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Partes del metodo cientfico 1-Observacin: Los cientficos se caracterizan por una gran curiosidad y el deseo de conocer la naturaleza.

Cuando un cientfico encuentra un hecho o fenmeno interesante lo primero que hace es observarlo con atencin.La Observacin consiste en examinar atentamente los hechos y fenmenos que tienen lugar en la naturaleza y que pueden ser percibidos por los sentidos

2-Investigacion: Es el proceso sistemtico organizado o dirigido que tiene como objeto fundamental la bsqueda de procedimientos vlidos y confiables sobre hechos y fenmenos del hombre y del universo. 3-Hiptesis: se desarrolla en esta etapa, el planteamiento de las hiptesis que expliquen los hechos ocurridos (observados). Este paso intenta explicar la relacin causa efecto entre los hechos. Para buscar la relacin causa efecto se utiliza la analoga y el mtodo inductivo. La HP debe estar de acuerdo con lo que se pretende explicar (atingencia) y no se debe contraponer a otras HP generales ya aceptadas. La HP debe tener matices predictivos, si es posible. Cuanto ms simple sea, mas fcilmente demostrable (las HP complejas, generalmente son reformulables a dos o ms HP simples). La HP debe poder ser comprobable experimentalmente por otros investigadores, o sea ser reproducible

4-Experimentacin: Una vez formulada la hiptesis, el cientfico debe comprobar si es cierta. Para ello realizar mltiples experimentos modificando las variables que intervienen en el proceso y comprobar si se cumple su hiptesis. Experimentar consiste en reproducir y observar varias veces el hecho o fenmeno que se quiere estudiar, modificando las circunstancias que se consideren convenientes.Durante la experimentacin, los cientficos acostumbran a realizar mltiples medidas de diferentes magnitudes fsicas. De esta manera pueden estudiar qu relacin existe entre una magnitud y la otra. 5-Demostracion de Hipotesis: El anlisis de los datos experimentales permite al cientfico comprobar si su hiptesis era correcta y dar una explicacin cientfica al hecho o fenmeno observado.La emisin de conclusiones consiste en la interpretacin de los hechos observados de acuerdo con los datos experimentales. 6-Creacion de leyes y teoras: A veces se repiten ciertas pautas en todos los hechos y fenmenos observados. En este caso puede enunciarse una ley. Una ley cientfica es la formulacin de las regularidades observadas en un hecho o fenmeno natural. Por lo general, se expresa matemticamente.Las leyes cientficas se integran en teoras. Una teora cientfica es una explicacin global de una serie de observaciones y ley

Brazil Opens Inquiry Into Claims of Wrongdoing by Ex-President

RIO DE JANEIRO Brazils Public Ministry, a body of independent public prosecutors, has begun an investigation into a claim connecting former President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva to a vast votebuying scheme that involved the channeling of funds to the governing Workers Party. The inquiry, which was announced in the capital, Braslia, on Friday and comes after several months of analyzing testimony, opens a new phase in what has arguably beenBrazils largest corruption scandal, already involving the conviction ofMr. da Silvas powerful former chief of staff, Jos Dirceu de Oliveira e Silva, on conspiracy and bribery charges last year. The move by the Public Ministry, which asked the federal police to carry out the investigation, is thought to be the first time that Mr. da Silva has been directly investigated in connection to the scheme, called the mensalo, or big monthly allowance, for the regular payments that some lawmakers received. The scandal emerged in 2005, during Mr. da Silvas first term as president. At 67, he remains a towering figure in Brazilian politics. Marcos Valrio de Souza, a businessman who received a 40-year sentence last year after he was found to have operated much of the embezzlement scheme, said in testimony last September that Mr. da Silva and Antonio Palocci, a former finance minister, negotiated in 2005 a multimillion-dollar payment with the former president of a Portuguese telecommunications company. The funds, according to Mr. de Souza, were channeled from a supplier of the company, Portugal Telecom, based in Macau, the former Portuguese colony that is now a special administrative region of China, to accounts of advertising executives in Brazil who worked on campaigns for the Workers Party. He also said that the funds were used to pay campaign-related debts. A spokesman for Instituto Lula, the former presidents institute in So Paulo, said Saturday that Mr. da Silva had not been formally notified of the investigation. He declined to comment further. When Mr. de Souzas testimony was made public last year, Mr. da Silva dismissed it, saying, I cannot believe in lies. Portugal Telecom, which has large operations in Brazil, did not respond to requests for comment. While several political figures, including Jos Genoino Guimares Neto, the former president of the Workers Party, received sentences in November for their roles in the vote-buying scheme, none have gone to prison. Lawyers for the defendants have been maneuvering to delay the Supreme Court from formally publishing its findings from the trial, a step that is needed for those sentenced to go to jail.

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