RECORD MODIFYING"); outtextxy(100,150,"RECORD MODIFYING"); delay(700); } start();

cleardevice(); start(); outtextxy(100,170,"RECORD MODIFIED"); delay(1500);

fclose(fpoin2); fclose(fpoin1); remove("d:\\customer.txt"); rename("d:\\temp.txt","d:\\customer.txt"); fpoin1=fopen("d:\\customer.txt","r"); } if(success2==0) { gotoxy(28,20); print("RECORD NOT FOUND"); etch(); } if((count!=0)&&(k==0)) { gotoxy(10,24); print("THERE ARE %d RECORD(S) LEFT",count); etch(); } } void delete_customer(void) { char *searchname,temp[30]; int count=0,count1=0,success=0,i,j,success2=0,k=0; FILE *fpoin1,*fpoin2; cleardevice(); start(); cleardevice(); start(); gotoxy(10,5); print("ENTER THE NAME OF CUSTOMER:"); gets(temp);

search name=strupr(temp); gotoxy(10,7); fpoin1=fopen("c:\\customer.txt","r"); while((fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fpoin1))!=NULL) { count1++; if((strcmp(searchname,customer.name)==0)) { success2=1; cleardevice(); start(); gotoxy(9,10); print("CUSTOMER NAME"); gotoxy(34,10); puts(customer.name); gotoxy(20,11); print("\n\tADDRESS\t\t\t %s \ \n\tPHONE NUMBER\t\t %s \ \n\tDATE OF BIRTH\t\t %s \ \n\tNIC NUMBER\t\t %s \ \n\tPASSPORT NUMBER\t\t %s \ \n\tNATIONALITY\t\t %s \ \n\tDESTINATION\t\t %s \ \n\tAIRLINE\t\t\t %s \ \n\tDAY OF DEPARTURE\t %s \ \n\tTIME OF DEPARTURE\t %s",customer.addr,customer.pnum,customer.dob,customer.nic,customer.pass,customer.nation,cu stomer.dest,customer.airline,customer.dod,customer.time); start(); count++; gotoxy(10,23); print("(D)ELETE OR MOVE (F)URTHER"); switch(etch()) { case 'D': case 'd': k=1; success=1; break; case 'F': case 'f': break;

default : success=2; inv(); } if(success==1) break; } } if((success2==1)&&(success==1)) { i=1; rewind(fpoin1); fpoin2=fopen("c:\\temp.txt","w"); for(i=1;i<count1;i++) { fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fpoin1); fwrite(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fpoin2); }

fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fpoin1); while((fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fpoin1))!=NULL) fwrite(&customer, sizeof(customer),1,fpoin2);

for(j=0;j<=3;j++) { cleardevice(); start(); settextstyle(TRIPLEX_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,2); setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(100,150,"RECORD DELETING"); delay(700); setcolor(BLACK); outtextxy(100,150,"RECORD DELETING"); delay(700); setcolor(WHITE);

} start(); cleardevice(); start(); setcolor(RED); outtextxy(100,170,"RECORD DELETED"); delay(1500);

fclose(fpoin2); fclose(fpoin1); remove("c:\\customer.txt"); rename("c:\\temp.txt","c:\\customer.txt"); fpoin1=fopen("d:\\customer.txt","r"); } if(success2==0) { gotoxy(28,20); print("RECORD NOT FOUND"); etch(); } if((count!=0)&&(k==0)) { gotoxy(10,24); print("THERE ARE %d RECORD(S) LEFT",count); etch(); } } void view_customer(void) { FILE *fpoin1; char *searchname,temp[30]; int count=0; cleardevice(); start(); gotoxy(10,5);

