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Matlab Program : sys1=tf([1],[1 1]); sys2=tf([1],[1 2 2 1]); subplot(3,2,1),impulse(sys1) title('impulse response of Ist order system') subplot(3,2,2),impulse(sys2) title('impulse response

of 3rd order system') subplot(3,2,3),step(sys1) title('step response of Ist order system') subplot(3,2,4),step(sys2) title('step response of 3rd order system') subplot(3,2,5),margin(sys1) title('margin of Ist order system') subplot(3,2,6),margin(sys2) title('margin of 3rd order system') stepinfo(sys1); allmargin(sys1); stepinfo(sys2); allmargin(sys2); Responses :

SYSTEM 1: Transfer function: 1 ----s+1 step information and margin of system 1 : RiseTime: 2.1983 SettlingTime: 3.9124 SettlingMin: 0.9028 SettlingMax: 1.0000 Overshoot: 0 Undershoot: 0 Peak: 1.0000 PeakTime: 10.4907 GainMargin: [1x0 double] GMFrequency: [1x0 double] PhaseMargin: -180 PMFrequency: 0 DelayMargin: Inf DMFrequency: 0 Stable: 1

SYSTEM 2 Transfer function: 1 --------------------s^3 + 2 s^2 + 2 s + 1 step information and margin of system 2 : RiseTime: 2.2998 SettlingTime: 6.6399 SettlingMin: 0.9232 SettlingMax: 1.0814 Overshoot: 8.1362 Undershoot: 0 Peak: 1.0814 PeakTime: 4.8745 GainMargin: 3.0000 GMFrequency: 1.4142 PhaseMargin: [-180 179.0009] PMFrequency: [0 0.0087] DelayMargin: [Inf 358.3464] DMFrequency: [0 0.0087] Stable: 1 COMMENT: System1: System is stable. System showing low pass filter characteristics. System 2: System is stable and underdamped. System showing low pass filter characteristics.

By: ANIMESH JAIN System and control Enr No. : 1253006

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