print("Enter the name of customer to search:"); gets(temp); search name=strupr(temp); fpoin1=fopen("c:\\customer.txt","r"); while((fread(&customer,sizeof(customer),1,fpoin1))!=NULL) { if(strcmp(searchname,customer.name)==0) { cleardevice(); start(); gotoxy(9,10); print("CUSTOMER NAME"); gotoxy(34,10); puts(customer.name); gotoxy(20,11); print("\n\tADDRESS\t\t\t %s \ \n\tPHONE NUMBER\t\t %s \ \n\tDATE OF BIRTH\t\t %s \ \n\tNIC NUMBER\t\t %s \ \n\tPASSPORT NUMBER\t\t %s \ \n\tNATIONALITY\t\t %s \ \n\tDESTINATION\t\t %s \ \n\tAIRLINE\t\t\t %s \ \n\tDAY OF DEPARTURE\t %s \ \n\tTIME OF DEPARTURE\t %s",customer.addr,customer.pnum,customer.dob,customer.nic,customer.pass,customer.nation,cu stomer.dest,customer.airline,customer.dod,customer.time); print("\n\n\n\n"); start(); count++; etch(); } } print("\n\t\t\there ARE %d RECORD(S)",count); start(); etch(); } void end2(void) {

int driver=DETECT,mode; int i,j=520;

//detect best driver and mode //initialize graphics mode

initgraph(&driver,&mode,"c:\\tc\\bgi"); for(i=480;i>=0;i--) {


setcolor(WHITE); outtextxy(230,i,"DESIGNED BY"); outtextxy(195,j,"FAHAD BIN NADEEM MIR"); outtextxy(219,j+15,"RAHEEL YASEEN"); outtextxy(192,j+30,"LIBERETA ADELE DSOUZA"); outtextxy(216,j+45,"SHARMEEN KHEMANI"); outtextxy(225,j+60,"ZAHRA KHIMANI"); outtextxy(230,j+75,"ASMA ABBAS"); */ outtextxy(243,j+120,"BCS 1-C"); outtextxy(243,j+140,"SZABIST"); outtextxy(243,j+160,"KARACHI"); delay(20); j--; cleardevice(); } closegraph();

} int Password (void) { char Password[12]="yogeeta"; // Already assigned password char pass[20]; char UserName[15]; char user[15]="fahad"; int sucess=0; // Password Verification int x=26,i; cleardevice(); line ( 130, 180, 500, 180 ); // creates.. rectangle ( 130, 150, 500, 300 ); // ..can be entered outtextxy ( 140, 165, " P A S S W O R D V E R I F I C A T I O N " ); setfillstyle ( SOLID_FILL, 0 ); bar ( 200, 200, 450, 230 ); bar ( 200, 247, 450, 277 );

outtextxy ( 130, 210, " NAME " ); outtextxy ( 126, 258, " PASSWORD " ); gotoxy(26,14); gets(UserName); for(i=0;i<20;i++ ) { pass[i]=etch(); if(pass[i]=='\r') { pass[i]='\0'; break; } else { gotoxy(x,17);print("*"); x++; } } // ..and prints asterix on the screen // ..until enter key is not pressed.. // Enter a NULL character // Gets the password..

if ((strcmp(Password,pass)==0)&&(strcmp(UserName,user)==0)) character.. sucess=1; else { // If incorrect password sucess=0; gotoxy (22, 21); print ( " INVALID PASSWORD! TRY AGAIN " ); getche (); } return ( sucess ); } void inv(void) { sound(700); outtextxy(300,430,"INVALID INPUT"); delay(500); nosound(); setcolor(0); outtextxy(300,430,"INVALID INPUT"); }

// checks password


BASIC KNOWLEDGE OF C LANGUAGE Including Arrays , structure, pointers, functions, looping

Help from Internet for the pure programming in C language Books consisting of

pure programming, security systems, working of mouse and keyboard in c in windows Laboratory Facility for the execution of programme Teacher Guidance for programming algorithm to develop the program in right way and sence with proper steps and measures.


Programming in ANSI & TURBO C by Ashok N Kamthane Let Us C by Yashwant Kanitkar Programming in C by E.Balaguruswami www.planet.sourcecode.com www.books.google.com www.knowledgestorm.com

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